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<xiangfu> wpwrak: .gitignore: I will update. it.
<xiangfu> wpwrak: CIS: yes. will do.
<xiangfu> wpwrak: right now the code is working on SDHC/SDXC >2GB card. I just got a 2GB old card. will test that today.
<xiangfu> wpwrak: then I think I can try to glue the fatfs and mmc driver.
<wpwrak> i already merged a few things. lemme push 'em ...
<xiangfu> great.
* xiangfu pulling...
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<wpwrak> that gets rid of the warnings. i see that the original code also uses "static", so i guess that's something that could go upstream ?
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<wpwrak> for MMC, what are you using as reference for the protocol ? you changes illustrate nicely that i should have documented where i got all details from (i.e., now i have a hard time understanding what your changes actually mean, since i don't know why my code does what it does), so i guess it's time to fix that
<xiangfu> for me to easy understand.
<xiangfu> I have the compilicate PDF file about the SD card. let me find the URL
<wpwrak> oh, these summaries look neat !
<xiangfu> page 100 on PDF file.
<wpwrak> okay, this looks good. let's use this as "master reference"
<xiangfu> I changed the return value of mmc_init. I use this value to debug. I don't know how to debug the code. so I just display the return value on OLED.
<wpwrak> (reference) ah wait, one issue seems to be that it doesn't explain SPI mode ..
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<xiangfu> Page: 97
<wpwrak> heh, just found that we already have a reference: dsv sdcard :)
<wpwrak> January 22, 2013
<wpwrak> even has a PDF table of contents ;-)
<xiangfu> sorry that is the old one.
<xiangfu> Page 153
<wpwrak> and there is dsv sdprod for the document from SanDisk that contains some of the things they omitted from the "simplified spec"
<wpwrak> perfect
<xiangfu> Yes. I will keep working on the mmc code base on this document. right now the code only work with SDHC/SDXC card.
<xiangfu> how should I debug the mmc code?
<wpwrak> okay. please try to make small commits that change one thing at a time. e.g., "add crc7" and so on. that will make it much easier to check things.
<wpwrak> you mean with what cards ?
<xiangfu> (commits) yes. got it.
<xiangfu> I mean any 'printf' for debug?
<xiangfu> :)
<wpwrak> console_printf ? :)
<xiangfu> Yes. that is what I using right now.
<wpwrak> i have to admit that low-level debugging support sucks a bit. console_printf is about the best anelok has. maybe one day we can get swd to work for debugging. i think gdb would support it, or at least there are patches
<whitequark> you need a gdbserver
<whitequark> jlink has one, stlink has another
<whitequark> gdb will work with any gdbserver you provide, unpatched
<wpwrak> first of all i need to get SWD communication to fail a little less often :)
<wpwrak> right now it's super-unreliable. already getting a boot loader into the chip takes many tries
<xiangfu> wpwrak: I have plan to move the ./swd to RPi.
<wpwrak> should be easy. i've already made it quite portable by porting it to the kl26. rpi should be trivial :)
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<xiangfu> Yes. I saw this lib.
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<xiangfu> have to go.
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<kyak> is it possible to disable a compiled-in kernel module? Like rmmod, but for modules compiled into kernel
<kyak> say, this module is causing trouble and it is not possible to recompile the kernel without it
<kyak> specifically, i'm talking about built-in fs/ntfs module
<kyak> i'm able to modify the kernel cmdline, and was looking in this direction, but didn't find anything
<viric> I don't know
<kyak> neither do i :)
<viric> kernel-parameters.txt :)
<kyak> already looked, this module has no parameters
<viric> there are not all module parameters
<viric> but there is a way to set parameters based on module name, iirc. I don't know if disabling exists, though
<kyak> good point
<kyak> i'll look into it
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<kyak> didn't find anything useful there..
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<DocScrutinizer05> LOL, they found new threats to structural integrity of ALL nuclear power plants. The steel acts funny and might not last as long as expected
<whitequark> link?
<DocScrutinizer05> sorry TV report
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<DocScrutinizer05> hypothesis: hydrogen diffusion converts the steel into puff pastry
<whitequark> ohhhh that's well known
<whitequark> i mean, hydrogen does that to steel, it's not a hypothesis
<DocScrutinizer05> hehe
<whitequark> "This phenomenon was first described in 1875"
<whitequark> "new threats"
<whitequark> ahem
<DocScrutinizer05> wow, what hackasses
<DocScrutinizer05> jack*
<whitequark> in RU there is a national channel which airs a program describing how to cure cancer with urine
<DocScrutinizer05> risk assessment was a hoax then, when they built the nuklear reactors?
<whitequark> it's wildly popular with retirees
<whitequark> teaches you not to trust TV very much :D
<DocScrutinizer05> huh?
<DocScrutinizer05> just you said it's well known
<DocScrutinizer05> meh
* whitequark shrugs
<whitequark> my guess: they dug up something that was "new" in 1965 and sensationalized it for moar views
<whitequark> that's usually how it happens
<DocScrutinizer05> my guess is I forgot to hit /igore when I seen <whitequark> link?
<DocScrutinizer05> Belgium recently found thousands of hair cracks in pressure vessel and recommended to check all 400some reactors worldwide
<DocScrutinizer05> now prove that this is stuff they dug up from 1968
<whitequark> ok, now you gave me a link
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<whitequark> and this is the actual report:
<DocScrutinizer05> so WHAT?
<DocScrutinizer05> I'm not the one asking for links
<DocScrutinizer05> I'm also not the one spoiled by idiot TV
<whitequark> no, you're the one throwing in unsubstantiated sensationalistic claims
<DocScrutinizer05> FU
<whitequark> the actual report looks worrying indeed
<whitequark> TV news is bullshit until proven otherwise. that's the only reasonable approach
<DocScrutinizer05> internet news is bullshit until proven by honest reporters I know and trust
<whitequark> fully agreed
<DocScrutinizer05> sorry my approach is not compatible with yours
<whitequark> the only thing it gave me is the link to pdf from the belgium government
<wpwrak> ("ohhhh that's well known") when russian engineers noticed, corrective actions were taken immediately: all involved saw their vodka ration doubled and were subsequently promoted to new posts either in crimea or siberia, depending on where they would serve their country best :)
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<whitequark> has some more interesting info from the source
<DocScrutinizer05> proof it's a valid source or shut up!
<DocScrutinizer05> what makes you think your evaluation of credibility of info is better than mine?
<DocScrutinizer05> your idea of what's TV?
<wpwrak> reciprocity ? (-:C
<DocScrutinizer05> your TV is not my TV
<whitequark> because it's the report from the very agency who performed the evaluation?
<DocScrutinizer05> and particularly your way to watch TV obviously differs massively from mine
<whitequark> hasn't had a chance to be distorted by someone calling themselves a "reporter"
<DocScrutinizer05> says who? YOU?
<whitequark> you don't believe is the website of FANC? says it is:, for example
<DocScrutinizer05> the TV report quoted those papers and interviewed experts
<DocScrutinizer05> while you believe in only one source
<DocScrutinizer05> honestly.. STFU
<DocScrutinizer05> unlike you i'm well capable to distinguish a honest report from a "drink your piss" BS
<DocScrutinizer05> you accusing me of >>throwing in unsubstantiated sensationalistic claims<< is an insult
<whitequark> it's a literal description of what happened. you claimed something with far-reaching consequences and the only source was a TV
<whitequark> well, you did give me a way to find a source eventually
<whitequark> you could do that right away and we wouldn't have this conversation. wouldn't it be nice
<DocScrutinizer05> the only source I TOLD YOU ABOUT
<whitequark> facepalm
<DocScrutinizer05> and next time my irc client will do the /ignore on my behlaf when you ask for "link?"
<whitequark> I'll remember to ask for "source?" instead of "link?", sure
<whitequark> (I wonder if his script triggered or not.)
<DocScrutinizer05> you could shut up and search internet right away next time. so we also wouldn't have this convo
<whitequark> I did
<whitequark> before I asked anything, even
<DocScrutinizer05> I'm fed up with you for today
* DocScrutinizer05 suspects whitequark will believe inverviews of whomever only when reading them transcribed in internet. TV live coverage is just BS
<DocScrutinizer05> since we all know: TV always lies. Internet never
<whitequark> where did I say "never"?
<wpwrak> TV always lies. Internet only sometimes :)
<whitequark> let me quote the backlog for you
<whitequark> 17:54 < DocScrutinizer05> internet news is bullshit until proven by honest reporters I know and trust
<wpwrak> i mean, if someone make all the effort of getting their message on TV, how could they possibly have honest intentions ? :)
<whitequark> 17:54 < whitequark> fully agreed
<DocScrutinizer05> I'm not talking about commercials here. when you don't see the meduim doesn't make any difference for the way and level of effort you need to check honesty of an info, then I dunno how to fix your obvious problem
<whitequark> i WAS checking honesty of info, hence i asked you for the actual source that did the report. i would do the same for internet news, and in fact this is EXACTLY how i eventually found the report
<DocScrutinizer05> no mazzer if TV, internet, radio or newspaper or some rant in latrine. You always need to apply same checks to info
<DocScrutinizer05> you did not ask for source, you asked for "§link?"
<DocScrutinizer05> if you had asked for source, I probably had given you "primary source: Belgium authorities, reported by 3SAT NANO"
<whitequark> excellent
<DocScrutinizer05> thanks! please find the invoice for consulting in your email next few days
<whitequark> I'll gladly pay you your hourly rate...
<whitequark> ... in bitcoin
<DocScrutinizer05> if instead of "link?" and " in RU there is a national channel which airs a program describing how to cure cancer with urine" "teaches you not to trust TV very much :D" you had asked for "which channel? is it available via iternet too?", you would have earned more points on smart-questions account
<DocScrutinizer05> the way you acted you come over like a jackass
<whitequark> okay, I guess you're right. sorry about that
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<DocScrutinizer05> could somebody please try translate the cat's saying for me? Or tell me when it's nonsense
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<kyak> DocScrutinizer05: you had to wait one year to find it out? :)
<DocScrutinizer05> huh?
<kyak> seriously, i thought for one second that i can see into the future
<kyak> DocScrutinizer05: could somebody savvy of chinese/japanese(?) please translate for me what the cat is saying?
<kyak> you asked that one year ago
<DocScrutinizer05> see, I start suffering Alzheimer
<kyak> what's my disease called?
<viric> cryptomnesia
<viric> for the second you thought about the future
<DocScrutinizer05> btw the .ru site linked in above is better than crappy google translate:
<kyak> hehe
<DocScrutinizer05> "sacred" "feces" X-P
<kyak> damn this site is old
<kyak> also, three letters domain name in .ru zone.. cool
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<whitequark> created: 2000.08.31
<kyak> i have (had) no idea what this site is about, but it should be preserved "as is" as a monument to the internet of 90s :)
<kyak> "This website was founded in autumn 1996 by Vladimir Sovetov the"
<kyak> maybe it had another address at that time, dunno
<DocScrutinizer05> hehe, what about or
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<DocScrutinizer05> must be as old as the .de domain itself
<DocScrutinizer05> (yes, there been times when no .de existed)
<whitequark> the universe appeared in 1970-01-01
<kyak> and dissappeared in 1970-01-01 + MAX_uint64 :)
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<whitequark> INT_MAX actually
<whitequark> so the apocalypse will be soon upon us
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<DocScrutinizer05> SPAM >> Does your website change as per the user behavior? If your answer is no, then you need a responsive website. << Hell NO!!!
<DocScrutinizer05> seemed to fit in context
<DocScrutinizer05> sei fun
<DocScrutinizer05> ~sei fun is holy shit
<infobot> DocScrutinizer05: please, watch your language.
<DocScrutinizer05> -~uselss
<DocScrutinizer05> -~useless
<DocScrutinizer05> ohmy
<DocScrutinizer05> ~useless
* infobot starts crying and hides from docscrutinizer05 in the darkest corner of the room. :(
<DocScrutinizer05> and a last OT comment: RIP Lennard Nimoy
<DocScrutinizer05> Loenard?
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