re my 15A fused amp. with it in briged mode so instead of 4x45w its doing 2x90w into 100w 8ohm speakers. playing some music it was on average comsuming below 4A (3.6) but maxed out more and with strongy bassy music it was hovering around 4,5,6A. i think the 15A fuse is so the fuse doesnt blow duing little high peaks but i think(?) if i used 4ohm speakers it would have consumed more amps then. so i believe a 10c s4 (14.8v) batt
would do for this amp. unless i need to leave more head room.... hmm
my bad the C (discharge) rating is $discharge_rating * $mAH_number
so with a 10C 16AH pack thats plenty of an discharge rating :D. boy RC stuff needs lots of amps when they using 50C + 10Aetc packs
dont use rc stuff. bad quality regardless of vendor and shitty quality.
also wears down fast. not compareable with any sane battery technology.
this stuff is built for single-digit charge/discharge cycles and no proper safetey. nothing one could compare with stuff on the level of car-batteries or whats in your computer
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roh, oh no arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
back to square one
not even if i dont over discharge them but only dischage them to 3.5v so they last longer?
roh, are lower discharge rate, designed for high mAH rc batts. not any better than rc batts designed for high discharge rate over mAH?
im really better off getting 18650 cells are manually wiring them up to a 4s4p pack? hopping that the cells are from the same batch, etc?
don't hope, use protected cells
your house, which will not get on fire, will thank you
ask DocScrutinizer51 about not using protected li-ion cells :p
or alternatively use LiFePO4, these are mre expensive and lower capacity
but they do not have the runaway reaction
they *do* catch fire but you have to try pretty hard. LiFePO4 doesn't even have any restrictions for bringing them on airplanes
like NiMH, NiCd and others don't
arossdotme-planb: rc stuff is not built for reliability or normal (high) charge/discharge cycles afaik.
arr dam it
i know about fire risks. but proving i stay within the safe voltage rang i should be ok. oh and add a good about of drop protechion so the rc pack cells dont get damaged as ive read thats a problem. something not too insulating get will protect.. hmm a wrap of something or a box with foam tails to sandwich the batt in the box ?
i thought it would be safer then the risk of the batts not matching in a diy pack. to buy a pack already made up. not built for reliability of dis/charge cycles would be a big problem :|
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what about the novena laptop? that used rc packs?
>>Originally, "lithium polymer" represented a developing technology using a polymer electrolyte instead of the more common liquid electrolyte. The result is a "plastic" cell, which theoretically could be thin, flexible, and manufactured in different shapes, without risk of electrolyte leakage.<< https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lithium_polymer_battery
>>The second meaning appeared after some manufacturers applied the "polymer" designation to lithium-ion cells contained in a non-rigid pouch format. <<