arigato changed the topic of #pypy to: PyPy, the flexible snake (IRC logs: ) | use cffi for calling C | mac OS and Fedora are not Windows
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<bbot2> Failure: [mattip: force build, winoverlapped]
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<kenaan> andrewjlawrence winoverlapped e824a633d633 /rpython/rlib/ Modify exceptions to produce connection refused error on client socket failure.
<kenaan> andrewjlawrence winoverlapped 9042d6247856 /lib_pypy/: Fixed a few more bugs realted to overlapped io in
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<bbot2> Started: [Andy Lawrence: force build, winoverlapped]
<kenaan> mattip winoverlapped 01451c1ab8c5 /rpython/rlib/ merge heads
<kenaan> andrewjlawrence default 43cdaf1865f0 /rpython/rlib/ Modify exceptions to produce connection refused error on client socket failure.
<kenaan> mattip py3.6 f774aae69691 /rpython/rlib/ merge default into branch
<bbot2> Exception: [Andy Lawrence: force build, winoverlapped]
<bbot2> Started: [mattip: force build, winoverlapped]
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<petronny> Hi, I want to compile pypy on arm from source by myself. I'm wondering is `-Ojit` works on arm? Or should I use `-O2` instead?
<fijal> -Ojit works
<fijal> but you need enough RAM
<mattip> what do you mean by "works"? On a raspberrypi you will run out of memory
<petronny> I'm compiling it on a x86_64 machine with qemu.
<petronny> I've compiled 7.0 before.
<petronny> But 7.1 raises an error. So I'm reading the doc again and checking the parameters.
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<mattip> what error (please use a pastebin)?
<petronny> And this error won't show up when building the x86_64 version.
<mattip> seems like a bug. If you go up the call stack in the debugger, can you find the value of self.graph or op?
* mattip not really proficient at debugging these errors
<petronny> Could you post what commands should I enter for the debugger?
<mattip> "up" moves you up one level
<petronny> And I need another 12h to reproduce this error...
<mattip> yeah, sorry
<mattip> but on the bright side, maybe in another 12h someone will be here who can help more
<petronny> I know. So I repeat up until ...?
<petronny> until I get self.graph?
<mattip> on line 45 there is self.optimize(block), there should be a graph there too
<mattip> right
<petronny> I see. I'll try this when it show up again.
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<arigo> ugh
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<arigato> mattip: the invalid string detection in W_UnicodeObject.__init__ is still bogus
<arigato> if the utf8str is invalid nonsense, it will raise an exception, which will be ignored
<arigato> fwiw, if utf8str is invalid nonsense, various other functions will segfault, which I think is what occurs on issue #2979
<kenaan> guil...@Guillaumes-MacBook-Pro.local cffi/cffi c0fbaf8dc825 /: fix #407 add support for u/U suffix in integer constants (eg. 0xABu, or 0xCDU).
<kenaan> guil...@Guillaumes-MacBook-Pro.local cffi/cffi d1bf39c55881 /: add support for long/long long C integer constant suffixes, and support for base 2...
<kenaan> guil...@Guillaumes-MacBook-Pro.local cffi/cffi ae7712fab365 /: remove useless try/catch, and remove unreachable elif statement.
<kenaan> guil...@Guillaumes-MacBook-Pro.local cffi/cffi fa1ef05714de /cffi/ remove extra comments.
<mattip> arigato, so we should always call rutf8.check_utf8 ?
<arigato> mattip: can't we just do assert length == len(utf8str.decode('utf8'))?
<arigato> ah no, not on platforms with a cpython with 16-bit unicodes
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<mattip> they should fail to be converted to utf8 before calling W_UnicodeObject()
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<arigato> well, yes, but my current guess about issue #2979 is that we have one place that still calls W_UnicodeObject with something invalid
<kenaan> arigo default a59c3b47eec9 /: Unicode characters out of range(0x11000): fix a few docstrings, and try to more systematically test (and fix) vario...
<arigato> although it seems the crash is caused by a unicode object that pretends to be of length 0
<mattip> it crashes using pyinteractive
<arigato> so the only way would be ._length == 0 but ._utf8 != ''
<oberstet> should that be of interest, we recently compared a bunch of serializers (JSON, CBOR, etc for use with Autobahn and on CPy and PyPy, including vmprof cpu profiles, pls find results here
<mattip> in pyinteractive, somehow we are calling objspace.std.unicode_from_object(w_obj) where w_obj is
<mattip> <pypy.module._weakref.interp__weakref.WeakrefLifeline object at 0x7f2c5b909950>
<mattip> which fails space.type(w_obj)
<oberstet> summary ^: pypy is awesome (well, we knew that before;) and is able to serialize WAMP messages on a single core with up to: 960k msgs/sec or 5.3GB/sec. that's quite something
<kenaan> arigo default fa16b2515a57 /pypy/module/array/: Be more informative, just because we can
<arigato> mattip: OK, that's likely something different
<arigato> space.type() may fail on unexpected internal objects, but well, I guess it shouldn't crash
<arigato> it crashes because WeakrefLifeline has got 'typedef = None'
<mattip> +1
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<arigato> normally we shouldn't see these objects around, but we can if we fish them in non-conventional ways, like gc.get_objects()
<oberstet> rgd vmprof: fwiw, crossbar has that built-in now in an easy to use way to profile in production: "crossbar start --vmprof" will run all crossbar workers under vmprof and produce 1 profile per worker
<arigato> oberstet: cool
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<mattip> oberstet: seems like there is still room for improvement on larger payloads
<mattip> python2 or 3?
<oberstet> arigato: yes, it is;) and super useful. what I posted above is serializer only, but here are results for full WAMP RPC in a single-core router setup:
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<oberstet> mattip: latest cpy3 and latest pypy3
<oberstet> yes, cpython/cbor is a bit faster than pypy on large payloads
<arigato> mattip: I guess we should remove the 'typedef = None' (it seems only used in WeakrefLifeline), and replace it with something real, maybe put directly in W_Root, that would give it a valid app-level type (one that says 'internal' or something)
<oberstet> rgd the full WAMP RPC test, to sum up: pypy is 4-6x faster than cpy. this benchmark is "real world" load (not synthetic benchmark like the serializer stuff)
<arigato> mattip: ah, also remove "typedef = None" from setobject.W_BaseSetObject
<arigato> mattip: the crash of issue #2979 is caused by an expected null pointer, actually. tracking...
<arigato> OK found the cause, it's quite indirect
<arigato> it's also a general problem
<arigato> we have dicts whose keys are known to be W_UnicodeObject
<arigato> or None
<arigato> so our rpython logic creates a dummy value of type W_UnicodeObject to represent "deleted key"
<arigato> it's a dummy instance of W_UnicodeObject with all fields zero
<arigato> normally it's never seen, but I guess with gc.get_objects() you'll see it
<mattip> should we protect access to _utf8 by checking _length first?
<arigato> of course the actual crash is that the code in our 'unicode.__str__' method assumes the W_UnicodeObject is valid, but instead it gets one with "._utf8" being none
<arigato> it's completely at a different level
<arigato> if we had dictionaries whose keys are W_ListObject, we'd get the same crash because something must never be None inside W_ListObject
<arigato> (OK bad example, but W_TupleObject, who must have a ".items" that is an rpython list, not None)
<mattip> :)
<mattip> so any hashable W_Root could have a classmethod to return a default object
<arigato> it's an RPython issue, so it's not only about W_Root
<arigato> I think it cannot show up for non-W_Roots because in pypy the gc.get_objects() function lists all RPython instances, but then only keeps the ones that are W_Root
<mattip> try_cast_gcref_to_w_root
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<arigato> right, not sure why you're still seeing a WeakrefLifeline then
<mattip> try_cast_gcref_to_w_root explicitly mentions WeakrefLifeline
<arigato> yes
<mattip> it has a typedef attribute, the attribute is None
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<mattip> the logic in the "else" needs to be in the "not we_are_translated()" branch too
<arigato> well, it is
<arigato> it's the same logic, but one that won't crash if there is no '.typedef'
<arigato> ah!
<arigato> right
<arigato> sorry
<mattip> but that is a side issue for pyinteractive, not the cause of the crash
<arigato> yes
<arigato> anyway gc.get_objects() before translation is at best just roughly tested here and that's it
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<kenaan> arigo default 8fba932de88a /pypy/module/gc/ Fix the "not we_are_translated()" path, almost never used
<mattip> maybe we should add a dummy W_Root method like "is_valid" which returns true, but for W_Unicode, W_TupleObject, ... it does a check
<mattip> untranslated the check is True, but translated it checks the pointer
<arigato> again, that's the wrong level, because it's an RPython issue, nothing like W_Root does
<arigato> or well, yes, it could be done this way, but that's obscure
<mattip> then try_cast_gcref_to_w_root would check is_valid
<arigato> it means rlib.rgc.do_get_objects() can return randomly extra zero objects
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<arigato> that would probably be OK if we document it and then indeed check is_valid() in try_cast_gcref_to_w_root
<arigato> but we need to write carefully is_valid on all our classes, which is (I think) not a sane idea
<arigato> it's better to fix the issue in rpython, by having rgc.do_get_objects() ignore these few dummy objects
<mattip> yes
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<mattip> if it is easy to point to, where are the dummy objects created?
<arigato> it's get_ll_dummyval_obj() inside rpython/ or rpython/lltypesystem/
<arigato> rpython/rtyper/ sorry
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<mattip> thanks
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<alawrence> mattip: is the build running or did it hang somehow?
<mattip> alawrence: I merge the two heads on the branch and tried to restart it, something seems to have gotten stuck
<mattip> alawrence: I was just looking at what happened, trying to figure it out
<mattip> shows build 4512 in a strange state - not running and not finished
<arigato> mattip: I have some minimal hacks in mind, I'm not sure they are a good idea though. That would involve writing the GCFLAG_EXTRA as set in these few special prebuilt objects
<mattip> let me try to kick it again
<bbot2> Started: [mattip: force build, winoverlapped]
<mattip> arigato: something somewhere has to have additional knowlege/state
<arigato> if we set GCFLAG_EXTRA on these few prebuilt objects created in, then nothing change, except that the gc.get_objects() algorithms in rlib/ will skip them
<mattip> ok
<mattip> but how do you know which ones need GCFLAG_EXTRA?
<arigato> the ones made in
<arigato> we'd just add a flag to lltype.malloc()
<arigato> and propagate this flag all the way to the gc
<mattip> heh
<mattip> would that be equivalent to returning None from get_ll_dummyval_obj?
<arigato> well, we can kill the whole dummyval thing and fix the problem, too, but the cost is a larger dictionary table for many of them
<arigato> what I'm suggesting would not be equivalent to that, no
<mattip> this used to work in 7.0, even with a dummyval for W_TupleObject
<arigato> yes, because we don't actually have the dictionary type {W_TupleObject: xxx}, I guess
<arigato> only {W_Root: xxx}
<arigato> i.e. it worked so far by chance
<arigato> (we always had {W_UnicodeObject: xxx}, because that's used for the app-level "dictionary-with-unicode-keys" optimization
<arigato> (either I'm wrong and it was only added by the unicode-utf8 branch, or else, evne if we had this dictionary type before, then before unicode-utf8 it was not causing crashes)
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<mattip> maybe we could copy the behaviour that avoided the crash (before the branch) to avoid any deep surgery in rpython
<mattip> unless you feel it is something that needs fixing anyway
<arigato> yes, it is
<arigato> it's probably easy to work around it, using the is_valid() solution you proposed
<arigato> and implementing is_valid() only on W_UnicodeObject is probably fine
<arigato> until next time
<mattip> whatever is esaiest. It seems propagating the flag all the way to the GC would also make the dictionary table larger, but probably less-so than removing the dummyvals
<arigato> ? no
<arigato> the end result is that a few constants in the C sources have an extra flag in their gc header
<mattip> ahh, right. singletons
<arigato> ah, I found another solution that doesn't involve the GC that much
<arigato> we can store all the dummy objects together (using the rarely-used but existing lltypesystem/, and then the check in rlib/ should be "if the address of the object is exactly between these bounds, then skip it"
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<arigato> ah! there is already special code in rgc.try_cast_gcref_to_instance
<arigato> for the rdict's dummyobjs
<mattip> :)
<arigato> this test only works on 32-bit I think
<arigato> can you easily check if pypy 7.1.0 on linux32 has got the same problem or not?
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<mattip> yes
<mattip> no crash on the release Python 3.6.1 (de061d87e39c, Mar 24 2019, 22:18:06) PyPy 7.1.0-beta0 with GCC 5.3.1 20160413 on linux
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<mattip> when running [str(x) for x in gc.get_objects()]
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<arigato> OK
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<kenaan> cfbolz default c46e92cbc2f9 /pypy/interpreter/astcompiler/: issue2980: stop using arbitrarily much stack for building constant lists and sets. do it element by element instea...
<kenaan> cfbolz default 9f6768bbafd6 /pypy/module/array/ don't use space.str_w
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<kenaan> arigo default edb40dc4f969 /rpython/memory/gc/ fix comment
<kenaan> arigo default f8035bf26e3d /pypy/interpreter/astcompiler/: Test and fix for a large list unpacking
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<tos9> Man, somehow I can never get numpy to install for one reason or another :/
<tos9> (pastebin incoming)
<tos9> This is (as usual) macOS, and the relevant line seems like it's `ld: library not found for -lgcc_s.10.4` -- but that doesn't seem to happen with CPython (even when compiling from source via --no-binary)
<tos9> Any hints?
<mattip> rings a bell, doesn't google says anything about clang library not found for -lgcc_s.10.4 ?
<tos9> nothing so far that looked relevant
<tos9> basically some posts that told me to install gcc4, which I already have installed
<antocuni> it might be that pypy's distutils is broken
<antocuni> I think I already had an issue on linux which was very vaguely related to this, let me search the issue tracker
<tos9> antocuni: I mean numpy is also being super annoying
<tos9> like, give me whatever "simple C program" you claim can't be compiled
<tos9> so I can run that command and see for myself
<antocuni> IIRC, CPython gets the name of the compiler from sysconfig, which is built at compile time
<antocuni> pypy has a different logic (in sysconfig_pypy)
<tos9> ah hm -- maybe I should try *uninstalling* gcc then
<antocuni> it MIGHT be the case that for some reason pypy's sysconfig reports conflicting options
<antocuni> like, one place suggests to use clang, another place suggests to link with libgcc
<antocuni> tos9: if uninstalling gcc fixes it, it would be nice to also get a "proper" fix for pypy's distutils :)
<tos9> antocuni: well, never mind, I can't try that, since apparently unsurprisingly half my system claims to depend on gcc staying installed
<tos9> I wonder whether I'm adventurous enough on a wednesday though to try brew uninstall gcc --ignore-dependencies
<mattip> maybe worth trying to find out where that flag comes from, you will need to get the numpy source code and dig through the numpy.distutils
<mattip> and set a "import pdb;pdb.set_trace()" in a few places till you get the right one
<antocuni> I think that this "cc _configtest.c" comes from distutil's "config" command
<antocuni> so maybe running config is enough to trigger the failure?
<antocuni> also, what happens if you try it with a different package?
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<tos9> FWIW this is what I appear to actually have:
<tos9> Lemme try running the
<tos9> mattip: Which flag -- the -lgcc_s.10.4 option to ld?
<tos9> Based on that paste, something is looking for the wrong filename yes?
<antocuni> tos9: btw, the log says it is invoking "cc -pthread -arch x86_64 _configtest.o -o _configtest", WITHOUT passing any -l option
<antocuni> is it possible that somehow your clang installation is broken and when you invoke cc, it then invokes ld with the wrong options?
<tos9> hahhhhhh oh no I think I have a clue as to what's wrong then
* tos9 tries and prepares to cry
<antocuni> tell us
<tos9> antocuni: This is a $WORK computer, and there's a shell alias for `cc` for interactive shells
<tos9> (Which is not a compiler)
<tos9> So, unaliasing it and running in a subshell
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<tos9> OK no that didn't fix it (which I'm kind of glad of, that would have been a stupid reason for this to fail)
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<tos9> Well, running pypy config at least works from a numpy checkout at v1.16.2
<tos9> antocuni: oh, config isn't a thing, so it just did some other random default command instead
<tos9> er, didn't mean to ping you
<tos9> build fails though in the same way, so now I can at least head to the debugger, cool.
<antocuni> progress, I suppose
<mattip> here is what a github search had to say
<mattip> 45 issues
<mattip> something about baseline 10.4 is no good and 10.6 is needed
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<tos9> Yeah there's also a line in the original log that I noticed said UserWarning: Env. variable MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET set to 10.3
<tos9> Which looked suspicious
<tos9> Running MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=10.14 does indeed give me... different errors
<mattip> no idea. Just relaying information I see in random issues that were closed
<tos9> mattip: yeah thanks! def helpful
<mattip> can you try MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=10.6 ?
<tos9> (something is indeed happening now, though still no idea what would be different from cpython)
<tos9> mattip: the install with MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=10.14 is still running!
<tos9> so waiting to see if it errros
<mattip> ahh, then go for it
<tos9> Yeah that ... at least installed when running pip install now
<mattip> does a build on cpython use different flags that come from some sysconfig magic?
<mattip> you can add -v to see the actual build output
<tos9> trying
<tos9> mattip: what's a good thing to run on the installed numpy to see how likely it is to be fully working
<mattip> numpy.test()
<tos9> ok yeah that failed
<mattip> that was quick
<tos9> hah well -- I suspected it would, because when I ran `python build_clib` in the repo that showed me obvious errors from clang
<tos9> but when I did `pip install numpy`, which must have done the same thing, no output was shown
<tos9> so something silently failed, and chose not to complain
<tos9> which yeah ugh
<mattip> what happenned with numpy.test() ?
<tos9> Original error was: dlopen(/Users/jberman/Desktop/venv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/numpy/core/, 2): Symbol not found: _aheapsort_bool
<tos9> (complaints about multiarray not working)
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<mattip> so it is linking with a library but loading a different one
<mattip> maybe
<mattip> would be good to see the cpython flags
<mattip> something like distutils.sysconfig.get_config_vars('CC', 'CXX', 'OPT', 'BASECFLAGS', 'CCSHARED', 'LDSHARED', 'SO')
<mattip> on both cpython3 and pypy3
<tos9> mattip: yeah those are definitely very different
<tos9> though there it's pypy from homebrew and the cpython is system cpython
<tos9> let's see if I install homebrew cpython what state things are in
<mattip> there is also all this about MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET
<tos9> Oh. hum, I guess that at least explains where the random 10.3 is coming from
<mattip> so pypy is going to use 'cc -pthread -arch x86_64' and cpython 'clang'. That already seems bad
<mattip> don't we compile with clang on macos (see pypy.system_version) ?
<mattip> err pypy.sys.version
<mattip> err pypy sys.version
<tos9> This is homebrew pypy
<tos9> not the one
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<cfbolz> arigato: ouch, thank you
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<mattip> tos9: it is built with gcc?
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<bbot2> Failure: [mattip: force build, winoverlapped]
<tos9> bleh sorry, got called away for calls
<tos9> mattip: good question, it's at least possible... IIRC the homebrew formula will tell me, /me checks
<mattip> sys.version should also tell you
<tos9> [PyPy 7.1.0 with GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Apple LLVM 10.0.0 (clang-1000.11.45.5)]
<tos9> (Thanks)
<tos9> so, clang then
<tos9> Also FWIW I get working numpy from source even with homebrew CPython
<tos9> Didn't actually get a second to step through the numpy.distutils stuff... will try to do that now
<mattip> the sysconfig CC is wrong then, it should be clang not cc
<mattip> somehow that should be fixed to reflect what was really used, maybe by the same machinery that sys.version uses
<tos9> mattip: /me probably has lost you -- wasn't anto saying that PyPy does something intentionally different there and doesn't just use the compiler that was used when the binary was originally compiled?
<tos9> are you saying basically to change that or did I miss the point?
<mattip> pypy hardcodes values in lib_pypy/, without regard to what is used to build pypy
<mattip> what happens if you edit that file to match cpython?
<tos9> mattip: that file is close to empty for me
<mattip> CC, CXX, OPT, CFLAGS, CCSHARED, LDSHARED don't appear at the top?
<tos9> Nope
<mattip> huh. Homebrew must be modifying it
<tos9> Yeah
<tos9> Pulling up the formula right now to check that
<tos9> (But the homebrew repo takes almost as long as the pypy one to clone hooray)
<tos9> time to give up and use brew edit
<mattip> what about lib-python/3/distutils/ - does it set those values?
<tos9> mattip: specifically 3?
<mattip> ahh, are we talking about pypy2 or pypy3 ?
<tos9> mattip: pypy2
<mattip> sorry, resyncing
<tos9> (sorry if that wasn't clear earlier)
<tos9> so -- distutils definitely has those (on 2.7)
<tos9> /usr/local/opt/pypy/libexec/lib-python/2.7/distutils/ that is
<mattip> right. So can you set them to the cpython values from your pastebin
<mattip> except SO - that should still be the original value
<mattip> note the override for darwin on line 77, probably want to skip that
<tos9> mattip: is BASECFLAGS the right thing there or should it be CFLAGS or something else?
<tos9> I don't see BASECFLAGS being set in the sysconfig_pypy file
<mattip> it's all black magic, who knows what is needed by what random distutils method
<tos9> :D
<tos9> Everything else I've made match
<tos9> (and it still fails)
<mattip> gaaa
<tos9> will just do CFLAGS
<tos9> why not.. shotgun compiling hooray
<tos9> and if it doesn't work give up and get lunch
<tos9> I am pretty sure I have literally never managed to install numpy on osx :( so what's one more day
<mattip> is it a compiler fail or a link fail?
<mattip> and is it using clang now?
<mattip> thanks for doing this btw, we don't have many osx contributors
<tos9> mattip: using clang now
<tos9> mattip: hey, I'm selfish!
<mattip> our buildslave is a favor from the cpython buildslave guy, it is suprising the build even succeeds
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<mattip> tos9: still the same problem: ld: library not found for -lgcc_s.10.4
<mattip> where is that coming from?
<tos9> mattip: yeah -- but I'm not lying right? It's definitely now using clang
<mattip> ahh, still seeing UserWarning: Env. variable MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET set to 10.3
<mattip> so that would be a good place to stop in a debugger and figure out why
<tos9> yeah I didn't set that envvar in this shell
<tos9> should I?
<mattip> couldn't hurt, nothing works anyway
<tos9> :)
<mattip> the code in numpy/distutils/fcompiler/ explicitly sets MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET if not cpython
<mattip> so that is bad
<mattip> (unless it is set in the environment)
<tos9> so by the way I am happy to find out if I can offer donating an osx buildslave in exchange for numpy distributing osx wheels for pypy if that's worth exploring later
<tos9> might be able to
<tos9> though I only (and specifically) care about py2 I guess which I know numpy dropped support for but that probably I can figure out
<mattip> might be easier to just build-and-upload to antocuni's repo
<tos9> oh right, I always forget about that
<tos9> yeah ok, lemme get this working first
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<mattip> there is another stage to make good wheels - you need to use OpenBLAS not Accelerate
<tos9> I have openblas installed
<tos9> Oh, apparently it's keg only
<tos9> Well, that's easy enough to fix
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<mattip> I had a random thought about using the script to not only *check* the packages,
<tos9> mattip: yeah still failing with the multiarray nonsense :/
<mattip> but to upload them
<mattip> is there any ldd equivalent for osx?
<tos9> This is with MACOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=10.6 and sysconfig_pypy with values from cpython
<tos9> mattip: my C knowledge sucks but I think the equivalent is `otool -L`?
<tos9> ldd tells you what stuff a binary wants to dynamically link?
<tos9> (If so yeah that's otool -L)
<mattip> another idea
<tos9> Aright I give up for now :/ Lunch time
<tos9> mattip: (Really appreciated of course, will prob come back later)
<mattip> what does cpython -c"import distutils.sysconfig as sc; f = sc.get_makefile_name(); g = {}; sc.parse_makefile(filename, g); print(g.get('MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET', '10.3'))"
<mattip> print?
<arigato> may I randomly complain that the Python 3.6 syntax:
<arigato> >>> (a, *b) = (2,3,4)
<arigato> >>> b
<arigato> [3, 4]
<mattip> tos9: that is the value numpy uses
<arigato> obscurely behaves differently than a function call, by putting a list (not a tuple) in b?
<tos9> mattip: nameerror for get_makefile_name
<mattip> grr. get_makefile_filename
<tos9> mattip: prints 10.14
<mattip> cpython -c"import distutils.sysconfig as sc; f = sc.get_makefile_filename(); g = {}; sc.parse_makefile(f, g); print(g.get('MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET', '10.3'))"
<mattip> right, so that is what you want to use
<mattip> I guess we could hard-code that :)
* mattip off, bbl
<mattip> arigato: your complaint was registered and processes. thank you for your call.
<arigato> :-)
<cfbolz> arigato: yes, some of that is quite baroque too
<cfbolz> arigato: I had no clue you could build a list like [a, b, *c, *d, f]
<arigato> it's even done using strange bytecodes
<arigato> basically there is a bytecode for "concatenate these N lists", and then your example becomes "CONCATENATE([a, b], c, d, [f])"
<arigato> or maybe "CONCATENATE((a, b), c, d, (f,))"
<cfbolz> The latter
<arigato> CONCATENATE is called BUILD_LIST_UNPACK or BUILD_TUPLE_UNPACK depending on whether you want to build a final list or tuple
<cfbolz> So you can do that for dicts too? {**a, **b}
<arigato> yes, there is BUILD_MAP_UNPACK
<cfbolz> Advanced
<Alex_Gaynor> why not `BUILD_DICT_UNPACK` (not that it matters)
<arigato> even two variants of BUILD_MAP_UNPACK, one which detects duplicates and complains, the other which doesn't
<arigato> Alex_Gaynor: I think it can be traced back to the BUILD_MAP opcode that existed since forever to make an empty dictionary
<Alex_Gaynor> I wonder what the origin of that name is, was `dict` called `map` once upon a time?
<cfbolz> arigato: so, do you have an opinion what bytecode to use in PyPy2 to make a huge tuple?
<arigato> "tp_as_mapping" and PyMapping_Keys() & co.
<cfbolz> LOAD_GLOBAL 'tuple' + Call?
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<arigato> cfbolz: no, as I said in the issue, you can't use LOAD_GLOBAL
<cfbolz> Ah, sorry, didn't see your reply yet
<cfbolz> Reading
<cfbolz> Yes, build_tuple_unpack is what I need, but it's not there in Python2
<arigato> so one reasonable solution is to add it in python2, maybe only with argument == 1
<cfbolz> Sounds like a plan
<cfbolz> Then it's at least a bytecode with a known and googlable semantics
<arigato> one complete hack would be to MAKE_FUNCTION; CALL_FUNCTION_VAR, with a code object that corresponds to a sub-function that would look like "lambda *x: x"
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<cfbolz> arigato: hah!
<arigato> just saying it *is* possible :-)
<cfbolz> I like that, in a weird way
<arigato> or:
<arigato> make bytecode equivalent to ().__class__(list)
<cfbolz> Will try that
<cfbolz> (this is a super bizarre case anyway, of course)
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<cfbolz> BTW, I also noticed a case where CPython's bytecode is better than ours: compare (1,3,3,*a,5,6,5)
<arigato> yes, probably not worth a bytecode, from our point of view (but don't tell that to CPython)
<cfbolz> Yes
<arigato> ah, it's because we have that works at the slightly higher level of ast trees
<arigato> so it's not able to turn any sequence of LOAD_CONST(*3)+BUILD_TUPLE into a LOAD_CONST(tuple)
<cfbolz> arigato: yes, but it's not hard to support on the ast-tree level either
<arigato> yes
<cfbolz> I might do that, while I am thinking about bytecode ;-)
<arigato> :-)
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<cfbolz> arigato: I refuse to fix the case where people write (*a, 1, 2, 3, ..., 1000)
<cfbolz> or worse, (*a1, *a2, *a3, ..., *a1000) ;-)
<kenaan> cfbolz py3.6 5521ea7a9241 /: merge default (including a re-implementation of c46e92cbc2f9 for Python3)
<kenaan> cfbolz py3.6 004ac7c8a23d /pypy/interpreter/astcompiler/ reorder
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<kenaan> cfbolz py3.6 e41b9e56b6cc /pypy/interpreter/astcompiler/: do the same optimization that CPython does for (1, 2, 3, *a) (but on the AST level)
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<kenaan> cfbolz default f6a9c3de9c7d /pypy/interpreter/astcompiler/: (cfbolz, arigo giving the idea) to construct gigantic tuples in constant stack space, first build a list, then use...
<kenaan> cfbolz py3.6 1790f4267a4b /pypy/interpreter/astcompiler/: merge default (no changes, the 3.6 version already worked)
<kenaan> cfbolz default 24e79a787bd8 /pypy/interpreter/astcompiler/: merge heads
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