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Hey guys, do you know how to imporove the building time of pypy? I'm using a E7 sever. The compilation time is about 1 hours.
The only thing I can do right now is to set the `--make-jobs` option. But this can only improve the last part of building process - compilation C intermediates.
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Hi, I was looking at GSOC 2017 project list and noticed explicit typing was one of the project
would PEP 484 based typing syntax be a possible solution?
ethanhs: from what I recall, that's the wrong kind of information to help the jit
* LarstiQ
would have to search the logs
ethanhs: Maybe, but we'd have to backport the functionality into the RPython toolchain at a deep level, since the surface import is Python 2.7.
More likely we'd want to make something like enforceargs but better.
simpson: that is a fair point
is there a roadmap to drop 2.7 support?
It's not a polyglot codebase. It's *only* 2.7. And there's no plans to port to Python 3.
Is there a desire to?
No. Too much work without clear benefits
I see
What about the skill gap that will happen?
Python 2 isn't dying, so people will still know it. It's fine.
Also, really one needs to learn RPython, not just Python 2.
Python 2 will EOL in 2020, more importantly, few if any institutions are teaching Python 2 anymore
(to my knowledge)
That is a fair point about rpython however
Don't worry about that EOL; it only applies to CPython. We'll still have a PyPy 2.7 which can build itself.
sure, but as the reference implementation CPython has a big influence on the ecosystem
Anyway, it seems a decorator approach may indeed be better suited for this project
simpson: so then the issue is you want something like Dict from typing to define container types and more complex types?
I think that adding containers to what's currently supported would be a reasonable GSoC thing. But I'm not mentoring, I think.
Sure, I'm mostly interested in what that project would look like, which doesn't absolutely need to come from a mentor :)
At least at a higher level
Probably a mini-parser for the type mini-language which builds some type objects, and then add logic for the type objects into enforceargs.
Interesting, I think I will start sketching that out see what it could look like.
Ideally to me it sounds like CPython 2.7 compatibility is desired, so this wouldn't be able to introduce new syntax?
I imagine that it depends on what you want to introduce.
Nothing that would be backwards incompatible of course, but perhaps something that CPython wouldn't have. I thought being able to translate PyPy on CPython was important.
It's pretty important, but maybe we'd be willing to trade it for something sufficiently nice. It's more likely though that we'd use some sort of metaprogramming system.
But of course RPython already has lots of metaprogramming tools, so whatever we use would probably be purpose-built just for us.
I mean to me the 2.7 suggested syntax for PEP 484 is nice because it is backwards compatible and straightforward. But I'll be looking at other options as well