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<cremes> whitequark: ah, got my message already?
* whitequark points at _whitelogger
<whitequark> note that freenode guidelines require the topic to mention that the channel is logged
<cremes> yep, see it. just reloaded your irc page and this conversation is already there. :)
<whitequark> didn't even have to reload :p
<cremes> brixen: ^^ whitequark says the topic should mention the channel is logged...
<cremes> whitequark: thanks for jumping on this so quick. the other logger has been failing a lot lately.
<whitequark> it's one line in configuration, really
<cremes> cool. appreciate the one line of effort. :P
<whitequark> anyway. I can even import the old logs
<headius> whitequark: where's your log page? we might go for it too
<headius> using some grotty perl script a contrib made in 2006
<cremes> that would probably be useful. you have that nice search facility.
<whitequark> cremes: omg that search is ~terrible~
<whitequark> mysql has the most useless fulltext search EVER
<headius> yeah much nicer...could we get the same for #jruby?
<whitequark> but I do plan to migrate it to postgres sometime
<whitequark> headius: one sec
<headius> if it's not too much trouble :-)
<cremes> heh. the other logger has no search, so yours is better. :)
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<cremes> headius: sometimes the majority of rubinius channel traffic is about jruby. :P
<whitequark> same thing applies about topic
<yorickpeterse> whitequark: cremes: brixen is probably in Barcelona, if he doesn't show up until Friday I'll bug him about the /topic
<yorickpeterse> or just get my hands on that fancy +o
<headius> cremes: I claim no responsibility for that...I might mention JRuby occasionally, but I usually try to bring such discussions to our channel :-)
<cremes> yorickpeterse: yes, get brixen to share the keys to the kingdom!
<whitequark> yorickpeterse: ok
<yorickpeterse> cremes: more like just hand them over to me
<cremes> headius: just bustin’ your chops a little ;)
<headius> yeah I know :-)
<yorickpeterse> I've already injected myself in rbx, rubyspec and rubysl
<headius> this is me trying to keep the old dream of impl collaboration alive
<yorickpeterse> Guess I should rename myself to some virus name
<yorickpeterse> Trojan.DoubleDutch.YorickPeterse
<cremes> headius: don’t let that flame flicker out.
<headius> whitequark: we link to our existing logger right now...probably will just set that up to redirect to yours
<yorickpeterse> anyway I'm off, toodles
<cremes> later!
<headius> whitequark: lookin good...thank you
<whitequark> you're welcome
<|jemc|> yes, that's a relief
<|jemc|> reliable logging that I don't have to do myself on my own machine
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<whitequark> you can even mirror it with one command.
<whitequark> lftp -c 'mirror http://irclog.whitequark.org/$CHANNEL/index/'
<|jemc|> whitequark: :)
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