DocScrutinizer05 changed the topic of #qi-hardware to: Copyleft hardware - | hardware hackers join here to discuss Ben NanoNote, atben / atusb 802.15.4 wireless, and other community driven hw projects | public logging at and
<wpwrak> you may not be part of the audience whose opinion if very relevant in this case ;-)
<nicksydney> hahaahaha
<wpwrak> but this sounds a little odd: "For every 100 Mods we sell, we will give 1 to a sex-friendly public hackerspace"
<wpwrak> so there are ... orgyspaces ? :)
<nicksydney> that's what i thought too...or perhaps a space cater for sex-minded audience ?
<nicksydney> not orgy per say but someone who are liberals i should say
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<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: poly2d/: change license from GPLv2+ to LGPLv2.1+ (master)
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: test/bugs: add regression tests for p2d_no_intersect and angle_3 bugs (master)
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: sfc/ FreeCAD-based slicer, first commit (master)
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: sfc/ cleanup and debugging; add various alignment and transformation options (master)
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: poly2d/p2d_attrib.c (angle_3): prevent acos() domain errors (master)
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: poly2d/p2d_attrib.c (p2d_is_cw): check that the angle isn't NaN (master)
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: sfc/ fix generation of intermediate layers (master)
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* xiangfu reading the anelok coding.
<xiangfu> wpwrak: we are in progress of buying those BOMs.
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<wpwrak> great ! any difficulties with finding the parts ?
<wpwrak> oh, and do you have some UBB boards ? (for the Ben)
<xiangfu> no.
<wpwrak> damn :( then making the initial programming of anelok will be a little trickier ...
<xiangfu> I can make some of them :)
<wpwrak> yeah, that may be the quickest solution ;-)
<wpwrak> eventually we'll have a nice test fixture for all this, and since the fixture can use a kl27, it can be flashed via usb without needing any other in-circuit programming, but that's still something that needs to be developed
<wpwrak> meanwhile, i'm making good progress with the new case, using a new design and toolpath generation process. i have a ~3 hours jobs running on the mill. with a little luck, that will produce the new top half of the case.
<xiangfu> wpwrak: "nice test fixture" no idea how to make progress on that. :)
<wpwrak> with my new CAD process it should be easy to make that plastic part
<wpwrak> the PCB is also fairly simple. but instead of a passive board i want it to have its own MCU. that way, it doesn't need a ben as "brain" and it will also be able to make some measurements (for testing)
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<xiangfu> even faster.
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<wpwrak> wow. that's a lot of wires ;-)
<wpwrak> looks really elegant and robust on that HTC ;-)
<wpwrak> of course, for that money you can probably make a hundred UBB ;-)
<xiangfu> Yes. :)
<wpwrak> the most difficult aspect of UBB is where to mechanically connect it to the panel. this shows where having "teeth" on the side would be inconvenient:
<wpwrak> red is worst, green is "doesn't matter""
<xiangfu> just sent the pdf and gerber file to the PCB maker.
<wpwrak> that was quick ;-)
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<xiangfu> wpwrak: I am thinking working on the MMC driver.
<xiangfu> wpwrak: don't know where to start. I have played with the ./sim -t.
<xiangfu> hmm... maybe I try to add a new anelok_mode. for: 1. mmc init, 2. fat init, 3. read /etc/init from fat file system.
<xiangfu> how about that?
<wpwrak> for low-level mmc, we can probably reuse the code i wrote for tornado:
<wpwrak> the simulator would then have a nice block interface. then comes the nasty bit: the FAT file system
<wpwrak> fortunately, the FAT file system can be developed in the simulator. all that needs is a block interface abstraction that then, say, uses a file to store the data. mmc.bin or such
<wpwrak> so yes, this would be a good thing to have
<xiangfu> ok
<xiangfu> tornado: great.
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<wpwrak> xiangfu: btw, thanks for the youtube upload !
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<DocScrutinizer05> wpwrak: UBB suddenly gave me ideas. How about dual-using 2nd SIM slot for stuff like e.g. VGA-out, on Neo900?
<DocScrutinizer05> xiangfu: WOW!!
<arossdotme> DocScrutinizer05, nice!
<DocScrutinizer05> 8 contacts, not much but same count like MMC
<DocScrutinizer05> we already have quite a zoo of mux and GPIO on that card tray(s)
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<DocScrutinizer05> off topic question: is it OK to forbid a demonstration when there are known threats of terror against such demo? Isn't it my own decision to nevertheless join and risk my health and life?
<DocScrutinizer05> s/deno/arbitrary event/
<DocScrutinizer05> demo*
<DocScrutinizer05> prolly the fundamental dissent between my own take on that and the commonly applied nanny state approach
<DocScrutinizer05> I draw what I want (mohammed), I eat what I want (beef, pork), I drink what I want (alcohol), I laugh about whatever I want
<DocScrutinizer05> If I knew what "hashtag" even means, I prolly would start #whatiwant
<DocScrutinizer05> :-) <--- M.
<DocScrutinizer05> fools
* DocScrutinizer05 hoping for a bazillion Mohammed graffiti on all the walls of this world
<DocScrutinizer05> the fools call 90% of their male children "Mohammad" but when you sketch a head they don't even need to name mentioned anywhere to go berserk
<DocScrutinizer05> s/to name/the name/
<qi-bot> DocScrutinizer05 meant: "the fools call 90% of their male children "Mohammad" but when you sketch a head they don't even need the name mentioned anywhere to go berserk"
<DocScrutinizer05> why do they think their religion is any binding for *me*?
<DocScrutinizer05> sorry, way too OffTopic
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<arossdotme> but makes good reading
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<DocScrutinizer05> also sorry I again forgot to emphasize that I'm convinced those few thousand fools just abuse religious reasoning to justify their absurd pinky&brain phantasy of conquering the world
<ysionneau> well, you are very well allowed to draw what you want, but then you can totally understand that some people can be driven crazy and kill someone. At least in this context of all the arabic world being oppressed by western countries for decades
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<wpwrak> DocScrutinizer05: (UBB) welcome to the club of UBB-lovers ;-) yes, it is useful. that's why I've been suggesting an external memory card slot. kill two birds with one stone ;-) (well, i'm now less optimistic about this idea, given that the omap only has one 3.3 V-capable MMC bus, and we need that for the eMMC)
<wpwrak> DocScrutinizer05: (SIM) i guess that could work. not sure if that would get us into regulatory troubles, though (?)
<wpwrak> lemme check the physical properties ...
<DocScrutinizer05> regulatory troubles I don't expect with whatever mods to SIM interface as long as it still meets the requirements which are: electrical plus mandatory CardDetect signal when card can get swapped
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<DocScrutinizer05> Gemalto themselves suggested mux for dual-SIM
<DocScrutinizer05> --> #neo900 please
<ysionneau> win 75
<larsc> yep, now I'm scared
<wpwrak> as in real life IT, on IRC, something beginning with "win" often does not indicate success but rather is a sign of embarrassment and failure ;-)
<larsc> win 2
<larsc> ;)
<ysionneau> ahah
<wpwrak> nicksydney: doesn't look very open: the documentation talks a lot about APIs and such, not about registers ...
<nicksydney> wpwrak: yeah realised when i read through the doc...the tools are available in Linux though .. that's the only +1 side
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<eintopf> okay... I did a mistake by missing a / before my win
<eintopf> and btw. this channel is on win 666