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<|jemc|> sheesh
<|jemc|> I did what I thought was an optimization, but adding one goto_if_true instruction (that skips _ahead_) tripled my total time spent by the parser
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<|jemc|> ah, I see - the original behavior was actually losing capture data - that's why it was faster :P
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<|jemc|> heh, *bad* rbx-master
<|jemc|> Coercion error: "4".to_str => String failed
<|jemc|> ooh, and again:
<|jemc|> Coercion error: "\n".to_str => String failed
<|jemc|> and again
<|jemc|> I wonder if there is some kind of JIT inconsistency
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<|jemc|> yeah, with -Xjit.show I can see it's happening while String#to_s is being background-compiled by the JIT
<|jemc|> (if anyone is curious)
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<|jemc|> happens consistently for me in a large (or repeated) run - though at an inconsistent location
<|jemc|> I'll poke around a bit and maybe do a bisect
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<yorickpeterse> morning
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<cremes> morning
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<cpuguy83> brixen: Sorry about all the marketing junk.
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<Benny1992> I defined rubysl-pathname in Gemfile
<Benny1992> gem 'rubysl-pathname', :github => "rubysl/rubysl-pathname", :branch => "2.0", platforms: :rbx
<Benny1992> but it's still complaining for accessing private Method Pathname on module Kernel
<yorickpeterse> Benny1992: Rbx currently prioritizes the bundled rubysl Gems over those installed/updated manually
<Benny1992> ah ok thx
<yorickpeterse> so even if you update the Gem, it will still load the version it initially shipped with
<Benny1992> kk, can we push a new version of rubysl-pathname?
<yorickpeterse> not sure if we ever fixed that in master
<yorickpeterse> Benny1992: that still requires a new release of Rbx I believe, not sure
<yorickpeterse> I can look into this tonight, bit too busy atm
<Benny1992> hmm ok
<Benny1992> no problem :)
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<brixen> cpuguy83: no worries
<brixen> cpuguy83: just slammed the past couple weeks so didn't see the email for 3 days :p
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<|jemc|> does the check_interrupts bytecode instruction play a role in allowing the JIT to do its work?
<|jemc|> that is, if I make a dynamic_method that runs for a while (say, one second), do I need to explicitly generate a check_interrupts instruction to avoid JIT-related errors like the ones I'm seeing?
<|jemc|> or is check_interrupts unrelated to the JIT?
<|jemc|> inserting a check_interrupts instruction before the to_s call seems to _avert_ the problem but I'm not sure if that's causal or just circumstantial
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<brixen> |jemc|: what JIT-related errors are you seeing?
<|jemc|> methods that become incorrect when the JIT hits them - I was just now preparing a second part to my earlier gist
<|jemc|> this part I'm seeing problems in parts where I'm not using dynamic_method
<|jemc|> (or using any loops - as far as I can tell check_interrupts is intended to be generated in loops)
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<crowell> quick question. is there currently a working disassembler for .rbc files?
<|jemc|> brixen: for example, my Myco::Component#new method becomes incorrect right after I see the line:
<|jemc|> [[[ JIT finished background compiling ANONYMOUS#new (block) ]]]
<|jemc|> but again, working on providing some context for you in a gist
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<|jemc|> crowell: afaik - no, but that doesn't mean it's not easy for someone to piece together what your program is doing
<crowell> |jemc|: ok, thanks, maybe I'll have to write one up myself :\
<brixen> crowell: yes, it's call the loader :)
<crowell> brixen: but does it dump opcodes?
<brixen> what do you mean by dump?
<crowell> like can i print the disassembly to stdout or to a file?
<brixen> ah, are you asking if there's a disassembler from bytecode to Ruby code?
<crowell> brixen: no. I mean from bytecode to this stuff http://rubini.us/doc/en/virtual-machine/instructions/
<crowell> all the way back to ruby code would be nice, but that is a stretch goal
<crowell> similar to how python has 'dis'
<brixen> I have a PoC for a disassembler
<brixen> the link you gave is to the docs for the bytecode
<brixen> a .rbc file is just a serialized tree of compiled code objects
<brixen> compiled code objects have an instruction sequence object
<brixen> which is just a stream of bytecode
<brixen> so, if you load a .rbc file, you get a tree of compiled code objects
<brixen> if you have a compiled code object, you can print the bytecode with 'puts cc.decode'
<brixen> is this what you're asking?
<brixen> eg, the Rubinius kernel (Ruby core classes) are loaded at boot from .rbc files
<crowell> brixen: perfect, that's exactly what I was looking for
<brixen> crowell: ok, cool
<crowell> the docs for the instructions leave a bit to be desired, but that's what I was looking for
<brixen> crowell: what's missing?
<|jemc|> crowell: you can see the implementation of each instruction alongside those same docs if you look in vm/instructions.def
<Benny1992> ping: yorickpeterse
<Benny1992> currently adding tests to rubysl-pathname, but the tests fail because the changes I made are not seen, is this because rbx prefers the bundled gem?
<crowell> ok, cool. just that web page was a bit sparse
<Benny1992> so the same problem as previous
<brixen> crowell: if you can be more specific, I may be able to answer a question
<brixen> "a bit sparse" is not actionable
<brixen> also, we generate the docs from vm/instructions.def, so you can send a PR as well
<crowell> brixen: I actually don't have the file I'm trying to disassemble in front of me, so I can't ask any specifics now. but I have enought ot get started
<brixen> ok
<brixen> Benny1992: you need to set RUBYOPT=lib to have rbx pick up the gem's files
<brixen> Benny1992: le'me push an updated .travis.yml for that repo
<Benny1992> brixen: okay thx :)
<brixen> Benny1992: er, sorry, RUBYLIB not RUBYOPT
<Benny1992> awesome works like charm :)
<brixen> Benny1992: oh cool
<brixen> Benny1992: are you working on the specs for #4 ?
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<Benny1992> yep :)
<Benny1992> done
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<brixen> Benny1992: you can use simpler fixtures in those specs
<yorickpeterse> Benny1992: I believe you have to run it with RUBYLIB=.:lib or something like that
<yorickpeterse> oh, brixen beat me to it
<brixen> we don't pollute the global namespace with stuff like class RootPath
<Benny1992> yorickpeterse: thx brixen said it already :D
<Benny1992> brixen: okay
<brixen> Benny1992: see http://rubyspec.org/style_guide/ under 1.1 Utility Classes
<Benny1992> okay thx will give it a read
<brixen> Benny1992: in those specs, you don't need a class
<brixen> just use a mock
<brixen> obj = mock(); obj.should_receive(:to_str).and_return("whatever")
<Benny1992> okay, will change it :)
<|jemc|> brixen: this one is turning out to be a bit of a heisenbug (my code is not threaded, but I think it's JIT-related non-determinism) but I think I should be able to help you reproduce the to_s one it if you feel like rake installing myco and running a basic script from my other repo.
<brixen> |jemc|: are you running on master?
<|jemc|> brixen: yes, just pulled this morning the latest and ran again
<brixen> there's an open PR for a JIT bug
<|jemc|> oh really
* |jemc| looks
<|jemc|> brixen: are you talking about this one? https://github.com/rubinius/rubinius/issues/3114
<|jemc|> because that looks like it could be causing the second issue I ran into, but not the first one (with String#to_s)
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<yorickpeterse> ok Ruby trivia:
<yorickpeterse> Given I have a Hash with find values as the keys, and replacements as the values
<yorickpeterse> What's the most efficient way of running a find-replace using that table, using the least amount of String#gsub calls
<yorickpeterse> the most basic form is find_replace.each { |find, replace| input = input.gsub(find, replace) }
<yorickpeterse> That however is slow as sin
<yorickpeterse> (we're talking about running this thousands/millions of times potentially)
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<yorickpeterse> Hm, I think I _might_ be able to compile a clever regexp for this
<yorickpeterse> hm no, that's impossible
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<headius> is it?
<yorickpeterse> Adding that to this parsing setup slows it down by ~5,5 times
<yorickpeterse> It would have to run for every text node in the document
<yorickpeterse> which can potentially be a lot of nodes
<yorickpeterse> Time wise this 10MB XML file that I auto generated goes from 0.02 seconds to 480 ms
<headius> you might speed that each loop up by iterating over keys
<yorickpeterse> (parsing time)
<chrisseaton> Why not move through the string once with a state machine?
<chrisseaton> That would be optimal
<headius> I was thinking a regexp that is all of the keys to replace and a block passed to gsub...then you look up the keys as they're found and return replacement
<yorickpeterse> so context: I need to replace certain XML entities (e.g. &lt;) with their equivalents (< in this case)
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<yorickpeterse> The mapping is basically: { '&lt;' => '<', '&gt;' => '>', '&amp;' => '&' }
<yorickpeterse> I _can_ do this lazily at the very end of the parsing chain (basically find/replace upon access), but I'm curious if I can do it earlier on
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<chrisseaton> you already have a state machine in the lexer right? why not make it recognise and expand the entities?
<yorickpeterse> That requires emitting separate tokens, which I then have to stich back together (elements can only contain a single text node)
<yorickpeterse> I tried that actually, it's way slower than the above loop
<yorickpeterse> it results in more string allocations, only for those to be stitched back together
<yorickpeterse> so for example, for the string "&lt;foo&ampl;" you'd normally have 1 allocation
<yorickpeterse> However, if you emit stuff separately you'd now have 3 allocations
<yorickpeterse> ("&lt;", "foo" and "&amp;")
<yorickpeterse> then you smack them together for a 4th allocation
<yorickpeterse> so basically O(N*4) vs O(N)
<chrisseaton> I don't mean new tokens - I mean you're already going through a string and copying character by character to create the token string in the lexer aren't you? so why not copy and expand at the same time?
* yorickpeterse finally gets to use the big O
<chrisseaton> O(N*4) is exactly the same thing as O(N)
<yorickpeterse> Oh no, the lexer doesn't do that
<yorickpeterse> it operates on byte ranges
<yorickpeterse> plus it's shared between C/Java, so doing find/replacements there is a total pain
<chrisseaton> ah ok
<yorickpeterse> errr derp you're right
<yorickpeterse> (regarding the big O stuff)
<yorickpeterse> see, I never use it :P
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<yorickpeterse> headius: does ByteList in JRuby allow me to find/replace bytes?
<yorickpeterse> crap wait I can't use that, that means I'd have to check things for every token
<yorickpeterse> darn
<headius> yorickpeterse: sure
<yorickpeterse> I guess having something like String#tr supporting multiple character replacements (opposed to 1 char being replaced with another single char) would be nice here
<headius> can't you turn the keys into a regexp and try what I suggested? gsub + block will hurt, but unless you expand as you lex I'm not sure how to avoid that
<yorickpeterse> That would still result in multiple string allocations
<yorickpeterse> In fact, I think the block form would result in one allocation for every match
<yorickpeterse> unless it only evaluates the block once for all matches
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<headius> yorickpeterse: it would
<headius> but at least the underlying byte[] would be shared across those instances
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<yorickpeterse> brixen: in Rbx, do we allocate a new string when calling String#gsub! ?
<yorickpeterse> That is, is it basically `new_str = dup.gsub(....); replace(new_str)`, or does it truly modify the current string in-place?
<yorickpeterse> hm, I think I can actually test that!
<yorickpeterse> oh, string literals seem to bypass String#initialize in rbx
<yorickpeterse> wtf
<yorickpeterse> bah, I just want to measure how many Strings are created, this is stupid difficult in both MRI and Rbx
<yorickpeterse> MRI has TracePoint but lol of course that doesn't work when creating strings
<yorickpeterse> and Rbx just bypasses String#new for literals :/
<yorickpeterse> (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
<headius> you should be able to get a count on JRuby by passing flag -J-Xrunhprof:depth=0
<headius> that enables JVM-level object profiling... depth=0 makes it not accumulate allocation backtraces to speed up the data gathering
<headius> it should be pretty similar across impls if we have mostly the same logic
<yorickpeterse> headius: I also need this on MRI and Rbx though, I need to see if String#gsub! allocates more than I want there
<yorickpeterse> hmpf, object allocation tracking doesn't appear to work either
<headius> yeah, I don't know how different it will be between jruby and MRI since we largely have the same logic
<yorickpeterse> meh, I need to dig in to this when I'm actually awake. Toodles
<yorickpeterse> oh derp that's right, allocation tracking also requires a compile time flag
<yorickpeterse> ugh
<yorickpeterse> see, I need sleep, laters
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