apeiros_ changed the topic of #ruby to: programming language || ruby-lang.org || Paste >3 lines of text in http://pastie.org || Rails is in #rubyonrails
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<lwhalen42> would this be the correct place to ask about building equivalents of ruby-libs with rpmbuild?
<apeiros_> lwhalen42: probably. not knowing rpmbuild, so I'm not sure, but I think you're looking for rubygems.
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<lwhalen42> well, I'm trying to replace the system ruby on CentOS 5 with Ruby Enterprise Edition
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<lwhalen42> I've actually got the basic RPM installing just fine, it's the dependencies that are driving me up a wall
<lwhalen42> I've grabbed the system-ruby spec file, and I have my REE RPM "Providing" all the little bits that system-ruby provides
<apeiros_> hm, I see. I don't think that's something I can help with
<lwhalen42> however, when I install my REE RPM and then try to install a Puppet or ruby-shadow package (i.e. one that 'requires' ruby-libs), yum tries to install ruby-libs on top of my REE stuff. and that just ain't right
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<lwhalen42> and I can't for the life of me figure out why :-p
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<shadoi> that's how dependency graphs work.
<shadoi> they're requiring specific versions of shit that yours don't staisfy.
<shadoi> satisfy.
<waxjar> is there a way to make ^C not show up in the STDOUT when you close a process with ^C?
<waxjar> *with ctrl + c
<shadoi> that's an interesting question.
<shadoi> I have no idea.
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<shadoi> echo-control-characters in bash controls it
<shadoi> put it in your profile
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<shadoi> but when I set it, it doesn't work, so I dunno
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<lwhalen42> shadoi: I've quadruple-checked my spec-file, and everything the ruby-libs package (and the ruby package) provide, my spec file lists as "provides" as well
<shadoi> lwhalen42: it's probably depending on the exact version in the REE packages
<waxjar> hmm, well that gives me something to google for. thx shadoi :)
<lwhalen42> let me pastie my spec-file...
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<lwhalen42> REE spec - http://pastebin.com/LBWLu8te
<lwhalen42> here's a grep through the system-ruby spec: http://pastebin.com/JxbHwsx9
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<lwhalen42> yum-deplist on one of the offending packages: http://pastebin.com/BwGRudEY
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<shadoi> waxjar: echo "set echo-control-characters Off" > ~/.inputrc
<shadoi> re-login, it works
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<shadoi> lwhalen42: you're building it 64bit ?
<lwhalen42> I am
<lwhalen42> my entire environment is 64-bit
<waxjar> i mean more a way of letting ruby do that, within the application only
<waxjar> i found a library that supposedly supports it, having a look at the code now
<shadoi> lwhalen42: then your version string is being evaluated as a _lower_ version than the el version.
<lwhalen42> most excellent
<lwhalen42> and by most excellent, I mean "much profanity" :-)
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<shadoi> waxjar: it's likely settable wherever readline takes options
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<lwhalen42> so, how can I debug this more definitivly?
<lwhalen42> just up the revision number and see what happens?
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<shadoi> There is a document somewhere that describes the version parsing exactly
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<lwhalen42> schweet, that gives me something to google for. thank you!
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<joselo> hi everyone
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<joselo> I have some problems trying to start rails server
<joselo> this message show http://pasteit.com/17475
<joselo> can someone help me?
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<any-key> joselo: you may be better off in #rubyonrails
<joselo> I cant Join to the channel
<joselo> I dont know why!
<shevy> joselo perhaps you did not register here yet
<any-key> whoops make that #rails
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<shevy> the command is, without the leading quote -> " /msg nickserv identify YOUR_PASSWORD_COMES_HERE"
<joselo> ok
<joselo> thnks
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<senthil> any-key: i think both exist
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<katya^> did you know that design is way more fun than development
<katya^> wrong career
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<chad_> does anyone use rcodetools.vim w/ rvm?
<chad_> is there some trick?
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<senthil> chad_: what does it do?
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<draco12> :(
<michaelmartinez> :))
<draco12> :)
<michaelmartinez> I've got nothing else
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<lewis> when do you use the +, when do you use the comma when you use print
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<rippa> lewis: what is this, i don't even
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<banisterfiend> rippa: hello
<lewis> rippa: sorry?
<rippa> banisterfiend: Guten Morgen, meine Freund
<rippa> lewis: what do you mean with + and , ?
<rippa> , separates parameters
<lewis> nevermind
<lewis> rippa: I'm sleepy I don't think well.
<lewis> 02:08 rippa: banisterfiend: Guten Morgen, meine Freund -> german?
<banisterfiend> lewis: a russian speaking german
<lewis> good morning, my friend?
<banisterfiend> lewis: let me rephrase that, rippa is a russian and he was typing german
<banisterfiend> he's ont a german who speaks russian
<lewis> lol
<lewis> gotcha
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<lewis> Guten Morgen, meine Freund : what does that mean banisterfiend
<banisterfiend> lewis: so yes he's one of those funny europeans we sometimes hear about on tv / movies
<lewis> banisterfiend: Ali G?
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<lewis> banisterfiend: borat?
<banisterfiend> lewis: genivieve wescot
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<Shaded> Hi, anyone here been to a hackathon?
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<hasorli> I have problems to get apache with passenger to show the pages ... ? Works with "bundle exec script/server -e production"
<hasorli> If I run passenger in standalone mode (passenger start) i get
<hasorli> "Ruby on Rails application could not be started"
<hasorli> "Error message: development database is not configured (ActiveRecord::AdapterNotSpecified) "
<hasorli> Do I need a development database ?
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<ranjibd> hasorli, you have configured passenger with apache?
<ranjibd> then just restart apache
<hasorli> ranjibd, thanks for your respons.
<hasorli> Yes. I have configured passenger with apache.
<draco12> is matz in here?
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<draco12> i need to talk to him
<ranjibd> hasorli, you should not invoke script/server, try service apache2 restart , if you are on ubuntu
<banisterfiend> draco12: he's waiting for your phone call
<draco12> thanks
<draco12> what is his number?
<banisterfiend> draco12: google it
<hasorli> ranjibd, and apahce was restarted.
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<hasorli> In the error log I got "Directory index forbidden by Options directive"
<ranjibd> hasorli, is it working ? you need specify rails_root and point it to public folder of your rails app
<hasorli> If I turn of the options directive off - I only see the directory listing from the rails_root
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<hasorli> ranjiibd, This is my apache config http://www.pastie.org/3785059
<draco12> i cant find it, banister friend
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<hasorli> I have problems to get apache with passenger to show the pages ... ?
<hasorli> Works with "bundle exec script/server -e production"
<hasorli> If I run passenger in standalone mode (passenger start) i get
<hasorli> "Ruby on Rails application could not be started"
<hasorli> "Error message: development database is not configured (ActiveRecord::AdapterNotSpecified) "
<hasorli> This is my apache config http://www.pastie.org/3785059
<hasorli> Thanks for any help, that can get me on the right trac..
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<Axsuul> Anyone have a good suggestion on how I could restart a rake task with overlap? That is, I want the rake task to always be running, but occasionally I need to restart it to account for new data, but I need it to be running 24/7 no matter what
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<senthil> Axsuul: have 2 rake tasks?
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<Axsuul> senthil: hmm, looking at god, but i wonder if it has that feature where it can restart with overlap
<Axsuul> kinda like how unicorn
<Axsuul> you send it a USR2 signal
<senthil> Axsuul: no its just like regular restart
<senthil> AFAIK
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<senthil> Axsuul: is it that important they overlap?
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<Axsuul> senthil: yea, pretty important. its a crawler-like daemon and i don't want to miss a thing
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<banisterfiend> Axsuul: sing me this while you cry me a river http://www.lyricsfreak.com/a/aerosmith/i+dont+want+to+miss+a+thing_20004490.html
<Axsuul> hahah
<Axsuul> reminds me of armegaeddon
<chovy> how do i convert opts[:foo] to a string?
<lewis> .to_s
<soulcutter> chovy: opts[:foo].to_s
<soulcutter> or 'opts[:foo]' if that's more what you're going for
<soulcutter> or %q{opts[:foo]}
<chovy> thanks
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<Banistertab> Apeiros sup
<apeiros_> still the same as an hour ago ;-)
<apeiros_> hi there Banistertab
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<Banistertab> Howwasyiur first pry experience
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<apeiros_> nice
<apeiros_> only missing my irbrc. need to port it.
<Banistertab> Apeiros the most flack i get is that commands are not methods, what do uthink about that
<apeiros_> hm, not formed an opinion yet. I think separating the controls of pry from real methods makes sense…
<apeiros_> after all, availability is different
<Banistertab> Yeah, the rationale is that a debugger should leave a program as it was as much as possible, and dumping a bunch of methids into gkobal scope is evil, not ti mentuon methods aree not guanrenteed to be availablable as they could be overidden by whichever object is in scope
<Banistertab> Anyeay imdrunk
<Banistertab> Bbl :-)
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<|RicharD|> hello
<|RicharD|> why not work if(reply == "yes" or reply == "no") as condition ?
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<shevy> it is ugly to use ()
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<shevy> reply = 'yes'; puts 'yup works' if reply == 'yes' or reply == 'no'
<shevy> there. works.
<|RicharD|> no i had fix with use
<|RicharD|> of chomp
<|RicharD|> gets.chomp
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<chad_> Does the rcodetools.vim plugin work at all with 1.9.x and/or rvm?
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<fivetwentysix> zomg dhh dissed cucumber
<fivetwentysix> thank god I already discovered the benefit of cucumber
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<fivetwentysix> and i will continue to use it in a great state of mind
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<|RicharD|> i
<|RicharD|> hate dhh
<|RicharD|> and soon i will migrate to django for webapp
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<|RicharD|> (also if i love ruby)
<fivetwentysix> |RicharD|: are you serious?
<fivetwentysix> django
<fivetwentysix> lol
<|RicharD|> 100%
<|RicharD|> i don't like rails
<|RicharD|> for the choice that he do
<fivetwentysix> why?
<|RicharD|> it many restrictive and limitated
<|RicharD|> and i don't like many choice that are been done
<|RicharD|> by dhh and team
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<fivetwentysix> elaborate it many restrictive and limitated
<|RicharD|> you have never tried django ?
<|RicharD|> that for very complex project
<fivetwentysix> i came from django
<|RicharD|> that can't use conventions
<|RicharD|> use rails become very complicated
<fivetwentysix> how?
<|RicharD|> because rails force you to use conventions
<|RicharD|> it's a complex discussion that i can't afford for my poor english
<fivetwentysix> force?
<|RicharD|> sorry :(
<fivetwentysix> nah man
<|RicharD|> for my personal use yes
<fivetwentysix> i know what you're saying
<fivetwentysix> but i think everyone learned rails wrongly
<|RicharD|> umm you say ?
<fivetwentysix> They wrote huge models
<|RicharD|> maybe yes
<Synthead> I have a function that runs another function, sleeps, and loops indefinitely. I want to make a sigterm stop the sleep and exit. how can I do this?
<fivetwentysix> What they should write are lots of lib files
<|RicharD|> maybe yes
<fivetwentysix> and do modular programing with TDD
<|RicharD|> what you hate of django ?
<fivetwentysix> then they will discover what BDD is really for
<fivetwentysix> |RicharD|: I don't hate it, but python is no ruby
<|RicharD|> (and django scale very good)
<|RicharD|> ah it's stance man
<Tasser> fivetwentysix, rails is about big models :-)
<|RicharD|> but i like ruby and python
<|RicharD|> so i haven't this problem
<|RicharD|> problems*
<fivetwentysix> Tasser: nah, your models are for validating and scopes and rails stuff
<fivetwentysix> Tasser: custom business logic, things you actually need to test
<fivetwentysix> shouldn't be in the model
<fivetwentysix> they should be a module
<fivetwentysix> that's included by the model
<fivetwentysix> and testing these libs
<Tasser> fivetwentysix, I think the presenter pattern is useful
<fivetwentysix> will run in 0.00005 seconds
<fivetwentysix> cucumber guides you to knowing what libraries you need to write
<|RicharD|> maybe yes
<fivetwentysix> cucumber is about discovery
<|RicharD|> anyway i like also python
<|RicharD|> so
<|RicharD|> but anyway i have also project with rails and sinatra :)
<fivetwentysix> i just want ruby to get faster and better
<fivetwentysix> often rails developers will write some crud style controller
<fivetwentysix> duplicating the same pattern
<fivetwentysix> over and over again
<fivetwentysix> so much potential to write dryer modular code
<|RicharD|> yes i agree
<fivetwentysix> but you won't get there
<fivetwentysix> without BDD
<|RicharD|> maybe you use this set of programmation style
<fivetwentysix> because you fear to refactor
<|RicharD|> because you came from django
<|RicharD|> and you have a mind different
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<|RicharD|> maybe can be so ?
<fivetwentysix> you don't know when things are doing the same thing
<fivetwentysix> nah, i used django for 1 project
<fivetwentysix> it was nice
<|RicharD|> :)
<|RicharD|> so you don't like python right ?
<fivetwentysix> Not really
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<fivetwentysix> honestly it's been 2 years since I've written python
<fivetwentysix> so I don't really remember much about it except 4 space tabs
<fivetwentysix> and no end calls
<fivetwentysix> but scale? I think ruby will be a serious performer in the next 5 years
<fivetwentysix> More programmers develop ruby
<fivetwentysix> More money being spent on ruby
<fivetwentysix> == faster more powerful ruby
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<fivetwentysix> and now we have jruby, rubinius, macruby
<fivetwentysix> and mobile phones
<fivetwentysix> ruby is serious which makes me happy
<fivetwentysix> i love rdoc, vim, cucumber, spec, happy tools for pragmatic programmers
<apeiros_> s/rdoc/yard/
<|RicharD|> anyway
<|RicharD|> now matz
<|RicharD|> is hired by heroku
<fivetwentysix> yes
<|RicharD|> so maybe it can develop more
<fivetwentysix> as a full-time committer for ruby
<|RicharD|> also if python
<|RicharD|> is backed by google
<|RicharD|> maybe rails 2 change all :)
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<|RicharD|> ops
<|RicharD|> ruby
<|RicharD|> 2
<fivetwentysix> yeah
<fivetwentysix> my hope
* apeiros_ didn't know matz was an 'it' :-p
<fivetwentysix> matz - it is a ruby creator
<QKO> he's still the head maintainer isn't he?
<|RicharD|> yes
<|RicharD|> it work for heroku
<|RicharD|> for continue work with ruby
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<|RicharD|> heroku use many ruby if i don't wrong
<fivetwentysix> |RicharD|: you were talking about more scale, it's coming
<|RicharD|> :)
<|RicharD|> good anyway
<fivetwentysix> ruby is faster next year
<|RicharD|> i'm working on a very difficult and big project
<|RicharD|> that use
<|RicharD|> ruby
<fivetwentysix> why is it difficult?
<|RicharD|> because
<|RicharD|> it use sensible data
<|RicharD|> and we need scalable solution and secure
<|RicharD|> anyway we use ruby and sinatra
<|RicharD|> not rails
<|RicharD|> :)
<|RicharD|> and it so beautiful
<|RicharD|> simple and fast
<fivetwentysix> nice
<fivetwentysix> i like sinatra
<|RicharD|> then for the web things maybe we use rails or django i don't know
<fivetwentysix> i can write and push sinatra site to web in minutes
<|RicharD|> but the main
<|RicharD|> and important things
<|RicharD|> are under ruby
<|RicharD|> and sinatra
<|RicharD|> that's works nice
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<parus> übungsblatt?
<parus> sry
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<shevy> lol
<banisterfiend> shevy: translate for us
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<parus> banisterfiend: exercise sheet ;) wrong channel though
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<fragrant> Hi
<fragrant> word is "abase" but the s.length prints 6
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<Mon_Ouie> Then s != "abase"
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<fragrant> How can i check that?
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<Mon_Ouie> p s
<Mon_Ouie> You'll see what that string really is
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<fragrant> How is extra characters(space ) can be tailed
<Mon_Ouie> My guess is that you have "abase\n"
<Mon_Ouie> String#chomp would do it for that
<fragrant> Yes, every word is in a new line
<fragrant> Every line has a word
<fragrant> So does ruby s.length counts newline?
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<Mon_Ouie> Sure, it's a normal character
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<shevy> fragrant you can have really huge strings in a variable with millions of newlines in them
<fragrant> "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz".each do |t| ; puts t end
<fragrant> I get error for that
<fragrant> Why?
<Mon_Ouie> Strings do not respond to each in 1.9
<Mon_Ouie> They respond to #each_char, #each_line, and #each_byte though
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<fragrant> Suppose there are 300 words in a file, how can i get the lengh of that file?
<fragrant> That means , it should output 300
<fragrant> Each line has a word
<fragrant> So there are 300 lines
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<Mon_Ouie> So what do you define as length? Amount of lines? words? bytes? characters?
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<fragrant> words/ line
<fragrant> Each line has one word
<Mon_Ouie> You could do file.lines.count
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<fragrant> What is file?
<fragrant> I'm doing , File.open('a2.txt').each_line{ |s|
<Mon_Ouie> File.open returns an instance of File — that's what File is
<Mon_Ouie> Although you shouldn't use File.open that way
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<Mon_Ouie> Use File.open(filename) { |file| … }, that way you're sure not to forget to close the file as soon as you're done
<fragrant> That is to iterate the words
<fragrant> I need to count the words/lines
<Mon_Ouie> That doesn't make it impossible to use the block form
<fragrant> Why would i use that block?
<fragrant> Shoud i do count = count +1 to count words
<fragrant> ?
<Mon_Ouie> You should use a block with File.open because it will call #close automatically when you're done with the file
<Mon_Ouie> And fore counting lines, you can just use Enumerable#count as shown above
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<fragrant> Is it ? puts File.open('a2.txt').lines.count
<Mon_Ouie> You still should pass a block to File.open
<fragrant> Mon_Ouie: Why?
<Mon_Ouie> See above
<fragrant> After , fl = File.open('a2.txt').each do |s| ; end , if i try to do , fl.close , i get error
<fragrant> `<main>': undefined method `close' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)
<Mon_Ouie> You probably didn't type just that. fl = File.open("tmp").each do |s| ; end; fl.close works just fine.
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<fragrant> Mon_Ouie: Try this, http://pastebin.com/t8LVsqUj
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<|RicharD|> anyone use twitter
<|RicharD|> gem ?
<Mon_Ouie> That's because #each returned nil, because you used break
<fragrant> That sucks
<fragrant> Then what should i do?
<Mon_Ouie> file = File.open(…); file.each { … }
<Mon_Ouie> Or, again, File.open(…) { |file| … }
<fragrant> Same problem< http://pastebin.com/wxuTU4sH
<Mon_Ouie> Same problem because… same code
<Mon_Ouie> do … end and { … } are the same thing in that context
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<fragrant> I think, it's not because of break
<fragrant> But because of do end or { .. }
<fragrant> I think, that block automatically closes that file
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<fragrant> How can i check if a file is still opened or not?
<Mon_Ouie> It *is* because of break, and the file is still opened (see File#closed?)
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<fragrant> It's not because of break
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<apeiros_> thinks vs. knows - taking the bets!
<fragrant> After the file block, the file is closed automatically, so no need for fl.close again
<xorrbit> is there an elegant way to do this? message.value[0].value[2].value[0].value[0].value[1].value[0].value[3].value[2].value[0].value[1].value
<apeiros_> fragrant: you should listen to Mon_Ouie, he knows his stuff
<apeiros_> also, in your latest code, you do not have a file block, only an each block
<xorrbit> like some_method("0200103201") would expand that out or something
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<apeiros_> xorrbit: you could do that with inject, but I somewhat think your question doesn't ask what you actually want to ask…
<fragrant> apeiros_: Mon_Ouie, Try this, you will my point,
<apeiros_> message.value[0].value[2] <-- calls value[2] on the result of message.value[0]
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<xorrbit> that line is correct code, I'm doing ASN1 parsing using the OpenSSL library and that's how I'm accessing the data
<xorrbit> It's just super ugly :P
<fragrant> apeiros_: Mon_Ouie, There is no object for file after the block.
<apeiros_> oh dear
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<apeiros_> fragrant: File.open('a2.txt').each { break } # <-- will *always* return nil
<apeiros_> Mon_Ouie already told you that and I wonder how long it'll take you to figure out that he was right all along…
<Mon_Ouie> xorrbit: You could use #inject and #each_char
<fragrant> apeiros_: Ok, that's return nill, and that's what i said too.
<apeiros_> also, File.open(…).each { is not the same as File.open(…) { |f| f.each {
<xorrbit> inject eh
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<fragrant> How can i run infinite loop in ruby?
<apeiros_> loop do … end
<td123> loop
<apeiros_> while 0; … end
<td123> that looks funny :P
<apeiros_> the latter is nicely confusing for some people :) use true instead of 0 if you want it less confusing.
<Mon_Ouie> Especially those that come from C/Java/…
<fragrant> Which function to use to take input from keyboard?
<apeiros_> and just to have it said: using an infinite loop means you failed to state your break condition
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<fragrant> while 0 do ... end , is that correct?
<apeiros_> no. the way I wrote it is correct.
<Mon_Ouie> It is correct too
<draco12> is matz here yet?
<Mon_Ouie> You can use a do after the condition in for and while loops
<apeiros_> ah, right, while accepts a do in syntax too… been years I've seen that used
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<fragrant> if inp == "No" do ; break; end; is that correct?
<Mon_Ouie> No. You can check by typing that in IRB.
<|RicharD|> if i have this: Twitter.search("to:justinbieber marry me", :rpp => 3, :result_type => "recent").map do |status| how i can inspect
<|RicharD|> every field of status ?
<|RicharD|> i don't know a prior what are(i know that it is know)
<|RicharD|> inpect(status) ?
<Mon_Ouie> Depends on what status is. You can print some information about any object using "p object"
<|RicharD|> i want something as print_r
<|RicharD|> of php
<xorrbit> okay I figure out a way to make that value[] crap less ugly: https://gist.github.com/be04d574e2dba90ed240
<xorrbit> anyone have a more elegant way of doing that?
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<|RicharD|> p object is good but it not formated
<|RicharD|> the result
<Mon_Ouie> require 'pp'; pp object if you want to make it pretty
<|RicharD|> oki thx
<|RicharD|> very nice now :)
<Mon_Ouie> xorrbit: Your way is fine. I'd just do it like indices.ineject(message) { |msg, idx| msg[idx].value }
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<toddmorrill> hi folks i am just starting with ruby on sinatra…. want to integrate a tempting framework…. is slim cool?
<toddmorrill> or is that 200 and late?
<toddmorrill> *2000
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<canton7> depends on what you're using it for, and a degree of personal preference I guess
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<fragrant> http://pastebin.com/wsRVq95w , i need to puts that line, how can i do that?
<fragrant> Each line has a word
<fragrant> I need to puts that word[rnd]
<fragrant> Full code, http://pastebin.com/BF0hG5ts
<Mon_Ouie> You're probably better of loading your file in an array
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<canton7> there's a fantastic function, Array#sample, which will make life simpler, too
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<atmosx> Hello
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<atmosx> I need some help with the basics. http://codepad.org/LFjT9QsL <-- here's my code for a statistic analysis. It's pretty easy (I think) to understand what it does, however.. the 'i' variable is of class FixNum which makes sense but the a,b,c,d variables are of class NilClass which does not make any sense to me… I switched the variables from simple to global (a -> $a) but still the same result. Any ideas? (I'm sure it's something basic that I'm missi
<atmosx> using ruby1.9 - oops sorry for the loong exp
<Mon_Ouie> atmosx: You want i = a = … = 0
<fragrant> puts fileName+"\n" this doesn't print newline, why?
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<atmosx> Mon_Ouie: oh
<Mon_Ouie> parallel assignment will use an implicit splat, and fill the remaining elements with nil
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<gogiel> atmosx: you are doing it wrong
<atmosx> gogiel: the comparison thing?
<Mon_Ouie> fragrant: puts already adds a new-line, but only when there isn't already one
<gogiel> atmosx: no. the loop thing. we dont use while loops in ruby
<atmosx> okay, what should I use?
<atmosx> it's not wrong, I have most of the printed… and 'i' seems to reach 1.000 successfully, by prob is that a,b,c,d remain 0.00 for some reason...
<gogiel> (0..x).each do |i| ... end
<atmosx> gogiel: yeah, that's easier to read thanks
<gogiel> and use case/when instead of elsifs
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<atmosx> gogiel: I used first case then if/else I get the same result
<moshee> atmosx, he is picking on you for style choices, not incorrect code
<atmosx> moshee: I know, I figure it out :-P just now
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<gogiel> atmosx: a,b,c,d = 0 is like [a,b,c,d] = [0, nil, nil, nil]
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<atmosx> gogiel: true, I tested this
<atmosx> moshee: he corrected the first part also (okay now?)
<atmosx> so he is not just picking styles, still I don't understand why a is always 0…
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<atmosx> hmm
<moshee> codepad is loading reeeeeally slowly
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<Mon_Ouie> Because you're using $a instead of a
<atmosx> Mon_Ouie: no, I've changed that… I was just in an urge to paste it to codepad, wait, I'll update it
<shevy> :P
<shevy> online changing code!
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<atmosx> yeah codepad is slow http://pastie.org/3786944
<atmosx> ah no that's not it… that's a code snippet shit...
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<atmosx> okay here: http://pastie.org/3786950
<Mon_Ouie> That's not how you use the case construct
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<atmosx> you mena tha a == rnd … ?
<atmosx> I can remove the a == thing, but is it wrong this way?
<atmosx> ah no wait I totally messed it up...
<Mon_Ouie> case a when b then … end is like if b === a then … end
<Mon_Ouie> Meaning you're comparing rnd with either true or false, which will be false anyway
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<shevy> atmosx it is usually bad to tie together so many things
<moshee> looks like a is always zero because it never reaches 25 because you are comparing 0 with 25 every time
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<atmosx> yes, I've see more mistakes than my eyes can bare here…
<toddmorrill> besides slim what are the major tempting languages
<atmosx> I'll try to fix it a bit
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<canton7> toddmorrill, the ones sinatra supports natively: http://www.sinatrarb.com/intro#Views%20/%20Templates
<fragrant> Is there any function to take a character randomly from a string?
<waxjar> what is a tempting language?
<toddmorrill> templating
<toddmorrill> oops
<waxjar> ah, i'd say Haml
<fragrant> Like str.sample ?
<toddmorrill> ok, i am pretty new, thanks for not flaming me :)
<fragrant> "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz".sample , is there anything like that?
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<Mon_Ouie> fragrant: No, but you can easily create a random integer between 0 and the size of the string, and then get the character at that position
<fragrant> I was searching for built-in function
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<Mon_Ouie> There is none, which is why you need to do it yourself
<fragrant> I know
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<atmosx> made it http://pastie.org/3787075
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<Pip> What is a "laundry line"?
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<atmosx> a line full of clothes soon to be part of the laundry?
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<Pip> I see
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<lewis> Pip: this channel is for ruby not english (##english)
<Pip> lewis, I was read Ruby book and got that question
<Pip> :D
<bounce> (ruby doesn't do laundry. lazy thing.)
<Pip> *reading
<Pip> lol
<bounce> could check if there's a laundry gem, maybe
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<Pip> "Imagine the letters are on a string of laundry line and the quotes are clothespins holding the ends. The quotes mark the beginning and end."
<Pip> the concept of string
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<any-key> sounds like something _why would use to explain strings
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<atmosx> omg what book is that Pip ?
<soulcutter> what holds the letters in the middle? they could be sagging all the way to the ground!
<Pip> I won't tell ya
<Pip> :D
<any-key> Pip: I think I know :)
<Pip> :D
<atmosx> You should, to keep me away from it :-P
<draco12> :-P
<Pip> Okay, it's not a book, it's the try ruby tutorial
<any-key> that's still something _why wrote :P
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<Pip> who is something_why?
<any-key> I think your parser is broken
<Pip> Oh
<Pip> Who is _why?
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<Pip> any-key, So what is he doing now?
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<Pip> Writing a superior book on Ruby while being locked and left alone by himself?
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<Tasser> Pip, something entierly different apparently
<Pip> I wish he isn't trying to invent a new programming language to replace Ruby
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<Tasser> why not?
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<seanstickle> Languages come and go.
<Cache_Money> why am I getting this error code "undefined local variable or method `o' for main:Object (NameError)
<Cache_Money> from A_speaking_in_tongues.rb:25:in `<main>'" for this code http://pastie.org/3787314 ?
<seanstickle> Cache_Money: line 14 has a variable named "o"
<seanstickle> Cache_Money: not previously defined
<seanstickle> Perhaps you meant 0 ?
<Cache_Money> ahh... thank you
<Cache_Money> seanstickle: referring to line 17.. I want to go to the next iteration of the for loop, so `if dict.has_key?(target)` is equal to true what should I do? WHen I use break it just finishes the for loop
<seanstickle> next
<Cache_Money> thanks
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<lewis> Cache_Money: what's input.length
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<Cache_Money> lewis: the length of the string 'input' -- the second argument to the function build_dict
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<Pip> Because Ruby is Hot
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<lewis> Cache_Money: what's dict
<Cache_Money> a dictionary hash
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<eph3meral> does anyone have suggestions for how to store a binary number in ruby? I mean, I know I could just store an integer, but the number needs to basically be arbitrary length
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<eph3meral> well, arbitrary length in bits anyway
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<eph3meral> it will be log2(N)*k where k is the number of columns I have and N is the number of values each column can have
<eph3meral> er, it will be log2(N)*k bits long, that is
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<Mon_Ouie> You know Ruby *does* support arbitrary large integers?
<Mon_Ouie> Alternatively, you can use strings (with the binary encoding)
<lewis> Cache_Money: I think it has something to do with the way you use dict
<soulcutter> if I was to say a tag was nested inside another tag, would you think it's a direct child?
<soulcutter> or would you think it's possibly a grandchild etc?
<lewis> Cache_Money: I'm not even sure what that is. let me know when you fix it
<Cache_Money> lewis: it's working now.. what do you mean?
<soulcutter> (in the context of xml)
<Cache_Money> lewis: i had the letter 'o' in line 14 where I should have had a zero
<RubyPanther> Tokaido... do mac users really have it this bad right now?!
<lewis> Cache_Money: lol
<Cache_Money> haha
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<Tasser> how do I use newlines in a csv field?
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<eph3meral> Mon_Ouie, hmm, I'm looking at Array.pack right now, it almost looks like what I want
<eph3meral> Mon_Ouie, when you say strings with a binary encoding, could you explain that a bit more please?
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<Mon_Ouie> Strings in 1.9 have an encoding. Make sure you use the one called "binary" (aka "ASCII-8bit"), so Ruby will accept any byte sequence
<eph3meral> Mon_Ouie, I just need to be able to convert the string "1000" back and forth between a binary bitstring and an "integer"
<eph3meral> in other words i need to convert from "1000" to the number 16
<Mon_Ouie> (Array#pack will return such a string)
<eph3meral> Mon_Ouie, ok, I was trying in irb, I couldn't get it
<eph3meral> the docs are a bit difficult to decipher for me
<Mon_Ouie> "1000".to_i(2) is what you seem to want
<eph3meral> oh, nice
<eph3meral> ok, that looks about right, thanks
<Mon_Ouie> But then you're using one byte for every digit, as opposed to one bit
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<eph3meral> Mon_Ouie, meh, that's not such a huge deal IMO
<eph3meral> i'll probably store them as integers but then convert to string if and or when some permutations are easier on a string basis
<Mon_Ouie> As long as it works for you. I was just wondering if doing it like that actually was what you wanted, as it didn't seem to match your initial description.
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<eph3meral> Mon_Ouie, for now, yes that's what I want, thanks :)
<eph3meral> Mon_Ouie, so now, do you know how to do the reverse?
<eph3meral> convert an integer into a bitstring?
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<Mon_Ouie> to_s 2
<shevy> hey Mon_Ouie where are the parens! :(
<Mon_Ouie> shevy: Did you try shift + 0 or 9?
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<Tasser> is there a nice little library that calucaltes MAP score for me?
<shevy> Mon_Ouie I tried nothing!
<shevy> Tasser, what is MAP? m... average ... p... ?
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<Tasser> shevy, it's a recall-oriented measure of search results
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<any-key> oh hey, I remember that from class :)
<Tasser> any-key, \o/
<Tasser> what class?
<any-key> Information Storage and Retrieval, it was a lot of fun
<any-key> did it all in Python, though
<Tasser> yeah, did a small project with lucene + jruby
<any-key> my final project for the class involved rails and sunspot/solr
<Tasser> the code is hell, some parts nicely splitted and one big 100 LoC file with gluecode :D
<Tasser> now that's boring highlevel stuff ;-)
<Tasser> hmmmmm, a #map.with_object(1) doesn't really work, does it
<Tasser> and a #map.reduce kinda sux as well
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<Tasser> I've got an array, and I'd like to output the current state, but I need the previous one as well. Example: [*1..5].magic {|prev, current| prev + current} should output [1,3,6,10,15]
<Tasser> ah wait, I need to pass more than one object. so a #with_object and a hash should do.
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<eph3meral> now, I know that usually eval is "evil", but is there a way to eval a string such as ' 6+5*4/2+1' to get the number 28?
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<eph3meral> er, sorry wrong result, and... I found it :)
<eph3meral> move along, nothing to see here XD
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<seanstickle> operator precedence in programming is an evil
<seanstickle> That must be stamped out
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<Sou|cutter> sounds like we have an operator communist
<shevy> lol
<shevy> seanstickle, don't let Sou|cutter call you an operator!
<seanstickle> Right to left precedence
<seanstickle> For everything!
<seanstickle> As it should be.
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<Sou|cutter> reverse polish notation!
<shevy> you sure know how to make catchy phrases
<shevy> reverse canadian cross!
<lewis> huh
<shevy> KILL lewis!!!
<shevy> wait
<shevy> that goes too far.
<RubyPanther> seanstickle is a parenaphile
<lewis> please don't tell me you're canadian
<seanstickle> You don't need parens
<seanstickle> If you use APL.
<shevy> noone is canadian
<RubyPanther> I don't know about APL, but you need parens if you're a Ruby operator communist.
<shevy> but the cross compiler is often called making a canadian cross
<lewis> thanks god
<shevy> perhaps we can find other nations... polish notation... canadian cross...
<shevy> hmm
<RubyPanther> either that or a boatload of variables
<shevy> what is brazil famous for?
<seanstickle> RubyPanther: I have no idea what a Ruby operator communist is
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<seanstickle> But I think I am not one
<seanstickle> shevy: nuts
<seanstickle> shevy: also, wax
<shevy> hmmmmmmmm
<shevy> waxed nuts
<seanstickle> shevy: also, for shutting down the Well of Souls
<RubyPanther> An operator communist wearing Ruby slippers, of course.
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<seanstickle> RubyPanther: don't know what an operator communist is either
<Pip> Damn, Ruby is smart
<RubyPanther> "operator precedence in programming is an evil^MThat must be stamped out"
<seanstickle> RubyPanther: I did say that
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<shevy> I think RubyPanther is a spy
<shevy> a capitalist spy
<shevy> see, he even collected a quote from you
<shevy> if not to say, he stole it!
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<RubyPanther> I thought I was a Capitalist when I was reading Adam Smith, but that isn't how the word is usually used these days. I can say, I already bought my operator precedence and you can pry it from my cold, dead fingers.
<shevy> we'll make sure you have warm fingers
<shevy> into the fire with him!
<shevy> god, medieval times must have been cool
<shevy> burning people for no reason at all
<RubyPanther> I am a direct descendant of Oliver Cromwell
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<RubyPanther> And I for one am glad the nuttier people in my family aren't still rewarded for going on killing sprees
<shevy> unfortunately I'd have to look at wikipedia for who that is
<shevy> he was not the guy in Braveheart or?
<eph3meral> is there a simple/built-in way to convert between two encodings using an array to specify the translation? as in translate "ab" into "12" using [:a => 1, :b => 2]
<eph3meral> custom encodings that is
<eph3meral> one that I make up, nothing pre-fab like UTF-8 to ISO-whatever...
<RubyPanther> Cut off the King of England's head. Killed half of Ireland. Killed a bunch of Scots. Was Lord Protector for a few years.
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<RubyPanther> He believed if he burned a bunch of people successfully, his success meant God approved.
<RubyPanther> Perl is like that, if it succeeds, the means must have been valid
<shevy> sounds like the average insane one from back then
<shevy> perl didnt have any real competition for a while
<shevy> then came PHP!
<rippa> eph3meral: string.tr "ab", "12"
<shevy> and showed to the world that perl on the www sucked
<eph3meral> rippa, hmm, that doesn't quite do what I want... the tokens are more than 1 char long
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<eph3meral> it's more like "foobar" into "12" using [:foo => 1, :bar => 2]
<rippa> eph3meral: nothing builtin then
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<eph3meral> rippa, ok thanks
<Tasser> can I use a #with_object style with integers?
<eph3meral> rippa, I think a fairly simple loop in combination with String#tr will do the trick though, thanks :)
<Mon_Ouie> "foobar".gsub(/foo|bar/, {"foo" => '1', "bar" => '2'})
<RubyPanther> I'd rather use COBOL than PHP
<eph3meral> Mon_Ouie, hmm, that's a bit un/dry, as I will have to repeat the encoding array
<eph3meral> an yeah, oops, not [:foo, but {:foo you're right
<Mon_Ouie> No, you can use Regexp.union(hash.keys)
<eph3meral> or rather {"foo"...
<eph3meral> Mon_Ouie, ahh, nice, ok
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<eph3meral> Mon_Ouie, so how do I write that in to a regex pattern? /#{Regexp.union(hash.keys)}/ perhaps?
<Pip> Is Python's pip superior over Rubygem?
<eph3meral> pip, go away, troll
<Pip> :D
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<rippa> eph3meral: Regexp.union(hash.keys)
<Pip> eph3meral, I was just asking a question
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<Pip> eph3meral, Somebody in #python said something very bad on gem
<thoraxe> so i've got this value that i'll call some_data, and, unfortunately, sometimes it's an array but sometimes it's a string. writing a bunch of logic to detect whether or not it's a string (instead of an array of multiple strings) seems un-ruby-like. is there a way to "caste" that attribute into an array no matter what?
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<thoraxe> suggestion i have so far is ([] << some_data).flatten but that seems weird and hackish, it works though
<Veejay> haha
<Veejay> Damn thoraxe
<thoraxe> Veejay: sup!
<thoraxe> i didn't get to respond to you yet :)
<Veejay> Weird and hackish
<thoraxe> yes
<Cache_Money> can someone tell me why I'm getting the response true on the last function call? http://pastie.org/3787786
<thoraxe> using flatten seems like operating under the pretense that you may have an array of arrays
<Veejay> thoraxe: Which is what the expression [] << some_data will return if some_data is an array
<Veejay> Thus the need to flatten
<thoraxe> hmm
<thoraxe> i dunno, i guess it just looks off. it does work, though
<thoraxe> so thank you for that
<arturaz> Anyone mind retweeting this? https://twitter.com/#!/arturaz_/status/191231779896688640
<Veejay> thoraxe: How about Array.[] *some_data
<Veejay> Array.[] *"foobar" => ["foobar"]
<thoraxe> i understood .flatten -- that i have no idea about
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<Veejay> Array.[] *%w(foo bar) => ["foo", "bar"]
<Veejay> First method
<Veejay> It returns a new array populated with the values you're passing
<Veejay> So if it's a string it will just populate it with the string
<Cache_Money> my code is easier to understand now but I still don't understand why I'm getting true back when I run puts max?(5,11) http://pastie.org/3787812
<rippa> or just
<rippa> [*data]
<Veejay> rippa: That works too but it's less explicit I found
<Veejay> It's more concise though
<Mon_Ouie> Array(obj)
<matti> ;]
<Veejay> Ah yeah?
<Veejay> Awesome
<Veejay> Damn
<Veejay> Mon_Ouie: You keep amazing me
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<ged> Cache_Money: You're not doing a comparison in the first clause of your conditional. You probably want 'if (p+p+a) == score or (p+a+a) == scope or ...'
<Cache_Money> ged: ahh... thanks
<ged> s/scope/score/ Damned finger-memory.
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<Veejay> thoraxe: So yeah what Mon_Ouie said
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<thoraxe> holy crap
<thoraxe> that does work
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<tommyfun> Hi everyone
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<tommyfun> I'm havin a hellova time building ruby 1.9.3p125 on snow leopard, I use macports, which is where openssl is and that seems to be causing the issue. It seems to be documented, but I have not seen a solution except to use rvm and use the --with-openssl-dir, which I can't do on a regular configure.
<seanstickle> tommyfun: why not?
<thoraxe> Mon_Ouie++ Veejay++
<tommyfun> configure doesn't have the option
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<tommyfun> I've read a slew of posts how to fix, but all the solutions require something else in the mix
<tommyfun> like rvm
<seanstickle> So why not use rvm?
<tommyfun> I try and keep it as simple as possible, but I think I'm gonna have to
<Veejay> rvm is pretty simple
<Veejay> It's aimed at simplifying things
<tommyfun> yes, when you have multiple versions
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<seanstickle> Even when you have one
<seanstickle> I use macports all the time. But I still use rvm.
<seanstickle> Simpler *and* easier.
<tommyfun> did you install rvm in /usr/local or is it in macports?
<namidark> On ree I'm getting an issue when loading a YAML file to seed some data in the database: getting a undefined method attributes for YAML::DomainType, anyone have any ideas?
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<seanstickle> tommyfun: not macports, just download from the rvm site
<seanstickle> tommyfun: it installs to ~/.rvm
<tommyfun> k, thanks
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<zooz> hi people
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<Tasser> zooz, ask your question
<zooz> ok
<zooz> I have a variable named 'variable'
<zooz> variable = '-p 8888'
<zooz> how can I get only the number which is after -p ?
<zooz> it can be any number
<Tasser> option parsing?
<Tasser> there's optparser and trollop
<zooz> Targen, nope,
<zooz> I am actually trying to embed the code into my erb template
<zooz> for puppet
<Tasser> otherwise #match(/-p \d+/)[1]
<Mon_Ouie> split.last, str[3..-1], ^
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<Mon_Ouie> Also str[/-p (\d+)/, 1]
<Tasser> argh, right, forgot ()
<Tasser> zooz, go for Mon_Ouie's last one
<zooz> http://localhost:<%= keep::http_opts[/-p (\d+)/, 1] -%>
<zooz> I believe that should work
<Mon_Ouie> Yeah, although :: isn't commonly used for method calls
<zooz> Mon_Ouie, it is valid in puppet DSL
<zooz> and that works for sure
<Mon_Ouie> I didn't say it didn't work, I said it wasn't common
<Pip> How does the method split works?
<Pip> *work
<zooz> Mon_Ouie, cool, thanks
<Pip> name, url = line.split(': ')
<Mon_Ouie> Pip: It breaks a string into an array of substrings separated by some delimiter
<Pip> What does it mean?
<Mon_Ouie> Not sure what you want to know about "how" it works
<Pip> the last line of code
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<emptiness> anybody know what the following means: /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/1.8/rubygems/dependency_list.rb:7:in `require': no such file to load
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<Mon_Ouie> That you tried to require a file that can't be found
<ddv> emptiness: it says right there
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<Pip> it means on line 7, there is no such a thing after require to be loaded
<emptiness> thanks! was unsure if that was the case
<emptiness> no, but seriously
<emptiness> I messed up an old ruby install to try out rvm
<emptiness> and now I cannot reinstall gems
<Tasser> emptiness, just remember, <file>:<line>:<error message>
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<Tasser> <file>:<line> is an often-used paradigm, there are even editors that can handle that format - vim uses : to prefix line numbers
<emptiness> yeah, there is no such line in that file
<emptiness> fancy that
<Tasser> wtf
<emptiness> lol
<emptiness> my bad
<emptiness> how on earth could I miss that
<emptiness> *blush*
<emptiness> tsort seems to be missing
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<jenkinsd> What's this channel about?
<medik> ruby..?
<medik> the programming language
<Veejay> jenkinsd: Ruby is a dynamic, reflective, general-purpose object-oriented programming language that combines syntax inspired by Perl with Smalltalk-like features. It was also influenced by Eiffel and Lisp. Ruby was first designed and developed in the mid-1990s by Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto in Japan.
<medik> nvm i don't know
<jenkinsd> k
<jenkinsd> Where can I ask questions about rafting?
<seanstickle> jenkinsd: somewhere else
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<Veejay> jenkinsd: http://www.mountainbuzz.com/
<Veejay> Maybe
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<jenkinsd> thanks
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<Pip> a, b = ["c", "d"]
<Pip> Interesting
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<jenkinsd> Is anyone here the funkistard corn. I boo basted I'm feelin' gleem.
<jenkinsd> Rigg ass graggan Arewenoo.. Arwenoo zee-oo zaya. Chinna 2olombia adaa wella shrek raflood lool. Ground rearing some groans. I'm huff tuff reffa leffa lurf nords. I'm just like... vanilla ice foe davvity wheel barow Exparly ex preggo Is anyone out there a rig ass graggan? lelly in mah kellar WRESTLING'S FAKE!
<jenkinsd> Pargastian wildly nig nargs. smeggalty dellets Far foo faqqin Digital damage. Where wally niqqs. It's coast to coast night. Hoke a lup! Free faq fornag! Puck a leek a lup to lup round tround. Wormser marrial niqs. El delphin trilaxal. Blanking bluck to the black a lickel bleck narge.
<jenkinsd> Puggy muggle maggity ass riggle ma hole. Buck a waath ess wheel wall! Bustin' room past tin! Buckin' room past in! A harnaly scrary o mep. Rons raplaisher pa noans rebble dibby dump dimp gabble dak. A wristafiable pluckin' Blacking it up to the reng teng blickhole. I kleb to the sand of the blicka rickin time.
<jenkinsd> Rekkal theh mick thuck the rep tep taistral. Wallif ma wallis wallets. Is anyone here a jelly-o shkrapper? Bam glacky I'm mega man! Has anyone here ram baisted before? The koost a heeckil pludgeon. Feathers round rick gring air! Liquid cereal's good for you. The mummified goblin. Pallaj oh plex.
<jenkinsd> Moomassu desu, niddle the bair bons with caution Belgabble wolf waffy. Is anyone here a rubberty duggger? Is anyone a reggy dick plegger? Shoody spalooj moojer! Mella murtasTcM. Is this happy hour at the retard shack again? ron ron reggatoon. Walla julie malerf luck. Weggerty wing yaing plucking time!
<jenkinsd> Gotta set up for the suicide slide Gamma mareenmon. I've got more scrap ass shit than you can balieve with. Sally McDuffo whip. after secv on a sp00ky stream F/\gga foo regga makegg mahoun. Its all fun and games until the power goes out. Mennima Pay Street. rubbbity dib dadge pickard. Lelly in ma kellar.
<jenkinsd> I'm on recky o gregor street. Miggity ass raggan. Boyar bod. Pellicka pool wiss wall. Watching bynum bukkake the smelts Haggity ass mahown. Trukkity rep roon, the kitz a kickel plujin. Trellalickers and burb street. Huck a dickin' dime.
<jenkinsd> Float a pelly plaack ass. You're a digital dumbass. Smuggy jaloo meff jillahole. Dick, dick, dick dickaloo! Dick dickaloo my darling. Haggity ma heggal hole. nuriggerdy diggal. Visi blurb cage. O melon man mist meluhn mijohn. Oh man mellajoram. Hebble oh babble.
<jenkinsd> Two guns and a ruck roog. Turned into a hollow loop. scritch scratch the happy fog. Is anyone here a fudge plucker. I'm talking bout a rastal marry yo map. Too many ruggerty dag datoes Or are you fuck wappys out for kill gore!
<jenkinsd> The curmudgeonly pearl; ask and you might be answered. Finger with a whop top tinger. Rig tig tigger. I'm ram bastin' I'm feelin' clean! Pricey bad ass, a whop winger! Gullable dick waffer. Miggity mahoming beacon. Nick lickal novice. Your remenance. Square juice miknuller. Permio plather.
<jenkinsd> Where does master words eat pies for shells? Trenna ma lilla manole. A rargy barg ark. Shockity strip with the rectify guy. Clockity rep with the rectify fly. Hebble o babble. Rudda nah neh noo. HEP TEP ROGGY! I'm thinkin' about greckin' the rummified coin! Let's look at Amenhotep 4's mummified groin!
<jenkinsd> Ploona lefflie ludge picking! Haggy smith heddal, marry oh dettal. Hannabalist, no cannibalist, no hannibalist balievar. Ban dackoo. Put on weight! Wherr wiss fall, nudge plucking. too many |\|igg/\s, that's my line. I'm squirt with the worth of the mother plucking fine. Hoomee missee Mic daisy too. Davey oh doubt. Meggie mahoo middle.
<jenkinsd> Too many Romulan potatoers. Matoonal dakkal. Helly muhp, melly muhp, runna minuck taste-rum. Wack ass weight! Hellamanorf weg watthal. I think I'll just start to try my .smuretsaTcN rubbbity boom ducking. Hitchaleval exasht romice. Up with jelly my humpfrins. Uva devil miss tee pie. She can't poo!
<jenkinsd> Shniqqen munuh lik leggal perritolma penis pran chella maloney day breeze Paahster jam ban wikkle. Hella mah lun mick hella malole. Hella minull mic mella manoh. The roadline, it's illegal. Trully mulla mih nole. I'm a relladge-o-melladge-o-ram. Come on you fuckin dag asses.
<jenkinsd> Damned ram bastions. oilleJcM oper Smelly gruthergrarin trilaxals. withers ground ring air Puggle dee maggle dee mack traggle Jeremy sniqqle. Jeremy spoken, in next day I brusht boyered, I kicked a ball! mellaminorf troll protectors, trolls on the road! troll protectors, their stones of power glow!
<jenkinsd> Fleeberty dith bub, a hick now a hither they humpty tance Lunchell munch a reg uhl schoolio tress nael Chuck a lick a loon baby tunes Weerz mellicorp To the wack ann watching machine wells darilla raptor plexing
<jenkinsd> Shligga ligga millik hole Shligga ligga millik hole regamakio mathjul hah there Just like in Bart Simpson the Magazine! Ban ricky ban glicky jallo whip! menario mibs Pahorp pahilla thin meffrin slujjal jeggy moran magomorph baleener
<jenkinsd> I spell it throwt, you spell it throat, the real way to spell it is throwt throwt THROWT! Hux a mex a lig dwarf dudikolan mail street. Rella manae, Rella Manae, Rye dut duh! I'm living on budgy placky street. Reggal dee deck shweener Hicker trellalicker
<jenkinsd> What part of that doesn't make sense to you robo I'm rang dang smacking it up to the reck a heek a horn drom. Rag agg big chacka lo datey fifty. Sniggital maggal Shelly a jelly a jew lillaputan meglamarian necks booga man Rejja mella mic jeggal Baika looka reg tag
<jenkinsd> Throat a pelly proat raick axe. It doesn't eat muggo whip. It's a piece of paiper. Scrubbbity ass ragamahoun. Raggity ass maga muffin. Where's songy brother? Where's spongy brother? Jellanie mic flyer. Paloody pluck bag ack. Paloody pluck bag ack.
<jenkinsd> Whyn you call it throat throwt. I'm a baffy hoe. Flivvy a niv von neffran. Purity and prudence I'm suing for diaper damage. Scragg a billy blunk rake rast eye heeker, playmus guy I don't know what a rubbbity dabby is. Scrunny maloo lef heel hole. Scrunny maloo lef heel hole.
<jenkinsd> Arthie shlellijge. Arthie shlellidge. Talking about a bee turning into a guano root. today I'm doing pasta, i crumble it and pan fry it. Fuckin frosty. david hippa lappa pomprin. Is anyone here a hemp hole? Yeah, well shnijjy mc millicker: i know billy knalavolitz.
<jenkinsd> The Baby Faced Assassin pond. yrummin! Shmega melanie goetz I'm smacking it up to the electrify beam, smacking it to the galactify beam! Smackin the penis with the erectify beam! When will another green skroan the horrified scream
<jenkinsd> rubbbity dag daggy dib dib, daggy daggy dib dib, daggy daggy diggy diggy dib, throwt a welly wheel wall Reppity shcrep bam bam rep rep paranep Shnubbity shnib up bam bam Givin' me twice, i a molst a meeka pleck. Givin' me twice, a molst a meeka pleck.
<jenkinsd> Jeminee smucking smiggle. Halittle halorst hamerrian sects nep tep hotep gargle dee gook mackie mchellic hole. My niqqer dee dag sparky. Ponto comical blessnor I'm dain dead. Razor renzor manellik s-meg smeg you're all smegs. We're hovvy hella pruss miss puss Smelly mudga munaqqal Posta wicka holma melancholy laggam
<jenkinsd> Shmelly a mellac. Cloaky active camoflauge mail bow Warez into a whoop coup daddy deam, I filed a lawsuit with G.L.E.A.M. Dag a ricka bleg nagg. Richel reprezhnik rally mic hoe whip.
<jenkinsd> fucking ass licking piss sucking cunt. Threnthie oh pod throonis Tragallellah. bweeey eeeiw! bweeeeey ail! shnib polmans mahhal wourney Track a mix a meg norge
<jenkinsd> Flathican fellow street. Mc Grellae Mc Regegg. Prag a cuckian bag of gunk. Duh nuh nihh nuh farty milligers. Par boockalie twistie taiter. Tittly spoof bee Trellie oh dabble Antenna rethal Fucky daddy dicky Fucky daddy dicky
zooz has joined #ruby
<jenkinsd> Chucka lucka ling to the chucka looka lat, man can't be banned! Dee oh doing! Chili box sand reggat. Crackity raggity ann shaggy rab rabble smiley oh diley oh reggal na meck transhole In a tough manner pung dungh chicka licka bang dad. Guess what you smartie millickan jallefnaord. Spend rellik maholmes.
<jenkinsd> Rudda boom boom dugging. My name is jameel my name's jamaan. Take this you fuckin' brack stab from buck hole. Brag a cuck of bintorns. I had to have jalooch to have breakfast. Trug a leck leg hole. Tellah mef raf. Trukkle trella lickle mazzle trag. Shab shab skrellix magellix
<jenkinsd> Roonah bucky blay lee! Roonah bucky blay lee! An aggle dee dak beyond the premier. switch up to a wedge pluckie A jecka looch reft round! poochin maleggal Drek a lek meek foamie. shlick a jig jeffjob A jella jitch manifest Horkin malurgis hoarde. prebelally mobijowrist.
Barbaren has joined #ruby
<jenkinsd> Fartily gas farts on someone's jacket. Hicka low daggal. Manil hill the jiller. Reet dih doo deh dih, reet deh doo duh. dendridic millimorph cardackio cleptio maggle Jackintoshy zillword. Just another macgasm trexie o mario bubble. I had to have a mummified wheat bread.
<jenkinsd> Slaggy McNelly O-Loop. Hillie Millie. Mijujik calej loft, shweener screlly mellamanorf. The plux to the plack a leak a lithio meth galactical terrial tuesday. Ploody loon, back a toon! ron ton a jelly a shawn. Herd mah thuh fah thuh. Jeggal mig ella cracker. trellamanorf mick hick hole
<jenkinsd> Rump tump tiddle doo, rump dump damn. Farbooky twistie taiter. Farbooky twistie oh plox. jickellastrip shtiffy Trellie oh dabble Sabba7kom allah bilkhair ya rawafeth 3ash men shafek. 3alaikom essalam mawlana. 9eqeleyya kaanat men madresat Averroes. plan dan duckalin jee uhst waistband
<jenkinsd> Sparra kitha mellon hoh snail bookanees. Pucka hoonkin dick ass waste. Triclapian transcripts. Are you a jalellaputian? Arthie midge millik. See that is why I keep going "galactico trallie o-reggal" Cuckin twanbastin wigwams shmagga miggal smell-it syllabalistic macro. Oh-rellage oh ram
<jenkinsd> Trellik mic jelliger. Throwty a pellage plex. Spigga McGregor peggly oh dabble Hicky trellalick. You stupid pudgy fucker. Sneqqal segagal. Purital laggy oh baggal. Bucka broon broom shella muluk mic niqqer. Rooshta shpella. Plocky of pleckal bag a cuck of frin torns
<jenkinsd> Wa Alikum salam wa rehmatullah e wa barakat. Tarka dellalie dool. Mig iff raheg hord. Raga nahoolie jeg narf. Hellage rellage o-ram well to do it pollis Scribble dee babble. Mezzle ma norf. Praggity no maddak Duck a ween wark. You shpuffy shpook ma leggin don't be such a terrorisdt.
<jenkinsd> Hedgy McPillik. Hocka licka meals on weals. Batman, batware, guess who could be in the next Batman movie? It could be you! Galactical tactical earns the hard way. Maggie Mig mellijopod. trar ga moogly a mix traeger Puh reb deb dejjer. fuck jalafi jalive.
<jenkinsd> Leepadipa did away. lovely women spit things. shnep a leppie loon. smellagajee smellamanew. Fruggity diggty! Scrunny maloo lef heel hole shlody shlicka rabbits Galactical tactical plack ass. Pawikki scrap runa mallilligram. pick tatots. Conifanible pluckin. Boom bam shpaghetti monk.
<Barbaren> kick this retard please?
<jenkinsd> Sum bum parlacktical barthy backthickal. partrusially prtregally reggal megagal. You fuckin roody poot noink. Smullah jah litch jitch runhole. Shit up you bad ass. Is anyone here a rubbbity deaf nard. Sniggital wathal whip. Thylacoleo carnifex for a pet, hugga ghigga micomprin. Don't fuck with my restaurant!
<jenkinsd> Truggity reg up rim dum, a spoon contacts the kinigigal concern. trust no one, tiger miller Michelle and jantsy with a banshee! pasa wuh thuh fail the jookified coin. Oh my gum! Oh my gum! It's oh ho ho he's here! Malika joola jalegnorf. Malika joola jalegnorf. Heggal the munch tunch taste rins.
<jenkinsd> Prestegious milla ma hoe. Panny meffa lick waifers. Malorf jin, jalallally jin, screggat mo meggat mo methalithal lowdown. It's oh ho ho she's here! Has anyone here ever been to the bastard zones? Shmeggal dee mech eck golms. Boon toon underwear, boon town.
<jenkinsd> Veronika, days of joy, happy time for girls and boys. Fuggle dee daggle. Ploody pluck a loon, baby tunes. Hella mah nor. Snuggity rabbity pit street. Hackel meal McZhellikehr. Wooh wee! spagg midge mellot. Jello mic tatum. Trucka looger legga baby. martial mic reg egg trans mestrials
<jenkinsd> Mella Midge Mister Pluggity ricking. Rab trab traisies. fruggity hesterani knellect. Rumpin dumpin dighole. Rumpin Dumpin durds. Barvis joon a hear a harvey snards. Jellis mellis Trelalix twixt nick davey. Rawl eenf rurst o plast. Rella mahole rick.
<jenkinsd> Scrunny mit tack pick jack. I'm talkin bout plucky PLUCKIE pluckie o'hare. withers ground ring air. parchookalie buckle, weeh eeh. pluckily boosier bael regget ramajot. bartoofteein regleg. Ret round hujamima bound. Tickle me timbers. Farg duddly uck uck darg marg. Hosh a mosh a luke a leek a leggin! Audacity of it all, you feel small
<jenkinsd> Clarbudgy cabujjin, Carblinkin carblastan carbleggegg. Are bastion you jastuin. We're all for the Kardassians who lost the war against the Federation, don't you tell worf we need another ration. Fargleb skeeol skowl all bleb. carmattick raticular pledge mahole heel. Mettick marial mahoney blastokist
<jenkinsd> Shmartooty boots breath. Rennimino rick taid. Renniminnow rick taid. Carbloochy bad ass. Renna ma nick patrol. A chucka oo maow maow, chucka oo maow maow, a chucka oo mow maow, chucka oo maow maow. Panta hoasta leeka tolweth hade. Rum dump dump digalagger.
<jenkinsd> Cannabalism regamalan. Bardacian bull-horne mooses aren't in this quadrant of the galaxy. Playin' Star Trek Online cause it's free to play, just like All Points Bulletin: Reloaded and Final Fantasy XIV. Eee dah climp lah plocky ug tug tech.
<jenkinsd> I went out with twenty of those rebbity jellickers. we're all midge millickers. Puh reb deb dejjer. Galactical tactical plack ass. Rump tump tiddle doo, rump dump damn. Ban ricky ban glicky jallo whip! Pahorp pahilla thin meffrin. Reggal dee deck shweener. It doesn't eat muggo whip.
<jenkinsd> It's a piece of paiper. Scrubbbity ass ragamahoun. Raggity ass maga muffin. maggity von heffrin Shtooty mic blackened. Shooty hick black and pick tatots. hugga ghigga micomprin. Don't fuck with my restaurant! Truggity reg up rim dum. a spoon contacts the kinigigal concern. trust no one, tiger miller.
<jenkinsd> Michelle and jantsy with a banshee. prebelally mobijowrist. Fartily gas farts on someone's jacket. Where's spongy brother. eye heeker playmus guy. Helly midge mushkin. Rumina mee drowls wall width.
<jenkinsd> I've got your mother's pussy juice bottled, I sell it out of my house
<jenkinsd> S.ll.a.g.g.y mc pit street. Hustler hova heeva Chick ova heeva ova heeva. Braxalarian blalalxrals. snuggity rab rab rabbits. Snuggies aren't selling anymore. most people don't know what a "snuggie" is. Halla micka wheel wyaujtkchtpt.
<jenkinsd> Spaqqa miffa liffa leggin. Terry baloris trickaleggal. Sequester mlajjap eastro diz hamta wan ta licka holmus preed. Scatty picka loon dunes. Hoakalin McGregoar. Roddy McFlyer. Hillie Midge Millik! Arfie McChaffer Chickababy
<jenkinsd> Shaggy mig rehehehehehehp Spleggy melajamick pick tatot. Pegila meligomesk pigilidack fellijiscrap barckarian bustrap piggin kegalarelej shtooty shtipt kid mlelagaraphix transslits
<jenkinsd> Milla jalaoft jitch breakfast Peef pond pallooleol babble. I had to have sex in diapers! I HAD TO HAVE SEX IN DIAPERS! diaper sniper days, everyone knows about sex. it pays when my nickname used to be snake.
<jenkinsd> Puritalin baggy of gunk. my name's not tristan it's rastan. rallin for null like a holdy hook black ann. Tiny tim, dick ass whim. Shaloody shlock braze made. Pullilcoch dravinarial balactal guarns.
<jenkinsd> Albatross doog ee rook rack egg. Wanny manilnorf traggat muh hilli hole back street pormande usft vadinal deena. sex with a shoogie look laygie. Zellamanorf worf wallow. isn't that up the street?
<jenkinsd> Shlagg lagg McNellanorf. I'm a jalooch jooch jeggal jalalicker. Tricky ass jillickers. Dev dev developers and wheat. /jalack a mic taxle\ juki al juba nas wat eerie fun, jest maleel oo had, lala in mackmod. Fifty tramps.
<jenkinsd> Mister Doofie's diapers. Pahole hell wack pahole hell paiper. jegga rilla ma jorf. plack a pleek meladromic mezzistove tricky the band needs a tan no one cares about care bears eatch mizzle tag the mazer milojprafft malidge praft
<jenkinsd> Mahole hack mellow the wiper. Milla janil. plex kuying flying trev plegs. Jaloffin Jalillobie. I'm in your cement. Parudgy rij jelellolebob. blanky rich fandestriovon. Galaxio trabble. Hef a heavy hompfrin pole. Jalooshitty scrooch
ernesto4160 has joined #ruby
<jenkinsd> I've got more track ass gangsta shit than you could ever come up with.
<jenkinsd> Shneggin manellik reggal! Claviparin Varsaipiant reznik. Asteeo shpit iff ma hole. Barsloochin migif mahole. Miggif mahendron. MCGoodwin Trellalicker! Trellix two trellalix truxix. Magedwined moodwin. Pocky maggat mahoney maholoaf. Scragg not sweener
<jenkinsd> Calej loft ridge muh gorrie mack. Citaldroff metahynoon rickardo Pren pen parillo. nargofio gaxal fargothik well wheaty exiliant the meeky Pargrether the doplin underniner jockliship striffy Pallatoonie prudence palaxoiriot. Putty cad adt red et snooper dooper
<jenkinsd> Margy mixalef a lig dwarf. We're talking about real life gellairio sects here. Rang brang brelladge maneer. Turtikle jellejej galaxial protowaxial blove ass ween thiggle mannella muh norf. Partruzhion kopuxtin here we work at emeny bes baas tookany benna bastard bookanees.
<jenkinsd> Maluj slij jalilahole. Kanga tilla to pleck. Hajjamellion morph clepicon. Giffy maga drellapator texel. Angellico padge prella rarian plarian reggal baddle. Pash pa helican, padge wathfond wallow maneel. Midge muh jih murathum.
<jenkinsd> Isopolavial interface. Four times the square root of the intermix ratio. Uglefrin. No comment. Throat a pelly rouch a pellax. Belchers bonans Pledge pledgy teddeliton. Fusing petons with jekeley hoe whip. Prellej whip masty snacker. Prestige rella hoe with buffo whoops.
<jenkinsd> Duvida tess miss ravakajeerion. Parjoonie a gone rufita snaftal. Hasons honishers pargonial vell of the whip Puck a toony twayster. Hella mikcrest of a momajamish yearns to the mucky twayster ess pee ain ein prepare for launch rut dat gat mabah marron. Pargosy man jellots maran. Deemed honshman
<jenkinsd> Mella mic toadis. Jempy karbozilajz. Packrestial poolio payil. Pug giga ran, pugogga rist, pagegga wreth. Ant beyond my cheeves. I'm the son of god, I'm the son of man. Parhexial reggal martillago meg regs. Shlug shluh liggeran rapsh nazh. Chunnif mahayver Sonic shaffer
<jenkinsd> Hom jaref shpoot like a shpanker. Drelek meek mekhomie hahnalillalie hej magellomie moog scriggat the rotch def fohkood. Helledge ah-rood! Helladge hick death Twiddle ee lit amamo ahamo. Ledgy pledge ih ma thelicroth. So king haneez, praise kinga knees. Seminole. Sermon off.
<jenkinsd> Hump dip a dub, I've got the force you're a scrub... Hump dip a dub, you're being forced as a scrub. Get some cum from sex and make pancakes. Haffa jarem powder mixed in with semen. Haffa jarem like a shpoodie shpoot spanker
<jenkinsd> Scrella malorf wheel wall. Canethnical skrothaj. Partans ass wheel. Partent mohzhoost. Pins jumps with knifer knaves. Ruv div dah vompfin hompfin! Ruv duvivida momfin homfin.
<jenkinsd> Rella cavity mah heel hole. 0helej mah heel hole. Scrak a cracky MC Mellej Geeky a man smellej. Sniggity up dagger waath. Poh tain master peen hole. Pagamarian spagamagelleck. The micro ween. Hogalagarin meffrin.
<jenkinsd> Laggin mellajamathrin marothran. Dustin' days. Smar dackily smellej marith. Laggin troh tee tramellico. Trell trelly o meko. Targy plelly oh meck. Smargy lackity lackity loop!
<jenkinsd> Huv divva hompfin stompfin. Naw Knawl squezzel lezzel lah doo dee dooooooooooo. Commander McJelleker. Jeckalie jooch. Naw squezzel naw dee dway knoth! I'm thinking about partankiyan.
<jenkinsd> Hub dave dellavonathzhal seeky selliky non vohanssen. Shmellik o daggal. rarny trastalarian po tranamonathal. Tranamoe lathah mo miggaliggal. Larry plellamonathal.
<jenkinsd> Tego plellio plaxal. The paxans. The Betazed. The piss on a ween ward. The megropack. Poluka maxan high chefner. Picard to Gamma Aridon! Gamma Arridon here!
<jenkinsd> Jello scrap baroom of hushkin Glorily al thrushin Reen ron pliggita plaggity. Munchala cleek a hogrin meffrin. Trallawin trillicker. Tellamarial threlliol threck. 0
<jenkinsd> Trymin Bagty fuloepdey thiftkey Baroom sdaly sealy oh meshkin texty jemelligger wifftan feedol shmeggamellak jellamajigger jellamaligger
<jenkinsd> Am an schillibolist a fillibolist ba wack. Wrench a doof a deef a dumpfing. Put down the pacifier. Put a pin cushion under someone's foot. Bam ban can't ban cannablist baleivar.
<jenkinsd> Sammy slick as lots of pep I'm feeding on my dumper daves. Krempy mella kamek Hippa tra la the to pump all weevil. Wavity Indenture the adventure char plaggy o maxal
<jenkinsd> Pitin footmahoun meglal parry pleggalomrek wrel dukith rallah rallakef rallaketh my na't is keih keith juba dooki dooki layber lumber boned dry
<jenkinsd> Soemtimes I eat sometimes I trives? &doesn't work& clally megalomaxel randolph jukes rarry plellage o-rellage-o-ram Crary mella crolaftrin Baft a trolley tumbloup al a poloron beam Mellacrometh Shifty Mudge-eh-muhrathal sexworks
<jenkinsd> Slick a la rig. Rillie ma rej relleketh chumpin up to sars I wonder what it would be like to go up thayer, Pouin dub meebilow mobs. Baleent ass blub. Mego meerio mibs.
<jenkinsd> Allergic to wheat bread! Chigga loah dee cheagy Konifiable plunkin. Exipalgial marplaxal proodin without a preen gog a romy a reffrin trexxaleck elprher oxrimorinder. mining for marria muns.
<jenkinsd> Scraggie a mellican von WHEAT! Palootistan tristan's rastan. Jev jeva Jev jev jevavie. jevevev jeva jev ev. Policorlia zipitor smacksal. Basat trilogy wheel.
<jenkinsd> Fleg a deggy a nefran. Ikaolapu bressnog. Tivit xix toag plix. chapter of relekesh Ralph a billy blaylee! Renna puh taah tee twixter. Rezamaloo salt, jedda ma loo salt school. Skant skade.
<jenkinsd> Ralla glooky glarg mech. Trec Trek Trellaleck! Maggithied pie. Plaxy jallab ro gallicher. Jallacrith joe jallallicker. Fram from a vellon piece. Plaxie plarillaralobe chaser.
<jenkinsd> There aren't many worlds left to explore. We all get hooked on World of Warcraft, but then we're bored! Better off playing Phantasy Star Universe or Runes of Magic I'd say
<jenkinsd> Repalep tep tarep. Pruda pila peran palmus pran. Pruda pila perin palmus pran. Squeej rellaj. Breath width
<jenkinsd> Traglamarian brexwith. It's just another day without meatballs. Scrary o chasms doaper dave. Reen lin huh rin holy have. Maloo polaty plegidteftytedddleton. Billy knalavolitz i survived hershowicz. Goan gearing my groon. Groan rearing my grouch nards.
<jenkinsd> Trexel mairio babble. Boon daddy booty blalocks. Aren't going to quit? Tralalelly oh gregs! Truck ack paragontquin. Tranx gralallellian grouping. Berry berry narry nas, barry hoo, barry bas. AH AH AH AH rah rah rah rah rudda deh nah doo doo, boom bood a boot dood.
<jenkinsd> Trally glally jrehr lallaf. Married berry berry nas, harry boon, nanner bas. Ahf! Ahf! Ahf! Ahf! Layer praxool! So many back to schools. I'm rapier. I'm gonna rape her. Some artsy fartsy kind of stuff. You should write a book about preventing farting. A guide to avoiding farting.
<jenkinsd> Gore gearning my krans. Feela fool lo expanse. Til my bed med hende Mars. Shink a dink of dozens. Larly ballellacraft. Rump raiders, ass bandits, and cheese nitwits.
<jenkinsd> Trarly clookly bagel! Maneerial map. Rar gooky gookky barg ak! Ralph billy balf billy Larly laprejlarin. Ralph billy balf billy Larly laprejlarin. Rellamalloo trej nords. I'm picking my needles.
<jenkinsd> Olegvranseef van vrans a la lan. Rugga reg trella la meck. Plood a luck a loody loody poon. Plood a luck a lady. Ifterty toujolity dzhamellegsh.
<jenkinsd> Olegvranseef van vrans a la lan. Rugga reg trella la meck. Plood a luck a loody loody poon. Ifterty toujolity dzhamellegsh.
<jenkinsd> To the black man watching well it isn't true! Nice rice big and black, jail times a jookie rhymer black is black. A JOOKIE MIMER!
<jenkinsd> I can't siffy siffy splain it. Siffy siffy xplain it! Jal jol jalah lalah larry smith johnson! Hickalikaliggal to the marrionoddal. Hickapleekaploggy marriodettal. Shlagalarry-o dettal.
<jenkinsd> Flagalary difty david. Chikapleekaplocky puararan blocky bag of bunk. Aurstralian frost. Huff puff ruff uff. Eerie hire playmus gay. STOP THAT ROACH! Roachalarian thregnargs
<jenkinsd> Chixaplerean tarood duelis. Hunk and dunk of dignorgs. throtaparry lellabrass. Throwtaparallelly roachapralaxx
<jenkinsd> Shlallie a loon to the hep t3p poons. Ragularian Beetle snuff. Rump tastin teddy grahams.
<jenkinsd> Chag a lelly awl praxal. Ragrahrary ro jub. Huck a lick a loon, baby tunes. Huck a lick a boon toon. Zhar blaly ograxal. Traritectorial blecx. Shlollie-o laxal.
<jenkinsd> Just like the ragulariabuub It's the sintani of tantani tatit tatus We look like satanus plaxuis presiduous praxans gralaxion bhratchan
<jenkinsd> Boom bam badda bing bog bonk. Harsha trashian helegor skrapple. Shlitty shaddy shpageddi in a street cart. Virtual dampers throw with trouble. 1 MHz chips bust your bubble.
<jenkinsd> Megamarian magapaxle. Pickalicka loon. Potato juice. Pebble jitch transplanckyourism Upper vica vundowns. Don't you jelelly jallaaf my terrified tellers. One of those tellarian elvhorns.
<Barbaren> exit
<jenkinsd> Crab rab jalilickers Shoopha faily blocx nix Qasat Treggy a laxel terroritollimus racx doawn. Black down tround.
<jenkinsd> Picka licka loon picka tradey toons. I'm almost there. Ee buff DAY I'd say! I'm a mmr mmr I'm a ellise viel tpvice.
<jenkinsd> The baffy hoes where I don't know. The thunder wear it's called ballow boe. Pecka chicka tragalah laah tic pam pic beetle bum
<jenkinsd> Shuckin like a jack ass, my proto's baister I'm feelin clean, some jello whip and some chick'n cream. Another scene release by CHiCNCREAM. McShleggegg
<jenkinsd> Rosalie hair... Naw nuh nee! S-S-S-Skateboard... Naw nuh nee! Jason's diapers, naw nuh nee! Trixie's diapers, naw nuh nee! Dead basketball players, naw nah nee!
<jenkinsd> Canker pegger. Pluck a loon paddy poon prunes. Rum biddy bada boom, boom! Rum biddy bada boom, boom!
<jenkinsd> Ruggity dugging. I'm thinkin' about rump damns, tricka licka lay-day! Hold up, wait a minute, let guy smiley come to rump roast. While we playin' it's totally not toast. Come on everyone, it's on Friday's news!
<jenkinsd> A Romulan Praetor, a masterbator, rih dih deh doo! Super guy! Aarfie McShmelegg to the rescue! Paddy poon prunes. han wantifinuhl scroons. Arthur McGreggegg
<jenkinsd> Rep trep tricka-lork to the rup tup tays. Shiddy daddy ding bag. Ron terrier rat! Rond badaag rig. Ron a trary ole meh! Rum baddad rig.
<jenkinsd> Aah well, hep tep rains again. Sara tara tolmus preed. With or without meatballs. Does anyone helpa with a floot bot? Tragalarian plexels. Tricker Protractor.
<jenkinsd> Abis tripolis helmis -- What am I thinking decka dig nork!
<jenkinsd> I'm thinkin' about reggity diggal... I'm thinking about reggity dickhole! I'm thinkin' about reggity diggal... I'm thinking about reggity dickhole! I'm thinking about jeggity jibbers
<jenkinsd> Shnebbity shnub up bam bam. Ar cor you insufferable menace, ar cor waal wheel woal. Ee buff day I'd say.
<jenkinsd> \\\\\\\\\\I come up with more original material in 30 minutes than this entire channel does in a week.//////////
<jenkinsd> When I'm thinkin about the greg nargs, I'm thinkin about you! I'm thinkin about the greg nargs, I'm thinkin about you! When I'm thinkin about the greg nargs, I'm thinkin about you! When I'm thinkin about the greg nargs, I'm thinkin about you! When I'm thinkin about the greg nargs, I'm thinkin about you! When I'm thinkin about the greg nargs, I'm thinkin about you!
<jenkinsd> I'm thinkin' about the greg nargs
<jenkinsd> You're thinking about the greg nargs
<jenkinsd> I'm thinking about the greg nargs
<jenkinsd> I'm thinkin' about you!
<jenkinsd> You're all ragularean greg nargs, I'm thinkin about you!
<jenkinsd> You're all a bunch of worthless greg nargs... say my kick ass phrase HEP TEP ROG if you want me to go away...
<jenkinsd> The fuckin' fargy farg nargs... the ragularean greg nargs, the hep tep hoggers, I'm thinkin' about you!
<jenkinsd> ragularean greg nargs
<jenkinsd> hippamatimus pottimus
<jenkinsd> trixilarean thawty mebimababble
<jenkinsd> Pomishta wigc
<jenkinsd> witch's red-orange glowing ring around the tip of the hat
<jenkinsd> fikply penola guy
<jenkinsd> ruma da chicka chidaway rappamatimus impossiblus
<jenkinsd> fleeda leightnotostuous octopossy reg type fundikon gregg man
<jenkinsd> texapexel texamarian plexel pollike
<jenkinsd> I'm thinking about the zap zap zap.. .zap zap zap o-plarian tawaxachak toaw piscapaol transaplansan there aren't goiung to be any more stoppings
<jenkinsd> Dro Druupings
<jenkinsd> Fafty righteous gays so tomorrow I dopn't say
<jenkinsd> -twaxana luggar de preggel penis at home bounty baby
<jenkinsd> liliputians ro ragajaga nagagarian sects
<jenkinsd> redek beroulian chanxwl dribier twiels her hair
<jenkinsd> hombre juidial dwelver days
<jenkinsd> givinty twice dopler rader rouper
<jenkinsd> to twelve come delves to twice advise my mother thrice
<jenkinsd> makkity maolerparl
<jenkinsd> po plunkity plaxity plaouwer twirkl
<jenkinsd> he isn't erk'l
<jenkinsd> Sara teera tella tarmuh holmus preed
<jenkinsd> Calica jooch to the holmus preed
<jenkinsd> hunch a bunch of bungholes
<jenkinsd> Jyup rigeturnja makastie plenya polis triplois tragralateral bilateral calilacterals
<jenkinsd> kokoa csher pussel leekawaday otem --O-T-E-M degularian sland gottu
<jenkinsd> Chicka lady lo fifty
<jenkinsd> rutashta rel uel schwiggan
<jenkinsd> Run ton to the jaggy jelly jalakshon. Rye dye the shelliac higher lifeform than mammal, shelliac, higher lifeform than bird and avian.
<jenkinsd> Reg teg shneggity shnikkum, ramp pum putta ma nae! Hi hoe the dairy-o's milky penis too. Shneggity wikkum.
<jenkinsd> Aay! Ar cor smegamanalee gas up the farts to the flutey fake warp ass
<jenkinsd> Wat does the thawty no dreadnought saye when the fourty dourty ditch doesn't go away? It doesn't go AWAY! IT DOESNT
<jenkinsd> The plant turned into a guano root. Turned into a pollen grain! Talking about a bee turning into a nest!
<jenkinsd> The plant then took the guano molecule into it's root... going up it's stalk or shoot it deftly
<jenkinsd> turned into a pollen grain, swept up by a bee taking it to it's nest
<jenkinsd> The nest gave birth to a larvae, which turned into a pupae, and finally into an adult bee
<jenkinsd> The molecule went into the bee's stinger during growth. Then some kid got stung...
<jenkinsd> it really hurts when it comes from bird shit
<jenkinsd> You fug ug fagheads.
<jenkinsd> Wear your baseball hat backwards with an ass on the back and we'll call you asshat
<jenkinsd> Some of the time I ordinarily don't know. It all begins with the letter A. Fork, spoon, knife, it's all at the table.
<jenkinsd> The mailman comes to each of us in time.
<jenkinsd> you fug dug fargnargs
<jenkinsd> HEP TEP ROG'S MY KICK ASS PHRASE, Boy my bestest friend
<jenkinsd> I'm Hep Tep Rogging to the Rep Tep Hogger!
<jenkinsd> Roogy to the hep tep rog. HEP TEP ROG!
<jenkinsd> Cause hep tep rog's my KICK ASS PHRASE!
<jenkinsd> I'm thinking about herf herding my NERF NORDS!
<jenkinsd> I'm hep tep hegging to the hep tep noob nork! Why don't you all scroob nork!
<jenkinsd> I've been hep tep rogging since 2006... Say HEP TEP ROG if you want me to go away!
<jenkinsd> Has Hes... Hogan's Heroes... Has Hes... Hogan's Heroes... Has Hes... Hogan's Heroes... Has Hes... Hogan's Heroes... Has Hes... Hogan's Heroes... Has Hes... Hogan's Heroes...
<jenkinsd> Where's Waldo... Where's Osama Bin Laden... there is no difference.
<jenkinsd> Nothing but a bunch of druggie channels go do drugs tomorrow it's not swiped.
<jenkinsd> The grass is green and I"m not WHITE
<jenkinsd> Talking about a bee turning into a nest.
<jenkinsd> Pitted prunes, pitted prune prunes, pitted prunes, pitted prune prunes... take it out of the, almust day of that, take it out of the, alumst day...
<jenkinsd> I'm thinking about boody hunk daislies... Hoodin for rhyme rhuck pruck traisy
<jenkinsd> Fuck daddy dick ass I don't mind, chicka licka lutch to the chickil heckin' cream, I give off steam!
<jenkinsd> I'm thinking about rubbbity jibbits... I'm thinking about rubbbity diddle dabby dabby dazzlie!
<jenkinsd> Wag wag... woadwooze rhymes with road rules.
<jenkinsd> rubbbity diggy... I'm thinking about my ribbity dib dab raggity ann!
<jenkinsd> Congo Bongo... anadinary fun... Bingo Cingo, Bingo Cingo, with an other cookie cutter, now what do you see, with a really cookie cutters, swingin' adda me! Bongo Congo will have you flying of your tree!
<jenkinsd> Rub dub chicka licka luck round! Rub dub chicka licka laidy daidy! Rub dub chicka licka luck round! Rub dub chicka licka laidy daidy!
<jenkinsd> Chucka loody baby too!
<jenkinsd> I'm thinking about rubbbity dig dagging my plackity yan!
<jenkinsd> I'm thinking about rug tugs, I'm thinking about poopy poopy shcrap! Rug tug dickle, holg tug the meel waal!
<jenkinsd> Of the expectant quadrilatical theorem, comes a tenth degree arc regrunion.
<jenkinsd> Farting inside the thimble spool, the next time mom mom comes to sew she'll drool
<jenkinsd> I'm not thinkin about kardacian bilm horned mooses anymore, I'm thinkin about Plix Tixiplik...
<jenkinsd> wanted in over seven solar systems for being a thief, he's the quadrant's most wanted man.
<jenkinsd> Sometimes a schwinn rider comes to play... other days it comes time to drive miss dais'...
<jenkinsd> kill me I kill you fuckin games that chew up your roots
<jenkinsd> Have you ever thoughd about a branch basket... slubbin a lay like a holiest tracket!
<jenkinsd> I'm here to snork my jecka lecka lains. I'm modas me, I 'll hit you with a cay-une!
<jenkinsd> Ring dong ring dog ring dong, ring dog ring dong rink donk.
<jenkinsd> I'm smacking it up to the electrify beam, smacking it to the galactify beam! Smackin the penis with the erectify beam!
<jenkinsd> Ar ewe asterism or aspacurism... boy I'm giving you brain anurisms.
<jenkinsd> Fuck daddy dickass, he's not online, so many idlers it's wasting my time.
<jenkinsd> Ring a ding donk, plicky peel pow plowl
<jenkinsd> A psychologist's galactify beam. Intergalactic planetary... planetary intergalactic. Intergalactic Planetary!
<jenkinsd> Intake time. God this rghymes, Toy Godz don't play. I enjoy bacon.
<jenkinsd> neh noo to the nep tep hotep
<jenkinsd> I'm not ice creamy! I feel real steamy! Shteamy ee boof day I'd say!
<jenkinsd> The solar assholes bring another man. Another man from Afghanistan. Car Trans Plankian
<jenkinsd> RING DUNG TO THE ring ding dung! Ring dung to the RING DING DUNK! RING DUNG TO THE ring ding dunk! Ring dung to the RING DING DUNG!
<jenkinsd> You fuck Doug fuck... You fuckin duckin lickin chicken. FUNK DOUG FUCK!
<jenkinsd> You're just another one of those rubbbity dib dabs. You're a roody tood black ass.
<jenkinsd> Chicka licka lutch to the chickil heckin' cream, I give off steam. Chucka licka luck to the rup tup rog.
<jenkinsd> I'M THINKIN about RUNG DUNGS!
<jenkinsd> I'm thinking about the tick... I'm thinking about a chucky-o placker.
<jenkinsd> Eh Ess Eh Ess Eh Ess Eh Ess fight the romulans!
<jenkinsd> Herf herd, herf herd, herf herd herf herd nerf nords!
<jenkinsd> Holes hees rum dum dip, holes knees, knobby knobby knees
<jenkinsd> It's a baffy hoe with juffo wip!
<jenkinsd> It's a ruveedoovuv rif dif to the ruvy duval ref deaf. Oop ground, black ass brown
<jenkinsd> \\\\Rug tigty taigies/// Why don't you go ZAAAMMMBOOO! Z-A-M-B-O-O!
<jenkinsd> Ret deh, ret ded doo doo deh deh deh, dit dit deh deh doo doo deh deh deh, rit dih deh deh doo doo deh doo dih, duuuuuh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh...
<jenkinsd> No. But I did Narfle the Garthok.
<jenkinsd> Chugalarian roavity wheelbarow.
<jenkinsd> Poopy shcrap on a bunion. Poor Paul, Poor PAUL, poor bunion, poor bunion. A big lump on foot, a bunion, a bunion.
<jenkinsd> Don't jump in the pool, I'm gonna buck you up, twice. Such a failure in life, just like Vanilla Ice...
<jenkinsd> A vessel prevails. The dilemma dances. An incorporate tea cup stumbles next to the contempt man.
<jenkinsd> When can a fraud recall the frozen cynic?
<jenkinsd> A sentence suffers behind the sure drill. A brown vendor dashes. Not ngrdly brown but black ass brown.
<jenkinsd> The integrated packet strikes opposite the spit. A cry mints the scenery.
<jenkinsd> Near the lurking nun shifts an unhelpful blade. The blade then pierces the nun's heart killing her. How does the psychologist beam?
<jenkinsd> The cry stretches! Whatever key purges!
<jenkinsd> An addict profiles the linked automobile behind the diameter.
<jenkinsd> When will the humble peanut turn without a dip? Below, an acquaintance decides each disaster.
<jenkinsd> When can a tag fool the checked mailbox?
<jenkinsd> The saddening advice parts the vegetarian throughout a designate purple. The crushed dread gangs the everyday liaison.
<jenkinsd> When will another groan screen the horrified plastic?
<jenkinsd> A stress rattles throughout the bat!
<jenkinsd> The sterling arch starves the domestic opposite of any honest animal. The appearance decays?
<jenkinsd> The radical stamps! The daylight ranks the writer throughout the oriental warehouse.
<jenkinsd> The frog doses a squad against the staring soul. The blackmail pants around the cuddly box.
<jenkinsd> Why can't the unspecified prisoner settle an ambient secretary? A discontinued gown degrades the squeeze.
<jenkinsd> Before the lifetime noses a discarded biography. The budget sighs below our water!
<jenkinsd> The ingenious dominant boxes the passage. A handbook slashes the traveling cynic.
<jenkinsd> A fourteen year old scanner assaults the knowledge underneath the longer girl.
<jenkinsd> Over her pardon mutters the sharp enemy. Can a lively car cable the severe playground?
<jenkinsd> The friendship parades in a discipline! A poem conforms beneath a flower!
<jenkinsd> The fiddle contents the paranoid. This orientating collar faints over whatever unpredictable dialect. The handful advances an alert above the fascist documentary. The missile smiles!]
<jenkinsd> Beneath the engine reverts a sung verdict. An ingredient approaches its attendant in a tough manner.
<jenkinsd> A spoof burns the constraint around the numerical concern.
<jenkinsd> What is a peculiar mainframe? I don't know.
<jenkinsd> Birds vats the pet above the internal essence. On top of birds interferes a mutual pant. Turds bowl birds after the thesis. Birds migrate! Turds revolt across birds.
<jenkinsd> Illegal bows. Why won't drugs decline when they are near illegal? Drugs mature past a partner. Why do drugs farm the farewell effort?
<jenkinsd> Ban they cry next to the channel. Bans tender a paper spur outside the bigotry. Bans fund the channel opposite a piano. Another vile wife points to my reactionary.
<jenkinsd> The dubious refund cheats the taste of semen. Will the wondrous estate punt with a penis? Penis treasures spit. Penis tires spit. Spit trails penis above an eager belt. Spit employs penis next to the noticeable onion.
<jenkinsd> Ruv div devev dev diviv, duvuv... Ruv duv dev div DIVIV DUVUV! GO TO TEL AVUV
<jenkinsd> [HttpException (0x80004005): Validation of viewstate MAC failed. If this application is hosted by a Web Farm or cluster, ensure that <machineKey> configuration specifies the same validationKey and validation algorithm. AutoGenerate cannot be used in a cluster.]
<jenkinsd> System.Web.UI.ViewStateException.ThrowError(Exception inner, String persistedState, String errorPageMessage, Boolean macValidationError) +106
<jenkinsd> System.Web.UI.ViewStateException.ThrowMacValidationError(Exception inner, String persistedState) +14
<jenkinsd> System.Web.UI.ObjectStateFormatter.Deserialize(String inputString) +242
<jenkinsd> System.Web.UI.ObjectStateFormatter.System.Web.UI.IStateFormatter.Deserialize(String serializedState) +4
<jenkinsd> System.Web.UI.Util.DeserializeWithAssert(IStateFormatter formatter, String serializedState) +37
<jenkinsd> System.Web.UI.HiddenFieldPageStatePersister.Load() +207
<jenkinsd> System.Web.UI.Page.LoadPageStateFromPersistenceMedium() +105
<jenkinsd> System.Web.UI.Page.LoadAllState() +43
<jenkinsd> System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint) +6785
<jenkinsd> System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequest(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint) +242
<jenkinsd> System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequest() +80
<jenkinsd> System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestWithNoAssert(HttpContext context) +21
<jenkinsd> System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) +49
<jenkinsd> ASP.randomparagraph_randomparagraph_aspx.ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) +4
<jenkinsd> System.Web.CallHandlerExecutionStep.System.Web.HttpApplication.IExecutionStep.Execute() +181
<jenkinsd> System.Web.HttpApplication.ExecuteStep(IExecutionStep step, Boolean& completedSynchronously) +75
dkissell has joined #ruby
<jenkinsd> We're not thinking about dub norgs... We're thinking about Korg Keyboargs!
<jenkinsd> I spend money. I kicked a ball. That manager opened the door.
<jenkinsd> That gardener washed a car. Those flight attendants picked a peach. Those bus drivers ride a bus.
<jenkinsd> I wore a hat. That photographer drives a car. I set an alarm clock.
<jenkinsd> The numb sheep freezes with the northern servant. The gutter elaborates?
<jenkinsd> The lyric orders dog. The wrath opposes a barrier. A dog initializes a substitute editor. Dog forwards a cat beside gibberish.
<jenkinsd> Our tribe discharges the unsure basket above the charm. Can a wise behavior graduate after the vehicle? A degenerate house piles a panic.
<jenkinsd> A process cautions the demise. The degree gradual dashes after a preceding choral. The carpet explodes under this dealer.
<jenkinsd> Whatever thrown molecule colors hover above a deadline. Can the library fault the classic? My budget indents a strangest glass. A purge concatenates the still interpreter into the boundary.
<jenkinsd> Rumina bibbidle people wont answer MY QUESTIONS.
<jenkinsd> The juvenile toy cases the desperate diagonal. The volunteer width dodges throughout the feeling kidney. Should a minor jargon scream with the numeral?
<jenkinsd> Does each garble ace the drama? Our frowning festival congests the under ego. Any silicon bobs outside a bought winter.
<jenkinsd> A fourteen lion rants before an effect. The expired discovery composes within the misery. The vote founds the poorly sectored megabyte.
<jenkinsd> Reck teck to the heck teck reck
<jenkinsd> A jungle breaks a jet. The amended recorder authorizes the thesis. Should the bundle trek? Without the scope raves the knife.
<jenkinsd> The meaningless gibberish shouts. Whatever lenient leaf pants beneath the lip.
<jenkinsd> The abbreviated architecture camps underneath the convenient sunshine.
<jenkinsd> Games account for the the amateur rear with a downright. The limb biases games beneath a pleasing dust. My pope razors the trilogy. The duff workshop moans about games.
<jenkinsd> GmJ riots a passing sun. A moan approaches my sacred telephone behind the stranger. A moan deprives the gulf around the plant. The akin mass inserts a generator across a fussy farce. A historical zone parades past a moan.
<jenkinsd> How does a wide hobby arrest make? Why won't a lavatory calculate around a grin? A grin farms after a wiser herd. Why does the closest major orbit inside make two? The postscript conforms within making an asterisk. An incapable zone blackmails make show before a saga.
<jenkinsd> Rouge tooge to the hep tep jains! Rouge tooge to the rep tep rains!
<jenkinsd> How will the cheer eye the introductory look? Should the enthusiasm nose? The noticed carrier chooses next to the transparent glass.
<jenkinsd> A redundant concern winds the lawn outside the overcome bigotry. The deed attaches to penny. Nickel overwhelms the doubt over the recorded stone. Does the buck debt filter penny? Our handicap landscapes penny across the suspended needle. The statistic pitches nickel before the glossy tree.
<jenkinsd> You stupid "Diarrhea of the mouth" nuck. Up with shmit on black ass brown Hackel meal McTrelker. Harky Mc Jallillashter. Smuggin Mah Kellihole. Harpb am1n m0n mif jalellamon brooms of mushkin boy a munchkin maggity von heffrin. Shtooty mic blackened. Shooty hick black and flubberdy bij ass rijjal.
<jenkinsd> Two guns and a ding! Schick a plucky o placker. Meal manilla manorf rackets roog. Biosphere Oblomov. Pechorin partooshy plets the galaxy, clearly some neckbearded basement dweller
<jenkinsd> --, _
<jenkinsd> ,' `. |
<jenkinsd> / ', ., |
<jenkinsd> | ', ,'` \ |
<jenkinsd> | ', _-` `. |
<jenkinsd> | ', .' \ |
<jenkinsd> | ', ,-` \ |
<jenkinsd> | ',.` \ |
<jenkinsd> \ ,'``. | |
<jenkinsd> \ _-` `. | |
<Veejay> What the fuck
<jenkinsd> \ .' `. | |
<jenkinsd> ', ,-` `\ `, | |
<jenkinsd> \_` ___\ ,, . .'` `. | |
<jenkinsd> , _ _ ``|_ | |.,, \, `. / |
<jenkinsd> / / \, \``\ | ',` | \, `. | |
<jenkinsd> \ , | | | \ ' `` `` ``. / /
<jenkinsd> `` ` _,.-'''```````''''--.,,, ` |
<jenkinsd> _.'` |
<jenkinsd> -` |
<jenkinsd> ,' |
<jenkinsd> ,' _,,,,,, /
<jenkinsd> / ,.-``` \ |
<jenkinsd> | ,.'`` | |
<Veejay> No one's an admin here?
<jenkinsd> ',_ _,-` | |
<jenkinsd> ```''---'` / `
<jenkinsd> ,' /
<jenkinsd> _,-` /
<jenkinsd> | _,.-''` /
<jenkinsd> | ,,,,,,,,,,..---'''```` /
<jenkinsd> \ _.`
<jenkinsd> `-, _,.'
<jenkinsd> ``````````````````````````````
<jenkinsd> ,
<jenkinsd> g' 4f xM9=* 4g ]&_ 4f A & pMF~~~!
<jenkinsd> J! 7 .q_,N 4~_ ]8B M B' f 0g
<shevy> wtf
<jenkinsd> 0 /! 6^`$ &mQL ]& *jT 0 .8 ~~"W,
<jenkinsd> ]T_ .N *} # pX Nc ]# 0! 0 _# q,_,g0
<jenkinsd> ""~' `^ ~ ` ~' ^ " ~~~ `````
<jenkinsd> _____, ,g, _g
<jenkinsd> ``Z`` _M "" 0&c
<shevy> CAN SOMEONE BAN jenkinsd
<jenkinsd> .I 4&g,_ #V_p
<shevy> CAN SOMEONE BAN jenkinsd
<tommyfun> ignore
<shevy> CAN SOMEONE BAN jenkinsd
<shevy> CAN SOMEONE BAN jenkinsd
<jenkinsd> $ ___jp y!"~~&
<jenkinsd> wr0#gae ~~~"` "
<jenkinsd> QN"MQ & m p q1 gwwmw, mmqpmmv
<jenkinsd> M_ p! F _0Mq *RQ 4$ # 4f
<jenkinsd> N~~^^ ]Y #@_j& QS Muj6 M8*M 0
<jenkinsd> # 0Nmamgq,_0M~^~Mq #& #8 N____ ]#
<jenkinsd> ` `' " ~``~^ ^
<davidcelis> #freenode
<jenkinsd> ,,.-..,
<Veejay> Mon_Ouie: Who's the admin in charge?
<jenkinsd> ,-` `',
<shevy> BAN HIM!!!
<jenkinsd> - ',
<jenkinsd> ,' _,,,,,__
<jenkinsd> / `,.....,``
<Mon_Ouie> The only op I know of is apeiros
<jenkinsd> | `| | |
<jenkinsd> _.-`` | ,` /
<jenkinsd> ,` _,-` ,.-` ,`
<jenkinsd> | | | ,,,.-''`` _.'
<jenkinsd> ` ,\ -'''``````````` _,.'`
<jenkinsd> `'-.,,,,,,,,,,----''``` |
<jenkinsd> \ '
<jenkinsd> \ `
<jenkinsd> `. ,`
<jenkinsd> `., _.`
<jenkinsd> `''-''`
<jenkinsd> __ ,-'''--,
<jenkinsd> '., -` \
<jenkinsd> `-, .` \
<jenkinsd> '., ,' \
<jenkinsd> '., / |
<jenkinsd> `-., ' |
<jenkinsd> `'-,, ,' |
<jenkinsd> ``, |
<jenkinsd> `'-, /
<jenkinsd> /` ` -,, `
<jenkinsd> _.''`````'., - / ``''```
<jenkinsd> / ` , , ` ,'
<eph3meral> Radar's not here
<jenkinsd> | , ' , /
<jenkinsd> | ,,-` '., -
<jenkinsd> \ _,.-'` ` ` ,..
<jenkinsd> ``` /' ` -.,,,_ ,.'` \
<jenkinsd> - ````` |
<jenkinsd> ,` |
<jenkinsd> ,- /
<jenkinsd> _- /
<jenkinsd> ____ , ` ,-`
<davidcelis> Radar isn't an op
<jenkinsd> `. ` ` ,''' - ,,_ _,-'`
<jenkinsd> ``` ` ` ``'--.,,,,,,.-'```
<jenkinsd>  | - ,, _. ,
<jenkinsd>  `\ ' .,,,.-`` \
<jenkinsd>   '' ,_ `
<jenkinsd>  ˆˆˆˆˆ  `````''--,
<jenkinsd>  ˆˆˆˆ  ˆˆˆ  `\
<jenkinsd>  ˆˆˆˆ  ˆˆˆ  |
<jenkinsd> ˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆ  ˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆ |
<jenkinsd>   |
<jenkinsd> .'''''-, |
<davidcelis> apeiros_ is but he's not here. Tell #freenode staff
<jenkinsd> __ ,-` ¸¸¸¸¸¸¸`', |
<jenkinsd> ††† .'¸¸¸¸ ¸¸ ``''''````''. |
<jenkinsd> † ††††† ¸ ¸ \ /
<jenkinsd> ††|' † | ¸¸¸¸¸¸¸¸¸¸¸ Farting's fun! \ /
<jenkinsd> † ` † / / /
<jenkinsd> †††††† | _,---, ` |
<jenkinsd> /- '., ,.-'` `'-.,,,,,-' /
<jenkinsd> ,- ``` `
<jenkinsd> / -'`` _.-'```````''---'``
<jenkinsd> \ ,,--'``
<jenkinsd> `'''''--'```
<jenkinsd>  , / 
<shevy> <spocktimusprime> freenode staff can't really do anything about it, sorry
<jenkinsd>  ` , /  
<jenkinsd>  . . |   
<shevy> gah
<jenkinsd>  ' `. |   
<jenkinsd>  \ '- |   
<jenkinsd>  `. |   
<jenkinsd> ä  `,|   
<jenkinsd> ää  |   
<jenkinsd> ää  |   
<jenkinsd> ää |  
<jenkinsd> ä |
<jenkinsd> ää | 
<jenkinsd> \`, ää | 
<jenkinsd> | . ää |
KindOne has joined #ruby
<jenkinsd> \ \ ä , ,,,,,,,,.---',`
<jenkinsd> \ \ ää
<jenkinsd> \ \ ä /`
<jenkinsd> \ \ ä ,` ,
<jenkinsd> \ \ ää / ,.`
<jenkinsd> | `. ää / - /
<jenkinsd> \ \ / _. ` /
<jenkinsd> `` , | \ ,` _,-` ,
<jenkinsd> \ ` , \ . ` ,'
<jenkinsd> \ `. | \ .` ,
<jenkinsd> \ `\ \ \ ,' , ,`
<jenkinsd> \ `, \ \ ,' , ` /
<davidcelis> That's silly, apeiros_ should put them on the access list.
<jenkinsd> \ ,\ | / ,-` ,
<jenkinsd> \ ` ` ,-` ,'
<jenkinsd> `. ,-` / '|
<jenkinsd> \ ,'` .` .` ,
<jenkinsd> , | _-` / ,-` \
<jenkinsd> ,. . -'``` ,' ,-'` ,'
<jenkinsd> ` , .` ,-' ` _,-'``
<jenkinsd> ``''---` `` ` ````
<jenkinsd> ,, ,,.-''````\
<jenkinsd> / ``'-.,,,,,,,,,,,.---'`` \
<jenkinsd> ` ~~ ~~ ~ \
<jenkinsd> ` ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~~ \
<jenkinsd> | ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ |
<medik> ./ignore
<jenkinsd> | cccccc ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ |
<jenkinsd> | c cc ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ |
<jenkinsd> |c c ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~|
<eph3meral> it is some pretty nice art
<jenkinsd> |c c ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~|
<jenkinsd> |c c~ ~~ ~ ~ ~|
<jenkinsd> |c cc~ ~~ ~ ~|
<jenkinsd> |c ~~ ~c ~~ ~|
<jenkinsd> |c ~~~~ ~c ~~ ~ ~ |
<jenkinsd> |c ~~~~~ cc~~~~~~~ ~~ ~~ /
<jenkinsd> \ cc c ~~ ~~~ |
<eph3meral> i'm not sure what it's supposed to be
<jenkinsd> | cccc c ~~~ |
<jenkinsd> | cccc cc |
<jenkinsd> ', ccccccc c cccccc |
<jenkinsd> `'., cccccccccc cccc |
<jenkinsd> _____ `'.,, c cc |
<jenkinsd> ` `''., `'., cc cc |
<jenkinsd> |Heaven `'., '. cc cc |
<jenkinsd> |ain't close --. \ ccc cc |
<jenkinsd> .to a place | \ cc cc
<jenkinsd> \ like this! / `. cccccc /
<jenkinsd> '''-....---''` ', |
<canton7> only sepp2k, fflush and apeiros are mods
brngardner has joined #ruby
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<Veejay> christel: The flooding has stopped right now. User is jenkinsd
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<christel> thank you Veejay :)
<ddv> too late christel
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<TTilus> omg lol what a flood =D
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<shevy> yeah
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<shevy> well
<shevy> now we can help newbies again
<shevy> so... Who of you has a ruby question!
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<shevy> I see I see
<shevy> everyone's happy today
<shevy> very well
<epochwolf> very happy
<epochwolf> shevy: I have an octopress question :D
<eph3meral> is there an online ruby interpreter anywhere?
<eph3meral> something maybe people sometimes use for snippets for asking questions and showing example code and testing and such?
<eph3meral> like a pastebin + irb
<eph3meral> shared irb, dunno what to call it exactly
<canton7> I think codepad does that
<eph3meral> canton7, k thx I'll check
<sent-hil> eph3meral: http://tryruby.org
<eph3meral> sent-hil, cool thanks
<canton7> hrm, that has some oddities. puts doesn't add a linebreak, for a start. and there's no p
<Sou|cutter> I have a structural question... I have a class that I sorta use as a DSL.. it's implemented basically like a builder pattern. The problem is that the initial instance of it is empty of rules, but it still shares the grammar of an object that has rules, even though it doesn't quite make sense
<eph3meral> how would I turn this: [0.04817761004448373, 0.05964846957888461, 0.08965058250822419, 0.0919352558647029, 0.09221726585201794, 0.10156361036404676, 0.11052510539616854, 0.11052510539616855, 0.13917976235073076, 0.15657723264457213] array of probabilities in to an array of "percent" values, such that it equ [sum_sofar+value,sum_sofar+value,sum_sofar+value,sum_sofar+value,....]
<Cache_Money> anybody have any clue why Case #4 has 287 and not 288? https://code.google.com/codejam/contest/1460488/dashboard#s=p2
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<Sou|cutter> How can I separate out the builder methods so that the 'empty' instance can share those methods with a 'built' object (built meaning the object has at least one rule)
<eph3meral> so it would be [0.04817761004448373, 0.10782608, ... etc]
<eph3meral> is there a way to use inject to accomplish this?
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<eph3meral> or is there something like a combination of inject and map?
<JarredKeeper> morning guy's
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<eph3meral> cuz essentially I want to transform/map each value, but each value needs to know the sum of all the previous values and itself
<eph3meral> aka the "sum so far"
* Sou|cutter ponders
<canton7> eph3meral, sum = 0; the_array.map{ |v| sum += v } is how I'd do it
<eph3meral> canton7, ok cool thanks
<Sou|cutter> maybe if I make the builder methods a module and include it in two different classes (empty of rules and nonempty of rules)
<Tasser> eph3meral, just did that with ary.each.with_object({sum: 0}).map {|element, keep| }
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<JarredKeeper> when i ran "rails server" it says "autodetect': could not find a javascript runtime. woudl that keep the server from starting
<canton7> JarredKeeper, we don't know much about rails here. Try #rubyonrails
<JarredKeeper> Ah.. thank you canton
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<epochwolf> canton7: why do you keep sending the rails peope to us?
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<canton7> if I don't, the question will sit here unanswered for a while, then someone else will send them over
<epochwolf> canton7: :P
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<lewis> lol
<eph3meral> Tasser, sorry I don't understand your solution, canton7's works fine
<Tasser> eph3meral, you can keep it around as trivia if you ever plan to interview a new ruby dev ;-)
<eph3meral> Tasser, it just looks incomplete to me
<eph3meral> Tasser, why is your map block empty?
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<eph3meral> Tasser, shouldn't it have keep+=element ?
<Tasser> eph3meral, because that's where your code goes
<Tasser> and it has to be keep[:sum] += element because you can't modify itegers
<eph3meral> Tasser, uhh... ok, well if it's empty then it doesn't solve the problem domain that i was talking about
<eph3meral> ah, gotcha, ok
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<Tasser> but it's a bit overkill ^^
<eph3meral> yeh, i still kind of like canton7's better :)
<Tasser> keep it around for trivia ;-)
<eph3meral> but I see what you did there
<Tasser> yep, but it's not functional :D
<Mon_Ouie> Tasser: I'm not sure what your version is doing
<eph3meral> meh, most of my problem isn't functional
<Mon_Ouie> It looks like you're writing a ary.inject(0) { … } except instead of doing like that, you mutate a hash
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<Tasser> Mon_Ouie, yep, but the intermediate results are needed as well
<Mon_Ouie> I just don't see where you'd be storing them
<Tasser> that's the map at the end
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<eph3meral> Mon_Ouie, his example is incomplete
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<Cache_Money> am I doing something wrong? when I call pairs(10,40) it returns 3. However, when I call it within another function it returns 0. Any ideas? http://pastie.org/3788818
<davidcelis> where is pairs defined
<fowl_> Cache_Money, are you thinking of lua
<davidcelis> also....
<Cache_Money> it's just one script..
<davidcelis> for ... in ...
<davidcelis> makes rubyists sad
<fowl_> i didnt even realize that was still in ruby
<Cache_Money> davidcelis: it's ugly right now, I apologize http://pastie.org/3788830
<davidcelis> `(1..length).each do ... end` is better
<davidcelis> mother of god what is this
<fowl_> totally unreadable
<fowl_> *does something else*
<Cache_Money> nevermind. I forgot to cast the strings back to an int
<davidcelis> ...
<canton7> or length.times do
<Cache_Money> davidcelis: sorry, i've been doing python for the past couple months and the 'for ... in ... ' is ingrained in my mind right now
<davidcelis> have you seen the ruby quickref?
<Cache_Money> i don't think so
<davidcelis> it's very useful
<davidcelis> and will help you write ruby code that actually looks like ruby
<Cache_Money> sweet!
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<davidcelis> python was my first language too, though i only used it very briefly before going into my school's CS program. Then it was Java, C, Assembly, and Scheme. then I finally dove into Ruby and now Python is usually unreadable to me haha
<NirI_> hi
<Cache_Money> davidcelis: i'm trying to make the transition to ruby
<davidcelis> Hi
<shevy> Cache_Money \o/
<NirI_> i was wondering why is ruby (1.8.7) is so slow? and it's garbage collection is garbage?
<davidcelis> Cache_Money: Nice. Hope you're liking the language so far
<davidcelis> NirI_: 1.8.7 is pretty old now
<Cache_Money> what's up shevy?
<shevy> I was just cheering that you try to make the transition to ruby
<NirI_> is it better in the new versions of ruby?
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<shevy> Cache_Money, the thing with for ... while it will work in ruby too, the more natural way is to iterate directly on your collection, like with .each
<shevy> array.each do # this and that
<shevy> vs.
<shevy> for x in y do
<davidcelis> for loop also has potential scoping problems
<NirI_> davidcelis: is it better in the new versions of ruby? is it worth the trouble migrating to the new version?
<canton7> and irrc wraps #each anyway?
<davidcelis> NirI_: Migrating to the new version should not be any trouble at all. Why would it be?
<shevy> oh? for wraps #each in ruby?
<davidcelis> And yes, 1.9.3 is vastly superior to 1.8.7 both in terms of performance and GC
<shevy> long live 1.8.7!!!
<Cache_Money> shevy: i guess I don't understand what the difference is between 'for ... in ...' and 'array.each ...' Is it faster? Or takes less memory?
<shevy> Cache_Money hey, we never bother with speed or memory ;)
<NirI_> shevy: why is 1.8.7 better?
<davidcelis> Cache_Money: Pretty much what shevy said; it's more idiomatic to iterate directly on the collection
<shevy> NirI_ one does not have to deal with nazi encoding issues
<davidcelis> Cache_Money: And like I said, there are scoping issues with for ... in ... that end up being gotchas
<NirI_> lo
<NirI_> l
<shevy> Cache_Money if you use .each it "feels" much closer to how you think in ruby
<NirI_> its good cause im a jew
<Cache_Money> so it's just idiomatic to the ruby language, not because it's superior in speed/memory/etc
<Kyle__> shevy: Ehh, once in awhile you need to worry about memory. Like if you're parsing ginormous log files...
<davidcelis> Cache_Money: I'm not sure of performance implications, but yes, it is mostly more idiomatic. And there are scoping issues with for loops/
<shevy> Cache_Money yeah... it is the "block" things in ruby thinking
<shevy> array.each {|blabla_name|
<shevy> do_something_here
<shevy> }
<davidcelis> shevy: die
<shevy> lol
<davidcelis> shevy: get those curly braces out of here
<shevy> i love em :)
<fowl_> haha block things
<fowl_> {}>do/end
<fowl_> any day
<Cache_Money> gotcha...
<Kyle__> Cache_Money: YOu'll find that there is a lot of overlapping syntatic sugar in ruby. And it's mostly there for the principle of least surprise.
<toddmorrill> hey guys i just made an app for making collaratie playlists - pls go here to add songs to party playlist (i made this site) - http://bit.ly/IoOUrH
<toddmorrill> oops sorry
<shevy> yeah, you can write ruby in any style you want to Cache_Money
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<fowl_> except for that style of course
<Kyle__> Cache_Money: More or less, if you would expect a class to do something, it does it.
<toddmorrill> that was in my copy cache…. and it got messed up but i would love to get some eyes on my lil prom :)
<toddmorrill> *proj
<fowl_> my feedback is golden but its not free toddmorrill
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<shevy> *pr0n
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<shevy> oh yeah
<shevy> Cache_Money, not sure how used you are to using classes. in ruby, most of the time, writing a small class to solve a problem is the best way
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<shevy> of course you could also do without classes... but folks tend to write in spaghetti code that way
<fowl_> writing beautiful classless code is possible
<Cache_Money> shevy: I'm not very good with classes yet.. I've gained most of my experience going through Project Eulur. Usually,I just create a script with a function or two and solve them that way. Classes/Modules are uncharted territory
<fowl_> but why would you want to write code that looks good? when other people see my code i want blood to gush from their ocular cavities
<davidcelis> Cache_Money: Ruby Koans
<shevy> Cache_Money, I see
<davidcelis> fowl_: you're a terrible person
<banisterfiend> Cache_Money: give up on programmming and watch nature documentaries instead, this one is good: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uXQzE7l4lAY&feature=relmfu
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<fowl_> davidcelis, :)
<Cache_Money> shevy: do you understand why Case #4 = 287 ? http://pastie.org/3788928
<Cache_Money> banisterfiend: cool intro
<Cache_Money> shevy: I keep getting Case#4 = 288
<eph3meral> does ruby 1.8 not accept inject(:+)
<fowl_> ruby 1.8 sux
<eph3meral> codepad.org is giving me "no block given" error
<fowl_> 1.8.7 is over 4 years old now
<eph3meral> it works in irb under 1.9
<fowl_> problem solved!
<eph3meral> fowl_'s logic ftl
<fowl_> eph3meral, you owe me a beer
<eph3meral> lol, because you failed to answer the question? um, no I don't think so :)
<fowl_> i did bud
<shevy> Cache_Money not sure what that is
<fowl_> upgrade
<eph3meral> lol @ fowl_
<fowl_> upgrade all your code too
<eph3meral> fowl_, learn to read
<eph3meral> friggin idiot
<fowl_> i read perfectly bud
<eph3meral> no you don't
<fowl_> dont use 1.8 bud, its old
<eph3meral> sigh
<shevy> eph3meral can you show the complete example you tried
<eph3meral> shevy, yep
<eph3meral> anyway, I was hoping that thing would actually work, so I could get on with asking my actual question, but alas, codepad.org seems borked and I can only assume that codepad must be using 1.8
<fowl_> eph3meral, why dont you just give it a block then
<eph3meral> since this works for me in 1.9
<fowl_> i just did puts RUBY_VERSION on it and its 1.8.6
<eph3meral> fowl_, cuz that requires like, effort and stuff... shhh, stop bothering me
<fowl_> can you believe that?
<fowl_> codepad.org must suck, huh?
<shevy> argh
<shevy> I hate that code eph3meral
<eph3meral> shevy, um, that's nice?
<shevy> #{new_population.map(&get_fitness).inject(:+)}
<eph3meral> it's not meant to be pretty
<shevy> no, I can't work like that sorry. What would be important is to isolate the specific problem you have with .inject
<eph3meral> most of it will be thrown away eventually
<shevy> I cant try to understand &get_fitness
<eph3meral> ?
<fowl_> eph3meral, simply put, anybody who clings onto 1.8 is untrustworthy, and this side uses 1.8.6, which is _really_ shitty
<eph3meral> fowl_, that's ... um... nice? I was just trying to share this paste with yall
<Tasser> fowl_, write them a mail
<eph3meral> one sec I'll rewrite the block so it's ideally not as horrible for shevy
<fowl_> eph3meral, repl.it at least has 1.8.7, which [1,2,3].inject(:+) works fine on
<shevy> eph3meral well I think you will still have that code attached to it
<fowl_> Tasser, whats the point? if they're still on 1.8.6 obv they dont give a fuck
<shevy> fowl_ is right, [1,2,3].inject(:+) # => 6 works on 1.8.7
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<shevy> but that code you have there eph3meral that is just an abomination of everything
<shevy> it is like black magic with human live sacrificed
<shevy> *sacrificies
<shevy> argh
<shevy> I give up. spelling today is not possible.
<fowl_> shut up shevy theres nothing wrong with it lol
<shevy> omg
<shevy> 1.8.6
<shevy> :(
<eph3meral> shevy, lol, apparently you're not very good at reading *or* writing ruby if you can't understand that pastie
<eph3meral> i'll admit it could be a tad better organized
<fowl_> eph3meral, 1.8 sucks!
* eph3meral pats fowl_ on the head
<shevy> eph3meral well, the thing is this. I live by the rule that ruby code should try to be beautiful poetry
<eph3meral> yes yes, we know, dear, now run along and play with your barbies
<shevy> and when I see new_population.map(&get_fitness).inject(:+) I see no beauty
<fowl_> being condescending and insulting wont get you any help here cutie
<fowl_> eph3meral, other people are just going to tell you to upgrade
<eph3meral> fowl_, upgrade codepad.org? yeah great idea
<Tasser> get_ and set_ are a java disease anyway :-P
<eph3meral> fowl_, you still suck at reading
<fowl_> eph3meral, hurr durr, dont fucking use codepad.org
<eph3meral> fowl_, like I said, please stop pestering me
<shevy> use pastie.org
<fowl_> eph3meral, no.
<fowl_> eph3meral, sup
<eph3meral> fowl_, so what should I use if not codepad.org
<eph3meral> codepad.org was a suggestion from this room
<fowl_> eph3meral, u gotta upgrade bro
<fowl_> gist.github.com
<fowl_> we dont need to execute code to see if it works
<fowl_> zzzz
<eph3meral> aight then
<eph3meral> i was just tryin to do some folks a service
<fowl_> you should smack whoever suggested that site to you
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<eph3meral> fowl_, unlike you, I'm not a violent psychopath, so... I'm good but thanks
<fowl_> right kid
<fowl_> stop trying to troll
<eph3meral> fowl_, it is done, you have been /ignored
* fowl_ cares
<fowl_> got something to write in my journal today
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<canton7> Cache_Money, I get 287....
<eph3meral> shevy, so what would you use instead of &get_fitness
<eph3meral> shevy, I beg to differ, I think that for the given problem domain that code is rather elegant
<fowl_> yeah shevy do his homework for him
<eph3meral> ruby lends itself very well to adapting to many problem domains, hence the term DSL
<eph3meral> shevy, maybe you've never added more than 2+2 in your life, or maybe you stopped studying math and science in 9th grade or so
<eph3meral> shevy, not everything is a webapp - there are actual real applications of ruby to problem domains that are difficult to understand, don't blame your inability to understand the domain on my code
<fowl_> lol, this fuckin guy
<shevy> I dont know, I think in all my years of ruby, I did not have to use & in my code really
<shevy> the problem is, you put assumptions into your questions eph3meral
<fowl_> rand(0.0000000000000000..1.0000000000000000)
<fowl_> haha
<canton7> Cache_Money, http://pastie.org/3789093
<eph3meral> shevy, apparently you've never dealt with blocks at all, or lambdas
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<shevy> eph3meral that is another assumption
<eph3meral> but it wasn't a question :P
<workmad3> assumption != question
<eph3meral> and actually, it wasn't an assumption either, it was a slight insult
<workmad3> looks like a fun session in here tonight though :)
<eph3meral> anyway
<shevy> how could it be an insult when its content is entirely incorrect?
<eph3meral> workmad3, oh yeah
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<fowl_> shevy, why dont you just leave dumbass alone so he goes away
<fowl_> why help disrespectful people?
<eph3meral> shevy, apparently you also fail to grasp the fundamental nature of human interaction, communication, sarcasm and the like... do you have aspergers by chance?
<shevy> fowl_ I am not really helping
<eph3meral> </troll>
<eph3meral> shevy, that much is obvious
<mischief> hello, does anyone know of a way to tail a log file in real time in in a sinatra app
<shevy> eph3meral sarcasm in written text? how do you differ between it and non-sarcasm in written text? :>
<workmad3> shevy: with sarcasm end-tags </sarcasm>
<shevy> workmad3, where did he use that tag?
<fowl_> </human-interaction>
<workmad3> shevy: it's sometimes allowed to self-close
<shevy> but he didnt use that tag! :(
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<workmad3> shevy: but does leave the parser more room for ambiguous interpretation
<mischief> wat kind of shit argument is going on here :L
<atmosx> any good sci-fi book? just finished the cryptonomicon
<shevy> workmad3 I think his parser would not work ever, he has no real content to give any of us here
<workmad3> shevy: the opening tag is a non-printing char
<shevy> all the more reason to dislike XML
<shevy> "invisible non-printing char in opening tags"
<eph3meral> atmosx, slapstick
<shevy> atmosx it depends. I actually liked the book before blade runner
<workmad3> atmosx: neuromancer?
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<shevy> "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep" but it has a pessimistic mood and is not action-heavy... might be too boring for your taste
<Cache_Money> canton7: What is it that makes it 287 and not 288?
<shevy> the -1 !!!
<phipes> does anyone know a primer for ruby (i already know oo programming, objc) to get started?
<atmosx> I've read the neuromancer yeras ago and it's to cryptonomicon, what next door aunt Jenny is to Ayrton Senna when it comes to speed driving.
<fowl_> phipes, _whys poignant guide
<shevy> phipes http://pine.fm/LearnToProgram/?Chapter=00 start here, work through it as quickly as possible. when you know programming already, you will solve that in 10 minutes and know the basic of ruby afterwards
<atmosx> am I th eonly one dislike this y's poignant guide to ruby?
<atmosx> phipes: there are a dozen of tutorials online
<fowl_> atmosx, pretty much
<atmosx> even screenscasts etc.
<atmosx> fowl_: okay, maybe I must re-read it
<mischief> does anyone know of a way to tail a log file in real time in in a sinatra app?
<workmad3> atmosx: dunno then... random asimov? space odyssey? Michael Cobley?
<atmosx> workmad3: I'll check my kindle list to see what fids
<atmosx> fits
<fowl_> atmosx, it gives a good introduction to the ruby way of thinking, but not so much as we're being bred in a farm for our meat
<fowl_> no, that comes later
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<phipes> thanks, i like www.pine.fm
<shevy> atmosx I dont like the poignant guide either
<atmosx> shevy: there's two of us?. now we can make an irc #
<atmosx> lol
<fowl_> call it #antiruby you traitors
<phipes> atmosx, i don't like the poignant guide
<atmosx> phipes: you didn't read it yet
<atmosx> anti-poignants
<atmosx> I never laughed with that jokes, maybe I'm not smart enough
<sent-hil> mischief: why not 'tails -f log'
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<shevy> atmosx I read the first few pages, then went "wtf???"
<atmosx> Clarke, Arthur C. - 2001 A Space Odyssey.mobi <-- was that a book? I didn't knew… I thought it was pure Kubrick
<atmosx> blah
<mischief> sent-hil: wat is tails
<shevy> unix command
<atmosx> shevy: yeah me too. Then I went to amazon and bought a real book.
<mischief> you mean tail
<sent-hil> mischief: external appendix
<phipes> atmosx, I'm not a complete noob at ruby. I've given the poignant guide a try when i was first learning ruby. the poignant guide has too much filling, i just want to get to the gist of things
<mischief> tail doesnt solve my problem
<fowl_> phipes, i dunno if its still relevant but pickaxe was great back in the day
<atmosx> phipes: I'm an amatuer too, if that makes you feel better. ;-)
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<sent-hil> mischief: tail it, pipe to a file, read that file from sinatra
<shevy> phipes did you finish "learn to program" already!
<mischief> sent-hil: that is a hack and not a solution, how can it be done in ruby?
<atmosx> haha Eco, Umberto - Foucault's Pendulum.mobi <-- this was hard to read in Italian, I can't imagine how it will be in english. On the other hand, Eco is a simiologist so, he's Italian might be the best and more complicated you can get by a contemporary author
<phipes> shevy, I've read it before, i just want a summative guide that compares ruby to another language like objc which I've been using
<phipes> shevy, compare the syntax not the pros and cons
<fowl_> mischief, why not just open your log and seek to File.size - 1000 or so
<shevy> ok so you worked through that tutorial already
<fowl_> mischief, then just print stuff out from there
<shevy> then, the next step is to write classes in ruby directly!
<sent-hil> since when isn't hack a type of solution
<shevy> hmm there used to be another tutorial but I cant find it anymore
<sent-hil> talking about hacks, any good tutorials on ruby-prof?
<mischief> fowl_: the read would fail when you get to the end
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<atmosx> Why on earth people on GoodReads write almost-10-pages-reviews ? I mean, who the heck will ever read them? … omg
<atmosx> phipes: you're an objc programmer? apple's objc?
<phipes> atmosx, yes
<fowl_> mischief, just because you get EOFError doesnt mean it failed
<atmosx> ovelry complicated… to write a calculator you need like … I can't recall the lines of code
<atmosx> anyway, good market (iphone etc)
<atmosx> and good gui libraries
<fowl_> that means you win, you stuck it out to the end of the file and you're a better man for it
<atmosx> mischief: what were you looking for?
<mischief> scroll up -.-
<atmosx> nah… :-P sorry too tired/bored
<shevy> he was looking for cheap sex
<fowl_> mischief, also, #read doesnt throw exceptions at EOF you just get nil (Unless of course you try to keep reading after that, but what do you expect? dont do crazy things)
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<eph3meral> how should I change this algorithm to make examples like this have a higher fitness score in the new population than the old population http://pastie.org/private/zolvjoj0d40yafv2zqdzq http://codepad.org/3iO7hDkz ... I'm essentially trying to use this formula http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fitness_proportionate_selection
<fowl_> its in your power to catch exceptions anyways
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<sent-hil> ;)
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<fowl_> get_some_log thats a ruby method right there
<shevy> hehe
<atmosx> hmm maybe I should start with "A song of ice and fire"
<atmosx> the 1st part, since the series will take forever to end… but I want to read it my mother-tongue aaah
* atmosx suicidal
<mischief> sent-hil: your solution was nothing like that - you said to PIPE a log file INTO another file and read that.. -_-
<fowl_> atmosx, get some viking sagas, volsung saga, prose edda, etc
<fowl_> they're great
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<atmosx> ooh nice!
* sent-hil gives up and leaves
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<atmosx> this is one I'ev always wanted to read: Orwell, George - Animal Farm.mobi <---
* sent-hil comes back with a drink
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<fowl_> yea animal farm is good
<fowl_> so is 1984
<fowl_> and the movie adaptations were also decent :p
<sent-hil> fowl_: i remember animal farm being a movie about pigs
<fowl_> you should watch it again then sent-hil or read the book
<fowl_> because you missed the point >_>g
<sent-hil> fowl_: i was jk :)
<fowl_> o
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<Pip> Now, I understand Ruby is superior language
<Divinite_> Pip: Long live Ruby!
<shevy> superior to what
<niklasb> All Hail to the Ruby
<Pip> Sure
<fowl_> shevy, ruby ist die uberlang
<Pip> To aliens
<Pip> :D
<niklasb> Pip: some aliens use Haskell.
<shevy> I dunno
<Pip> No, they don't
Shaded has joined #ruby
<shevy> if there would be aliens, who could reach us, they would sure have superior technology
<Pip> Ruby is superior to Haskell
<niklasb> Pip: oh, why is that?
<shevy> because you need to be smart for haskell
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<shevy> every dumb guy can use ruby however
<shevy> that means 100x more people can use it that means 10000x more code that is written
<Pip> Ruby is designed for everybody
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<shevy> yeah kinda
<shevy> it could be made simpler though
<fowl_> bs, ruby is designed for people who are afraid of their city getting destroyed by godzirra
<workmad3> no, java is designed for everybody... ruby is designed for people who can be trusted to code but aren't super-smart coding gods
<shevy> java is so insanely verbose
<workmad3> shevy: yeah... but it's aimed at 'the average programmer'
<niklasb> shevy: still people keep telling you that this is a feature, rather than a flaw :)
<Divinite_> Java = people making rubbish games and/or malicious applets. Nothing good.
<Pip> The inside of ruby is very complex
<workmad3> shevy: which is why it cripples you with things like no first-class functions/methods
<Pip> But outside is simple
<workmad3> Pip: the distinction I like to draw is that ruby is easy, as opposed to simple
<Pip> Yep, easy
<fowl_> oh Pip is that guy who comes in here and makes observations about ruby or asks weird questions about it because he hasnt decided if he wants to use it or not
<Pip> :D
<shevy> niklasb yeah, java has a huge lobby defending it
<shevy> if I'd have a high paid job in java I'd sure would defend it too
<Shaded> Has anyone here been to a hackathon?
<workmad3> shevy: besides, if you're using a good IDE, you don't have to write most of that vebose gibberish
<workmad3> *verbose
<shevy> I think workmad3 is writing java for a living :(
<niklasb> shevy: why would you defend it? what purpose would that serve?
<shevy> I? to promote my whole ecosystem
<niklasb> workmad3: IDE as in VIM? :)
<workmad3> niklasb: heh :)
<workmad3> shevy: no... I'm not paid enough to write java :P
<shevy> I don't think I could like a language AND have a job EVERY day I write in this language but hate it
<Pip> Comparing with Ruby, Java is too old
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<eph3meral> nikis, thou dost sin verily by placing side-by-side those two terms!
<niklasb> Pip: that's not an argument. LISP and Smalltalk and Haskell are old too, still they are great languages
<workmad3> Pip: ruby is only 4 years younger than java
<fowl_> see ^ he just says stuff lol
<fowl_> pip just tries to start conversations
<niklasb> fowl_: hehe, yeah
<niklasb> feed the troll more
<workmad3> Pip: and publically, they're pretty much the same age :P
<shevy> is Pip a bot?
<Pip> Well, by old I mean Java is kind of lower
<niklasb> ah ha
<shevy> he seems to be semi-intelligent
<workmad3> shevy: you're right... he doesn't quite pass the turing test, does he :)
<Pip> One Python is gone, Ruby will dominate this planet
<shevy> Pip!
<Pip> *Once
<shevy> I think he passes no test at all ... :(
<Pip> Turing test?
<shevy> ANY TEST
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<Divinite_> Pip: Nukes? Or knives?
<Pip> Er..?
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<Divinite_> Pip: To kill python.
<Pip> :D
<shevy> pls
<shevy> you kill python not by talking
<shevy> but by writing ruby code
<atmosx> anyone good with nokogiri? is there any *easy*/smart way for reading all blog posts from a blog? I know how to grab the contents of a single one, but I have no idea how to roll through every single post...
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<niklasb> atmosx: impossible to answer without more information :)
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<atmosx> niklasb: okay, I want to make a program that reads all possible pages from a blog. I wrote a proggie which grabs what the RSS feed has to offer.
<atmosx> niklasb: for wordpress and blogspot that is..
<niklasb> atmosx: so you want to scrape the whole page? nokogiri is only about XML/HTML parsing
<davidcelis> atmosx: Look into Mechanize
<atmosx> niklasb: I need to find a way, to to previous post, till I reach an end.. or a smarter way to do it.
<atmosx> davidcelis: isn't that simialr to nokogiri?
<davidcelis> atmosx: No.
<atmosx> no?
<niklasb> not at all
<atmosx> hmm
<davidcelis> atmosx: Mechanize is a library to scrape through pages, and the pages it returns to you are Nokogiri objects so you can parse them more easily.
<niklasb> machanize works on the HTTP layer
<atmosx> ah
<davidcelis> But you should use Mechanize for the scraping bit, Nokgiri for the parsing
<atmosx> yes seems to be exactly what I need
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<Tecan> howdy