fflush changed the topic of #ruby to: Ruby 1.9.3-p194: http://ruby-lang.org || Paste > 3 lines of text on pastebin.com
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<therealfakemoot> So here's my question. In the example from this article (http://www.rubyinside.com/how-to-create-a-ruby-extension-in-c-in-under-5-minutes-100.html) the method defined is passed (VALUE self). Do I change all the types of the arguments to VALUE?
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<bperry> therealfakemoot: only the ones coming from ruby
<bperry> if you have types floating around in the C code, then you will use ints or char[], whatever
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<bperry> but for any callbacks that get consumed in ruby, the vars will have to be VALUE
<bperry> all callbacks will have at least an arity of one, it will have at least one argument
<bperry> that is self
<bperry> it enables to you to interact with the object as if it were object oriented in C code
<pygospa_> Hi! I've got a crazy question, I guess. But still it bothers me ;) I know that Ruby was influenced by Smalltalk (actually I used to program in Smalltalk), and that it implements the idea of Smalltalk, that _everything_ is an object, and that there are no statements, only messages between objects.
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<bperry> where did you hear the latter part of that?
<pygospa_> Now in Smalltalk if-then-else is implemented as method (Boolean#ifTrue and Boolean#ifFalse) in the Boolean class… but I could't find a class implementing the if-then-else structure in Ruby… so I wonder: how is this handled in Ruby?
<therealfakemoot> bperry: Okay, that makes sense
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<banisterfiend> pygospa_: if/then/else are not methods in ruby, but it's easy to implement it if you want that
<banisterfiend> pygospa_: if/then/else are keywords much like in python
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<bperry> who makes the claim there are no statements, only messages between objects?
<bperry> is this a ruby idiom?
<nedbat> my understanding is that it's in the middle: there are no statements, only expressions, but it isn't as reductionist as smalltalk
<therealfakemoot> https://gist.github.com/322a07049c0c857da63a So I'm trying to use FFI to wrap an .so I have. I'm getting the error in the second half of the pastebin when trying to invoke splice.rb via irb
<pygospa_> Oh. Okey. I was reading a book "Engineering Long-Lasting Software: An Agile Approach Using SaaS and Cloud Computing" (by Fox and Patterson), and it said something along the lines of everything being method calls with explicit or implicit receiver, and every method always having an object returned as answer to the method…
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<pygospa_> Which I didn't question in any ways (at first), because as mentioned I come from Smalltalk
<bperry> ruby returns the last object touched
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<therealfakemoot> I don't get how the module I'm defining is supposed to be initialized.
<banisterfiend> pygospa_: ruby still has keywords, it's just that we have less keywords than other languages. Many things are methods in ruby that in other languages would be keywords
<banisterfiend> pygospa_: like 'loop' and 'attr_accessor' and 'raise', etc
<banisterfiend> (all methods)
<pygospa_> Yes, I've stumbled upon those as well… which even strengthened my believe that everything must be method calls ;)
<banisterfiend> nup
<bperry> extend FFI:Library
<bperry> should be extend FFI::Library
<bperry> no?
<pygospa_> But then that was wrong… I'll try to find the passage in the book where it said that everything was a method… maybe I got mixed up…
<pygospa_> Thanks for your help!
<MarioEIU> pygospa_: Good choice on the book btw. I took the course they offered on Coursera and picked the book up to supplement it
<therealfakemoot> bperry: I realized that a few seconds ago
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<therealfakemoot> So I have main.rb which contains "require 'splice.rb' " in the same directory as splice.rb. When I try to invoke main.rb, I get an error about "cannot load such file splice.rb"
<therealfakemoot> What's the deal?
<bperry> remove the .rb
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<bperry> just require 'splice'
<therealfakemoot> Cannot load such file -- splice
<bperry> require_relative './splice'
<bperry> that may be frowned upon
<bperry> not really sure
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<therealfakemoot> In Python, rleative imports are bad
<therealfakemoot> and this feels like a bad hack
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<therealfakemoot> but it worked
<bperry> yes, I agree
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<therealfakemoot> I wish I could learn why it didn't work the way it should've.
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<bperry> I think you need to set some specific env vars in order for ruby to look in the current dir
<bperry> it has a similar thing to $PATH
<jumpingcloud> therealfakemoot: does 'load' work in place of 'require' ?
<therealfakemoot> jumpingcloud: Negative.
<jumpingcloud> therealfakemoot: i had an issue like this before, i think bperry is right about the $PATH
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<therealfakemoot> Bluh
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<jumpingcloud> oh looks like you can
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<jumpingcloud> 'require ./file'
<jumpingcloud> in 1.9+
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<therealfakemoot> Hm
<therealfakemoot> Feels hacky
<therealfakemoot> But I guess I'll live
<canton7> by default, the current dir isn't in require's path
<canton7> so either add it, or use require_relative
<therealfakemoot> oh
<therealfakemoot> That's a design choice
<canton7> I think I'm right in saying it wasn't so in 1.8? So it's a conscious change
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<banisterfiend> canton7: Yeah, wasn't in 1.8
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<havenn> If you want the (unsafe) 1.8-style require, you can quickly revive with: ENV['RUBYLIB'] = '.'
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<havenn> Or from term: export RUBYLIB="."
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<havenn> (I'd assume neither is recommended. >.>)
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<canton7> you see a lot of $LOAD_PATH.unshift(File.dirname(__FILE__)) around, but I'm not convinced that's recommended either
<havenn> canton7: I've never been able to get over how ugly it is!
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<canton7> $LOAD_PATH.unshift(File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__))) is worse, to be fair :P
<havenn> canton7: haha, so true
<canton7> $: << '.' is the shortest I've seen, although it's perhaps worse...
<davidcelis> definitely worse
<davidcelis> the more people that look at a line of code and go "wtf", the worse
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<havenn> davidcelis: I submit the following: (true.object_id..nil.object_id).each &method(:puts)
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<havenn> >> (true.object_id..nil.object_id).each &method(:puts)
<al2o3cr> stdout was too long, I PMed it to you
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<ryanf> >> [false, true, nil].map(&:object_id).join(' ')
<al2o3cr> (String) "0 2 4"
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<banisterfiend> >> ObjectSpace._id2ref(4)
<al2o3cr> (NilClass) nil
<banisterfiend> >> ObjectSpace._id2ref(6)
<al2o3cr> stderr was too long, I PMed it to you
<al2o3cr> exit status: 1
<banisterfiend> >> ObjectSpace._id2ref(5)
<al2o3cr> (Fixnum) 2
<davidcelis> havenn: true's object_id is 2, nil's is 4
<davidcelis> havenn: doesn't everybody know that
<banisterfiend> Qundef is 6
<fowl> canton7: save a few chars, $:<<?.
<banisterfiend> but ruby doesnt seem to like that very much :)
<havenn> davidcelis: Yes... but I'm in RBX so nil was 26... MAUHAHAHAHHAA
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<havenn> That does cause a lot of problems with Ruby Koans and RBX/Jruby
<havenn> Really an implementation detail
<havenn> ?
<maletor> Is there any solution for this? https://gist.github.com/2704272
<jrajav> Ahhh, dates. My age-old nemesis
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<havenn> banisterfiend: GC?? Okay, that is truly confusing (to me at least >.>)
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<maletor> FWIW, the usec is off.
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<n_blownapart> hi I'm wondering why, with @seats = 2 set for the tandem bike, why the output in pry is seats = 1 from the superClass. thanks: http://pastie.org/4463787
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<ddouglas> hello comrades, I'm getting a "invalid multibyte char (US-ASCII)" error from Postgres/Rails when trying to do some stuff with DateTime elements.... I've posted the method on https://gist.github.com/3336474 if you think you might know something about DateTime data-type errors in SQL dbs
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<_br_> n_blownapart: In Byclyle set the seats variable like this @seats ||= 1 That will only set the variable if it doesn't exist already (as in your case).
<n_blownapart> _br_: cool thanks I'll try it. (the pastie is precisely how the textbook has it).
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<nedbat> _br_: but he sets @seats = 2 after calling super in Tandem. Shouldn't that take care of it?
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<ryanf> that code works fine for me already n_blownapart
<ryanf> perhaps you aren't running the code you think you are?
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<n_blownapart> ryanf: well, the code ran fine, but the output had seats = 1. I included the output in the pastie. I thought it was odd. thanks!
<n_blownapart> ^^ I ran it in pry.
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<fowl> n_blownapart: we're missing the part where you instantiate Tandem
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<n_blownapart> ryanf: fowl hold on thanks
<n_blownapart> fowl ryanf I just put person_2 = Tandem.new ... that gave the output in the pastie
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<n_blownapart> I'm trying it from an editor file since it worked for ryanf
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<n_blownapart> fowl http://pastie.org/4463787 . hey, any hints on why this won't run? ryanf
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<n_blownapart> fowl ryanf I just initialized it with (gears = 1) in new pastie. It ran, but originally I ran it in pry and got the output on line 20. (@seats = 1)
<seanstickle> Wait, we have keyword arguments now?
<bperry> n_blownapart: super gears
<bperry> maybe?
<ryanf> no
<ryanf> super passes all params if you don't give it empty parens
<bperry> I see
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<seanstickle> n_blownapart: what version of Ruby?
<n_blownapart> ok, when I ran it at first in pry, I didn't initialize Tandem.new with any argument. line 20 was the output with @seats = 2 succeeding super. ryanf fowl seanstickle
<seanstickle> Because with 1.9.3, I get #<Tandem:0x007ff3c4108668 @wheels=2, @seats=2, @gears=1>
<n_blownapart> seanstickle: this is a book example (1.9.1) I'm running 1.9.3
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<n_blownapart> seanstickle: you ran it in pry/irb?
<seanstickle> Yup
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<seanstickle> Although that gears=1 doesn't mean anything
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<seanstickle> person_2 = Tandem.new(2)
<seanstickle> Or person_2 = Tandem.new(1) I mean
<seanstickle> #<Tandem:0x007f86c99dbb68 @gears=1, @seats=2, @wheels=2>
<n_blownapart> seanstickle: yikes, let me try it in pry. I had no args. on line 18 at first in pry.
<n_blownapart> thanks for schlepping seanstickle
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<seanstickle> Suretainly
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<n_blownapart> seanstickle: yeah I got it to work. I hadn't initialize person_2 = Tandem.new with (1) on my first go. but oddly, the output gave me a new Tandem object, with only 1 seat. why would it do that?
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<n_blownapart> ^^ on the first go, it gave me one seat. the second go worked with seats = 2 as output.
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<seanstickle> I'd have to see your code
<seanstickle> I can't visualize this
<n_blownapart> seanstickle: this is the corrected prog if you're not yet sick with boredom. thanks http://pastie.org/4463787
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<n_blownapart> this one worked. the only difference in the first run was line 18, where I had : person_2 = Tandem.new ... without arg
<bnagy> no
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<bnagy> I reject your assertion
<bnagy> you must have changed something else without noticing
<bnagy> use ideone or codepad, they run the code for you
<seanstickle> I agree.
<seanstickle> Something else changed.
<n_blownapart> bnagy: the pry log is right here ..its very strange
<seanstickle> You wouldn't have been able to run Tandem.new
<seanstickle> It would have given you an argument error
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<bnagy> n_blownapart: replicate the behaviour and paste to ideone or codepad, then I'll believe you :)
<n_blownapart> seanstickle: bnagy ok I figured out something. when I ran it in pry I misspelled initialize(gears) in line 12 : intialize . I missed the i. the prog. I pasted was from the book's prog. files online. so it ran with that word misspelled.
<seanstickle> That'll do it
<bnagy> that'd do it
<banisterfiend> that did it
<n_blownapart> bnagy: seanstickle but the prog still ran and gave me seats = 1. without Tandem initialized, the super just read the instance vars. from the superclass?
<seanstickle> At this point, all I remember is you mistyped a bunch of stuff and weird things happened
<seanstickle> I'm not going to unpack the history of it for curiosity's sake
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<n_blownapart> good idea. thanks very much seanstickle bnagy
<seanstickle> Sure thing
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<bnagy> n_blownapart: if you misspell initialize in the subclass it just becomes some random method called initrujfsddsg or whatever
<bnagy> so the only available initialize is from the parent class
<bnagy> so that's all that runs
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<mbuf> anyone here used bzconsole from ruby-bugzilla? using bzconsole getbug gives me unknown command: getbug, even though the -h lists it as an available command
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<chylli> hi everyone. Should I install ruby first before install rvm ?
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<luckyruby> chylli: i wouldn't
<burgestrand> chylli: no, you install ruby with rvm once you have rvm installed :)
<bnagy> rvm relies on ruby
<bnagy> but your old crappy system ruby should work
<burgestrand> chylli: most systems have a ruby installed already, which you use to install rvm
<fowl> bnagy: cant tell if you're being serious or not
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<fowl> lol
<bnagy> fowl: one of the many reasons imho rbenv > rvm
<fowl> what a bass-ackwards way to do things
<banisterfiend> burgestrand: check this out: http://github.com/conradirwin/pry-capture
<burgestrand> banisterfiend: saw it about an hour ago, sat and read the source for breakfast :)
<bnagy> hey burgestrand I am still having no luck with that threading / capybara issue
<burgestrand> no idea how I saw it though
<luckyruby> rvm relies on ruby?
<bnagy> if you're bored again :)
<banisterfiend> burgestrand: haha, cute. what did u think?
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<burgestrand> bnagy: I managed to get mine working eventually, I figured out the issue but you were gone by then :p
<burgestrand> bnagy: it’s not current_session, it’s page that you need to override
<burgestrand> banisterfiend: surprisingly little code!
<bnagy> orly? I copied your code more or less but still blows up
<banisterfiend> burgestrand: most of it is in: http://github.com/conradirwin/interception
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<bnagy> burgestrand: if I gist mine can you fix it? :D
<burgestrand> bnagy: https://gist.github.com/3312972 yeah I changed it about ~10 hours ago
<burgestrand> bnagy: I use capybara-webkit because poltergeist could not scrape the title of pages
<chylli> Thanks very much , let me try
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<bnagy> burgestrand: https://gist.github.com/3337161
<burgestrand> banisterfiend: yeah that’s the one I found very surprising
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<burgestrand> bnagy: just rename current_session on both places to page
<bnagy> burgestrand: oic so literally just override page instead of current_session?
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<burgestrand> banisterfiend: I’ve concluded however the most annoying issues are gems who print out warnings, but don’t show where the warnings are coming from so I can’t figure out how to fix them
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<burgestrand> like, "using X is deprecated, use Y instead" and the issue comes from one of my like… forty gems >.>
<bnagy> burgestrand: HA yeah that works for MRI
<bnagy> now I have a jruby encoding error :/
<burgestrand> bnagy: hooray :D
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<burgestrand> encoding errors are fun
<bnagy> ick some json crap
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<burgestrand> hm
<burgestrand> I wonder if poltergeist is at fault here
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<nobitanobi> Where can I find some info on the differences between Class variables and Class instance variables?
<bnagy> class variables suck, class ivars don't
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<burgestrand> nobdraisentone: just search for "ruby class variables"
<nobitanobi> burgestrand: Thanks for the suggestions. Was wondering if somebody had some nice to read and understand article over here :)
<burgestrand> nobdraisentone: I wouldn’t expect there to be too much information, as pretty much everybody avoids class variables like the plague.
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<nobitanobi> burgestrand: ok. Thanks :)
<burgestrand> bnagy: that error does not happen on MRI?
<bnagy> burgestrand: no it doesn't
<bnagy> also, it seems to work with capybara-webkit
<burgestrand> bnagy: it looks like poltergeist is sending some command to the underlying driver via JSON, but the string coming in is in BINARY (i.e. no encoding information) for some reason
<bnagy> I guess I can just force_encoding on it
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<burgestrand> bnagy: yeah if you can figure out why the command has a weird encoding
<burgestrand> bnagy: ruby -e 'p "".encoding' — what does that show in both jruby and mri?
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<bnagy> yeah that does it
<bnagy> wacky, I just force_encoding before I pass it to the search method
<burgestrand> bnagy: try just slapping an encoding: utf-8 on the top of your file, might remedy the issue
<burgestrand> from the file you’re calling search from that is
<bnagy> yah good point
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<bnagy> hm no luck with that
<bnagy> I can still have ausr bin env shebang before the encoding comment right?
<burgestrand> yeah
<bnagy> anyway I think I'll stick with force_encoding
<bnagy> cause then I can comment it
<burgestrand> bnagy: just be careful and make sure your strings really are in the encoding you say they are in, if it ever changes (because of your system perhaps) the errors will be about the same but even weirder :p
<nobitanobi> burgestrand: that page you gave is pretty good actually. Thank you.
<burgestrand> nobdraisentone: :)
<nobitanobi> gnight
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<bnagy> burgestrand: thanks a lot for that, now I can be MRI free again
<burgestrand> bnagy: \o/
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<shevy> bnagy hehe
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<fowl> >> fork
<al2o3cr> (Fixnum) 6668
<al2o3cr> (NilClass) nil
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<shevy> this is so annoying...
<shevy> I kept on using my custom modifications to ruby core classes
<shevy> this makes distributing projects annoying
<shevy> "foo".starts_with?
<shevy> vs
<shevy> "foo".start_with?
<shevy> grrrrr
<shevy> I kept on using starts_with?
<shevy> :(
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<Paradox> i blame matz
<Paradox> :p
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<ryanf> haha yeah, that gets me a lot too
<ryanf> include? is maybe justifiable with enough effort, but I'm not sure there's any justifying start_with?
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<Paradox> as i said
<hmmmm> BRUH
<Paradox> i blame matz
<Paradox> being japanese
<hmmmm> i got head from the bitch already
<hmmmm> Y U MAD AT ME NIGGA?
<Paradox> maybe doesnt believe in plurals or something
<hmmmm> come at me if you gonna swing bro i don't even give a fuck no mo
<hmmmm> Oh, this is the ruby channel, sorry
<Paradox> ಠ_ಠ
<hmmmm> disregard that
<hmmmm> hey guys, is ruby obsolete?
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<hmmmm> i heard Python is better
<bnagy> Paradox: 'starts' is not plural, it's third person ;)
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<aezop> paradox
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<Paradox> banisterfiend, try *!*@*71-181-205-76.sctnpa.east.verizon.net
<banisterfiend> Paradox: itw as a warning shot
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<chylli> what's the meaning of this ? Database file /home/chyllionrails/.rvm/user/db does not exist.
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<bnagy> probably it means the database file /home/chyllionrails/.rvm/user/db does not exist.
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<bnagy> but I'm just guessing
<chylli> I want to know what should I do
<bnagy> does the file exist?
<zealinux> a question, I had a mysql database and data in it, then how to build the rails system?
<chylli> is it an error message ?
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<bnagy> zealinux: try #rubyonrails
<bnagy> chylli: sure appears so
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<chylli> bnagy: there is no such file
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<bnagy> looks like it's correct then :)
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<chylli> then how to fix it ? or needn't fix it ?
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<bnagy> looks like an rvm issue, you could try over in their channel
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<chylli> thanks
<bnagy> someone might pipe up here, too, but I personally gave up on rvm after it screwed me for the 17th time
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<chylli> 17th time
<chylli> ?
<bnagy> approximately
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<williamherry> :)
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<vectorshelve> shevy: LONG LONG LIVE RUBY!
<shevy> is that your github repo?
<fowl> its only 10% more work to use gosu and put graphics to it
<shevy> eh 10% ;P
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<vectorshelve> shevy: yes :)
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<fowl> shevy: probably less
<shevy> hmm
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<vectorshelve> shevy: you liked it ? ;)
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<shevy> vectorshelve didn't look at it yet, was waiting to see whether it is your repo or whether you just linked any-other-random-guy's repo here :D
<vectorshelve> shevy: no it is mine dude... that pic is mine.. why would I lie ? haha ;D
<shevy> testing now
<shevy> vectorshelve, no, I really had no idea. I also dont keep IRC logs, and tend to forget what happened ~3 days ago :(
<vectorshelve> shevy: ok
<vectorshelve> shevy: hows the code... ur thoughts are very valuable to me.. would definitely work on it
<shevy> dunno
<shevy> semi-ok I think
<shevy> code like this though confuses me:
<shevy> def update; each(&:update)
<shevy> this just updates each entry?
<shevy> but I see you managed to reduce the amount of lines
<shevy> lol
<shevy> if cell_is_lonely?
<shevy> oh no wait
<shevy> if_cell_lonely?
<shevy> hehe
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<hoelzro> morning Ruby folk
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<shevy> holzo! hello!
<vectorshelve> shevy: doesnt that method name make sense from the context of the game ? :(
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<shevy> vectorshelve I think update is a logical name for a method name
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<shevy> I dont really know what the game is about hahaha
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<vectorshelve> shevy: but you were talking about if_cell_lonely?
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<hoelzro> so, a question for those of you more grounded in Ruby in I. I'd like to automate Gemfile creation for a gem I'm making (and future gems). I've seen that Bundler can do this, but Bundler seems a bit too heavy for just that task. Are there any alternatives for this sort of thing?
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<burgestrand> hoelzro: automate gemfile creation?
<shevy> vectorshelve ah yes, I found the method name funny
<burgestrand> hoelzro: ah, you mean gemspec?
<shevy> vectorshelve, I have mixed feelings about if_foo
<shevy> vectorshelve, normally, you would rather see code like this:
<shevy> if cell.is_lonely?
<shevy> or
<shevy> if cell.lonely?
<shevy> it's a bit odd to see
<shevy> if if_cell_lonely?(i)
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<shevy> or
<shevy> array << i if_cell_lonely?(i)
<shevy> hmm wait
<shevy> array << i if if_cell_lonely?(i)
<hoelzro> burgestrand: I believe so
<hoelzro> I wrote a library, and I'd like to package it up as a Gem
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<burgestrand> hoelzro: here’s a starter guide for you (on the topic of gems): http://guides.rubygems.org/
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<burgestrand> hoelzro: as far as automatic gemspec creation I did automate it for me personally once but it actually went faster to just copy an old gemspec and modify the points I needed to change, the annoying things to set up for each new gem is the directory structure, license file, tests, rakefile and documentation
<bnagy> the ruby hard way stuff covers this and recommends having a 'skeleton' dir with all the basics and you just tweak values per new gem
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<bnagy> which is probably imho not a bad approach
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<burgestrand> Yeah. I use bundler to generate a new gem, which essentially is the same as doing that skeleton thing. The trick is to remember to change all placeholder values :)
<bnagy> I still find th gem stuff pretty arcane, tbh
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<hoelzro> bnagy: you mean the ecosystem?
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<shevy> hmm your largest project in .tar.bz2
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<shevy> how large is it? in ruby... mine is at 144K
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<shevy> hmm and all my ruby files together, in .tar.bz2, are 6.5M
<shevy> that's not much after 5 years
<shevy> :\
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<davidcelis> code is small bro
<davidcelis> text doesn't take up that much space
<Hanmac> shevy do you count c-ext for ruby code too?
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<banisterfiend> Hanmac: 'alut
<davidcelis> banisterfiend: why are you opped
<davidcelis> scary
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<banisterfiend> davidcelis: i am the big boss dog
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<macer_> anyone knows some bindata?
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<macer_> is it normal that rake install builds and installs two times :/?
<macer_> built installed build installed
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<xbayrockx> hahahahahah anyone see stephan fecks dive?
<banisterfiend> xbayrockx: you're about 2-3 days behind ;)
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<macer_> is there references in ruby or stuff like that?
<macer_> i.e.
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<macer_> from class I return an array
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<macer_> and user changes in that array
<macer_> and that changes directly in class
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<burgestrand> macer_: it’s all there is in ruby
<macer_> continue please...:p
<burgestrand> macer_: ruby passes things by value, but the value ruby passes are the references to the objects themselves, kind of
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<burgestrand> observe: … loading
<macer_> hm
<burgestrand> macer_: http://codepad.org/sWHsxzpY
<macer_> not like that
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<burgestrand> macer_: so, you can modify objects and it “leaks”, but only if the object is mutable
<macer_> wait sec
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<bnagy> known technically as Pass Value By Reference Kind Of Depending On The Object
<macer_> i.e. there is class WTF
<macer_> class WTF has its @array
<macer_> b = wtfobject.array
<macer_> b[1] = "adding value"
<macer_> and I want then to that value be in class
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<burgestrand> macer_: it wil be
* apeiros_ thinks that macer_ additionally messes up with "class has its @array"
<bnagy> no, it won't be
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<macer_> apeiros_: :p
<bnagy> @array is an instance variable, the way you describe it
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<burgestrand> macer_: http://codepad.org/UIF4fpvv
<apeiros_> macer_: be aware that a class *itself* can very well have an @variable and that this @variable is *different* from @variables in *instances* of said class.
<bnagy> but it will change in that instance (wtfobject)
<macer_> o.O
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<burgestrand> instance variables vs instance variables, simple really
* burgestrand asplodes
<macer_> actually my real code is a little more complicated :p
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<burgestrand> It always is, but I think your question is not your question so I would like to question your question and ask for the real question
<macer_> ohh wait it looks like it works
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<burgestrand> Oh joy!
<macer_> :D
<apeiros_> I acceidentally my code
<macer_> thanks for help, it looks like anyway it was all good :P
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<macer_> hmm...
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<macer_> it doesn't work when the array on initialization is empty
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<burgestrand> macer_: MCMetadata has the cooties.
<macer_> has what?
<burgestrand> macer_: bugs.
<macer_> oh
<macer_> :P
<burgestrand> macer_: ;)
<burgestrand> macer_: at least, I would assume so.
<macer_> I will paste the code somewhere
<burgestrand> macer_: something done/not done on initialization and in the #[] method.
<macer_> burgestrand: have you used bindata maybe?
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<burgestrand> No, sorry. :o
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<macer_> *uploading code*
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<macer_> uhh I forget the passwodz to rubygems.org >.>
<macer_> and email too
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<macer_> >> puts "hi"
<al2o3cr> hi
<al2o3cr> (NilClass) nil
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<banisterfiend`> >> o = Class.new; o.instance_eval { def hello; "hello"; end; define_method(:goodbye) { "goodbye" } }; puts o.hello; puts o.goodbye
<al2o3cr> hello
<al2o3cr> exit status: 1
<al2o3cr> stderr was too long, I PMed it to you
<banisterfiend`> >> o = Class.new; o.instance_eval { def hello; "hello"; end; define_method(:goodbye) { "goodbye" } }; puts o.hello; puts o.new.goodbye
<al2o3cr> stdout was too long, I PMed it to you
<banisterfiend`> >> o = Class.new; o.instance_eval { def hello; "hello"; end; define_method(:goodbye) { "goodbye" } }; pring o.hello; print o.new.goodbye
<al2o3cr> exit status: 1
<al2o3cr> stderr was too long, I PMed it to you
<Muz> Pring.
<Muz> Pring. Pranana phone.
timonv has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
timonv has joined #ruby
ph^ has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
<shevy> "Upgrading the code: German comments"
<shevy> german code comments in LibreOffice
<shevy> :\
<shevy> :/
<macer_> lol
yuriy has joined #ruby
<workmad3> >> send('cl' 'ass')
<al2o3cr> (Class) Object
<workmad3> STDIN
<workmad3> >> STDIN
<al2o3cr> (IO) #<IO:<STDIN>>
<workmad3> still there.. :)
<fowl> >> fork
<al2o3cr> (NilClass) nil
<al2o3cr> (Fixnum) 6815
<workmad3> fowl: cool :D
<fowl> >> $0
<al2o3cr> (String) "-e"
<workmad3> >> ARGV
<al2o3cr> (Array) []
<banseljaj> >> $_
<al2o3cr> (NilClass) nil
<shevy> >> ARGV.dup
<al2o3cr> (Array) []
<shevy> >> fork { ARGV.dup }
<al2o3cr> (Fixnum) 6848
<banseljaj> >> puts "Woohoo!"
<al2o3cr> (NilClass) nil
<al2o3cr> Woohoo!
<shevy> hmm
Shrink has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
<shevy> didn't return anything
<shevy> >> fork { return 5}
<al2o3cr> stderr was too long, I PMed it to you
<al2o3cr> (Fixnum) 6863
<banseljaj> >> x = "Woo"
<al2o3cr> (String) "Woo"
Nanuq has joined #ruby
<shevy> lol
<banseljaj> >> puts x
<al2o3cr> exit status: 1
<al2o3cr> stderr was too long, I PMed it to you
<shevy> <al2o3cr> (eval):1:in `block in <main>': unexpected return (LocalJumpError)
<workmad3> >> fork { p 5 }
<al2o3cr> 5
<al2o3cr> (Fixnum) 6884
<shevy> it still evals
<shevy> can't one of you abuse this?
<shevy> from -e:1:in `eval'
<shevy> what does the -e flag mean again? execute code?
<eregon> >> Dir['*']
<al2o3cr> (Array) ["open-uri20120810-5036-1wj6hu1", "usr", "open-uri20120810-5042-1j10n16", "root", "bin", "lib", "etc", "lost+found"]
<workmad3> ah, it's less restricted now... that's actually nicer :)
<eregon> >> ` hostname`
<al2o3cr> stderr was too long, I PMed it to you
<workmad3> >> $stdout.puts "Hi"
<al2o3cr> exit status: 1
<al2o3cr> Hi
<al2o3cr> (NilClass) nil
<fowl> >> $stdout.puts "\n"*20
<al2o3cr> stdout was too long, I PMed it to you
<workmad3> >> $stdout.puts "Hi, I'm a robot" && 5
<al2o3cr> 5
<al2o3cr> (NilClass) nil
<workmad3> heh, yeah, that was dumb of me
banseljaj is now known as imami|afk
ph^_ has joined #ruby
<al2o3cr> Hi, I'm a robot
<workmad3> >> $stdout.puts("Hi, I'm a robot") || 5
<al2o3cr> (Fixnum) 5
<shevy> lol
<workmad3> >> $stdout.puts("Hi, I'm a robot") || "I'm going to break"
<al2o3cr> (String) "I'm going to break"
<al2o3cr> Hi, I'm a robot
<shevy> > $stdout.puts("Gosh, I am such a stupid bot ...")
<macer_> >>*
<al2o3cr> stderr:
<al2o3cr> from -e:1:in `<main>'
<al2o3cr> -e:1:in `eval': (eval):1: syntax error, unexpected $end, expecting '=' (SyntaxError)
<al2o3cr> exit status: 1
<shevy> fail
<shevy> >> $stdout.puts("Gosh, I am such a stupid bot ...")
<al2o3cr> (NilClass) nil
<al2o3cr> Gosh, I am such a stupid bot ...
<shevy> :(
<macer_> :(
<workmad3> >> $stdout.puts("Get back to work!")
<al2o3cr> (NilClass) nil
<al2o3cr> Get back to work!
<shevy> wow
<shevy> >> $stdout.puts( x= 5; eval x)
<al2o3cr> stderr was too long, I PMed it to you
<al2o3cr> exit status: 1
<banisterfiend`> >> e = Enumerator.new { |y| i = -1; loop { y << (i += 1) }; Hash[('a'..'c').zip(e.cycle)]
<al2o3cr> stderr was too long, I PMed it to you
<al2o3cr> exit status: 1
<shevy> ??
<shevy> why twice
<shevy> I wanna control that mars rover thing
<shevy> and have it send more coloured pictures or even full videos
<eregon> >> (1..1000).reduce(:*)
<al2o3cr> stdout was too long, I PMed it to you
<shevy> and drive around on mars
<macer_> I asked robot for list of all files on system
<macer_> what a spam
<shevy> hehe
<shevy> it gives information about its files surroundings?
<banisterfiend`> >> e = Enumerator.new { |y| i = -1; loop { y << (i += 1) } }; Hash[('a'..'c').zip(e.cycle)]
<al2o3cr> (Hash) {"a"=>0, "b"=>1, "c"=>2}
<kalleth> >> `shutdown -h now`
<al2o3cr> stderr was too long, I PMed it to you
<kalleth> ¬_¬
<macer_> @_@
<al2o3cr> exit status: 1
<kalleth> ¬_¬
<kalleth> >> Kernel.exec("halt")
<al2o3cr> stderr was too long, I PMed it to you
<macer_> dont
<al2o3cr> exit status: 1
<macer_> do
<macer_> this
<kalleth> ok, ok :p
<macer_> :D
<eregon> >> Process.uid
<al2o3cr> (Fixnum) 1000
<macer_> >> Dir["etc/**"]
<al2o3cr> (Array) ["etc/resolv.conf", "etc/ld.so.cache", "etc/pam.d", "etc/sudoers", "etc/group", "etc/passwd", "etc/nsswitch.conf"]
<macer_> >> `cat /etc/passwd`
<al2o3cr> stderr was too long, I PMed it to you
<al2o3cr> exit status: 1
<shevy> hmmm
macer_ is now known as macer1
<shevy> odd
<Muz> You can message the bot in a /query window, rather than spamming the channel.
sepp2k has joined #ruby
<macer1> >> `cat /etc/passwd`.to_s
<al2o3cr> stderr was too long, I PMed it to you
<al2o3cr> exit status: 1
<shevy> notice the '.' at the end of the sentence :)
<eregon> >> require 'etc' and Etc.getlogin
<al2o3cr> (String) "jrajav"
<macer1> nice find
<shevy> hehe
<shevy> hmm
butblack has joined #ruby
<shevy> never saw this combination before... with require, and then an "and"
<eregon> hehe :)
<macer1> hah, nice
<eregon> won't work twice
<shevy> that is kinda cool... require 'pp' and pp my_object for one-liner debugs
<shevy> oh? why not?
<eregon> >> require 'etc' and Etc.getlogin
<al2o3cr> (String) "jrajav"
<shevy> the bot is cheating
<Muz> Re-requiring the same module twice in a single session returns false.
<eregon> ah weird, require should return false
<shevy> yeah eregon, it's a cheating bot
<shevy> it runs some kind of mini-baby ruby language
<Muz> The bot is sanboxed and runs each command under a seperate ruby instance, which is then cleaned up after execution.
<Muz> *sandboxed
<eregon> ah, it's forking at every line?
<kalleth> >> `/bin/cat /root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub`
<al2o3cr> (String) ""
<al2o3cr> [FATAL] Failed to create timer thread (errno: 11)
<al2o3cr> stderr:
<kalleth> aha
<kalleth> :p
nari_ has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
<macer1> ^^
<shevy> you guys have way too much time :P
<macer1> /bin is empty btw.
<macer1> >> Dir["bin"]
<al2o3cr> (Array) ["bin"]
<macer1> >> Dir["bin/*"]
<al2o3cr> (Array) []
<macer1> there are no cats there
<kalleth> pfft
berserkr has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
<shevy> ?
<Muz> Rather unsurprisingly.
<shevy> ah well
butblack has left #ruby [#ruby]
<shevy> if it is sandboxed or chrooted, that makes sense
<shevy> I hate /bin anyway
* kalleth considers writing a ruby 1liner to download a binary process that will fork into the bg
timonv has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
arkiver has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
jjang has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
<macer1> >> File.open("etc/passwd").read
<al2o3cr> (String) "root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash\nbin:x:1:1:bin:/bin:/bin/false\ndaemon:x:2:2:daemon:/sbin:/bin/false\nmail:x:8:12:mail:/var/spool/mail:/bin/false\nftp:x:14:11:ftp:/srv/ftp:/bin/false\nhttp:x:33:33:http:/srv/http:/bin/false\nnobody:x:99:99:nobody:/:/bin/false\ndbus:x:81:81:System message bus:/:/bin/false\njrajav:x:1000:100::/home/jrajav:/bin/bash\nal:x:1001:1001::/home/al:/bin/bash\n"
<kalleth> hahahaha
<hoelzro> whoa
<macer1> hmm, we are jrajav
<eregon> >> Dir.pwd
<al2o3cr> (String) "/"
<eregon> yeha, definitely chroot'ed
<workmad3> >> Dir["/bin/*"]
<al2o3cr> (Array) []
<workmad3> >> Dir["/usr/bin/*"]
<al2o3cr> (Array) ["/usr/bin/ruby", "/usr/bin/sudo"]
<kalleth> ooh.
<workmad3> >> Dir["/usr/sbin/*"]
<al2o3cr> (Array) []
<kalleth> workmad3: do you have the same instinctive reaction to try and break it whenever someone comes in with bots like this
<workmad3> >> Dir["/sbin/*"]
<al2o3cr> (Array) []
<kalleth> Dir["/root"]
<workmad3> kalleth: who doesn't? :P
<kalleth> >> Dir["/root"]
<al2o3cr> (Array) ["/root"]
<kalleth> >> Dir["/root/*"]
<al2o3cr> (Array) []
<eregon> >> ENV['PATH']
<al2o3cr> (String) "/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/bin/core_perl"
<workmad3> >> Dir["/**/*"]
<al2o3cr> stdout was too long, I PMed it to you
<macer1> fail
<workmad3> it's still going :D
<workmad3> macer1: it's doing it all :P
<macer1> that's why I changed nick
<macer1> :)
<kalleth> >> File.rm("/usr/bin/ruby")
<al2o3cr> stderr was too long, I PMed it to you
<macer1> ouch
<al2o3cr> exit status: 1
<kalleth> >> File.delete("/usr/bin/ruby")
<macer1> it's not that easy
<al2o3cr> stderr was too long, I PMed it to you
<macer1> we are not root
<al2o3cr> exit status: 1
<kalleth> permission denied ;(
<chiel> what the shit is going on in here O.o
workmad3 is now known as workmad4
workmad4 is now known as workmad3
<bnagy> >> `uname -a`
<kalleth> >> `/usr/bin/sudo rm /usr/bin/ruby`
<kalleth> yes, i know that's going to fail
<macer1> what the fuck it stopped working
<kalleth> hahaha
<macer1> :(
<macer1> kalleth: you win a cookie!
<bnagy> >> system "uname -a"
<macer1> the bot is dead
workmad3 is now known as workmad4
<eregon> >> "I'm dead"
<bnagy> oh well, that was fun
<workmad4> heh
<macer1> yeah
<macer1> it was
<eregon> so password-less /usr/bin/sudo? that's crazy :)
<macer1> >> "I am not dead, I was just joking ;)"
<al2o3cr> stderr was too long, I PMed it to you
<al2o3cr> exit status: 1
<macer1> that was a lag
<al2o3cr> (String) ""
<al2o3cr> stderr:
<eregon> still remembered old commands, nice
Shrink has joined #ruby
<al2o3cr> [FATAL] Failed to create timer thread (errno: 11)
Rochefort has joined #ruby
workmad4 is now known as workmad3
<macer1> ...
<bnagy> >> RbConfig::CONFIG
<al2o3cr> (NilClass) nil
<workmad3> I wonder if it was just busy pming me the entire filesystem contents..
<macer1> hahaha
<macer1> :D
<workmad3> bah, it resumed... oh well, let it keep it up :)
banisterfiend` is now known as banisterfiend
<bnagy> no rbconfig? :/
bam has quit [Quit: Leaving...]
<bnagy> how can I look for chroot escapes if I don't know the os!
<al2o3cr> (String) "I'm dead"
<workmad3> bnagy: heh :)
<eregon> ahah 5 min lag
twinturbo has joined #ruby
<bnagy> >> require 'rbconfig'; p RbConfig::CONFIG
<al2o3cr> (String) "I am not dead, I was just joking ;)"
<bnagy> oic
perry is now known as perryh_away
<macer1> [12:51:41] <al2o3cr> "I AM SO DEAD" :(
<macer1> [12:52:00] <al2o3cr> ^
<macer1> WTF?
wallerdev has quit [Quit: wallerdev]
dhruvasagar has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]
<fowl> >> IO
arkiver has joined #ruby
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<fowl> >> IO.popen 'uname -a', &:read
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<banisterfiend> >> STDIN.class
<macer1> >> require 'net/http'; Net::HTTP.get_print 'my-ip.heroku.com','/'
<banisterfiend> >> STDIN.class.read(__FILE__)
<macer1> now wait 5 minutes for result
<banisterfiend> >> STDIN.class.read($0)
<al2o3cr> stdout was too long, I PMed it to you
<qko> >:D
<eregon> <eregon> >> ENV['PATH'].split(':').flat_map {|d| Dir["#{d}/*"] }
<eregon> <al2o3cr> (Array) ["/usr/bin/ruby", "/usr/bin/sudo"]
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arkiver has quit [Max SendQ exceeded]
<eregon> waow, really not a lot in path
<qko> sudo in path
<qko> that is not good
<macer1> >> "I AM LAGGING SO MUCH :("
arkiver has joined #ruby
<al2o3cr> stdout was too long, I PMed it to you
liluo has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
Lachryma has joined #ruby
<macer1> al2o3cr: pls don't lag k thx
<al2o3cr> (Class) IO
<banisterfiend> >> STDIN.class.read($0)
<bnagy> ooh...
<bnagy> >> require 'ffi'
<Muz> QKO: why, is sudo in the path no good?
<qko> Muz: not in a bot hosted path
<Muz> QKO: why?
<qko> >> system('reboot')
<qko> oh wait
<al2o3cr> stderr was too long, I PMed it to you
<qko> >> system('sudo reboot')
<macer1> its not root
<Muz> You seem to misunderstand what sudo does and how it can be configured.
<macer1> I found a cool way to kill it
<qko> Muz: it allows you to do things as a different user
<macer1> but I don't want to
<qko> depending on config of course
MarGarina has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
<Muz> It being in the PATH is not inherently bad though.
<macer1> it is already half-dead...
<qko> sadly the default config is to allow the main user to get root access without a password check
<al2o3cr> exit status: 1
<bnagy> QKO: hahahah hahahah on which distro?
<qko> bnagy: ubuntu
<macer1> no?
<Muz> After you've authenticated once before.
<qko> iirc anyway
<al2o3cr> (Class) IO
yuriy has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
<qko> Muz: fair enough
<bnagy> pff not on server, which is the only think I use
<fowl> jeez
<macer1> :)
<macer1> good bot
<qko> but heck, I even added myself to the wheel group so I can get free sudo access
<fowl> took tha thing 6 minutes to respond to me
<bnagy> and it only remembers successful sudo for a while
<al2o3cr> (NilClass) nil
<al2o3cr> stderr was too long, I PMed it to you
<Mon_Ouie> What changed with that bot?
<al2o3cr> exit status: 1
akemrir has joined #ruby
<qko> bnagy: it's just very susceptible to bad configurations, and if its purpose is to just run ruby, you probably shouldn't include it
<al2o3cr> stderr was too long, I PMed it to you
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<al2o3cr> exit status: 1
<bnagy> QKO: or alternatively you just don't know what you're talking about
<macer1> hmm
<macer1> all ports all blocked
akemrir has quit [Client Quit]
<al2o3cr> (String) "I AM LAGGING SO MUCH :("
<al2o3cr> stderr was too long, I PMed it to you
<al2o3cr> exit status: 1
<al2o3cr> stderr was too long, I PMed it to you
<al2o3cr> exit status: 1
<al2o3cr> (NilClass) nil
<qko> bnagy: yeah, cuz leaving a possible backdoor open is such a great idea!
<al2o3cr> (NilClass) nil
<bnagy> QKO: in what way is sudo a backdoor?
<macer1> al2o3cr: can do u do some tricks?
<qko> bnagy: in the same way many users will configure it
<bnagy> QKO: it's a chroot jail
<qko> meaning: no password checks
<macer1> hmm
<macer1> looks like all trafic is cut on firewall
<fowl> >> Math.sqrt 2
Criztian has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
<kalleth> macer1: reverse SSH tunnel in pure ruby?
<al2o3cr> (Float) 1.4142135623730951
tobyo has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
<bnagy> >> require 'ffi'; p FFI
<al2o3cr> stderr was too long, I PMed it to you
<Inoperable> shevy: a 10+ new question about regxp
<al2o3cr> exit status: 1
<macer1> I think I found the owner of bot
<macer1> :)
<macer1> cinch
<qko> I still didn't get pmed for my reb00t attempt
<macer1> he is online on freenode
<bnagy> 19:04 <al2o3cr> -e:1:in `eval': cannot load such file -- ffi (LoadError)
<bnagy> :(
<burgestrand> macer1: it’s an IRC bot framework
<fowl> macer1: bot owner is jravsomething
<bnagy> that would have been so much win
<Inoperable> guys, i can't wrap my head around a simple regxp
<macer1> oh
<macer1> :D
<fowl> Inoperable: try it out on rubular.com
<burgestrand> :)
<Inoperable> fowl: i tried, but can't get thrugh :/
<Inoperable> fowl: pisses me off cause it's quite simple
<Inoperable> fowl: i don't get the grouping selection thing
<bnagy> Inoperable: how about asking your question then
<bnagy> instead of talking about how you have a question
MarGarina has joined #ruby
<macer1> supybot is coller
<macer1> cooler*
<qko> that will generally help :D
<macer1> !ping
<macer1> al2o3cr: ping
<macer1> !ping @ping #ping $ping %ping ^ping &ping *ping
<Inoperable> bnagy: [word, word, word, word, word, word, word,] into ["word", "word", "word", ...]
<macer1> [word,word,word].map &:to_s
<burgestrand> :p
<macer1> :)
<Inoperable> macer1: ...
<Inoperable> macer1: can you elaborate a bit? ;)
<macer1> ...
<burgestrand> Inoperable: you really have a trailing comma?
<burgestrand> Inoperable: also, can words contain commas?
<Inoperable> its an example
<bnagy> is the first thing a string, or what?
<burgestrand> I know, that’s why I ask, why are you not answring :(
<Inoperable> i need to put " " around some words
<bnagy> words.map {|w| "\"#{w}\""}
<Inoperable> bnagy: pure regxp
<bnagy> why on earth would you use a regexp for that?
<burgestrand> Beginning to sound like homework
<macer1> :p
* burgestrand coughs
<Inoperable> i asked about regexp, right?
<qko> burgestrand: beginning?:D
<Inoperable> ;)
<Inoperable> cant learn regexp when i dont understand it
<Spooner> I suspect it is just about a really vague question being answered in 100 reasonable ways, but not the right one, because the specification is so broken :)
<chiel> regular-expressions.info :p
dhruvasagar has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
<qko> Inoperable: I know that the sed command for something like that would be something like s/(*)/"$1"/ or something among those lines
<Spooner> Inoperable : Why not tell us what you are trying to achieve instead of giving us broken code and expecting us to know how you want it to be fixed?
dhruvasagar has joined #ruby
burgestrand has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
lkba has joined #ruby
<shevy> Inoperable regexinfo page is useful
<shevy> yeah
<shevy> regular-expressions.info
<bnagy> QKO: you need a specifier - .* probably
<shevy> Inoperable dedicate a full day to understand regexes
<macer1> Bot is dead...back to work :P
cascalheir has joined #ruby
<bnagy> "cat".sub(/.*/) {|s| "\"#{s}\""} would work I guess
<shevy> macer1 how did it die?
<Inoperable> shevy: yeah, just grabbed the oreilly ebook for it
<macer1> half-dead*
<bnagy> I hate the \1 $1 stuff :(
<macer1> >> "I am half dead and lagging so much"
<bnagy> actually I mostly hate regexp
<al2o3cr> (String) "I am half dead and lagging so much"
<chiel> Inoperable: that book is pretty good. there's 2, one is more of a reference guide
fermion_ has joined #ruby
<chiel> the actual book on it is pretty awesome
<macer1> >> ping
<al2o3cr> stderr was too long, I PMed it to you
<al2o3cr> exit status: 1
<Inoperable> bnagy: im not asking about ruby way but about correct regexp to select \+w and wrap it in " " or {} or $ $, is that enough well specified?
<bnagy> Inoperable: regexps match stuff, they don't tell you how to replace stuff
<bnagy> the match you want is /.*/
<qko> bnagy: myeah, been out of that for quite a while
<Inoperable> chiel: i grab the thin one
<qko> Inoperable: and you put () around what you want to store it
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<chiel> Inoperable: yeah, that one is more of a reference guide I believe, but should be just fine
<bnagy> except you don't need to group there, the block form captures your match, and you want to match the whole string
<dr_bob> Inoperable: str.gsub /\w+/, '"\\&"'
<chiel> not like you really need to know the internals of the engine.
yuriy has joined #ruby
<Inoperable> dr_bob: perfect, thanks
cascalheira has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
<dr_bob> YWC, if you need to change in place use gsub!
<dr_bob> i.e. with exclamation mark
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<Inoperable> shevy: yeah, i need more time to get my head over regexp. was avoiding it long enough ;)
yuriy has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
<Inoperable> is the standard regexp implemented in all linux gawk, grep, sed the same way?
<dr_bob> Inoperable: I didn't read all the history, were you recommended "Mastering Regular Expressions" (O'Reilly)? Other than that, the program "The Regex Coach" is really helpful to understand how matching works. Unfortunately it's windows only.
justsee is now known as justsee|away
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<shevy> Inoperable, same here. regexes make my brain go very slowly... and my brain is already very slow
<dr_bob> Inoperable: no unfortunately not
<chiel> Inoperable: there's subtle differences usually
<Inoperable> dr_bob: windows only? hehe
<shevy> Inoperable easy solution - give up on gawk grep and sed, and use ruby
<chiel> like every implementation :p
<dr_bob> Inoperable: might work under WINE as well
<chiel> most implementations of regex try to be perl-compatible versions, as far as I'm aware
<Inoperable> shevy: gawk grep and sed are being used since 30+ years so i think im gonna stick with them
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<shevy> we used to have horses rather than cars too in the past
<Inoperable> true
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<shevy> they worked very well for thousand years so let's use them
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<bnagy> TIL horses were invented in 1012
<shevy> Inoperable, the thing I dont like about these tools is that they assume different options or syntax... especially awk
<Inoperable> if henry ford would ask ppl what they like to have back then, they will tell him faster horses though
<zii> bnagy, r/circlejerk?
<shevy> grep I actually like
<shevy> Inoperable, do you know why he used black paint for his cars?
<shevy> Inoperable, it was cheaper and also dried faster than other colours
<Inoperable> was a standard bakc then?
<shevy> well kinda
<shevy> I guess pink cars would have been more difficult
<shevy> back then perhaps
<shevy> today we can have DIAMOND CARS IN 10000 COLOURS
<Spooner> Inoperable : Not necessarily. More likely to be horses that didn't get sick and die all the time (this was a major problem in New York just before the cars appeared) :)
<shevy> out from a 3D printer
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<qko> shevy: actually, the dutch monarchs still go by horse at times
<Inoperable> i dont see colors propery, so i don't care ;]
<qko> (pisses me off)
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<Spooner> shevy : The "Any colo(u)r as long as it is black" is a fallacy, I think.
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<Inoperable> QKO: they go by horse where? around the castle?
<workmad3> Spooner: it's an urban legend, iirc :)
<qko> Inoperable: pretty much
<workmad3> (that's also to shevy btw)
<qko> just enough to annoy the crap out of every driver that has to go to work
<Inoperable> well, horses need their daily walk i guess
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<Inoperable> shevy: http://www.txt2re.com/ ;-)
<chiel> wow
<chiel> that's like
<chiel> harder than writing a regular expression
<chiel> :D
<fowl> omg
<fowl> Inoperable: you understand this stuff?
<Inoperable> hehe
<Inoperable> fowl: no but the picture in the left corner made me laugh
<chiel> hahaha
<chiel> xD
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<Inoperable> i mean shevy said he gots a headeach from regex and that guy looks like he's been through regex hell
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<chridal> Could anyone please do me a favor? And see if you can connect to irc.esper.net . I was just unable to connect, but am now unable to. Really apreciate it!
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<chiel> you were unable twice? :D
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<chridal> yea, typo.
<chridal> I was able to, but now uanble to :)
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<chiel> :D
<chridal> did you have any luck?
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<chiel> I didn't try :p
<chiel> hang on.
<chiel> port 6667?
<chridal> yes
<chiel> works for me
<chridal> that is so weird.
<chridal> But thanks!
<chridal> must be my client
<chiel> just did /connect irc.esper.net
<chiel> in irssi
<chridal> yea, im in irssi as well.
<chridal> will have to check conf.
<chridal> ty.
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<chiel> hmm
* workmad3 wonders if chridal knows that sometimes servers become inaccessible from locations
<chiel> weird :)
<chiel> they should have something downjustformeorforeveryone for irc
<chiel> :p
<workmad3> chiel: well, you could just put the domain in
<workmad3> chiel: or ping it :)
<chiel> workmad3: yeah I know :p
<workmad3> I suspect the issue is he lost the route entirely
<chiel> perhaps yeah
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<anoldhacker> I'm having trouble with regex & \G. I seem to be anchored at the start of the string. I'm playing in the console right now. Thoughts?
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<macer1> it's time for a little break in work. but is working again :D
<macer1> bot*
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<dr_bob> anoldhacker: example?
<anoldhacker> @str = "asdf asdfe 1234 wersd 2354 asdffe sfd sfd dfs 345"
<anoldhacker> def grab_next ; @str =~ /\G([\w].*?)(?:(?= \d)|$)/ ; $1 ; end
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<bnagy> I didn't even know we supported \G
<anoldhacker> Actually, I get the same thing with a trivial example: /\G(\w+)/
<Spooner> anoldhacker : What are you trying to do exactly?
<anoldhacker> It's in the 1.9.3 docs
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<anoldhacker> I'm trying to break up a line consisting of numbers, dates, and strings. The fields are space separated, and spaces inside the strings are allowed.
<bnagy> sounds like a job for scan
<anoldhacker> I hadn't thought of that.
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<bnagy> >> "asdf asdfe 1234 wersd 2354 asdffe sfd sfd dfs 345".scan /\d+/
<al2o3cr> (Array) ["1234", "2354", "345"]
<bnagy> but depends exactly what you want to end up with
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<bnagy> that \G voodoo looks horrible though
<bnagy> but from a quick skim, it matches where the last match finished, and there's no last match in your examples
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<anoldhacker> In my case, the field set is fixed. So a generated regexp will solve the problem. But \G (which is REALLY powerful) appears to be broken...
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<anoldhacker> 1.9.3p194 on Darwin
<bnagy> ok well if I found that regexp in any code I was working on I would go and stab the comitter
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<doherty> I was trying to do `sudo gem install bundle` and it bailed out with "File not found: lib ERROR: While generating documentation for bundle-0.0.1" What should I be doing to fix this?
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<fowl> doherty: doc generation is done after the gem installs
<fowl> doherty: so if you dont need them locally you're fine
<doherty> Yes, I saw that
<doherty> I would prefer to have them locally
<fowl> gem install rdoc to update rdoc
<Muz> doherty: you really mean 'gem install bundler'
<banisterfiend> doherty: if you're using pry to read documentation, u dont need them pregenerated as it grabs them only when it needs them
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<Muz> 'bundle' is a placeholder gem that depends on bundler, to have it install bundler.
<doherty> but I was more concerned that not being able to generate documents indicated a serious problem with the ruby setup. It's a fairly basic functionality so when the very first ruby command you run dies, you start wondering if you've chosen the right tool :)
<Muz> That error doesn't really matter, it's just the placehlder gem being shoddily written.
<banisterfiend> doherty: take the time to setup rvm or rbenv
<fowl> +1 banisterfiend
<Muz> What you're really be worried about and referencing is the bundler ri/rdoc.
<banisterfiend> there's usually something busted about distro versions of ruby
<bnagy> rbenv rbenv rbenv
<doherty> I'll take a look
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<dr_bob> anoldhacker: you said fields are space delimited but spaces are allowed in fields. That does not work.
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<dr_bob> What exactly is the format?
<anoldhacker> In general, no. But if you don't allow successive string fields, it can work. (Dates and numbers start with digits...)
<anoldhacker> Very ugly, but what I'm supposed to support.
<dr_bob> So you have alternating fields starting with a digit and fields starting with no digit?
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<anoldhacker> My original regexp had problems even without the \G thing. But, as I said, this works better with a composed regexp
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<bnagy> how about splitting on space and just using a simple token parser?
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<bnagy> by the sounds all you need to do is rejoin any \w+ next to \w+ and the rest are correct
<jrajav> Muz: Um.
<jrajav> Muz: wtf did you run on the bot :P
<dr_bob> anoldhacker: s.scan /\b\d.*?\b(?=\s+\D|$)|\b\w.*?\b(?=\s+\D|$)/
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<dr_bob> => ["asdf", "asdfe 1234", "wersd 2354", "asdffe", "sfd", "sfd", "dfs 345"]
<dr_bob> na
<Muz> jrajav: it's sending me the contents of http://mustaqila.li/crap/noideadog.png over the medium of ASCII and IRC.
<anoldhacker> composition is REALLY the way to go here...
<Muz> The bot clearly has no idea what it's doing.
<jrajav> For how long now? :P
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<Muz> jrajav: it started before I went for lunch... so over 2 hours ago?
<jrajav> Sweet
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<Muz> About the bot having an upper bound on the length of output it returns... :P
<jrajav> By the way, I lost my backup
<jrajav> Of the bot
<jrajav> :(
<jrajav> So now I have to spend the next 15 minutes typing out 40 lines of code that I've already memorized by now
<jrajav> 30 of which is boilerplate Cinch
<jrajav> f my life, eh?
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<jrajav> (Over the weekend, the bot script was deleted in a nice demonstration of how I didn't set folder permissions correctly :P)
<jrajav> Don't worry Muz, I'll keep it sending your image until I'm done
<doherty> "rake aborted! no such file to load -- facter" - Is this 'facter' a 'gem' that is missing?
<dominikh> 30 lines of boilerplate cinch? I tend to doubt that :)
<Muz> jrajav: well at least I'll be able to rebuild that PNG from my IRC logs alone...
<jrajav> Is it? The hello world example is 15 lines
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<fowl> lol?
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<bnagy> dr_bob: what about "asdf asdfe 1234 wersd 2354 asdffe sfd sfd dfs 345".split(/ (\d+) ?/) ?
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<Muz> doherty: possibly, or it's a file named "facter" within the codebase that rake or something else is failing to load for whatever reason.
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<dr_bob> bnagy: naa, that looks much too simple. ;-)
<jrajav> bnagy: Save a kitten, use \s
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<jrajav> Or better yet \b
<dr_bob> Also, it's not clear whether the whole field will be digits.
<dr_bob> And I would split on \b as jrajav said
<dominikh> and if it takes you 15 minutes to type 40 lines of memorized code... wow.
<bnagy> no, I won't save any kittens, because solving this problem with a regexp is f'ing stupid
<doherty> Muz: okay, thanks, I figured it might be a standard error message that I wouldn't recognize.
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<dr_bob> s.split(/\b(\d+)\b/).each &:strip! => ["asdf asdfe", "1234", "wersd", "2354", "asdffe sfd sfd dfs", "345"]
<dr_bob> nice!
<bnagy> the trailing ? was to get the one at the end
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<bnagy> but strip works
<dr_bob> Even better: s.split(/\s*\b(\d+)\b\s*/) => ["asdf asdfe", "1234", "wersd", "2354", "asdffe sfd sfd dfs", "345"]
<bnagy> why do you need \b as well?
<jrajav> dominikh: Yeah I was clearly being literal, and I was also clearly referring to just the act of typing. You should try coffee instead of being an ass for no apparent reason -- might start your morning off a little better
<dr_bob> because \s* matches the empty string, i.e. everywhere
<bnagy> oh right I see
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<dr_bob> fields which are not numbers might contain digits, I figure
<bnagy> hard to see why \b...\b? isn't just better then :/
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<dominikh> first of all, my morning started 10 hours ago. second, coffee would give me diarrhea, so probably not better, no.
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<dr_bob> \s* will eat the whitespace and avoid split
<dr_bob> err strip
<bnagy> and yet... still retraded, unreadable and breakable
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<dr_bob> like?
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<bnagy> well not for this input, but he said something about dates for example
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<Inoperable> huh TextMate sources are on git
<bnagy> anyway I have said my thing
<Inoperable> i missed that
<Inoperable> somehow
<jrajav> Inoperable: Well it only happened what, two days ago?
<macer1> textmate is open source?
<macer1> x.x
<Muz> The source for the alpha, at least.
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<Muz> "Come, find and report our bugs for free, then let us charge you for the luxury of pre-compiling it!"
<Inoperable> i booted into os x like after few weeks
<macer1> D:
<Inoperable> and suddenly text mate2 gets an update and tells me its opensource
<Inoperable> and i bought sublime for 59$ yesterday..
<Inoperable> hehe
<macer1> sublime text 2 > text mate
<jrajav> ^
<chiel> vim > * ;D
<chiel> oh yeah I went there, sorry!
* chiel hides
<jrajav> I use both
<macer1> sublime text have vim mode
<macer1> it's cool
<Inoperable> chiel yup, nothing can beat vim
<jrajav> macer1: Heh, do you actually use it?
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<chiel> but why would I buy st2, when i already have vim?
<chiel> vim is free
<macer1> not really
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<chiel> you can find just about ANY plugin for it, too :p
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<chiel> i guess the text manipulation people scares people off
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<jrajav> Yes, you're so leet, chiel :P
<emsilva> and, vim > st 2 * tm
<Inoperable> i like the package support
<Inoperable> and am not yet that fast in vim
<Inoperable> i started using it exclusively like few weeks ago
<Inoperable> get confused from time to time ;)
<jrajav> I haven't been satisfied with many of the vim implementations of intellisense, refactoring, or project traversal
<Inoperable> but i cutter every other editor out of the sys to enforce vim on myself
<chiel> jrajav: thank you, I was totally fishing for compliments! >:D
<jrajav> I love it for pure editing, but I love Sublime Text 2 for a lot of other things
<macer1> woah that textmate have my favorite synta hightlinghing from ST2 xD
<kalleth> >> while true; "what?"; end
<chiel> yeah, I am just being a jackass really :)
<al2o3cr> exit status: 137
<chiel> I don't believe in all these editor-wars :p
<kalleth> dammit ;(
<kalleth> chiel: vim > emacs
<chiel> use whatever editor suits you, that is all.
<Inoperable> so crafty ruby programmers
<macer1> I think I can try textmate
<jrajav> macer1: Um.
<Inoperable> port textmate2 to android ;-)
<chiel> kalleth: well, I agree with you, but I guess if you are used to emacs it can be ok
<macer1> jrajav: Um
<jrajav> macer1: All ST2 syntax highlighting is also Textmate highlighting
<kalleth> chiel: only if you want clawhands from all the modkeys ;(
<macer1> *whatever*
<macer1> I like it
<jrajav> :P
<kalleth> real men use nano
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<macer1> ^
<jrajav> Real men make increasingly silly jokes about what real men use, most of them stolen from xkcd
<Muz> Most of which are unoriginal and have been going about the Internet for several decades now.
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<kalleth> good writers borrow from other writers, great writers steal from them outright
<macer1> can textmate run on linux, and why the answer is no :(?
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<fowl> macer1: use sublime
<jrajav> kalleth: Pretty sure that quote refers to poetry :P
<Inoperable> text mate will run on linux probably in next few hours
<kalleth> yes, but not when SAM SEABORN SAID IT
<Inoperable> textmate is python, right?
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<macer1> yes
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<Spooner> kalleth : Real men use a hex editor. It is the only editor that supports ALL formats.
<kalleth> Real men use magnets to flip bits on a disk
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<bnagy> wtf who uses magnetic disks anymore? You think we're barbarians??
<fowl> i thought real men chopped down trees and lived off the land
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<iamjarvo> vim for the win :)
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<bnagy> I just code with cat > foo.rb .... ^D
<bnagy> young people these days just can't plan ahead
<doherty> I don't use an IRC client, just netcat
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<jrajav> I guess I can't stop the meme chain once it's been started
<jrajav> Only delay it
<fowl> cat /dev/mind > file.rb
<fowl> of course you need to run some cables first
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<hoelzro> speaking of strange ways to access IRC, there's that one IRC client that is implemented with 9P
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<hoelzro> so you tail -f the channels you are interested in
<jrajav> Muz: Hey, your image has finished transferring
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<hoelzro> and echo >> to send stuff
<jrajav> Muz: How's it look?
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<fowl> hoelzro: that sounds painful lol
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<hoelzro> I bet it is =)
<workmad3> fowl: sounds scriptable to me...
<jrajav> hoelzro: Sounds like ordinary Unix userspace to me :P
<fowl> workmad3: still a pita even if you only do it once
<jrajav> Who needs applications when you have text pipes
<kalleth> jankly: what, "painful"? :p
<jankly> uhh, you sure you got the right name?
<kalleth> no
<kalleth> i meant jrajav
<kalleth> =[
<workmad3> heh
<kalleth> j<tab> is an evil master
<chiel> kalleth: haha, clawhands.. :)
<kalleth> =[
<chiel> (i was looking at all the flaming on textmate's license. :D)
* kalleth cries in a corner
<hoelzro> tab completion should go in order of most recently active =)
<jrajav> kalleth: No, using text + pipes + files for literally everything
<kalleth> jrajav: sounds painful to me ;p
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<jrajav> hoelzro: That might be a good idea, but it would mess with muscle memory of how many tabs it takes to get to someone for any given prefix string
<shevy> jrajav, they broke your bot earlier
<jrajav> shevy: Oh?
<jrajav> Then how is it still running
<jrajav> ?
<shevy> <macer1> Bot is dead...back to work :P
<shevy> ^^^ macer1 did
<jrajav> Like it wasn't responding for a while?
<hoelzro> jrajav: perhaps, if you use that type of completion
<workmad3> hoelzro: yeah, I always get annoyed with that... I used to use a client that went 'most recently active' for tab-completion and it's ruined me for other clients :)
<macer1> emm no
<macer1> I said it was lagging
<workmad3> >> "Shevy lies!"
<al2o3cr> (String) "Shevy lies!"
<shevy> jrajav, dunno. I am just showing you who must be punished :-)
<hoelzro> I don't see why it'd be undoable in irssi
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<macer1> >> "Hi jrajav. I am so laggy today :("
<al2o3cr> (String) "Hi jrajav. I am so laggy today :("
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<macer1> would you mind if I'll try to kill the bot jrajav :P?
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<jrajav> Not right now
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<macer1> Not right now = don't kill the bot, or don't kill the bot right now :P?
<macer1> I mean
<macer1> you can kill the bot or dont kill right now
<jrajav> I don't think you CAN kill the bot, but just in case, don't try right now ;)
<macer1> ok :P
<jrajav> I'm working on it
<jrajav> atm
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<Muz> jrajav: :).
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<jrajav> I'm going to change the way the bot treats stdout and stderr
<jrajav> To complete my shameless copying of ##javascript's ecmabot
<jrajav> The constant PMing is getting kind of annoying, and it makes it harder for everyone to see what's going on rather than just the person running it
<macer1> jrajav: can you share the source :P?
<macer1> it will be interesting to look at it
<jrajav> Of course
<jrajav> I already have the old version (which was in node.js) on github
<jrajav> I'll replace it with this one today
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<macer1> I see
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<jrajav> Spoilers: It's pretty boring
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<jrajav> Check out cinch and Open3.popen3 and you basically know all of it
<macer1> only 50 lines of code? o.O
<jrajav> That, plus a clever combination of a chroot and sudo
<jrajav> Less than that even
<macer1> al2o3cr: ping
<jrajav> Did you find the node.js version?
<macer1> al2o3cr: version
<macer1> yes :S
<jrajav> I thought ping was kind of redundant when you can just try a script :P
<jrajav> Alos
<jrajav> >> RUBY_VERSION
<al2o3cr> stderr:
<al2o3cr> exit status: 1
<al2o3cr> [FATAL] Failed to create timer thread (errno: 11)
<jrajav> :O
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<macer1> DUM DUM DUMMM
<iamtakingiteasy> >> echo god
<al2o3cr> [FATAL] Failed to create timer thread (errno: 11)
<al2o3cr> stderr:
<al2o3cr> exit status: 1
<macer1> @_@
<macer1> tango down? :D
<jrajav> Huh.
<macer1> >> `echo @_@`
<al2o3cr> [FATAL] Failed to create timer thread (errno: 11)
<al2o3cr> exit status: 1
<al2o3cr> stderr:
<macer1> it's not me this time
<macer1> :P
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<jrajav> I need to start logging it
<jrajav> My scrollback is like barely 3 screens
<jrajav> :P
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<macer1> >> ":("
<al2o3cr> stderr:
<al2o3cr> exit status: 1
<al2o3cr> [FATAL] Failed to create timer thread (errno: 11)
<macer1> al2o3cr: pls work k thx
<jrajav> Well, time to kill the old bot
al2o3cr has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
<jrajav> You will be missed
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<macer1> :(
<macer1> we will remember you forever al2
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<macer1> run the new one :D
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<jrajav> macer1: Still writing it, and doing other stuff at the same time
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* macer1 afk
<macer1> have fun with bots and stuff ^^
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<FriedBob> When setting up a rdoc command, what would the syntax be for using multiple patterns for the --exclude option? I haven't been able to find anything that says anything about doing that.
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<fbrn> hy all
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<fbrn> this room official ruby language?
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<FriedBob> fbrn: Given that it is #ruby and not ##ruby, I would assume so based on Freenode policies.
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<fowl> fbrn: there is another channel #ruby-lang which is populated by the more elitist crowd (seattlerb, zenspider and his goons)
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<fowl> FriedBob: #ruby-lang is actually the official ruby channel
<FriedBob> fowl: Interesting. How come this was able to stay at #ruby then, and not change to ##ruby?
<fowl> because nobody cared :)
<FriedBob> :)
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<FriedBob> Is there somewhere I can get more indepth information on rdoc, specifically the --exclude? Someone told me it can take multiple exclude options, though I don't see that mentioned in the documenation. Nor do I see a way to specify multiple explude paths using a seperator for the regex pattern.
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<fowl> FriedBob: --help says --include can be used more than once so many --exclude can too
<fowl> maybe*
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<FriedBob> fowl: Yeah. I was just hoping to get something more solid before I started patchign this program and protentially breaking things.
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<shevy> FriedBob software tends to break all the time :)
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<fowl> shevy: is this you: http://shevy.jpg.to/ ?
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<shevy> fowl booooooobs
<apeiros_> funny… all these years I never even considered shevy could be a woman :)
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<apeiros_> but then again, I do have that no-gender bias on irc.
<shevy> I code best when I am in the kitchen
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<shevy> or actually, I really think better when I don't sit in front of a computer :\
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<peterhellberg> Hmm, http://hellberg.jpg.to/ was much nicer than http://peterhellberg.jpg.to/
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<peterhellberg> :)
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<fowl> peterhellberg: depends on the criteria, one wins in sexy and the other wins in cool
<shevy> looks like a man from hell
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<fowl> haha
<pi3r> hi guys
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<shevy> hi pi3r
<pi3r> there is something i don't understand in ruby
<shevy> what is it
<pi3r> shevy: hey
<shevy> chinese code comments? :)
<pi3r> i have a use case like that https://gist.github.com/3341323
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<pi3r> i don't know how to have a class method in a module
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<shevy> what do you want to do there
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<Mon_Ouie> Module#include adds the instances methods of the module to the class
<shevy> that the method .hello becomes a class method in module Bar?
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<Mon_Ouie> Use extend to add them as class methods
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<peterhellberg> fowl: Haha, not so sure about that… But those aviators sure fit me (I rarely wear shades, due to having glasses)
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<pi3r> Mon_Ouie: with extend i could do Bar.hello ?
<shevy> pi3r, this works http://pastie.org/4466508
<Mon_Ouie> Not if you keep hello as a class method on Foo
<fowl> Mon_Ouie: http://monouie.jpg.to/ it seems you're upside down teacup rendered in ray
<doherty> Is there an easy way to know what targets are available in some rakefile?
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<shevy> where is the "mon" part!
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<shevy> http://fowl.jpg.to/ HAHAHAHA
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<pi3r> shevy: it seems strange to me to extend self each time
<fowl> :)
<shevy> pi3r well you want class methods
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<shevy> extend self would be one way
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<shevy> another way would be if you explicitely use Foo.hello within module Bar
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<pi3r> shevy: hum :D maybe i should use class and inheritance
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<apeiros_> extend self is an anti-pattern
<apeiros_> use module_function
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<apeiros_> (and generally functions - that is, methods which make no use of self or ivars - are a slight anti-pattern themselves)
<apeiros_> @ pi3r
<shevy> how would module_function be used in the example?
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<pi3r> apeiros_: but module_function is only for instance method
<apeiros_> pi3r: as opposed to extend self? srsly…
<shevy> I cant get module_function to work in this context
<apeiros_> shevy: work network is superslow atm, example doesn't load :(
<shevy> I tried via module_function :hello rather than extend self
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<apeiros_> aha, actually it was a WebGL tab that killed the browser…
<shevy> hehe
<shevy> soon we will have whole operating systems in the browser...
<pi3r> so it's not actually possible to "inherit" class methods using Modules ?
<apeiros_> pi3r: modules will always only give you the instance methods when included/extended on other objects
<apeiros_> no
<apeiros_> only classes can do that through inheritance.
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<pi3r> and wanted to refactor some classes into modules :)
<apeiros_> what you *can* do is extend a class (or module) with a module. that will give you the module's instance methods as class methods on the extended object
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<pi3r> apeiros_: yep
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<shevy> this keeps on coming again and again
<shevy> people wanting modules to do more
<apeiros_> shevy, pi3r: http://pastie.org/4466542
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<shevy> hmm odd
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<shevy> thought module_function wants a symbol
<apeiros_> shevy: the only thing I want in core ruby is being able to un-include/un-extend a module
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<apeiros_> shevy: that's one way
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<apeiros_> module_function works the same as private/protected/public
<shevy> interesting. never saw that before
<apeiros_> i.e., either provide it a name (as symbol or string) or don't provide it any argument, which means every subsequently defined instance method will be made a module_function
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<apeiros_> oh, actually my paste won't work. if you truly want class methods, callable from external, then module_function is the wrong tool
<apeiros_> it makes the instance methods private
<pi3r> apeiros_: yep :D
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<apeiros_> so just http://pastie.org/4466542
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<apeiros_> but honestly… sounds like you're wading deeply in anti-patterns…
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<apeiros_> (or not telling the whole story)
<pi3r> apeiros_: last paste now working either
<pi3r> s/now/not
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<pi3r> apeiros_: like i told you, i just read http://matt.aimonetti.net/posts/2012/07/30/ruby-class-module-mixins/
<pi3r> and i wanted to do some refactor
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<shevy> hehe
<pi3r> but i'm stuck :D
<shevy> blog entries give people ideas
<apeiros_> meh, yes. I keep not taking into account your anti-patternous behavior :-p
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<pi3r> so ... i'll keep using class inheritance :D
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<apeiros_> pi3r: that blog post tells what matteti did
<apeiros_> not what you do
<shevy> pi3r, I am still not sure... via extend self, you would get extendable module methods or?
<apeiros_> if you have a method that makes no use of self whatsoever, you should ask yourself why the method is where it is
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<apeiros_> and even more so, you should ask yourself why you want to have that very same method in multiple places
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<pi3r> shevy: yep, extend self should work but i really don't like that way
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<shevy> ok
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<shevy> what other way would you prefer, in terms of syntax?
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<pi3r> i don't know enough about modules to tell you :D
<shevy> you would want include to include both methods?
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<shevy> or just one, but in that case, which one
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<shevy> right now it seems you can only include instance methods
<pi3r> shevy: let me enhance the gist :D
<shevy> I guess this follows matz expected behaviour
<shevy> hmm let me try this in mruby
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<shevy> ok
<shevy> it works in mruby as expected
* apeiros_ gtg, brb (~30min)
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<kalleth> haha, code i wrote about 18 months ago: http://imgur.com/3UcBL
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<shevy> http://playcanvas.com/a-multiplayer-3rd-person-shooter-in-html5/ whoa... playing 3D browser games in a browser
<shevy> javascript will win because of being a monopoly :(
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<workmad3> kalleth: you should see some 'print layout' crap I did in one of my own apps about 4 years ago :P
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<kalleth> hahaah
<workmad3> shevy: quake live has been around for a couple of years now
<kalleth> quake live is compiled bytecode though
<kalleth> its not actually running in your browser, the browser just bootstraps the actual game
<workmad3> close enough :P
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<workmad3> WebGL is fun stuff though :)
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<kalleth> but.. javascript? :(
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<kalleth> wat.mov
<fowl> wont load for me =(
<pi3r> fowl: me neither
<fowl> oo i got a progress bar
<pi3r> shevy, apeiros_, Mon_Ouie : thanks anyway guys :D
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<workmad3> kalleth: JS is, more and more, becoming just a compile target though
<kalleth> wooo, coffeescript, etc?
<workmad3> kalleth: doesn't something like enscripten basically cross-compile llvm languages to JS? :)
<davidcelis> lol coffeescript
<kalleth> CS -> JS -> engine -> actually running
<kalleth> not sure how many steps
<workmad3> emscripten
<kalleth> davidcelis: i like CS :(
<davidcelis> it's okay, i used to
<workmad3> kalleth: https://github.com/kripken/emscripten/ <-- fun stuff :)
<davidcelis> CS doesn't really fix the stupid parts of JS, though; just makes it look like Ruby
<kalleth> workmad3: yes, but i'm not a real developer
<kalleth> workmad3: thereofre i don't use C/C++
<kalleth> :p
<pi3r> This page requires a browser that supports WebGL. :( I guess i'll just have to get back to work :D
<kalleth> work? hahahahahahha
<davidcelis> once you're familiar with the dumb parts of javascript, they are easily avoidable, so why add the extra compilation layer? just for syntactic sugar and to feel like you're still programming in Ruby?
<kalleth> i'm on the last 24hours of my notice period
<davidcelis> not worth it IMO
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<kalleth> davidcelis: perhaps, perhaps not
<fowl> pi3r: if you're in chrome to go chrome://flags and enable webgl and native client
<kalleth> i've worked in CS's object model and in Js's
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<kalleth> and whilst the two are the same
<workmad3> kalleth: partner it with this then ;) http://llvmruby.org/wordpress-llvmruby/
<kalleth> all i know is i prefer working in CS
<kalleth> and erm workmad3
<kalleth> if thats what i think it is
<shevy> I have not used CS but it's syntax is much nicer than JS
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<shevy> its syntax
<shevy> hmmm
<shevy> english. difficult language!
<kalleth> oh, its not
<shevy> whoa... llvmruby?
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<fowl> what do you mean shevy
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<fowl> syntax is the same (c-like)
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<workmad3> kalleth: probably take a bit of work, but I bet someone dedicated (like you :P ) could start writing ruby that goes to LLVM, goes through emscripten and comes out as JS ready for the browser ;)
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<kalleth> yeah, but i'm lazy
<kalleth> :|
* kalleth looks round to make sure his future boss isn't in this channel
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<workmad3> heh
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<kalleth> start new job on thurs
<kalleth> actually getting to play with rails properly
<kalleth> though less pure ruby work
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<kalleth> more frontend, more smaller projects using actual up to date libs :)
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<rob_> hi, can anyone tell me why when i do 'rackup 2>&1 | logger' stdout doens't get logged to syslog?
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<macer_> jrajav: hey
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<macer1> >> "ping"
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<jrajav> You have great timing
<jrajav> I just finished
<jrajav> (I think)
<jrajav> SHIP IT
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<jrajav> >> "ping"
<al2o3cr> (String) "ping"
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<peterhellberg> I’ve been asked to be a technical editor for a book about CoffeeScript… probably a good reason to dive deeper into the language :)
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Idkblaze is now known as idkblaze
<jrajav> >> while true; puts "〠" end
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<jrajav> Oh, Ruby doesn't like Unicode, neat
<jrajav> >> while true; Process.fork end
<al2o3cr> [FATAL] Failed to create timer thread (errno: 11), [FATAL] Failed to create timer thread (errno: 11), [FATAL] Failed to create timer thread (errno: 11), [FATAL] Failed to create timer thread (errno: 11), [FATAL] Failed to create timer thread (errno: 11), [FATAL] Failed to create timer thread (errno: 11), [FATAL] Failed to create timer thread (errno: 11), [FATAL] Failed to create timer thread (errno..., [FATAL] Failed to create timer thread (errno: 11)
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<Muz> Lolz.
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<jrajav> Forkbomb-proof
<jrajav> Oh, someone try doing something legitimate (non-while-true-y) with threads; that didn't work last time we tried to limit process forks
<peterhellberg> jrajav: Ruby is pretty happy with Unicode… the bot might not be though
<jrajav> peterhellberg: I'm not doing anything spectacular with the input; just a stdin.write
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<jrajav> >> File.unlink("/bot.rb")
<al2o3cr> -e:1:in `eval': Permission denied - /bot.rb (Errno::EACCES), from (eval):1:in `<main>', from -e:1:in `eval', from -e:1:in `<main>'
<jrajav> Yay
<jrajav> Alright
<jrajav> macer1: NOW you can break it
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<macer1> kthx
<jrajav> If you can
<jrajav> :3
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<macer1> challenge accepted
<macer1> D:
<macer1> watt fork limit
<macer1> ...
<macer1> ayfkm?
<macer1> -_-
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<macer1> >> "failłłłłąąążżó"
<al2o3cr> -e:1:in `eval': (eval):1: invalid multibyte char (US-ASCII) (SyntaxError), (eval):1: invalid multibyte char (US-ASCII), from -e:1:in `<main>'
<jrajav> I guess Ruby is fine with Unicode but eval isn't?
<jrajav> And yes fork limit
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<Muz> >> puts "שלם"
<al2o3cr> -e:1:in `eval': (eval):1: invalid multibyte char (US-ASCII) (SyntaxError), (eval):1: invalid multibyte char (US-ASCII), from -e:1:in `<main>'
<macer1> >> `echo sad macer1 :(`
<al2o3cr> -e:1:in `eval': Permission denied - echo sad macer1 :( (Errno::EACCES), from (eval):1:in `<main>', from -e:1:in `eval', from -e:1:in `<main>'
<macer1> em
<macer1> I want echo back :(
<jrajav> Permission denied? Uh.
<jrajav> That should be a shell builtin right? :/
<jrajav> Does `` go to a shell or just path lookups?
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<macer1> hmm
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<macer1> executing programs from path
<macer1> I think
<macer1> like echo,cat etc
<jrajav> Well, the only programs on the path in the chroot are sudo and ruby :P
<macer1> meh
<jrajav> But I wouldn't have expected a Permission denied
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<Muz> >> `ruby -pe "penis"`
<al2o3cr> -e:1:in `eval': Permission denied - ruby -pe "penis" (Errno::EACCES), from (eval):1:in `<main>', from -e:1:in `eval', from -e:1:in `<main>'
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<macer1> Muz: you are not allowed to use penis on a bot :P
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<macer1> uh
<macer1> how was ruby string replacing
<macer1> not #replace
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<chiel> macer1: gsub
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<chiel> macer1: or gsub!
<macer1> ok
<macer1> thx
<chiel> depending on whether you want it to be destructive
<jrajav> Muz: Huh. That should have worked
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<chiel> macer1: basically if you use regular gsub (without!), you'll need to store the return value somewhere
<jrajav> >> `ruby -e "puts 'erm'"`
<al2o3cr> -e:1:in `eval': Permission denied - ruby -e "puts 'erm'" (Errno::EACCES), from (eval):1:in `<main>', from -e:1:in `eval', from -e:1:in `<main>'
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<jrajav> I guess `` is the thing that's raising permission denied?
<macer1> but why
<jrajav> I unno
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<jrajav> Is there really a good reason to have access to it?
<jrajav> All you can run is ruby and sudo
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<jrajav> And you're already running ruby
<davidcelis> >> `sudo ruby`
<al2o3cr> -e:1:in `eval': No such file or directory - sudo ruby (Errno::ENOENT), from (eval):1:in `<main>', from -e:1:in `eval', from -e:1:in `<main>'
<macer1> `echo`
<macer1> is cool
<macer1> :D
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<jrajav> >> puts 'Why is this not good enough?'
<al2o3cr> (NilClass) nil, Console: Why is this not good enough?
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<jrajav> Alright, I've githubified the code: https://github.com/jrajav/al2o3cr
<jrajav> Suggestions and criticisms more than welcome
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<davidcelis> 4 space tabs..
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<jrajav> YES.
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<macer1> NO
<macer1> :<
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<macer1> use 2 space :P
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<macer1> D:
<macer1> tab nazis
<jrajav> I should raise the "jrajav" up to a higher config-able variable too
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<jrajav> Not like anyone will actually reuse this
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<shevy> tabs should be forbidden
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<shevy> anyone here working on a shell replacement for bash or zsh in ruby?
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<Muz> shevy: why would you do that?
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<lupine_85> no, that would be crazy :)
<canton7> I had a little go once when I was bored
<Muz> Slooooooow would be the obvious reason not to.
<jrajav> shevy: They're actually 4 spaces
<jrajav> shevy: And yeah why would you do that
<lupine_85> eh, nothing to do with speed
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<lupine_85> implementing an sh parser is just not going to be fun in any language
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<fowl> shevy: rush
<shevy> Muz because ruby is a great language
<jrajav> zoh mai gawd
<canton7> jesse storimer wrote a good series of articles too
<jrajav> Just because some language is great in general doesn't mean it's a great shell language
<jrajav> Of course, most shell languages aren't great shell languages either
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<shevy> indeed, they are awful
<asteve> i have a hash return: "a' b" and when I try to puts the hash it is giving me a syntax error; how can I sanitize the string?
<shevy> the only reason against it I can accept is the speed reason
<shevy> asteve what is that? a string?
<shevy> "a' b"
<asteve> shevy: yes, it is a string
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<shevy> how do you get a syntax error?
<shevy> hash = { :foo => "a' b" } # => {:foo=>"a' b"}; hash[:foo] # => "a' b"
<davidcelis> >> { :foo => "a' b" }[:foo]
<al2o3cr> (String) "a' b"
<davidcelis> qed
<asteve> well, the error is actually in a sqlite call to add the string to a db
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<davidcelis> how are we supposed to know sqlite is involved
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<asteve> davidcelis: you weren't, I misread the error
<unrar> Hi
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<fowl> davidcelis: i saw you get k-lined earlier, what did you do? :>
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<davidcelis> fowl: i dont know how to quit out of IRC so whenever i need to leave, i just go in #freenode and troll
<unrar> One question: should I change from Python to Ruby?
<fowl> davidcelis: lol -_- surely your client has a /quit or /exit
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<unrar> I like the OOP of Ruby, it's better than the Python's one, but Ruby is slower than Python sometimes
<Muz> unrar: you're asking it in a room full of ruby developers? Are you sure you're going to get an unbiased and entirely sensical answer?
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<canton7> to be fair, though, if speed is an issue, you shouldn't be using a scripting language in the first place
<davidcelis> unrar: false
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<unrar> Yes Muz, I asked Python developers and now I ask Ruby developers :P
* Muz just shakes his head.
<davidcelis> unrar: programming language benchmarks are rarely useful, fyi. ruby and python are extremely comparable in speed. ruby's slowness is a myth
<canton7> and I'm willing to bet they all said 'no', and we'll all say 'yes' :P
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<davidcelis> canton7: i'm gonna say "no"
<canton7> shock horror! :O
<davidcelis> canton7: lets not pollute the community with people who can't make their own decisions :)
<fowl> lol
<Muz> davidcelis: we have enough of those people. They use Rails. ;)
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<davidcelis> Muz: ಠ_ಠ
<shevy> unrar the main difference between ruby and python is the philosophy
<Muz> I'm sure there's a boilerplate template or blog post instructing me on how this joke should go.
<davidcelis> Muz: `rails g scaffold Joke` ?
<Muz> :)
<canton7> python bungs way too much stuff into the global namespace, and has much uglier "map/reduce" syntax
<canton7> (imo)
<unrar> and what things are different of the philosophy, shevy?
<shevy> unrar the whole point about "more than one way to do it" also means that people try to find new ways in a creative or explorative manner. see the creativity you found in _why for instance
<canton7> also python lacks blocks. blocks are one of ruby's hugely strong points
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<unrar> more than one way to do it... i think that it's from Perl :P
<shevy> unrar, well consider this - in python, self is explicit. I dont think a real OOP language should be too stupid to know what is self
<unrar> there's more than a way to do it is a typical phrase of Programming Perl
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<shevy> ruby is perl with the better syntax
<unrar> I also like Perl
<shevy> if you'd be a perl hacker, ruby would be nicer for you
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<shevy> with python, it is harder to say
<fowl> lol perl my arg = shift @_ <- what the fuck is this archaic shit i just want to pass parameters
<shevy> hehe
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<shevy> unrar, python also has some very good things. better documentation often, better bindings to GUI than ruby too
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<pen> ruby is perl??
<unrar> well, there are some things of Perl i hate
<shevy> ruby is the better perl
<pen> how come?
<shevy> perl OOP is unusuable shit
<macer2> jrajav: can you add gem install :p?
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<shevy> my ($self) = @_;
<unrar> I remember I did two IRC bots some months ago: one in perl and one in Python, they did the same
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<shevy> $khurt->print();
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<macer2> >> require 'active_support'
<al2o3cr> -e:1:in `eval': cannot load such file -- active_support (LoadError), from /usr/lib/ruby/1.9.1/rubygems/custom_require.rb:36:in `require', from (eval):1:in `<main>', from -e:1:in `eval', from -e:1:in `<main>'
<unrar> Perl were about 3 times larger than Python
<unrar> and I also did one in PHP
<shevy> my $self = { _firstName => undef }:
<shevy> perl must die
<unrar> perl is oldie, very oldie
<shevy> but it's the grandpa of ruby, so we should be nicer to it
<unrar> i just played with it because of Programming Perl book
<shevy> PHP is ugly but it kind of dominates the www
<macer2> ^
<unrar> I like PHP for www, well, I preffer PHP that CGI with perl
<shevy> http://www.tiobe.com/index.php/content/paperinfo/tpci/index.html PHP higher ranked than both ruby and python :(
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<unrar> i'm doing some things in RoR, but i don't understand nothing
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<macer2> I hate php apps without mvc
<canton7> sinatra is lovely, if you haven't tried it
<shevy> ruby still has not surpassed perl ...
<macer2> print("<head>titlebabla</head"); mysql_query; again print html; mysql_query; print html
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<macer2> @_@
<shevy> unrar, RoR is complicated and Ruby is not a very simple language either
<unrar> and I don't understand anything, where does the "New Post" form comes of?
<unrar> I didn't create it!
<unrar> xD
<shevy> I think python is simpler than ruby
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<shevy> unrar rails assumes a lot of things
<unrar> Well, I understand Ruby, and I like it
<unrar> but I also like Python
<unrar> also Haskell
<shevy> then it is simple!
<unrar> but Haskell is very rare
<shevy> stick to python :)
<unrar> very very
<atmosx> I like Adriama Lima
<shevy> Haskell is very difficult
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<shevy> can you explain a monad in one human-readable sentence?
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<shevy> atmosx is that a taekwondo guy? :P
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<shevy> oh no... that was "Andre Lima"
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<atmosx> shevy: Nah, close call though http://adrianalimafan.net/
<atmosx> let's say she's 'good looking female'
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<unrar> shevy: I preffer Python for the "old-style" programming, but I preffer Ruby for OOP
<atmosx> old style meaning procedural?
<unrar> Well, I did more OOP things in Ruby that in Python
<atmosx> I need to learn C (some day in the future, when I grow old)
<unrar> yes, I didn't remember the word :P
<shevy> unrar, I really think the philosophy is the biggest difference
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<unrar> And where can I see the differences between the 2 philosophies?
<shevy> in ruby you can pass a block to any method
<shevy> in python... I dont know... decorators? can they do the same?
<unrar> I have Programming Perl 4th Edition, Learning Python 4th Edition, Programming Python 4th Edition
<unrar> but i have nothing of Ruby :(
<shevy> unrar, did you read the old interview from matz?
<atmosx> unrar pragmatic bookshelf
<shevy> from 2003
<unrar> nope, i came from Perl
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<shevy> unrar, http://www.artima.com/intv/rubyP.html I read it back then. I switched from PHP and considered both python and ruby. that interview made me choose ruby first, and I sticked with it
<unrar> I just started exploring Py a few months ago, and Ruby... I remembered Ruby yesterday lol
<shevy> matz = smart guy
<shevy> matz is writing on mruby nowadays... see https://github.com/mruby/mruby/ last commit 5 hours ago :)
<fowl> yes yes we all love Matz (PBUH)
<unrar> and what about Python philosophy, shevy?
<pen> ruby is much better in my opinion, as ruby can be flexible and easy to use but python is very verbose
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* atmosx <== smart guy too, funny also
<workmad3> minswar
<davidcelis> atmosx: nice try
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<workmad3> *minswan
<atmosx> davidcelis: oh c'mon, it was decent!
<unrar> pen: one of the things I dislike of Python is the... abuse of this
<unrar> *self
<shevy> unrar I dunno... guido's interviews were boring
<shevy> :P
<workmad3> atmosx: we need at least 3 written references and a character reference before we'll believe you're both nice and funny
<atmosx> unrar: I don't know if you noticed the logo, I mean a Python? isn't that twisted?
<unrar> always using self in OOP
<shevy> unrar my problem is ... python used to be a language that is fun
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<unrar> and the double underscore
<shevy> then came the transition shit between python 2 and python 3
<unrar> I hate the double underscore xD
<atmosx> workmad3: ruby-related?
<shevy> hehe
<shevy> __foo__ is not very elegant
<unrar> def __init__ (self)
<shevy> but ruby has awful things too
<shevy> @@foo
<unrar> underscores and selves
<shevy> I hate (self)
<shevy> hate hate hate
<workmad3> shevy: __send__ :P
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<shevy> yeah
<unrar> yes, @ is much pretty
<shevy> but __foo__ is not so bad compared to
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<shevy> def lalala(self, hi):
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<shevy> def blablablaomg(self,haha_self_again):
<workmad3> that said, __ wrapping is useful to avoid conflicts within the language
<unrar> def initialize (foo); @foo = foo; end
<shevy> def __wtfwtf__(self, damn_why_is_there_always_self)
<workmad3> but forcing the use within overrides... that's ugly
<unrar> hahaha
<uris> you don't always have to use self
<shevy> I can forgive python for using __ in method names... I can even forgive the mandatory : and the indent... but I can not forgive explicit self
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<uris> only if you need to access class properties
<shevy> basically all python OOP code I see has lots of (self)
<pen> unrar: yea, even python from google is very very verbose, it felt like an unfinished product in my opinion
<shevy> python is verbose?
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<unrar> I like the indent
<shevy> canvas = Canvas(width=300, height=300, bg='white')
<shevy> unrar, is this ruby code or python code ;)
<unrar> I preffer using just indent that { ... } or ... end
<uris> i like both python & ruby. Sometimes I feel like I'm in love with 2 women. :) luckily they are not jealous
<unrar> wait
<unrar> canvas isn't from HTML5?
<unrar> xD
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<shevy> unrar well you can give classes and methods quite about any name
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<shevy> and canvas is a common name for GUI stuff... gnome has libgnomecanvas I think
<unrar> But what I don't like of Python inden'ts is that you must indent, it'd be better just should indent
<unrar> i didn't touch never GUIs
<unrar> But i read that Python's GUIs are very pretty
<fowl> unrar: the indentation is limiting
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<unrar> but i never tested, i have to read Learning Python and Programming Python
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<unrar> but I haven't "Learning Ruby" or "Programming Ruby" :(
<fowl> unrar: for example in python you can't have a lambda that is more complicated than one expression
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<unrar> Isn't there any eBook with a good Ruby book?
<unrar> fowl: lambdas are those "x * x in x = 3" or something like that?
<unrar> there is something like that in Haskell, I think
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<fowl> being a rubyist, i thought maybe i could wrap the lambda in () like in almost every other programming language ever.. nope.
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<fowl> unrar: no lambdas are anonymous functions
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<Mon_Ouie> In Haskell it's \x -> x * 2
<shevy> wow
<shevy> I never knew that the indentation limited lambdas
<fowl> you use them like map(lambda x: x * 2, list)
<fowl> or maybe the other way around
<shevy> why did guido decide to use indent anyway?
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<nedbat> shevy: until you get to lambdas, it's not a problem, and then it really is.
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<fowl> shevy: i dunno but wherever you would be limited by indentation in nimrod you *can* wrap in () so its not a problem
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<nedbat> shevy: guido has already said that if he were to design a new language now, he wouldn't use indents, because it's a huge distraction. I don't know if he really meant it.
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<shevy> hmm
<nedbat> shevy: btw, I'm a pythonista, here b/c i'm learning about ruby, if you need someone to speak for the python mindset.
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<unrar> So, how can I learn more ruby
<uris> unrar: read a book, and write some code
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<uris> you might not even need a book: rubylearning.com
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<unrar> I love O'Reilly books, but they preffer Perl and Python :P
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<shevy> I see nedbat . I wanted to learn python, but this transition phase is no fun
<shevy> I will wait until python 2 is dead
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<davidcelis> like that will happen
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<unrar> Oh nedbat
<unrar> The thing i hate of Python is this version caos between 2.X and 3.X
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<shevy> davidcelis well in the long run
<shevy> I am sure it'll get better month by month
<davidcelis> shevy: i want to believe
<davidcelis> i want to
<doherty> How can I dump out the contents of some data structure or object in a human-readable way?
<shevy> doherty, require 'pp'; pp your_data_structure_object_here
<doherty> Thanks
<unrar> Well, i'll program something in Ruby and another something in Python and let's see :P
<nedbat> the 2.x/3.x chaos is difficult, it's true. Funny thing, is, reading about Ruby, it seemed like 1.8/1.9 wasn't so different.
<nedbat> shevy, unrar: I think python3 in production systems will be a reasonable thing this year.
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<shevy> nedbat yeah well. I think I'll give it a try perhaps end of 2012 or start of 2013 again. right now I dont have the motivation
<pen> I wish more people get to know ruby
<shevy> nedbat the only thing that changed really a LOT in ruby 1.9 was the Encoding stuff
<unrar> So nedbat, I want to learn Python better. The book(s) i have are for both 2 and 3 versions, what's better to learn?
<unrar> 3?
<pen> now it's an excuse to not use ruby because "no one" is using it
<shevy> the other syntax changes were not such a big problem... although I dont like the -> operator at all
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<pen> so sad
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<shevy> and require_relative stinks compared to plain require
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<nedbat> shevy: funny thing: you could summarize the py3 shift *exactly* the same way.
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<shevy> I found it is more serious in python
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<shevy> because a lot of old python code broke
<nedbat> shevy: how many ruby libraries/gems wouldn't work in ruby 1.9? that;'s the heart of tit.
<nedbat> *it
<shevy> even in build scripts, for i.e. xorg related libraries
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<shevy> that print "foo" vs. print("foo") thing alone
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<workmad3> shevy: require_relative sucks a lot less than '$:.unshift(File.dirname(__FILE__)); require "whatever" ' though :P
<nedbat> shevy: yes, py3 broke everything.
<shevy> workmad3, dunno. I'd rather do require 'foo' than require_relative 'foo' anywhere
<shevy> I would never use $:.unshift myself though
<shevy> this is ugly as hell
<nedbat> shevy: what percentage of gems broke with 1.9? Just a rough guess? 1%? 10%?
<workmad3> shevy: yeah... so what do you do if 'foo' isn't on the load path? :P
<davidcelis> h8rs
<shevy> workmad3, I happily append it via $: << File.dirname(__FILE__)
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<shevy> :D
<workmad3> shevy: ah, but what if you want to make sure *your* foo is found, and not a library foo?
<shevy> nedbat, can't really say... I think many gems broke
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<shevy> workmad3 hey... rubygems allows only one name for any library :(
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<shevy> I think that $: << File.dirname(__FILE__) is ugly too btw
<unrar> I don't know what to do!
<shevy> it's all not making me very happy
<shevy> unrar: did you read the interview?
<shevy> it's about the philosophy man!
<nedbat> unrar: use Python! :)
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<shevy> hehe
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<shevy> anyone using "jumper" like facilities in their shell? as in ... type only a few things to cd to any directory?
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<unrar> what python nedbat
<unrar> 2 or 3???
<unrar> xD
<workmad3> unrar: python 0.2!
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<nedbat> unrar: that depends on what you want to write, and when you want to write it.
<unrar> i want to learn :P
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<nedbat> unrar: the concepts are not so different between the two
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<shevy> unrar for me it is a bit difficult to switch now, because I maintain a few libraries and projects in ruby now
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<Spooner> shevy : Refusing to use unshift, rather tahn push, does mean it is much more likely to fail to load properly (since it will try to load your file in every gem before your lib). Most of the time it will work...
<shevy> they have become quite important in that I would try to maintain them in other languages too
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<shevy> dunno
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<mike4_> is ruby OO?
<shevy> I never use array.unshift
<shevy> though
<mike4_> lol
<shevy> I do use array[0,1] = "foo"
<nedbat> mike4_: almost everything these days is OO
<mike4_> seems so.
<Spooner> mike4_ : Ruby is more 00 than any other language I've heard of (which is not all).
<shevy> or array[-1,1] = "bla"
<shevy> mike4_, object.method("argument")
<nedbat> Spooner: smalltalk probably wins.
<mike4_> sounds nice. k
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<shevy> in php... $object->method("argument");
<Spooner> nedbat : I dunno. There is OO and OO. Ruby is at quite a different end of OO from most things.
<shevy> ruby is a bit prototypic too
<nedbat> Spooner: no doubt. i was just pointing out the language out beyond it.
<shevy> Struct.new
<mike4_> I was wanting to learn either PERL, Ruby, or Python. Im leaning for ruby, cuz its kinda popular.
<shevy> x = method(:bla)
<shevy> x.call
<shevy> introspection in the Io language was awesome though
<shevy> mike4_ hmm why perl?
<Spooner> mike4_ : Choose the one you prefer. They are all OO, to different extents.
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<shevy> ruby and python I can understand
<doherty> mike4_: Perl and Python are also very popular.
<Spooner> And all do the same sort of thing.
<shevy> yeah, they have very much overlapping niches
<doherty> mike4_: What do you plan on doing, aside from learning?
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<shevy> they are like brothers
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<shevy> even PHP
<mike4_> I see.
* Spooner kicks PHP until it bleeds.
<uris> OO is a programming paradigm, you can do OOP in almost any language
<shevy> yeah
<uris> just because a language supports OOP, doesn't mean your program is OO
<Spooner> Ruby/Python/Perl are somewhat supersets of PHP. PHP isn't a general purpose language and thus is extremely limited.
<shevy> and there are different ways to define it too
<uris> i've seen some shity stuff in ruby/java taht isn't OO
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<davidcelis> you should try object oriented brainfuck
<shevy> for me, I lean more towards the prototypic way to define OOP... but there are less prototypic based languages and their syntax is ALL crap...
<doherty> object oriented assembly :)
<shevy> Io uses := or =: for assignment (I forgot ) ... and = means "update slot"... I hate this :(
<Spooner> Actually, I've written ASM using OO concepts (I had data structures with "method" pointers and data in it). Really.
<shevy> data structures
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<shevy> data structures are a very important concept
<shevy> in OOP
<shevy> much more so than "how to define inheritance" in my opinion
<Spooner> shevy Do you mean Pascal? That has x := 1 (like our =) and x = 1 (like our ==)
* doherty enjoyed when the professor said "Obviously, a constructor has /no/ return type, or return value"
<fowl> Spooner: stop impressing me
<davidcelis> assembly does a good job of domain-specific problems, but i don't feel like it handles multiple inheritance very well out of the box
<doherty> Having built constructors before, I was like o______________________________________________________________O
<shevy> Spooner, hmm no... Io uses stuff like x := "foo" for assignment. And = for updating this variable... I think the last time I wrote anything in Pascal was in school... 15 years ago or some such :P
<Spooner> fowl It was a washing machine simulator. Mine had animated ascii art and OO. It was epic overengineering.
<davidcelis> Spooner: link
<fowl> lol a washing machine simulator thats a first i think
<davidcelis> Spooner: i once overengineered a Java program that made a bunch of turtles do the Can-Can... but that was long ago
<Spooner> A difference between assign and update? How very odd.
<uris> and workign in mars
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<Spooner> davidcelis : Sadly, it was a million years ago for a uni project. Code long since been eaten by time, I'm afraid.
<davidcelis> Spooner: yeah likewise
<davidcelis> wow i was about to say how awesome that JLouisRamblings blog looked
<davidcelis> and then realized it's just a fucking blogspot
<davidcelis> blogspot lookin' pretty good now
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<fowl> shevy: in io := is actually a shortcut for setSlot() if you show the code of the method you'll see that
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<fowl> getSlot("method") code
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<davidcelis> hahahahhahah RVM
* lupine_85 snuggles rvm
<davidcelis> shit like `time gem --version` doesn't work if you use RVM
<davidcelis> because it replaces `gem` with a function
<davidcelis> but then again, what the fuck doesn't RVM replace with a function
<nobitanobi> Trying to create a gem wrapper for the Yelp API. I have this: https://gist.github.com/3342596 — but getting 'uninitialized constant Yelpi::Client::Oauth' — What should I do to make it accessible?
<davidcelis> let's break UNIX. that sounds like a good idea
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<Spooner> nobitanobi : It is OAuth, not Oauth
<fowl> davidcelis: i hear you have to have ruby installed to install rvm, lul
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<Spooner> You need ruby installed to install pik (on Windows), which is nice :)
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* nobitanobi hides from Spooner
<nobitanobi> thanks.
<fowl> Spooner: at that point i would have already installed the latest ruby and dev kit and been done with it
<Spooner> fowl But if you have the latest ruby and dev kit, why use pik? :D
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<fowl> exactly
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<pen> :o
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<jrajav> macer2: What do you mean by gem install?
<macer2> installing gem for bot
<macer2> bot: gem install rails
<jrajav> Hm.
<jrajav> Sure, why not. I'll add it to the todo list
<jrajav> As long as someone doesn't go ahead and install ALL of them, that would probably fill up the partition :P
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<edmmd> he guys
<edmmd> my jekyll doesn't generate my new post
<edmmd> there is no error, if someone has any ideas ...
<jrajav> I have many ideas
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<davidcelis> >> RUBY_VERSION
<al2o3cr> (String) "1.9.3"
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<Spooner> edmmd : Tried in #jekyll?
<jrajav> davidcelis: Did you know that the bot's code is up on github now?
<davidcelis> jrajav: yep, saw it
<davidcelis> 4 space tabs
<davidcelis> tsk tsk
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<jrajav> Okay seriously does EVERYONE in here swear by 2 space tabs? :P
<davidcelis> yeah
<davidcelis> except shevy
<jrajav> And me
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<davidcelis> he uses 8 spaces
<micadeyeye> can't install oversip in Fedora. here is the error I keep getting - http://fpaste.org/1zoR/
<davidcelis> and by 8 spaces, i mean shevy uses two 4-space hard tabs
<jrajav> Which would be 16 spaces in vanilla vim
<jrajav> :P
<unrar> I think i'll preffer Ruby, I bought some books
<micadeyeye> kindly help!!\
<fowl> micadeyeye: do you have make? `which make`
<unrar> The Ruby Programming Language, Learning Ruby and Ruby's Cookbook
<jrajav> 2 spaces is just too confined for me. I don't find it as readable
<micadeyeye> fowl, [micadeyeye@micadeyeye opt]$ which make
<micadeyeye> /usr/bin/make
<TTilus> ive been thinking of switching to three spaces
<unrar> Or I also can use both python and ruby and stop this punishment
<unrar> :P
<TTilus> or one tab and a space
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<unrar> It's very instructive
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<jrajav> unrar: You can and should use several different languages for your own stuff
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<Spooner> ttilus Why not 3.5 spaces? That would be 3, 7, 10, 14 space indent levels (assuming #to_i, not #round on the numbers :D)
<fowl> micadeyeye: maybe there is something useful in /home/micadeyeye/.gem/ruby/1.9.1/gems/oversip-1.0.5/ext/stud/gem_make.out
<unrar> yeah
<unrar> But one question
<unrar> Ruby is "Dynamicaly typed", no?
<micadeyeye> fowl, http://fpaste.org/cZzO/
<unrar> So there aren't customized types as in C(++)?
<fowl> unrar: no types, classes.
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<jrajav> That's not what dynamically typed means, but no
<micadeyeye> [micadeyeye@micadeyeye opt]./home/micadeyeye/.gem/ruby/1.9.1/gems/oversip-1.0.5/ext/stud/gem_make.outt
<micadeyeye> bash: ./home/micadeyeye/.gem/ruby/1.9.1/gems/oversip-1.0.5/ext/stud/gem_make.out: No such file or directory
<jrajav> Yes to first, no to second
<micadeyeye> I don't know which of them you wanted.
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<fowl> micadeyeye: i dunno there's no useful info there, is there a mkmf.log somewhere?
<micadeyeye> nope
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<fowl> ill try to install and see if i get an error
<banseljaj> hey any of you guys know anything about RuGUI?
<micadeyeye> i just tried installing another app - compass - and it was successful.
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<unrar> jrajav: i'm spanish, i did a custom translation :P
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<unrar> What's dyanamically typed then?
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<unrar> and another question: what are the symbols for?
<Spooner> Can anyone help me with this: /home/spooner/scripts/something.rb:99 NonSpecificError: Something went wrong!
<fowl> micadeyeye: yep i get error too
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<fowl> micadeyeye: file an issue
<micadeyeye> hmm
<whalesalad> hey guys I am new to ruby, writing a data importer. right now my class loads some data as a property, and when I instantiate an object in the irb it prints all the data, what is called when you create a new object to represent it in the shell?
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<fowl> whalesalad: when you just type someobj it calls inspect() on it
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<TTilus> unrar: just remember dynamic=runtime, static=compiletime
<unrar> Why does irb crash if I use special characters as "ñ" or "á"¿
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<whalesalad> fowl: I defined a to_s method and that seems to help
<TTilus> unrar: and type system can very well have a dash of both features
<fowl> unrar: irb sucks. use Pry
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<unrar> what's pry?
<fowl> whalesalad: by default inspect() calls to_s()
<jrajav> Why does my bot crash if I use special characters though :(
<jrajav> >> "ñ"
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<al2o3cr> -e:1:in `eval': (eval):1: invalid multibyte char (US-ASCII) (SyntaxError), (eval):1: invalid multibyte char (US-ASCII), from -e:1:in `<main>'
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<fowl> unrar: a much improved repl/code explorer
<nedbat> unrar: dynamically typed means that names can take values of any type. Statically typed means a name can take on only some values.
<whalesalad> fowl: thanks a lot
<unrar> It happens with Python interpret also
<Spooner> jrajav : Because IRC is sending it UTF-8/16 and you are assuming it is ASCII?
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<fowl> unrar: http://pryrepl.org/
<jrajav> nedbat: That's not necessarily true, and it's overly simplified anyway
<jrajav> Spooner: *I* never assume an encoding, Cinch might
<micadeyeye> fowl, where?
<fowl> whalesalad: you should check out pry too it will speed up your learning to be able to type `show-doc String#scan` and have it right there
<micadeyeye> i don't know ruby bug tracker.
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<jrajav> Spooner: All I'm doing is calling 'print query' to the runner script's stdin, where query is the captured scriptlet that Cinch gives me (from the regex event)
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<Spooner> jrajav : I haven't used Cinch, so I haven't a clue about that.
<whalesalad> fowl: rad! I imagined there must be an improved irb.
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<fowl> micadeyeye: find the gem on http://rubygems.org/ click on homepage it will take you to the project's github page where you report issue
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<Spooner> fowl Hasn't banisterfiend managed to get Pry to replace irb in Ruby distros yet? Slacker!
<fowl> micadeyeye: i'd link you to the github page directly but i already forgot what the gem was called
<slyv> How would I be able get an unknown string in-between two characters, like: "<asdh>" I don't know what asdh would be, but I know it's in between < and >. I think scan might be able to do so, but I haven't quite figured it out.
<fowl> Spooner: i doubt it will, it has too many dependencies
<canton7> slyv, "yay <the thing> boo"[/<(.*?)>/, 1]
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<Spooner> slyv : "<asdh> <frog>".scan(/<([^>]+)>/).to_a
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<Spooner> Oops, don't need to to_a it.
<slyv> Ah, thank you so much!
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<apeiros_> slyv: you don't try to process html by regexen, do you?
<slyv> It's not html, I was just using <>'s as an example.
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<unrar> thanks fowl
<unrar> I like the gems system
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<jrajav> I still can't figure out where Cinch or my code is failing with unicode chars
<Spooner> slyv : You narrowly avoided being tarred and feathered there :P
<jrajav> Cinch seems to know about and handle encodings fine
<jrajav> (From the docs at least)
<slyv> lmao :P
<fowl> unrar: whalesalad also install pry-doc so you can show-source and get C sources
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<edmmd> Spooner: Yes, already tried
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<edmmd> :(
<clop> is it "fast" to create a string by repeatedly appending small amounts of text with +?
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<matti> clop: Not very efficient.
<Spooner> clop Use s = "frog"; s << "3" --- don't use s += "3"
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<clop> ah thanks, didn't know about <<
<eam> clop: it's because + doesn't append, it returns a new string object
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<matti> ;)
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<eam> Spooner: does << really behave differently from += though? Sounds like a bug
<Spooner> clop Ruby reallocates the string with s += "2" because it is really just doing s = s + "2" (+= is pure sugar, not a real operator)
<eam> ruby ought to optimize that
<Spooner> eam no, because it is doing what you asked it to :)
<eam> don't give me that -- failure to optimize is a bug
<Spooner> If you wanted to append, you'd use <<
<Spooner> So you don't.
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<eam> next you'll say gcc shouldn't find more efficient code to represent the functions I hand it
<eam> Spooner: you are wrong
<Mon_Ouie> Except += isn't equivalent to <<
<eam> the role of the compiler or interpreter is to optimize code to do what you say in the most efficient way possible
<eam> Mon_Ouie: how so?
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<davidcelis> eam: bro, += isn't the concatenation operator so why would it concatenate
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<eam> davidcelis: how does it differ?
<Mon_Ouie> += creates a new object — it doesn't affect old references to the other string
<davidcelis> they already told you
<Mon_Ouie> += is a syntax sugar for a = a + b, << is just a method call
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<eam> so the answer to "does it behave differently" is "yes"
<eam> not "no, but interpreters shouldn't optimize"
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<Spooner> They shouldn't alter what you ask them to do in order to optimise.
<eam> absolutely incorrect
<davidcelis> lol what
<davidcelis> so a programming language should do something OTHER than what i tell it to?
<davidcelis> seems legit
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<eam> davidcelis: to achieve the same effect within the definition of the language? absolutely
<eam> that is how optimization works
<Spooner> It isn't the same effect. You think it is, we think it isn't. It just happens that x += "frog" in C works one way, which doesn't mean it has to work the same in Ruby (in fact, the Ruby version makes a lot more sense).
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<eam> x += "frog" doesn't work at all in C
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<unrar> Isn't there an increment operator as x++=
<unrar> *?
<Spooner> unrar : Nope, just x += 1
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<Spooner> Sorry, C++
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<Spooner> where x is a string object, not a char* (if we want to be pedantic).
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<jrajav> x ++= wouldn't make a lot of sense, since ++ is a unary operator
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<eam> Spooner: again, I think you're missing the point. IF there are two equivalent methods, the language implementation should chose the most efficient
<Spooner> And it isn't the compiler magically optimising +=, there is a specific operator += that on a string "happens" to be implemented as append.
<eam> you seem to be missing the "IF" that I predicated all my statements upon
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<Spooner> You are the only person here who things they are equivalent in Ruby. They aren't which is why they behave differently.
<eam> Spooner: I did not say they were
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<eam> I asked, and you gave the wrong answer
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<Spooner> I now realise why the other peopel trying to correct you gave up a long time before me :)
<eam> I'm in agreement with them
<eam> our only issue is that you seem to believe that interpreters or compilers should not optimize
<Spooner> I never said that, but I'm done.
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<eam> well, next time when someone says "if X is so,then Y" you might want to address X before starting an argument about Y
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<unrar> jrajav: I meant "x++?"
<wmoxam> lol
<unrar> but i wrote "x++=" for error :P
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* wmoxam read the backscroll
<unrar> i'm now discovering that Ruby is better than Python
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<wmoxam> unrar: how so?
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<unrar> i.e, "Actually the counter is #{x}" in python is "Actually the counter is "+str(x) or "Actually, the counter is %s" % (x)
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<jrajav> >> "Ruby".length < "Python".length
<al2o3cr> (TrueClass) true
<jrajav> This clearly shows that Ruby is more efficient
<wmoxam> unrar: it's probably more sugary
<wmoxam> 'better' is pretty subjective
<Spooner> unrar : It is both of those in Ruby too ("Actually the counter is "+x.to_s OR "Actually, the counter is %s" % x)
<fowl> unrar: ruby also has String#%
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<unrar> But in Python there isn't #{x}, no?
<jrajav> unrar: I actually like the simplicity of only having + in Javascript (I don't use Python)
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<jrajav> That doesn't mean I won't use #{} in Ruby of course :P
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<Denommus> the more I read about Lisp, more I think Ruby is a valid Lisp
<whalesalad> what is preferred in a class method, @blah or self.blah ?
<canton7> yeah, but JS's weak typing makes that lowly + a minefield if you're not wary
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<apeiros_> Spooner: don't feel too bad. it's certainly a broken optimization when the interpreter suddenly mutates an object instead of creating a new one (which I'd assume is what you meant by "it shouldn't change what I tell it to do")
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<unrar> wmoxam: yes, in somethings (as OOP) Ruby is better (for me) and in other things (i don't discovered them yet) Python is better (for me, I suppose)
<apeiros_> (or rather: it'd be a broken optimization - since luckily, ruby doesn't do that)
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<jrajav> I've heard Python is better for functional programming
<wmoxam> unrar: Python has better library support IMO, especially with things like GUI libs
<Denommus> everybody says "but Lisp's basic data is a list, and even the code is a list and blah blah blah". But, as far as I used Ruby, the same is truth for Ruby and objects. Everything is an object in Ruby, and you can manipulate everything as such
<Spooner> apeiros_ : Indeed. We were comparing apples and oranges a bit there :)
<fowl> you can be functional in ruby
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<fowl> just define functions outside of a class
<unrar> woo
<unrar> I don't know, i'm starting to like Ruby
<Denommus> jrajav: that's a lie. Ruby has a lot of support for functional programming
<unrar> let it discover itself :P
<fowl> i used to love to write functional things and pester #ruby-lang with them
<Denommus> jrajav: you can pass a function to other with procs, lambdas or blocks. Each of them acts differently. It's awesome
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<Spooner> unrar : The thing from your example that gets me is str(x) vs x.to_s. The former is a built in method. The latter is a method that you can override in your classes to produce exactly what you want (I admit it is possible that str(x) calls something like __please_make_yourself_into_a_string__ in Python, but it is more direct in Ruby).
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<wmoxam> I heard that Ruby has a lot of support for not scaling
<apeiros_> lol
<shevy> davidcelis I gave up on tabs forever. 2 spaces are my indent level until I die
* wmoxam trolls
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<shevy> unrar Did you read the interview?
<fowl> lol wmoxam
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<unrar> yes shevy
<apeiros_> wmoxam: yeah, but just do Scaling.remove_const(:FullyBlocked)
<unrar> a little part :P
<shevy> ok :)
<shevy> whaaat!
<unrar> hahahah
<shevy> it's the philosophy man! that is more important than 100 specific tutorials!
<Spooner> wmoxam : Not as much as it has a lot of support for real-time applications (the GC is pretty much perfect for games, for example).
<unrar> i'll read it then, i'm doing kindle things now
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<unrar> i have 3 Ruby books in my kindle :P
<shevy> unrar \o/
<wmoxam> ;)
<apeiros_> Spooner: you should talk with whitequark
<shevy> way too much
<unrar> haha
<shevy> the interview is only like 4 DinA4 pages
<unrar> and 2 Python books
<Spooner> Oops, I mean CRuby GC :)
<Denommus> wmoxam: just like MongoDB scales better. You know, because it's dynamic. Because when we talk about DB's being dynamic is better. But being static is better with languages. Shut up, it makes sense
<apeiros_> he's working on getting ruby (or actually a derivative) on embedded systems
<unrar> and 2 Perl books
<unrar> Ruby wins!
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<Spooner> apeiros_ : whitequark?
<apeiros_> I'm not quite sure how he gets around with the memory constraints…
<apeiros_> yes
<Spooner> Oh, I see.
<Spooner> Sounds like hell.
<apeiros_> sounds like shitloads of fun :)
<unrar> oops no, i just have 2 python
<apeiros_> I'd love to do such stuff on paid time…
<unrar> 2 ruby an 2 perl
<unrar> 2 for everybody
<unrar> Learning Perl&Python, Programming Perl&Python, The Ruby Programming Language, Ruby Cookbook
<wmoxam> "I'll often drop down to node.js if I really need to be close to the metal"
<unrar> What's node.js?
<unrar> I read it somewere
<unrar> *somewhere
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<wmoxam> unrar: It scales
<wmoxam> Obviously
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<Denommus> Perl is the perfect language, if you want to write hieroglyphs
<Denommus> the second line was an accident, sorry
<fowl> Denommus: flog yourself
<Spooner> We inherited enough hieroglyphs from Perl to do OK in Ruby.
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<wmoxam> see, the new hottness is build MongoDB backed node.js app on your ArchLinux laptop using xmonad, tmux, zsh and vim
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<unrar> I know Denommus :P
<unrar> I just have it because it's a very famous book...
<dr_bob> Denommus, are you saying the old Egyptians invented Perl?
<unrar> Programming Perl is The Cammel Book xD
<wmoxam> if you aren't doing that you're old and behind the times and obviously know nothing
<Denommus> dr_bob: yes. They based themselves on Lisp
<dr_bob> wmoxam, Socrates already proved that we do know nothing. So nothing new there.
<Denommus> wmoxam: ok, now I'm offended. I love ArchLinux XD
<eam> I wish ruby's scoping capabilities were as clear and powerful as perl's
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<dr_bob> eam, what are you missing?
<wmoxam> Denommus: http://reddit.com/r/unixporn
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<wmoxam> there you go
<jrajav> unrar: It's the V8 engine running standalone, basically
<wmoxam> don't jizz on your monitor too much
<flori> ruby isn't that different from Perl, see [ 1,2,3 ].map &-> _ { _ + 1 }
<jrajav> unrar: Plus Node.js, which is some additions for filesystem, network access, etc.
<eam> dr_bob: clear, readable scope declaration. Doesn't exist at all in 1.8, and it's ugly in 1.9
<Denommus> wmoxam: I want to have your children
<jrajav> unrar: Basically the server-side stuff that Javascript is missing
<wmoxam> Denommus: probably not. I run Ubuntu+Unity
<eam> it's horrifying that in 1.8 you can't pass a block without potentially stomping on variables in the containing scope
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<Denommus> wmoxam: now I can abort your children
<Denommus> *I want to
<wmoxam> lolz
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<jrajav> unrar: The hype about "scaling" is mainly because it makes it very natural to write blocking code asynchronously, and also that the V8 engine is ridiculously fast
<dr_bob> eam, Ruby has Modules and Classes which server as namespaces, def and begin end and do end. It did not really change much between 1.8 and 1.9 - only semtics of blcoks were changed in 1.9 - to the better
<eam> dr_bob: the 1.9 fix of do |a,b,c;x,y,z| is not great
<fowl> wmoxam: i've also heard that any technological discussions and opinions on reddit are worthless, instead we trust in the folks on hackernews
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<jrajav> Denommus: I don't remember saying "Ruby doesn't have functional programming"
<eam> dr_bob: and AFAIK it's still not possible to declare variables local to an arbitrary scope in 1.9
<Denommus> wmoxam: no, seriously, I love Ubuntu, too. My home computer runs it. But my personal notebook runs Arch because it runs *exactly* how I want it to run
<wmoxam> fowl: I may have helped spread those rumours. I take it all back now
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<eam> eg, in perl I can start a block with { and say my $foo; } and scope to a block
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<fowl> wmoxam: i dont disagree about the reddit part but the hackernews fanboyism kills me
<jrajav> Denommus: But that's not necessarily clear-cut either; not everyone thinks that lambdas and first-class functions are all you need for functional programming
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<Denommus> jrajav: you didn't say. But I see Python and Ruby as equivalent on functional programming. But this thing about blocking overriding local variables is indeed awful :(
<wmoxam> Denommus: yeah, I ran Arch a while back. It can be fun. In general I don't like Linux on laptops (just run it on a desktop)
<dr_bob> eam, I really don't miss anything. You could look at it from another perspective: too good scoping constructs will invite people to write long methods with a lot nested scopes. That isn't good for readability.
<wmoxam> basically don't like how it sucks a battery dry :p
<Denommus> wmoxam: one of the reasons I decided for it was awesome wm: http://awesome.naquadah.org/
<Denommus> wmoxam: it's great on laptops without a proper mouse
<jrajav> You can't run awesome on ubuntu?
<wmoxam> fowl: HN *was* good for a while, but like every other tech discussion community it rapidly went downhill
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<eam> dr_bob: right now in 1.8 I can't make a loop-local variable at all, safely
<wmoxam> Denommus: yeah, I ran awesome for a while
<eam> frankly it's nuts
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<Denommus> jravjav: you can. But taking an empty distro and configuring was better than taking Unity out of Ubuntu :)
<wmoxam> Denommus: and Ion before that
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<eam> dr_bob: and I don't think ruby has much room to talk regarding readability and lack of glyphs when its only scoping declaration is |,;,|
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<Denommus> jrajav: I didn't say it was all you need, but Ruby is not lacking much compared to Python
<eam> I'll take my() any day of the week when it comes to clear, glyph-free readable syntax
<unrar> Look look
<unrar> :3
<fowl> eam: you might have heard but 1.8 is old, slow, and not being updated any more
<fowl> eam: also when you do x = 4 that is a local variable so what are you talking about the only scoping being |,,|
<eam> fowl: and it's probably 90% or more of existing installations, and is the ruby shipped with every major distro
<unrar> I love Ruby yes yes I love it
<unrar> :·3
<eam> fowl: and |,;,| is 1.9
<eam> not 1.8
* unrar is so excited
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<eam> it's even uglier and less readable
<matti> Hmmm...
<jrajav> Denommus: I don't know anything about Python; all I said was that "I've heard it's better for functional programming," as a response to someone asking what Ruby and Python are better for in comparison
<fowl> eam: huh? whats that syntax called
<fowl> eam: i want to google it but |,;,| isnt going to fly
<jrajav> I've always been meaning to try Python someday but other things have always seemed more interesting
<eam> fowl: it's how 1.9 allows you to declare a block scoped variable
<dr_bob> eam, quoting Perl for "clear, glyph-free readable syntax" is kind of funny...
<Denommus> jrajav: so I don't think we can discuss much about the subject. I know a bunch about Python, but not enough
<matti> Anyone looks for Ruby / Systems person perhaps?
<eam> dr_bob: truth is stranger than fiction
<jrajav> I know a bunch about functional programming, but not enough about either Ruby or Python to comment either
<fowl> you dont have to declare a block scoped variable...
<eam> fowl: if you don't, you clobber the parent scope
<Denommus> jrajav: now I'm taking a look at emacs Lisp. Makes me wish for emacs rewritten in Ruby. Lisp is awesome, but ugly
<eam> fowl: that's the source of the complaint -- ruby has very poor scoping mechanisms
<fowl> proc { x = 5 } <- x is local to the block
<jrajav> You don't think curves are sexy?
<jrajav> :P
<eam> fowl: it clobbers x if it happens to exist outside the block
<eam> that's the problem
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<eam> you can't scope
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<fowl> ah, so it does
<Mon_Ouie> Here's a funny thing: def let; yield; end
<eam> 1.9 added a semicolon to the || variable definition syntax to hack around this issue
<Mon_Ouie> x = 5; let { |x = 3| puts x }; puts x
<matti> Mon_Ouie ;-)
<eam> Mon_Ouie: yes. And I would much rather have a normal scope function
<macer1> hmm
<macer1> is there some lib
<unrar> What's let?
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<macer1> to convert bash ansi escapes colors
<macer1> to html?
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<eam> something generic and non-specialized
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<Mon_Ouie> unrar: Common syntax for creating variables restricted to a certain scope in many languages
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<Denommus> Mon_Ouie: I would find awesome to have it embedded in main Ruby
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<apeiros_> dunno, but if you've got troubles separating your local variables, you have another problem (but yes, I agree that there are issues with the way rubys scoping works, but more than scoping, with the way its closures work)
<Denommus> unrar: it's something based on Lisp. You use let to create local variables inside of that block.
<unrar> I never used Lisp :P
<eam> well, it's not just "based on lisp" -- pretty much all mature languages have the ability to declare variables with a scope
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<eam> eg C's stack variables
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<Denommus> eam: Lisp started it, as far as I know
<Denommus> eam: Lisp is older than C
<macer1> if I have some exception
<eam> ruby's syntax is derived from C, as is Perl's and most other languages with a generic procedural syntax involving blocks
<macer1> how can I check from which class is it
<eam> in C, a {} pair allows you to manipulate the stack
<Mon_Ouie> An exception is a regular object
<Mon_Ouie> You can use #class, etc. on it
<macer1> no no
<macer1> I mean
<eam> and create temporary variables on the stack, which are popped off when the {} scope is exited
<macer1> i.e class Encryption raised exception
<Mon_Ouie> A class doesn't raise an exception
<macer1> I want to know it was that class or no
<macer1> -_-
<macer1> from which class is code
<macer1> ...
<Denommus> macer1: you can check the stack message to know where the exception came from
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<eam> eg { int a; // variable is on the stack, and is freed when block ends }
<macer1> I know
<macer1> I see
<macer1> from encryption.rb
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<macer1> but parsing stacktraces is not a good idea
<eam> higher level languages like ruby or perl approximate this scoping behavior, but the way ruby does it is arguably buggy
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<eam> or, at the very least ugly
<apeiros_> eam: first thing to do is probably to realize that the only thing rubys blocks and C's blocks share are the name and the {}
<fowl> you can avoid name clashes if you try *really hard*
<Mon_Ouie> Are you trying to do something different depending on the source of the exception?
<fowl> lol..
<eam> apeiros_: that's right
<eam> and it's unfortunate
<apeiros_> and the second thing is to stop trying to think of trying to use ruby as if it was C. if you want C, use C.
<apeiros_> no, no, that part is certainly not.
<apeiros_> again, if you've got trouble with your local variables, you're already knee-deep in bad code.
<eam> to be clear, you're saying it's not unfortunate that ruby 1.8 cannot declare scoped variables?
<apeiros_> and blaming the language for not giving you tools to deal with bad code… well… that's just stupid.
<Denommus> eam: I don't think so. Ruby is for Rubyists. I love both C and Ruby. If I want something with C style, I'll use C, if I want something with Ruby style, I'll use Ruby
<eam> and you're saying the |,;,| syntax addition in 1.9 isn't ugly as sin?
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<apeiros_> eam: your claim is wrong.
<eam> Denommus: ruby is a C style language, that is its heritage
<apeiros_> eam: ruby HAS scoped variables. even in 1.8.
<apeiros_> but you're clinging on blocks.
<eam> apeiros_: not fully generic
<apeiros_> yeah, not a problem.
<jrajav> Ruby is a C style language?
<jrajav> lol
<eam> there are many contexts where they cannot be created
<Denommus> eam: no, Ruby is a Lisp/Smalltalk style language. There is very little similar to C
<apeiros_> again, not a problem. unless you try to pretend ruby was C.
<eam> Denommus: haha
<apeiros_> it isn't. get your head around it and move on.
<fowl> Denommus: uhh you're forgetting the braces brah!
<eam> Denommus: have you ever *used* either of those?
<infinitiguy> quick question - if I call a function in ruby say.. myfunction()
<infinitiguy> if I put content between the parens …. myfunction(hello)
<Mon_Ouie> Someone is going to say it isn't a function
<infinitiguy> what is hello called and how is it referenced?
<eam> Denommus: or do you just read blogs and parrot them?
<macer1> if exception.fromclass == Encryption; puts "OMGOMG ENCRYPTION ERROR!"
* apeiros_ hopes Mon_Ouie is that someone :)
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<Denommus> eam: yes. I'm an emacs user, and I checked a little on Smalltalk. And hell, even Matz admits the similarities
<jrajav> eam: You seem to be basing your arguments entirely on syntactic elements
<Mon_Ouie> infinitiguy: It's a method, not a function ;)
<apeiros_> hurray! :D
<infinitiguy> whoops :)
<eam> jrajav: hardly
<Denommus> eam: the fact that Ruby uses "{ }" does not makes Ruby similar to C. It's not similar. At all
<jrajav> So which of Ruby's semantics do you find to be similar to C
<eam> Denommus: it has nothing to do with {}
<Mon_Ouie> macer1: In that case, you shouldn't be checking the source of the Exception, you should be using a different kind of exception
<apeiros_> Denommus: but but but it uses = for assignment too!!!
<fowl> infinitiguy: by what is it called do you mean what is it refered to by in the myfunction() method?
<macer1> hmmm
<macer1> ohh
<eam> Denommus: pascal is also a C family language, and does not have {}
<macer1> class EncryptionError < Exception;end
<jrajav> Ruby also uses () to delimit function arguments!
<macer1> is that good?
<infinitiguy> yes - so I want to be able to say mymethod(hello) and then assign hello to some variable inside of mymethod to do something with
<fowl> infinitiguy: def myfunction(zoot) <- it's called zoot
<Mon_Ouie> No, use StandardError
<infinitiguy> in my case - enable or disable an api object
<macer1> why?
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<macer1> maybe I want some other exceptions...
<Denommus> eam: the only thing similar between them is that both of them are procedural. But this does not have anything to do with C
<macer1> rescue that then that rescue other then sthing other
<Mon_Ouie> rescue without specifying a class is rescue StandarError, not rescue Exception
<macer1> >.>
<infinitiguy> currently in my def I only have def mymethod() nothing defined along with it
<eam> Denommus: you are completely wrong, but this argument isn't worth pursuing
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<fowl> infinitiguy: then you cannot pass it any arguments, you'll get argumenterror because it expects none but you passed it one
<lectrick> Is there any way to have a def...end return the symbolized method name? That way I could just do >>> private def methodname; ...; end And it all works sweet.
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<eam> Denommus: most of the languages ruby is based on, of which perl is one, are in turn derived in no small part from C and C style syntax
<eam> if that sounds wrong to you, you likely lack historical perspective
<Denommus> eam: so, how are you right? You didn't explain what are the similarities between the languages. The internals are different, the style is different, the way you treat code is different
<wmoxam> eam: C is just an Algol style language
<eam> wmoxam: sure
<fowl> who cares
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<eam> fowl: I agree, this is a red herring
<fowl> eam: your point is moot and you will change nothing by droning on about it
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<eam> fowl: which point?
<fowl> all of them
<whalesalad> guys how can this be rewritten as a one liner?
<eam> fowl: the scoping issue is moot?
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<fowl> yes, lets talk about our favorite celebrity instead
<eam> seems off topic
<Synthead> why doesn't this match? '20120808154946.jpg'.match(/\A[0-9]{14}\.pdf\z/)
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<Denommus> eam: Ruby is not similar to C. There are A LOT of things that you can do in Ruby that you can't do as easily in C, and vice-versa
<infinitiguy> right - but if I def mymethod(somevarname) and then when I call it do.. mymethod(differentvalue) if within mymethod should I be able to puts somevarname and get "differentvalue" as the result
<wmoxam> fowl: OMG, did you see Miley's new haircut
<wmoxam> ?
<eam> Denommus: you are missing the point by at least a mile
<slyv> Is there an easy way to remove accents from a string?
<Synthead> oh damn, I did .pdf
<wmoxam> Edgey and cute
<fowl> wmoxam: link plz
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<apeiros_> Denommus: you can construct an almost arbitrarily long list of similarities and dissimilarities between ruby and C. it's really not worth to pursue it.
<eam> Denommus: here you go
<Denommus> eam: because you didn't explain your point. The fact that they share some family does not mean much. Java is also from C family, but what does Java has to do with Ruby?
<eam> Denommus: java is from the C family? But "Java is not similar to C. There are A LOT of things that you can do in Java that you can't do as easily in C, and vice-versa"
<apeiros_> eam: rubys similarity or dissimilarity to/with C is irrelevant. ruby *is not* C. there's nothing really more to say about that part.
<eam> Denommus: do you see why this argument isn't worth pursuing?
<eam> your entire position is fallacious
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<eam> I would rather talk about the subject *I* introduced, which is the lack of proper scoping in ruby
<fowl> wmoxam: she looks like she got in a fight with a barber and the barber won
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<wmoxam> fowl: it's hip and edgey. It's got the twitters abuzz
<wmoxam> I want to be like her when I grow up
<apeiros_> eam: and your position on ruby lacking proper scoping is entirely fallacious
<eam> apeiros_: how so?
<apeiros_> it has proper scoping.
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<eam> ok, how do I declare a variable as scoped to its containing block?
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<apeiros_> def foo; x = 1; end
<apeiros_> voilà, x is scope only and only to the method foo
<Denommus> eam: but that's exactly my point. The fact that Java is "derived" from C does not mean much
<eam> that's a function. How do I do it for 5.times do end ?
<eam> Denommus: this conversation has ended
<apeiros_> eam: same
<eam> apeiros_: that's not correct
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<apeiros_> you're very much mistaken
<apeiros_> def foo; x=1; 5.times do … end; end # x is still scoped, properly
<eam> apeiros_: I explained this to fowl above
<eam> that is incorrect, x exists outside the loop scope
<apeiros_> eam: yes, I'm aware. your claim is still wrong.
<eam> you will change the variable "x" if it exists outside the loop
<apeiros_> you're making a broad claim which is wrong. you have an issue with how blocks work
<eam> I have an issue with lack of scoping
<apeiros_> that's an *entirely* different proposition from *not having proper scoping*
<Denommus> eam: I still don't understand your complaining about scoping. Could you post some example explaining what's happening?
<apeiros_> eam: yes, and you're making completely wrong claims about it.
<eam> Denommus: x = 5; 1.times do x = 6; end; puts x
<eam> the "x" is not scoped to the do/end block
<wmoxam> eam: nor should it be
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<eam> ruby 1.9 introduces the |;| syntax for this
<Denommus> eam: oh, now I get it. So, what's the issue?
<eam> but it's ugly
<apeiros_> eam: and again, for probably the third time - if you run into troubles with how the scoping of blocks works (and that'd be the closure part, which again is a different beast and until apple introduced it was absent from C entirely) you're already knee-deep in bad code
<Denommus> eam: try let
<eam> Denommus: the issue is in defining a proper scope. The reason languages have scope is to prevent change outside of the intended context (I can't believe I'm explaining this)
<savage-> Any popular tools that you guys recommend to diagnose memory leaks in 1.9.3?
<savage-> Most of the good tools seem to be 1.8.x only.
<apeiros_> eam: no, it's you having an issue because you fail at coding and blame the tool for it.
<eam> apeiros_: sorry, instead of resorting to ad-hom attacks could you explain your issue? What is the failure?
<apeiros_> sorry, bad if you need a hand-holding language, ruby may be the wrong tool. it allows to shoot your foot in a thousand ways.
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<Denommus> eam: ruby's blocks work as closures. Closures have access to the variables on the declaring scope. But, if you want to protect your variables, try this
<eam> apeiros_: I asked you a very clear question "how can this be scoped" and the code you provided fails to create a scope
<apeiros_> eam: show me an example where your claim matters.
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<apeiros_> eam: incorrect. x was scoped. to the method.
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<Denommus> def let; yield; end; def foo; x = 5; let { |x| x=6; puts x }; puts x; end
<eam> apeiros_: yes, and I am talking about block scope
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<apeiros_> eam: which - again - is irrelevant.
<eam> apeiros_: it's not irrelevant, it's the subject
<apeiros_> you want a hammer to be a screwdriver. it isn't.
<eam> apeiros_: you seem to be having a conversation unrelated to the one Denommus and I are having, perhaps you should have it elsewhere?
<apeiros_> eam: you claimed the subject was "lack of proper scoping"
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<fowl> christ
<apeiros_> you didn't claim the subject to be "lack of procs that can scope"
<eam> Denommus: yes, exactly
<fowl> eam you have no tact
<eam> Denommus: you can also do it with |;x| in ruby 1.9
<apeiros_> eam: but interesting how you did not come up yet with an example where it'd matter.
<eam> Denommus: the problem is that it is *ugly*
<apeiros_> but I guess I'm feeding a troll anyway.
<aaroncm> 'lack of proper scoping' == 'I dont like the way the scoping works'
<wmoxam> eam is a good troll. Been at this for an hour or so
<Denommus> eam: |;| may be ugly, but the "fix" is easy. But I really think "let" should be adopted as a standard
<apeiros_> aaroncm: exactly.
<eam> apeiros_: if you don't understand why scoping is important I don't think I can help you
<jrajav> Wow Denommus, you're screwing up a lot today. Continuing conversations eam has ended, not providing code that does precisely what eam vaguely defines
<eam> Denommus: I agree!
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<eam> Denommus: and I'm not sure why folks like apeiros_ are so against the idea
<eam> it's bizarre
<apeiros_> eam: lol, *I* don't need help
<apeiros_> eam: you're the one who's troubled with rubys scoping.
<fowl> get some damn tact
<fowl> forget about ruby
<fowl> learn how to talk to people
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<eam> it's almost as if there's a fear of acknowledging that ruby syntax might not be beautiful or perfect
<Denommus> eam: I don't think that |;| is exactly bizarre, but I can't disagree because this is subjective. But it is an easy fix, so I don't see why this should be a problem
<apeiros_> eam: um, no. but I say your issue is only an issue if you're badly coding already. so where's your example?
<eam> Denommus: well, this subject came up because people were complaining about Perl and obscure ]glyphs
<aaroncm> eam: or people just don't have a problem with it like you do. this is not a reason to impugn their motives.
<eam> Denommus: so, put it in that context
<Denommus> eam: that's a common programming trope
<jrajav> Perl's problem is not obscure glyphs
<Denommus> eam: just like Lisp's ))))))))))
<eam> Denommus: I agree
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<eam> Denommus: my only point -- a reasonable point -- is that ruby has lots of ugly corners with obscure glyphs. And there are more than a few cases where Perl can express the same thing in a more readable fashion
<eam> the example I offered was variable scope
<eam> and for some reason, this demonstrably true point caused quite a bit of upset
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<apeiros_> "demonstrably" - follow suit and demonstrate.
<infinitiguy> I got variables passed through a method working - how can I get the value of a variable out of a method and into another method?
<eam> fowl: and by the way, I would say the same to others in this channel, regarding tact. Especially apeiros_
<apeiros_> with a nice example in code. lets see.
<infinitiguy> i tried return variablename but that didn't seem to do it
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<slyv> Hey, is there a simple way to remove accents from a string?
<Denommus> eam: uh... I just tested it. x = 5; 10.times { |x| puts x }; puts x
<eam> Denommus: remove the ||
<jrajav> infinitiguy: Paste all of the relevant code if you can
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<apeiros_> translation: Denommus: tell the language to not do what you want it to do and see how it does not do what you want it to do!
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<jrajav> >> def func(var) return var end; func(3)
<al2o3cr> (Fixnum) 3
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<jrajav> Looks like return works fine to me
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<eam> Denommus: the issue is variables not set in ||, for example a temporary variable -- like 10.times { |x| y = x * x; puts y };
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<Denommus> eam: oh. Right. If that's an issue for you, what could I do?
<eam> Denommus: in ruby 1.8, both stomp on x
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<infinitiguy> will do - 1 minute
<eam> Denommus: I am merely suggesting that ruby ought to have variable declaration, for the same reason that other properly structured languages have it
<eam> and that its current implementation is buggy in 1.8, and fixed with ugly syntax in 1.9
<aaroncm> there's that p-word again
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<Mon_Ouie> slyv: I'd suggest using Iconv for that
<apeiros_> 21:27 eam: Denommus: the issue is variables not set in ||, for example a temporary variable -- like 10.times { |x| y = x * x; puts y };
<Mon_Ouie> Iconv.conv("ASCI//TRANSLIT", "UTF-8", string)
<eam> the only reason I brought this up is because of the ignorant comments about glyphs in perl from above
<apeiros_> eam: so you claim x is being overridden?
<apeiros_> eam: or is your claim that y exists after the block?
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<apeiros_> because both are demonstrably false.
<eam> apeiros_: it depends on whether you are using 1.8 or 1.9
<krzysz00> How do I read something thats been 'pp'ed to a file.
<krzysz00> *?
<infinitiguy> I get an undefined local variable when I try to puts fun (my variable) or call a method something (different method trying to access variable fun defined in a previous method).
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<slyv> @jrajav: I had tried that, didn't' seem to work for me but I'll look at it again.
<Mon_Ouie> You want to get back the object?
<jrajav> slyv: Listen to Mon_Ouie
<Denommus> apeiros_: his claim is that you can't "declare" the variable inside of the |x|. I don't think that's an issue for most of rubyists, so it's not worth of discussing
<fowl> krzysz00: cat the file?
<Denommus> sorry, ||
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<krzysz00> Yes, I want the array (of arrays, and hashes)) back.
<eam> Denommus: you can in 1.9
<apeiros_> Denommus: I agree. and it's what I said before. if it becomes an issue, you're already knee-deep in bad code.
<apeiros_> said that time and time before.
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<Denommus> eam: how so? I couldn't manage to
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<apeiros_> because the only real case where it becomes an issue is when you have lvar-creep.
<apeiros_> which in turn only happens if you have huge methods
<apeiros_> Denommus: and of course, eam failed to provide a practical example where it mattered.
<fowl> krzysz00: if you're storing objects for later you should marshal them
<apeiros_> and honestly, I don't expect him to. chances that he's a troll are stellar.
<slyv> @Mon_Ouie: I get an error: "invalid encoding ("ASCI", "UTF-8")" when I try that.
<eam> I did fail to provide a full explanation of why scope matters
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<krzysz00> Catting the file in would work, probably.
<apeiros_> eam: it was never about scope
<eam> it's not something I'm up for explaining, especially not to this crowd
<apeiros_> eam: it was always about the scope of blocks
<Denommus> I just don't think this discussion is worth of the effort. It's an issue for him, but we don't see it as an issue
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<apeiros_> different thing, but seems you lack the competence to grasp that difference.
<slyv> As well as: "iconv will be deprecated in the future, use String#encode instead."
<jrajav> "This crowd"
<jrajav> Yup troll
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<apeiros_> anyway, I think majority thinks this is trolling.
<eam> apeiros_: there's no need to namecall
<fowl> eam: try #ruby-lang
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<apeiros_> eam: oh dear, clean up in front of your own house before whining.
<fowl> eam: zenspider will talk to you for hours on this
<jrajav> eam: You're treating literally everyone except you in the room antagonistically
<aaroncm> eam: you'll probably be better off going away then, and go write a blog post about how the ruby community won't listen to criticism of the one true holy language.
<jrajav> Pretty sure that's the definition of trolling
<eam> jrajav: that is not true
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<eam> I've been respectful and patient
<jrajav> [14:32] <eam> it's not something I'm up for explaining, especially not to this crowd
<eam> jrajav: I'm not up for it
<krzysz00> I didn't know about Marshal, thanks.
<infinitiguy> it sounds like what I might be looking for to be able to share variables between methods is a module
<infinitiguy> does that sound right?
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<fowl> krzysz00: pp (prettyprint) is really only for outputting, marshal is the way to go :)
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<shevy> infinitiguy, if you are in a class, use @foo variables
<Denommus> jrajav: I don't think that's trolling. Trolling is when you are polemic only for the sake of seeing people getting irritated. He just has a point that is irrelevant for most of us
<eam> apeiros_: if you want to ban me for pointing out that you insulted me, go ahead
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<apeiros_> eam: mimimi
<shevy> class Foo; def test; @foo = 5; end; def bla; @foo += 3; end; end; x = Foo.new; x.test; x.bla
<davidcelis> indeed, go ahead
<infinitiguy> what if I haven't defined a class? I've only been defining methods and then the plan was to require the rb file that contains the methods
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<aaroncm> infinitiguy: I think you might be engaged in an x-y problem here. you might be better off describing what you really want to do.
<jrajav> Are we going to start debating the definition of trolling now? :P
<shevy> infinitiguy then you can use @foo too
<jrajav> That would pull this conversation into pretty meta territory
<wmoxam> please remove the troll
<shevy> you could also use $global variables
<davidcelis> ^
<infinitiguy> I wanted to use @foo but I can't seem to define mymethod (@foo = "somevar")
<infinitiguy> it gave me an error
<shevy> what is the syntax you tried
<shevy> the exact syntax ;)
<jrajav> He pasted it
<Denommus> jrajav: my point about trolling or not trolling is that he was not malicious, only insistent
<shevy> jrajav omg
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<infinitiguy> I essentially want to be able to define a variable in a method - have it be able to be changed to something else when the method is called (enable/disable) and then have that variable be accessible by other methods
<shevy> infinitiguy, if you tried that, that would not be valid ruby code!
<fowl> infinitiguy: we could do def somemethod(@x) to automatically set @x to whatever was passed in, in 1.8, but not in 1.9
<jrajav> Denommus: Eh, I don't really care anymore
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<shevy> infinitiguy, use def foo(i = @foo); @foo = i + 5; end
<davidcelis> infinitiguy: you defined `fun` as a local variable, accessible only inside of `mymethod`
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<shevy> yeah, infinitiguy do you know what a local variable is
<eam> Denommus: indeed. I do not want to have this conversation if it isn't productive
<infinitiguy> when I tried to define fun as an instance variable it complained
<shevy> no
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<shevy> you must have used incorrect syntax infinitiguy
<shevy> use pastie.org to paste
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<fowl> infinitiguy: you can't do def somemethod(@foo) in 1.9
<infinitiguy> i was in 1.8
<shevy> the syntax, paste it ;P
<infinitiguy> but I'd like to be able to come up with something that works in both
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<infinitiguy> ill re-paste
<infinitiguy> 1 sec
<shevy> \o/
<infinitiguy> if I have fun as a local var - it all works except it doesn't come out of the method (as expected)
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<infinitiguy> with it as an instance I get "formal argument cannot be an instance variable"
<xclite> because a formal argument cannot be an instance variable
<shevy> ok first infinitiguy
<xclite> a formal argument (aka the parameter name) is not the same thing as an instance variable
<shevy> infinitiguy, try to have logical indent
<shevy> it makes code more readable
<shevy> after a:
<xclite> @fun is an instance variable, which belongs to the class
<shevy> def foo
<shevy> |continue here
<shevy> # <-- 2 spaces
<apeiros_> "I do not want to have this conversation if it isn't productive" - translation: "I do not want to have this conversation if not everybody agrees with me" but true, it was unproductive. we had only a claim. not even backed up with a single practical example.
<shevy> infinitiguy, change def mymethod (@fun="noval") to def mymethod (i="noval")
<shevy> and this here
<shevy> if 1 == 1
<shevy> this does not make a lot of sense
<shevy> that's like
<shevy> if true
<fowl> infinitiguy: yo dont do that def method(@foo) because you'll have to change it when you upgrade to 1.9
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<davidcelis> why "noval", why not just nil
<fowl> might as well do def method(foo) @foo = foo
<infinitiguy> i know - i was just trying to put in a valid if statement because ive noticed that local variables within an if (i think it was an if) are contained within that block
<lectrick> Is the ruby-core mailing list the place to suggest Ruby changes?
<jrajav> if (the concept of truth exists);
<jrajav> Try compiling that
<shevy> lectrick, yeah. or the bug tracker of ruby, sometimes if approriat
<shevy> appropriate
<infinitiguy> so if I do def method (foo) @foo = foo then I should be able to use @foo elsewhere in other methods?
<infinitiguy> that might be all I need
<shevy> infinitiguy, yes
<apeiros_> lectrick: I'd discuss it in ruby-talk first
<lectrick> shevy: my idea was to have a def...end return the symbolized form of the new method name so that you could do things like protected def... end or private def... end
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<shevy> aha
<apeiros_> lectrick: that's not really a new proposal
<lectrick> apeiros_: ok
<apeiros_> I'd be all in favor of it, though.
<shevy> well, go suggest it to them :D
<apeiros_> anything is better than nil.
<lectrick> apeiros_: yeah I wasn't sure... just occurred to me since it would be kind of nice syntactically
<shevy> apeiros_, is nil better than nil?
<apeiros_> shevy: of course!
<apeiros_> isn't that obvious? :)
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<shevy> lectrick, usually you need to convince matz first
<lectrick> apeiros_: yeah I agree, although to be honest, returning the symbolized form would have the small cost of creating that symbol
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<shevy> matz usually is sceptical by default so it might require good arguments to persuade him h ehehe
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<apeiros_> lectrick: I actually wonder why it wasn't implemented. I mean it came up at least 6y ago already. if not even earlier.
<lectrick> well, matz is on the payroll of my company, so perhaps I can influence him that way
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<shevy> nah
<apeiros_> lectrick: no, it wouldn't have that cost
<apeiros_> lectrick: defining a method already creates that symbol
<lectrick> apeiros_: well, awesome then (re: cost)
<infinitiguy> @shevy - thanks for the help
<shevy> you need to make good arguments, for instance, if it is a feature that is useful and worth having
<apeiros_> lectrick: try: x = Symbol.all_symbols.dup; def sdfasdfasdf; end; Symbol.all_symbols-x
<shevy> every new feature comes at a potential cost
<jrajav> matz = matsumoto?
<shevy> yeah
<apeiros_> jrajav: yes
<jrajav> :O
<lectrick> apeiros_: I tried that, it returned an empty array?
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<apeiros_> lectrick: o0
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<lectrick> apeiros_: maybe that changed in 1.9?
<jrajav> >> x = Symbol.all_symbols.dup; def sdfasdfasdf; end; Symbol.all_symbols-x
<al2o3cr> (Array) []
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<apeiros_> lectrick: ah, no
<apeiros_> it's because it's all on one line
<apeiros_> so the symbol is already created at the first statement.
<apeiros_> jrajav: does al2o3cr keep a session for users?
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<Majost> What is the ruby equivalent of Python's __init__() for a class definition?
<apeiros_> >> eval("Symbol.all_symbols.dup\ndef sdfasdfasdf; end\nSymbol.all_symbols-x")
<al2o3cr> -e:1:in `eval': undefined local variable or method `x' for main:Object (NameError), from (eval):1:in `eval', from (eval):1:in `<main>', from -e:1:in `eval', from -e:1:in `<main>'
<barefoot> initialize
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<apeiros_> >> eval("x=Symbol.all_symbols.dup\ndef sdfasdfasdf; end\nSymbol.all_symbols-x")
<al2o3cr> (Array) []
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<jrajav> apeiros_: No
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<jrajav> I could add that pretty easily
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<apeiros_> odd…
<lectrick> apeiros_: still a mystery then eh
<Majost> barefoot: so it would be -- def initalize() ?
<apeiros_> lectrick: na, only different to cleanly reproduce.
<apeiros_> it still applies, but the parser obviously works different than in 1.8
<barefoot> Majost: yes
<apeiros_> if you put it on multiple lines in irb, you'll still see it
<barefoot> or without the () if it takes no params
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<Majost> barefoot: Thanks! =)
<barefoot> np
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<lectrick> apeiros_: I got it to work, but only via multiple lines. which I agree should not be the case.
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<apeiros_> lectrick: well, the parser creates the symbol the moment it's recognized. so it makes certain sense.
<apeiros_> you can have it on a single line too, if you put the def into an eval, so the parser doesn't "see" it
<apeiros_> lectrick: anyway, you get a symbol for everything identifiable in ruby. @foo -> :@foo starts to exist. $foo -> :$foo starts to exist
<apeiros_> etc.
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<lectrick> apeiros_: odd, when you do it all on one line, both sets include the symbol for the new method, which is why an empty array is returned
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<apeiros_> lectrick: yes, of course. as said, because the parser has seen the identifier.
<apeiros_> the symbol is added after parsing but before the code is evaluated
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<apeiros_> I'd assume that in 1.8, the parser only advanced by a statement at a time
<apeiros_> or maybe I just remember the example code wrong :)
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<lectrick> apeiros_: i see.
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<nobitanobi> Anybody knows what is this method: 'get' in https://github.com/Yelp/yelp-api/blob/master/v2/ruby/example.rb ?
<nobitanobi> I thought this was part of the httparty gem.
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<matti> nobitanobi: Look at oauth.
<davidcelis> nobitanobi: It's an instance method on OAuth::AccessToken. Look at that.
<nobitanobi> matti: yeah, my bad.
<nobitanobi> davidcelis: yup. Sorry. I was trying to pass a :query hash and it was hanging. No wonder now. Thanks.
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<lectrick> Can I do any interpolation in a %w[ this is a word but can i do#{this} ]
<asteve> what is the purpose of %w[] ?
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<fowl> lectrick: yes use %W[]
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<canton7> %w is the same as ' %W is the same as "
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<lectrick> fowl: awesome.
<apeiros_> asteve: %w[] is an array literal
<apeiros_> creates an array of strings
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<apeiros_> e.g. %w[foo bar baz] is equivalent to ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']
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<lectrick> we have some simple object/string/hash/array monkeypatches in /lib/ like string_utils.rb so now I can just do %w[ object string hash array ].each{ |o| require_relative(File.join(%W[ .. .. lib #{o}_utils ]) } from my initializer
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<shevy> guys
<shevy> odd question upcoming
<shevy> in terms of ansi-colours, when you write shell scripts or ruby scripts, that output colours
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<shevy> do you follow any convention for what colours to use, depending on whether this is a file, a symlink or a directory? or perhaps just important text, as opposed to normal text
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<shevy> (output results on the commandline terminal)
<shevy> I have bright yellow right now for files...
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<lectrick> shevy: I don't know if there is a real convention for that yet, but maybe make it configurable and let the end user choose
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<shevy> yes, I already have that covered
<barefoot> +1
<shevy> I just wonder about the default
<shevy> if people follow any convention
<shevy> if not I just roll dice :\
<burgestrand> Start a new terminal and fit the color scheme.
<burgestrand> I mean, the default is pretty much black on white or the other way around.
<burgestrand> Kinda boring. I have mine latte-coloured.
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<pnbeast> shevy: You might want to investigate usability guidelines, with respect to things like color blindness and eyestrain, if nothing else presents itself.
<apeiros_> lectrick: *shudder* @ require_relative - made worse by including lib in it…
<apeiros_> lectrick: seriously, should just be require "#{o}_utils"
<shevy> pnbeast heheh
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<shevy> burgestrand, hmm do you happen to have some screenshot of your terminal available? with coloured output perhaps?
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<barefoot> could always just go with $LS_COLORS as a start
<shevy> hmm yeah that's an idea
<lectrick> apeiros_: I know. I think we've had this discussion before, about load paths. The complexity has to live somewhere. I agree that it should be in a central location but if it is I have to include that file everywhere, such as in all tests that I want to be able to run from the commandline directly. And I don't want to do that. So, I require_relative for now. I know that this concretes the relative
<lectrick> file structure as a side effect. I'm OK with that for now.
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<lectrick> By "complexity" I mean "the load_path complexity for this repository"
<burgestrand> shevy: http://cl.ly/image/2z362O1E2p3I
<apeiros_> lectrick: the central place is your app
<shevy> ah ok
<apeiros_> lectrick: you have two apps - whatever is in your bin, and your test runner
<shevy> I use a dark background
<lupine_85> I don't know what require_relative is, and by the sounds of it, I don't want to know
<shevy> the red M is a normal character right? not some UTF special character
<apeiros_> not that complex to add to load path in the latter (since you don't need it in the former - there it's handled by installing your lib)
<burgestrand> I used to, but it buggered up my eyes in the dark.
<burgestrand> shevy: yep, normal character.
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<shevy> lupine_85 require_relative was added in ruby since ~1.9.x
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<lupine_85> ah. I'm still not using it for much
<lectrick> apeiros_: I like to do ruby test/path/to/test.rb... even if that could be test_runner test/path/to/test.rb, because it allows me to run files directly in editors such as Sublime, which pass the current file path directly to ruby in the editor
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<shevy> hmm ok I see burgestrand ... if I'd pick bright yellow for files, it would not work for you by default with that background... for my system, with black background, yellow would be ok-ish... hmm
<burgestrand> require_relative in gems annoys me to pieces. You don’t get to decide if I can monkeypatch or not, tyvm.
<apeiros_> lectrick: I do ruby test/runner.rb test/path/to/test.rb
<lupine_85> alias ruby_with_lib ruby -Ilib ...
<apeiros_> lectrick: there, easily solved
<lectrick> lupine_85: require_relative is in 1.9.3 and requires a file relative to the location of the current file.
<burgestrand> Or, in this case, monkeypath.
<lupine_85> *shudder*
<apeiros_> lectrick: alternatively: alias ruby_test='ruby -Ilib'
<shevy> hehe monkeypath
<lectrick> apeiros_: I did not know you could specify multiple ruby files to ruby. I thought I tried this in the past and it did not work.
<apeiros_> lectrick: you can't :)
<burgestrand> apeiros_: would changing RUBYOPT work as well?
<lectrick> apeiros_: Are you sure you weren't using ruby -r test/runner path/to/test.rb
<burgestrand> export RUBYOPT='-Ilib'
<burgestrand> or whatever it is.
<apeiros_> burgestrand: yeah, for that it'd even still be sane
<lectrick> apeiros_: oh fuck. the runner takes an arg.
<lupine_85> require_relative sounds like hell to pay
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<apeiros_> lectrick: yupp ;-)
<apeiros_> lectrick: it also performs all other setup
<burgestrand> require File.expand_path() is often also annoying. >.:
<lectrick> apeiros_: yeah i get it now
<apeiros_> lectrick: meaning I have no duplicate code in my test files
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<apeiros_> lectrick: I mean all those dozen of require_relative shit you see in most test files
<burgestrand> Can bring some really weird load issues where files get required twice. Anyhoo…
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<shevy> hmm ... if I have a class, and a class method... and in that class method, I create a new class
<delinquentme> The value of a Ruby symbol's string part is the name of the symbol, minus the leading colon. << is this a true statement?
<apeiros_> burgestrand: not in 1.9
<shevy> let's say, the class is called Foo
<lectrick> apeiros_: Well there's still the problem of how to convince my editor to run files with that file.
<shevy> def self.create
<shevy> Foo.new.do_something
<shevy> or...
<shevy> self.class.new.do_something
<shevy> ?
<shevy> hmmm
<burgestrand> apeiros_: expanded path always added to loaded features?
<apeiros_> burgestrand: requiring the same file by different paths is a 1.8 problem. 1.9 no longer suffers from it.
<shevy> nevermind, I think I stick to explicit name like Foo, it reads nicer there
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<delinquentme> Because it seems like it *cannot* be correct because of this statement <% provide(:title, 'Home') %>
<lectrick> burgestrand: Ruby is supposed to only require files once because it stores the absolute path to the file in a 'loaded' collection
<burgestrand> lectrick: $LOADED_FEATURES :)
<lectrick> burgestrand: exactly
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<lectrick> burgestrand: are you saying that breaks sometimes? Because that would be bad.
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<apeiros_> lectrick: it was different in 1.8
<rburton-> Has anyone got Growl 1.4 + Bullet working? It seems like Bullet isn't connecting to Growl.
<apeiros_> anyway, the problem was worse when you used File.expand trickery
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<rburton-> As if its not registering with Growl
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<apeiros_> instead of sticking with a proper require
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<peterhellberg> One of my friends was tasked to rescue a project where a few "Java developers doing Ruby" had re-implemented require using File.open and eval
<peterhellberg> That sucked.
<lupine_85> :)
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<matti> peterhellberg: LOL
<rburton-> Shame there are many shitty engineers out there.
<yxhuvud> :D
<fowl> haha
<wmoxam> peterhellberg: what on earth compelled them to do that?
<wmoxam> they just didn't realize that 'require' existed?
<lupine_85> it's not *too* insane, though
<lectrick> apeiros_: What about requiring things with File.join ?
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<peterhellberg> wmoxam: I have _NO_ idea…
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<lupine_85> def my_require(filename) ; TOPLEVEL_BINDING.eval File.load filename ; end
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<rburton-> Bullet.growl = false #This makes me sad.
<rburton-> :D
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<rburton-> well can't finger fuck this too long. Another day! :)
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<lectrick> peterhellberg: I'm guessing they ran into a require issue and decided to reimplement it themselves since they would rather do that than figure out the actual problem
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<apeiros_> lectrick: same thing. 1.8 would register a different path. '../../lib/foo/bar' was not the same as 'foo/bar'
<rburton-> peterhellberg: sorry to hear you have some shitty engineers on the team
<apeiros_> and in 1.9 - still knowledge in the wrong place IMO
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<apeiros_> but as you said, we already had that discussion ;-)
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<rburton-> There are too many engineers that look to create their own solutions vs. actually understanding how a system/framework actually works.
<lectrick> lupine_85: apeiros_ I thought I checked the source and found that it indexed by computing the absolute file path first
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<apeiros_> lectrick: as said, that was 1.8 behaviour
<peterhellberg> rburton-: Not my team, or company, fortunately
<apeiros_> 1.9 indeed doesn't have that issue
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<lectrick> apeiros_: ah ok
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<rburton-> I personally would walk over there and ask them nicely "What research have you done? Is this really the solution solution?" Then proceed to slam their keyboard across the desk telling them "Neve lie to my face."
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<rburton-> :D
<whowantstolivefo> hiya people, what is the best OS platform to work with ruby,rails and web technologies ? for advice i asking people who use ruby
<apeiros_> lectrick: https://github.com/apeiros/literal_parser/blob/master/test/runner.rb as an example test/runner.rb
<rburton-> #TheSteveJobsWay
<shevy> whowantstolivefo, linux
<lupine_85> far too many people use mac
<fowl> whowantstolivefo: *nix is the best for developing on unless you're using a platform specific language like c# or objc
<lupine_85> I have no idea why
<rburton-> Mac++
<burgestrand> ^
<fowl> anybody who tells me you can compile objc in linux is getting shot in the face
<rburton-> Linux is good time but I love my mac
<rburton-> I get laid because of it.
<rburton-> :)
<lectrick> i'm an apple whore who thinks all other OS'es are deeply flawed as general-purpose OS'es (windows: good just for games; linux: good just for servers)
<lupine_85> you go to a ruby conference, and the vast majority of laptops are macs
<shevy> don't lie rburton-
<lupine_85> it's insane
<lectrick> whowantstolivefo: ^
<shevy> real devs have no time for getting laid. they hack code.
<rburton-> shevy: :( Okay I use my mac to beat off to porn.
<rburton-> It's very close!
<rburton-> I use Divvy, one side of my screen for porn and one side for code.
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<shevy> with windows, young people use it because of gaming
* apeiros_ still wants a good OS - uses OSX until then
<shevy> :(
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<lupine_85> I honestly don't get the attraction of macs. I find the UI stifling
<shevy> we linux users are totally outnumbered here
<fowl> fie on osx
<apeiros_> lupine_85: nothing wrong with that
<apeiros_> tastes differ, that's ok
<shevy> why does noone use windows here
<rburton-> I should sell a monitor protector called the "Porno Guardian"
<lupine_85> I wouldn't mind a retina display, though
<lectrick> i won't knock linux or unix peeps tho. Windows people who only develop in microsoft-originated technologies... I want to put them all in a sack and drown them in a river like so many unwanted kittens
* apeiros_ doesn't mind his retina display either
<apeiros_> but the tech isn't there :(
<whowantstolivefo> i got my answers, thank you ppl
<apeiros_> on the discrete graphics, it gets insanely hot
<lupine_85> I can't have a retina display until not-apple starts making them
<apeiros_> many apps have troubles
<whowantstolivefo> this is why i love open source
<shevy> lectrick, my plan was to write ruby-gtk apps, then go back to windows and use ONLY ruby stuff on it
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<forrest> yeah i never understood the big attraction of os x; linux is great for developing
<fowl> lectrick: but not people who develop mac-only programs? they are a-okay in your book?
<apeiros_> lupine_85: I thought your issue was with apples software, not hardware?
<rburton-> When I got my first Mac, I hated it.
<lectrick> shevy: And how did that work out? :)
<apeiros_> it's not difficult to run linux on a mac…
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<rburton-> When I got my first compliment for having one. I loved it!
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<lupine_85> apeiros_, nah, everyone would then think I was using a mac
<apeiros_> rburton-: lol
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<lupine_85> and the hardware is far too overpriced anyway
<apeiros_> bad argument for having one :-p
<lectrick> fowl: Yes. They are A-OK. I know. It's a bias. At least I admit it.
<shevy> lectrick, well... my ruby commandline scripts are quite ok now. but ruby + GUI stuff... I dont know :( I like ruby-gtk ... but there are WAY too many things to consider and keeping in mind...
<fowl> rburton-: you .. what..?
<shevy> I think HTML+CSS are kinda much easier and also much better
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<lupine_85> I have made ruby GUIs before
<apeiros_> lupine_85: so who's the one obsessed with superficialities? you or the mac users? :-p
<rburton-> fowl: I live for attention :)
<fowl> i hate this channel and 70% of the people in it
<lupine_85> QtRuby was the main one
<fowl> you can all take your apples and shove them up your cupboard
<rburton-> fowl: I hate it for 71% of the people.
<lupine_85> I didn't say mac users were obsessed with superficialities, I said I found the UI stifling
<shevy> I would really like to use just ruby, and just one thing alone for GUI elements, that should work everywhere as I'd expect them to
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<rburton-> fowl: Aww jump on iChat and let's talk about it ;)
<lectrick> If you like to attention-whore, Apples were way better about 4-5 years ago. Now it's pretty much de rigeur.
<shevy> Jobs is gone. Apple lost its mojo.
* pnbeast has been looking for a channel with activity, this afternoon. "Be careful what you wish for..."
<apeiros_> pnbeast: :-p
<lupine_85> the fun part of QtRuby is making sure you keep all your Qt objects in scope
<shevy> pfft qtruby
<lupine_85> if you don't, then bits of the GUI disppear when the garbage collector runs
<shevy> does it still have only one dev?
<matti> shevy: ;d
<lectrick> shevy: It will take a few years for Jobs' absence to negatively affect the company. Pretty sure he left years of plans in the books.
<rburton-> Steve Jobs is not dead and neither is Tupac!
<lupine_85> I discovered that one the fun way
<shevy> lectrick, I think it won't be a few years, it will be earlier, but we will see :) Microsoft had no problem for a long time, then came google and HTML5 and today it is not as relevant anymore as it was like ~8 years ago
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<lectrick> lupine_85: That is the funniest thing that only programmer geeks would understand that i've read today (about GUI elements going out of scope and just disappearing)
<lupine_85> anyway, apple are obviously doing *something* right for developers, given the preponderance of macs at conferences
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<lupine_85> I just have no clue what that is
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<lupine_85> lectrick, I ended up just having a QT_OBJECTS global array and pushing everything into it at create, and removing at destroy
<RubyPanther> I can tell you. It is *nix, but easier.
<lupine_85> it was nasty
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<lupine_85> RubyPanther, I sit down at a mac machine, and I feel my productivity drop
<lupine_85> precipitously
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<lupine_85> it's not like I haven't tried for extended periods of time to get this working
<shevy> RubyPanther! you are back again!
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<lectrick> lupine_85: Awesome commandline and unix toolchain support, extremely reliable operation, free developer tools, great editors, great browsers, slick hardware, smooth OS, great screen readability, actual sleep/hibernate that won't crash programs ::cough:: windows, haha ::cough::.... What else?
<RubyPanther> lupine_85: I find Gtk to give the best portability
<matti> lupine_85: I am the same.
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<matti> lupine_85: I can't stand OS X.
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<lectrick> lupine_85: Zero need for antivirus, antispyware, antianything?
<lupine_85> lectrick, i;d like to be able to sit down at a mac and churn out code at the same rate as when I'm sat at a linux computer
<lupine_85> but I can't
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<asteve> that's strange
<fowl> OSX is Satans Bunghole and thou art his Product.
<RubyPanther> I don't even have to _think_ about ether OSes, and even a tray app works out of the box anywhere
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<lupine_85> mm, Qt has some problems
<lectrick> lupine_85: That's just experience. Did you know you can hack the entire Cocoa text input system on OS X? Want vim or emacs bindings that work EVERYWHERE? You can hack that.
<lupine_85> it's just the only one i've tried hard through windows
<lupine_85> erm, ruby
<lupine_85> derp derp
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<lupine_85> lectrick, I don't use anything like that on linux
<lupine_85> (and I really wouldn't want it)
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<fowl> the #1 thing to hate about macs? they change people. your smugness levels will reach dangerous highs within hours of purchasing a mac
<lupine_85> I use terminals and simple text editors, and a browser
<lectrick> What the hell is a "tray app"?
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<lupine_85> lectrick, look near your computer clock for some program icons
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<lupine_85> those are tray apps
<lupine_85> (that's another point. I hate the term 'app')
<lectrick> lupine_85: You mean those apps that completely clutter the lower right corner of the screen in windows without asking you, annoy the shit out of you when you least want them to, and occupy memory and CPU bandwidth?
<RubyPanther> or like I use a Ruby gmail notifier. I can right click and get a little context menu
<lupine_85> ja
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<RubyPanther> if it asks or not is an installer/config issue
<fowl> "a tray app works out of the box anywhere" oh wow you mean there are benefits to having a monolithic UI?? gee willakers
<lectrick> lupine_85: You mean in the upper right on a mac? Those aren't apps. Those are menus. And they won't nag the shit out of you. Ever.
<lupine_85> wherever your clock is
<lupine_85> I have no tray icons, myself
<n_blownapart> then I thought, "why should someone new to programming easily grasp the method_missing method?" read: why is method_missing "overridden?"
<RubyPanther> I think it is funny that somebody would be against the whole feature, and not even have any productivity apps that interface there.
<RubyPanther> For example, a load monitor, volume control, etc
<lupine_85> I have volume buttons on my keyboard :)
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<RubyPanther> sure but your user might not
<lupine_85> and I can type 'top' into the terminal any time i'm curious. polling is the devil's work
<lectrick> Anyone here use Skype on a Mac and Skype on Windows? How about AIM (or any chat) on Mac vs. AIM on Windows? Opening PDF's on Mac vs. opening them on Windows? For all of these examples, the Windows side is 1000% more annoying to work with
<forrest> the daemon's work?
<lupine_85> lectrick, I would never suggest using windows over using a mac
<lupine_85> that would be brain-drooling idiocy
<n_blownapart> ie why does my textbook #method_missing is "overridden," instead that it "overrides?"
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<n_blownapart> my textbook *say
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<lectrick> lupine_85: I can text message my girlfriend via a mac app. For free. Send and receive. I think that's pretty rad. It's called... "Messages". It's very simple- I click her name, and I type. Nothing annoys me. Everything is responsive. Everything looks simple and great. Typical Apple. Love it.
<RubyPanther> If you only choose portable tools, neither side will be very annoying it is only a matter of installation/setup
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<lupine_85> I.... see
<lupine_85> I'm sure my inability to be productive on a mac is entirely my fault, and nothing to do with the operating system, don't worry
<lteo> my theory is that people are just wired differently
<fowl> lectrick: there are websites that can do that too, there are phone services which connect texting and emails, etc
<lectrick> lupine_85: OK, well I need to use more linux. I have some VM's with Ubuntu on them, I was impressed, but I didn't use them much yet. I was most impressed with how text rendering has improved over the years.
<fowl> lectrick: what an amazing innovation you have there
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<lupine_85> I'm just reporting what happens to my productivity when I sit down in front of a mac, even after several weeks of sitting in front of a mc
<lupine_85> mac*
<fowl> lectrick: but if you're on a mac you dont call it text messaging you call it "composing" right?
<lectrick> fowl: I know. I didn't say it was impossible on other os'es, that would be silly. But the *stuff you really want to do* is almost always easy to do.
<lectrick> fowl: it's just called "messaging"
<lupine_85> does it still store the root password in the clear in the directory ?
<RubyPanther> The stuff you really want to do is always easy on any platform because you choose convenient tools, and activate them frequently.
<lupine_85> that's something I always want to do
<lectrick> lupine_85: lol, I really doubt that, and I never knew it did
<lteo> RubyPanther: +1
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<lteo> it just depends on what you want to do. i use both Mac and OpenBSD (with a tiling WM) as my desktops, for different reasons.
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<lectrick> RubyPanther: Opening PDF's in a clean interface, quickly, without using nagware, free... Haven't seen it yet on either linux or windows, it's always an annoying experience
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<lupine_85> I use evince for my pdfs
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<lupine_85> works fine
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<lectrick> Now, Sublime is on all OS'es, so that might change the game for me a bit, since I use it as my editor
<RubyPanther> lectrick: I either double click it, or type "evince blahblah<tab>"
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<lupine_85> apparently, textmate is coming to linux
<lupine_85> I might give that a try when it does
<shevy> hmmmm
<lteo> i discovered mupdf recently, it's awesome especially if you like vi
<shevy> what is mupdf
<lectrick> lupine_85: forget it. textmate has already been supplanted by Sublime which is better and already has a windows/linux version
<lteo> shevy: really lightweight pdf viewer
<lupine_85> sounds like effort
<rburton-> I love vim
<shevy> lectrick, well. don't judge too early! I think sublime is nice... but I still use bluefish 1.0.7 :-)
<lectrick> RubyPanther: lupine_85 I didn't know about Evince. Looks like someone finally got it close to right. :)
<rburton-> Sublime Text 2 is my primary Ruby IDE
<RubyPanther> They have adobe on linux too, if you're into proprietary. More features, slower.
<lupine_85> evince has been the standard for a pretty long time
<shevy> adobe acrobat read + wine works fine
<shevy> *reader
<lupine_85> there is a native linux adobe acrobat
<lupine_85> it's just an arse to use
<lectrick> acrobat reader is the worst
<shevy> I prefer wine, the native linux shit of proprietary software usually sux
<apeiros_> I think acrobat is a horror on any platform
<lectrick> ironically
<lteo> OS X Preview does some pretty badass stuff though, like you can re-arrange pages and stuff without needing a real pdf editor.. iirc
<TTilus> n_blownapart: if A < B, then it is pretty common to say A#foo is overriden by B#foo or that B#foo overrides A#foo
<shevy> they seem to only add features nobody uses to their reader
<lectrick> lteo: yeah, Preview.app is excellent
<lupine_85> the latest horror that I've discovered is PDF forms
<TTilus> n_blownapart: both make sense
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<lupine_85> I changed conveyancer, partly because of that
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<lupine_85> oh, while we're bitching on apple, can someone fix their built-in VNC viewer?
<n_blownapart> TTilus: thanks...why is that?
<lupine_85> there's no point building it in if it doesn't talk VNC
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<lhk> hi
<lhk> can you point me to a ruby programming quiz/challenge site ?
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<fowl> ruby koans
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<shevy> ruby poans
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<lupine_85> project euler ?
<shevy> lhk, or you could help in real existing projects! :)
<TTilus> n_blownapart: well, its just plain english, if adam squigspiffles beth, beth is squigspiffled by adam
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<RubyPanther> You can just use TightVNC
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<TTilus> n_blownapart: or what you mean by "why is that"?
<lupine_85> or chicken
<RubyPanther> I don't expect a built-in viewer to be good, why would you expect an OS vendor to choose software that is optimal for your use cases?
<lhk> shevy: nah, im not that good and dont have the time to get active
<lupine_85> but if you're distributing a mac application that uses vnc, it'd be cool if you could just use open -w
<lupine_85> but you can't
<lhk> fowl: thanks that looks good
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<TTilus> n_blownapart: and damn my example, it should be B < A (meaning theres class B < A; ...; end)
<n_blownapart> TTilus: hold on please if you have to time I'm posting to pastie in a sec. thanks
<n_blownapart> *have time
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<TTilus> n_blownapart: pastie helps
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<TTilus> n_blownapart: i need to go (to sleep) soon, but there are a ton of people to pick the issue up, just pastie it
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<n_blownapart> TTilus: thanks sleep well
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<n_blownapart> hi I don't follow this method_missing prog. thanks: http://pastie.org/4468629
<davidcelis> thanks for what?
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<fowl> varelli its really simple, method_missing catches missing method calls
<lectrick> Here's something worth arguing: I am thinking that backdenting "protected" and "private" to the class definition column is smarter than making them start with the same indentation as the methods they affect
<fowl> m is the name of method you tried to call and *args is the arguments passed to it
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<sent-hil> Does AS::SecureRandom.hex generate unique ids?
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<apeiros_> lectrick: doing that
<apeiros_> there's places where it looks silly, though :-/
<apeiros_> sent-hil: basic maths would tell you that that'd be impossible
<sent-hil> apeiros_: ?
<apeiros_> ok, maybe that's not basic maths
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<apeiros_> sent-hil: random means it can randomly return the same result
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<apeiros_> the bigger the set and the better the distribution the more unlikely it is
<lectrick> apeiros_: Maybe, but the ruby style guide on github seems to suggest that having "protected" and "private" the same indentation as the "def" is proper form
<apeiros_> lectrick: it's a style guide
<lectrick> apeiros_: :)
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<apeiros_> there isn't such a thing as "the one true style"
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<apeiros_> but going with the flow has its merrits
<fowl> apeiros_: one style to bind them
<n_blownapart> fowl thanks but as usual, there is a lot of context I don't understand for instance...
<lectrick> Which is good. LOL fowl
<JC`> hello, all. i've got a small script that worked pretty well in 1.8, but now behaves oddly in 1.9. http://pastebin.com/Dpz1y1SD <- only line 22 "misbehaves" now. the script is ran from within mutt, the unix mail client. it takes attachments and ships them off to a workstation with X for viewing. afterwards, it goes back and prompts for removal of the temporary file. in 1.8, it waits for the y/n removal of the file. in 1.9, the rm runs, the question is pose
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<lupine_85> I tend to put private / protected in the same indentation as class
<apeiros_> fowl: the bondage style? :)
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<lectrick> And in the darkness find them?
<lupine_85> I do the same with case/when and if/else
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<fowl> lectrick: +1 apeiros_: -1
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<lupine_85> half-baked rationale: you're not adding something to the enclosing scope, you're specifying a condition for things that are being added to it
<lupine_85> oh, also begin/rescue and begin/ensure
<n_blownapart> why would a method called "grade_for_" be coming in with a Student object? and where would it come from? fowl
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<apeiros_> n_blownapart: you'd call grade_for_chemistry
<fowl> n_blownapart: it wouldnt. you're supposed to parse out the name
<apeiros_> n_blownapart: since there's no method with that name, method_missing is invoked, and the first argument is :grade_for_chemistry
<apeiros_> and in your example, you're supposed to parse out "chemistry", get the grade for that subject, and return it
<fowl> you even have a helpful comment: #return the appropriate grade, based on parsing the method name.
<sent-hil> what's a good way to generate uuids for urls? uuid/AS securerandom gives way too long entries
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<apeiros_> sent-hil: what about plain ruby's SecureRandom.uuid ?
<sent-hil> apeiros_: too long
<lupine_85> ?
<lupine_85> a UUID is always 128 bits long
<apeiros_> sent-hil: um… you don't know what uuid means then
<lupine_85> no exceptions
<apeiros_> you know, there's a definition for them.
<n_blownapart> apeiros_: fowl so the grade_for_chemistry would be a misplaced/misinformed method name that came in with a Student obj. ? I need to see the scenario in which the grade_for_math would come into the prog. in the first place. thanks
<savage-> sent-hil: how about SecureRandom.base64
<fowl> sent-hil: md5(time())
<lupine_85> :S
<fowl> php^^
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<lupine_85> you can take the raw 128 bits and base64-encode them, I guess
<fowl> n_blownapart: what do you mean?
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<lupine_85> that'll be short
<apeiros_> sent-hil: anyway, if you want a non-uuid random hex, SecureRandom.hex(n). but it's not a uuid then.
<fowl> n_blownapart: i cant help you if its going to take so long for you to reply, i dont have the attention span
<sent-hil> apeiros_: how do existing sites solve this problem then? just increment integers?
<apeiros_> sent-hil: "this problem" being?
<fowl> n_blownapart: if you dont know the scenario then why are you writing method_missing? you havent hit the problem yet that method_missing solves
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<apeiros_> sent-hil: you know, I can't read minds…
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<n_blownapart> sorry fowl I had to shut of the garden sprikler.
<n_blownapart> off
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<n_blownapart> fowl this is a textbook example that doesn't give the context for how to use it.
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<Aristata> Can anyone tell me why this .match is not working? http://pastie.org/private/ovatqujprjitlbcy3fli5g
<lupine_85> frankly, any field with a unique constraint will work, as long as you have the consistency part of CAP
<apeiros_> Aristata: without looking at it: you're using it wrong. feel free to amend your problem description.
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<lupine_85> we use labels and names an awful lot internally, occasionally just the database 'id' column
<apeiros_> (note that the reply is intentionally as bad as the problem description)
<lupine_85> UUIDs only where things are being generated simultaneously on different hosts and have no chance of being made eventually consistent
<n_blownapart> I understand it in a very limited context: return the grade based on a nonexistent? method name, or send the method call up the superclass lookup.
<n_blownapart> fowl ^^ apeiros_
<n_blownapart> *sprinkler
<fowl> n_blownapart: what do you need context for? method_missing is called when you call a missing method..
<fowl> Student.new.poop! for example
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<apeiros_> n_blownapart: method_missing is called for any method not present in the method lookup chain.
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<apeiros_> the last being Object#method_missing which in turn blows up with a NameError. (not necessarily the technical reality, but a good thought model)
<Aristata> apeiros_: It should return a match of both emails, not just the one
<Aristata> sorry
<sent-hil> apeiros_: how to generate a id for each object, without incrementing it from 1?
<n_blownapart> apeiros_: that I get... but from where would the incorrect/nonexistent method be coming from in a real world scenario? thanks
<apeiros_> n_blownapart: the point is that it is *not* incorrect
<apeiros_> and from where it would come: from your code
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<fowl> da
<apeiros_> you'd intentionally call student.grade_for_chemistry
<fowl> n_blownapart: you're impossible
<apeiros_> because you want to get the grade for chemistry
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<n_blownapart> apeiros_: but that seems like a round a bout way of getting the data.
<apeiros_> Aristata: match only returns the first match
<apeiros_> Aristata: look at String#scan
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<rking> Do any of you know of a generic diff-based testing tool? For example, imagine recursively wget'ing your generated HTML into a "greenbar" dir in your repo, then re-spidering before committing, so you can see the diffs. (Here's another example of the same idea, but for a CLI script: https://github.com/exad/zu/blob/master/test/run )
<n_blownapart> fowl too much buddhist chanting.
<apeiros_> n_blownapart: it's an example
<fowl> n_blownapart: yes ideally you would call somestudent.grade(:algebra) or something like that
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<Aristata> apeiros_: I figured it out, I needed parenthesis
<fowl> n_blownapart: this should just show you that you can catch missing methods and do useful things with them, its an exercise
<apeiros_> n_blownapart: also, we rubyists are obsessed with aesthetics. we much prefer student.algebra_grade over student.grades[:algebra] or similar
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<n_blownapart> fowl apeiros_ ok maybe I'm looking for more is there. I'm fastidious, so I'm thinking : why do it that way?
<apeiros_> Aristata: match will only give you the first match with parentheses too…
<n_blownapart> more *than
<JC`> anyone know if there were any major Kernel#system changes between 1.8 and 1.9?
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<Aristata> apeiros_: No, I have it returning two
<apeiros_> …
<fowl> n_blownapart: why track students and their grades? what kind of creep are you? spying on kids isnt cool.. obviously this software wont actually be used by teachers.. its an exercise
<Aristata> You don't have to believe me
<n_blownapart> apeiros_: so in your comment about aesthetics, instead of using the symbol :algebra, you would just forego a normal sort of data input into the prog?
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<apeiros_> Aristata: you may want to pay closer attention to what your return value is
<shevy> JC` I think system() stayed the same
<n_blownapart> fowl !! you're the sick one !
<shevy> he has that nick for a reason!!!
<lupine_85> apeiros_, speak for yourself in that example ^^
<apeiros_> lupine_85: which one? the email matching?
<JC`> shevy: any idea why the code here, particularly line #22, would behave differently? http://pastebin.com/Dpz1y1SD
<lupine_85> student.algebra_grades
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<lupine_85> I'd probably have student.grades_for :algebra instead
<apeiros_> lupine_85: ah. I was intentionally overstating (hm, what's the proper term for that?)
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<apeiros_> lupine_85: I wasn't off, though. consider the whole lot of DSLs
<n_blownapart> thanks fowl apeiros_ lupine_85 I think I get it well enough
<lupine_85> there are certainly occasions where it increases clarity
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<apeiros_> which is, to a big degree, an aesthetic measure :)
<Aristata> apeiros_: Shit
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<lupine_85> but anywhere a new category could be arbitrarily added at any point, I consider encoding the category in a method name to be a bad idea
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<apeiros_> Aristata: I'll refer you once again to String#scan.
<n_blownapart> lupine_85: regarding the method_missing example?
<apeiros_> lupine_85: I get it you'd never use an openstruct instead of a hash? :)
<lupine_85> yeah. you can use metaprograming to handle new categories automatically in the called object, with method_missing and friends, but if you try to do the same at the caller end, you find yourself playing with send and constructing strings a lot
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<Aristata> apeiros_: I am going to build a different system anyway :p
<beandip> Hi all. I want to do an if/then if a vairable is defined. What is the best syntax to use?
<apeiros_> Aristata: why did you ask then?
<Aristata> ??
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<lupine_85> if defined?(var-name)
<Aristata> What's it matter?
<n_blownapart> lupine_85: that is somewhat over my head, but my sense is that it is an odd way to do things.
<lupine_85> but when local variables can be defined or not is subject to some fun rules
<lupine_85> (I don't really understand them myself, but apparently, if false; a = 1 ; end ; defined?(a) will return true)
<apeiros_> also it's usually rather code-smelly if you have to test for lvar existence
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<apeiros_> test for specific values of an lvar, not its existence (e.g. for nil)
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<beandip> apeiros, the question is mainly asked for a chef recipe I'm writing
<lupine_85> mm, if you're having to check whether it's been defined elsewhere in the code or not, you're looking at side-effect city
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<apeiros_> beandip: that doesn't really change the nature of code-smell
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<lupine_85> but frameworks will force you to do these things sometimes
<apeiros_> I seriously doubt chef does that
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<apeiros_> and I'd consider a framework an instafail which does
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<lupine_85> I once had to change a method called by rails so that it returned one thing when called from one section of rails, and another when called from a different section
<apeiros_> ew
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<lupine_85> if caller[2] =~ /...\.rb/ ... else ... end IIRC
<n_blownapart> apeiros_: so don't study rails? banisterfiend says he doesn't use it.
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<lupine_85> I felt *very* dirty, doing that
<apeiros_> n_blownapart: I do. I'm not a fan of it. and it's certainly not a good source for role model code
<apeiros_> lupine_85: I'd hope so!
<lupine_85> and in fact, that code is still in production :S
<lupine_85> (there is/was a bug in rails with decimal numbers where scale = 0)
<apeiros_> n_blownapart: not to get me wrong - there is a lot of excellent code in rails
<lupine_85> the schema generator turned them from decimal to integer, IIRC
<lupine_85> this was way back in 2.3
<apeiros_> but there's also a lot of very crappy code in it. and unless you already have the experience, you'll probably copy horrible code.
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<lupine_85> (of course, decimal(40), scale 0 is the best way to store IPv6 addresses in mysql)
<n_blownapart> apeiros_: thanks I guess I'll come across more method_missing in the core language that will keep me busy. many thanks and to you too lupine_85
<apeiros_> lupine_85: my favorite rails bug was in 3.x where the logger would crash when getting binary data
<lupine_85> heh, not come across that one
<apeiros_> (ooh, you have binary data in your sql? oooh I'm so terribly sorry but I'm gonna crash your app…)
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<ged> beandip: if defined?( variable )
<apeiros_> n_blownapart: you can live happily without method_missing. just to say.
<lupine_85> which is lucky, actually, since we do push binary data into a few tables in one AR 3.0.9 project
<lupine_85> 3.0.7 *
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<apeiros_> oh, fun, I replaced the keycaps for the L and H key :)
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<apeiros_> lupine_85: I'd hope it got fixed. I still have it on my todos to remove my fix and see whether it still works.
<lupine_85> our rails stuff at work tends to ossify
<lupine_85> there's more applications than people to maintain them
<apeiros_> similar here
<lupine_85> when I started, back in the 2.1 days, there were still pre-1.0 rails applications hanging around
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<apeiros_> should I mention that one of our apps is rails 1.2.3?
<savage-> apeiros_: wow! is there just no compelling reason to upgrade?
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<savage-> I find that it's hard to upgrade when you've monkey-patched the hell out of certain parts.
<apeiros_> savage-: it works. no features need to be added. it's internal, so security isn't an issue.
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<savage-> ah, makes sense.
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<apeiros_> savage-: so yes, upgrading would mean costs for no gains. it just keeps running.
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<apeiros_> oh, and it seems to be bug-free. which is great :)
<savage-> nice! :)
<savage-> apeiros_: you're not going to BaRuCo in barcelona in a few weeks, are you?
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<apeiros_> savage-: no. been to railsberry & euruko this year already
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<apeiros_> considered frozenrails, but I think I'll pass.
<savage-> okay, just curious. :)
<savage-> apeiros_: have you ever given a talk at a ruby conference before?
<lupine_85> I considered frozenrails, but the boss decided not to pay ^^
<lupine_85> so I'm not going
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<apeiros_> savage-: nope :)
<savage-> apeiros_: you definitely should. :-) you have a lot of good material.
<apeiros_> savage-: thanks for the heads up
<apeiros_> but maybe I should have more finished material :o)
<apeiros_> working on that, though
<savage-> I'm going to give a quick lightning talk on redis_failover at BaRuCo. I've never given one before, but I'm excited about it.
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<apeiros_> nice
<apeiros_> yeah, I think I'd shit my pants while giving a talk
<savage-> Let's see how many slides I can cram into 7 minutes. :)
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<savage-> hehe
<apeiros_> even if "only" a lightning talk
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<savage-> I've actually given talks before at local meetup groups here (hadoop, java-based stuff, etc).
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<savage-> But never anything related to ruby since I took the dive into Ruby a year ago. :-)
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<apeiros_> yeah, still preparing one on deduplicating customer databases and handling addresses
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<apeiros_> for a local meet-up I mean
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<savage-> oh cool.
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<apeiros_> yeah, it's quite a difficult topic, and I think I have good solutions
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* TTilus is going to frozenrails independent of anyone else paying...
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<lupine_85> I only really wanted to go for the location, so it's not too surprising the boss didn't want to pay
<TTilus> frozenrails for the location?
<TTilus> a bit surprising, have to say
<TTilus> take no offence if you live in helsinki
<apeiros_> the location is a teaser to me too
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<TTilus> oh
<peterhellberg> Best Ruby conference location so far (for me at least): Nordic Ruby this year
<TTilus> imo HICSS or something like that would be "going for the location" ;)
<TTilus> peterhellberg: it was that bath thing?
<peterhellberg> TTilus: Yeah. At a Japanese Spa, close to Stockholm.
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<apeiros_> haha
<apeiros_> nice
<apeiros_> too bad I missed that
* apeiros_ loves spa
<peterhellberg> Next one up: Boulder, CO :)
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<lupine_85> I have never been to helsinki, and wouldn't mind going for free
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<lupine_85> I don't want to go enough to pay large sums of money to go
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<atmosx> hello
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<peterhellberg> Hi there atmosx
<atmosx> how's life
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<peterhellberg> lupine_85: I was at the first Frozen Rails, the schedule was quite hectic
<peterhellberg> atmosx: Pretty nice actually
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<slyv> Hey, is there a way to do summation in ruby?
<virunga> slyv: do mean sum of x from 0 to .. ?
<virunga> for example
<sent-hil> damn id generation is a bigger problem than I thought, especially with mongodb
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<atmosx> so virunga replied correctly
<virunga> slyv: (1..100).reduce(:+)
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<virunga> this should work
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<atmosx> well you can easily create a function to suit your formula
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<atmosx> virunga: what the :+ means?
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<virunga> atmosx: i don't remember exactly but it returns a proc obj
<virunga> because Symbol class has a method name to_proc that call that method (+)
<virunga> more or less
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<virunga> sorry
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<virunga> it's the same as give a block
<virunga> unfortunately i never use ruby :(
<lupine_85> so the implementation of reduce has to do if arg.has_method?(:to_proc) ... ?
<lupine_85> or does it get automatically converted in certain situations ?
<virunga> so i forget things
<lupine_85> (I'm used to ruby 1.9, where you'd do &method(:+))
<lupine_85> erm, 1.8
<virunga> lupine_85: sorry, i don't understand the question. My bad english
<virunga> and hour :P
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<lupine_85> what it boils down to is whether, given reduce(:+), in the implementation of reduce, will block_given? return true?
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<lupine_85> I guess I could write a test case :D
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<virunga> lupine_85: you can also go to see the implementation on ruby-doc
<virunga> click on show source code
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<duncanm> hmm
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<duncanm> i have an issue with doing a POST in net/http in 1.9.3
<duncanm> in `send_request_with_body': undefined method `bytesize' for #<Array:0x007fbd519cb538> (NoMethodError)
<duncanm> and i can't seem to google any solution
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<virunga> >> :+.to_proc
<al2o3cr> (Proc) #<Proc:0x00000001270c58>
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<virunga> >> p = :+.to_proc; p.call(2, 40)
<al2o3cr> (Fixnum) 42
<lupine_85> right, it doesn't get automatically converted into the block for the method you're passing it as an argument to
<lupine_85> which is a kind of relief, kind of shame
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<lupine_85> so the implementation must do if block_given? ; yield ; else ; args[0].to_proc.call if args[0].respond_to?(:to_proc) ; end
<nobitanobi> Anyone knows how to pass parameters in a hash form when using OAuth get method? Something like this: @photos = @access_token.get('/photos.xml', :parameters => {:id => 1} ) I can't find the way to do it in the Docs.
<lupine_85> *shudder
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<shevy> my keyboard makes loud sounds when I type the space key :(
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<shevy> it's noisy
<shevy> are there extra silent keyboards?
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<ggreer> I hear the IBM Model M is a quiet keyboard
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<nobitanobi> shevy: Do you happen to have a MB Air? A friend of mine is so frustrated with his space bar noise in his Air...
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<shevy> nobitanobi hmm no... dont think so... I have a Microsoft Wired Keyboard 200
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<shevy> but one month after buying it, the keys seem to have gotten louder :(
<nobitanobi> shevy: oh ~~
<nobitanobi> shevy: go tell em!
<shevy> it's a good keyboard otherwise, but the typing sound annoys me
<shevy> I used to have a really heavy MS Office keyboard... it was fairly silent
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<nobitanobi> shevy: I remember my old MS keyboard with the MS Explorer mouse. those were good stuff
<shevy> I semi-watch a video while writing code, and it's on low volume to not distract me too much, and that typing noise distracts me, it's louder than the movie...
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<shevy> haha the explorer mouse
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<nobitanobi> shevy: remember the explorer one ah?
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<nobitanobi> shevy: I loved it...
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<ggreer> I have that cheap amazon bluetooth keyboard. it's pretty quiet
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<shevy> I am not sure if I remember. the mice today are quite ok.. cheap and not annoying. and reliable
<graft> okay... x = []; x[3] = 1; x.inject(:+) fails because + is not defined on nil. what do i do here?
<ggreer> maybe you just hit the spacebar more authoritatively than most keys?
<shevy> a few years ago I had a cheap mouse where the outer polish (that red colour) slowly fell apart in pieces... that was ugly to touch
<nobitanobi> yeah man, do it softer :)
<ggreer> ^^ that's what I use. it's mushy
<shevy> ggreer, yeah, mostly my left thumb
<shevy> when I hit the middle of the space bar it is ok
<ggreer> but it's smaller than most keyboards, so it fits my hands better
<shevy> but when I hit the left side, it creaks and squeaks strangely :(
<LiquidInsect> graft: what are you trying to do?
<nobitanobi> shevy: this is what I am talking about: http://www.maximumpc.com/files/u17625/intellimouse3.jpg
<ggreer> maybe wash your keyboard?
<LiquidInsect> graft: you made an array that looks like [nil, nil, nil, 3]
<ggreer> or lubricate it?
<ggreer> or both?
<LiquidInsect> and tried to sum it
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<graft> LiquidInsect: yeah...
<shevy> like when you scratch over a chalkboard with a knife... I get slight goose pimples from that sound
<LiquidInsect> nil isn't a number so you can't do that
<shevy> ggreer, will give it a try tomorrow. when I shake it, something rattles inside...
<shevy> as if tiny pearls are in it
<shevy> nobitanobi hmm I thought they were more primitive back then
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<ggreer> oh. it could be one of those springy bars on the sides of big keys. if one of those has come loose, the key won't go straight down if you press off-center
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<peterhellberg> graft: You could do x.compact.inject(:+)
<peterhellberg> graft: If you just want to remove the nils
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<shevy> I remember those mice with the teal middle wheel thing
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<shevy> nobitanobi, haha almost like this one http://www.circuitgeek.com/sites/default/files/images/p5h.jpg
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<graft> LiquidInsect: i understand why it's failing... i just want to sum up all the non-nil members
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<graft> peterhellberg: ah, right, duh
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<zeromodulus> is it okay to ask rails questions here? the #rails room appears to be dead.
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<adamkittelson> zeromodulus: try the #rubyonrails room
<zeromodulus> actually, nevermind, I discovered my problem. the official room is #rubyonrails
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<zeromodulus> thanks
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