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<SeanTAllen> what does `cc --version` return?
<MightyAlex> (GCC) 7.3.0
<SeanTAllen> I'm stumped. And I'm not a manjaro user so its a little hard for me to help. I'd suggest trying the mailing list as well. I feel like I saw something where someone had an issue and it was resolved.
<SeanTAllen> But that might have been someone with manjaro testing the 1.1 support. I'm not sure where I saw it or if my vague memory is correct.
<SeanTAllen> It looks like it is finding the ssl library
<SeanTAllen> but not all the symbols it needs.
<SeanTAllen> what appears interesting to me is it looks like it might be finding some of them
<MightyAlex> well, thanks for trying, I'll try the mailing list and see if I can get it working
<SeanTAllen> i'd check to make sure "SSL_library_init" for example is in that
<SeanTAllen> if it is, then its probably not finding the ssl library
<SeanTAllen> if the SSL_library_init isnt in your, that would explain your problem
<SeanTAllen> sorry i couldnt be more help
<MightyAlex> never inspected a .so file before but I did `strings /usr/lib/ | grep -i "init"` and found "OPENSSL_init_ssl", but not "SSL_library_init", is this the correct way of checking for the symbol?
<slfritchie> Perhaps strace (linux) or opensnoop (OS X) could help figure out which shared library files are being opened successfully.
<slfritchie> `nm` is the utility for Linux, IIRC.
<SeanTAllen> nm -D /usr/lib/
<slfritchie> Er, sorry, for checking the symbol names and types
<slfritchie> Thanks, Sean.
<SeanTAllen> would get you the exported symbols if i remember correctly
<SeanTAllen> and you can pipe that to the grep
<MightyAlex> `nm -D /usr/lib/ | grep -i "SSL_library_init"` returns nothing
<SeanTAllen> looks like your libssl doesnt define it then
<SeanTAllen> which would explain the error
<SeanTAllen> not sure why that would be
<SeanTAllen> im far from being a 1.1.0 expert
<SeanTAllen> and also not a manajo expert
<SeanTAllen> might have something to do with that .g.1 you mentioned
<MightyAlex> wait hold on I just did a search in /usr/lib/*.so for SSL_library_init and got nothing but looking in files /usr/lib/*.so.* I got 1 result
<SeanTAllen> interesting
<SeanTAllen> what file?
<MightyAlex> it didnt say in the output of nm so I'm using fish scripting to check now
<MightyAlex> it's from
<SeanTAllen> thats.... interesting
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<SeanTAllen> i dont know enough about openssl to be able to say much... i think mailing list would be a good idea
<SeanTAllen> also maybe winksaville might have some ideas, he did the openssl 1.1.0 support and knows more than I.
<MightyAlex> cool, thanks for helping me find that
<SeanTAllen> you're welcome. good luck! if you figure it out, a PR to add Manjaro specific install instructions would be great.
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<vaninwagen> MightyAlex it seems the linker and thus ponyc which is using it, is finding an openssl 1.0.x version on your system
<vaninwagen> And not the desired openssl 1.1.0
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<dougmacdoug> is there a way to build --docs without including external packages (builtin etc)? looking for a good way to add docs to github..
<SeanTAllen> dougmacdoug: not at this time. i think vaninwagen had looked into that. its certainly something that i think would be welcomed, there would be some issues to work out though.
<vaninwagen> dougmacdoug i looked into it, but haven't had time to implement it. Here is an issue for it:
<vaninwagen> I just included the other packages for my github docs:
<SeanTAllen> the thing i like about how it works is, i know the docs for every dependency for the current version. so if it relies on version 0.2.0 of pony-foo, the docs will contain everything i need to know about that version of pony-foo
<SeanTAllen> if it doesn't have that, what do we do with that content that would it be linked it?
<SeanTAllen> dont include it? that's a poor experience.
<vaninwagen> You could manually fiddle with the mkdocs.yml file and remove the entries you dont like
<dougmacdoug> thats what I was thinking of doing
<SeanTAllen> link to it in an external location? that's problematic and can break without my doing anyhting
<SeanTAllen> i think that's the important question to answer.
<dougmacdoug> i agree with sean that I like all the docs .. when i build them for me.. but i dont think its a good fit hosting them on github.. maybe just overthinking it
<SeanTAllen> i was originally in the camp that you and vaninwagen are in. i've come to have serious reservations about it...
<SeanTAllen> i'd kind of like to have it list in search and index only "my classes" but host the other content as well
<SeanTAllen> that in my mind is the best solution
<SeanTAllen> but that is not a strongly held opinion
<dougmacdoug> i guess for now i will just add the folder to git and build it whenever i remember
<SeanTAllen> contributions and RFCs for changes are very welcomed
<SeanTAllen> and my opinion is probably the minority so don't let it dissuade you
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<vaninwagen> Having the flexibility to go both roads would definitely be cool
<vaninwagen> And actually not that hard, given enough spare time
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<vaninwagen> dougmacdoug: what are documenting, if i may ask
<SeanTAllen> im not a big fan of "multiple ways" unless it adds very little additional maintenance overhead
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<dgcaccam> Hey, does anyone know how I can go about getting the size of a class I have allocated during runtime? Something similar to c's sizeof()?
<SeanTAllen> to what end dgcaccam ?
<dgcaccam> Just curious. If I have some class with an arbitrary amount of fields, I want to know how much memory is allocated for that class instance
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<SeanTAllen> well, the class itself is not guaranteed to be a contiguous block of memory, so sizeof wouldn't nec apply, perhaps
<SeanTAllen> thinking of it from a c perspective, if the class was say a 4 byte header and two pointers to large chunks of memory, what would you expect to see?
<SeanTAllen> 4 bytes for the object header + the size of two pointerS?
<SeanTAllen> just the size of two pointers?
<SeanTAllen> size of memory "consumed" by the pointed to objects?
<SeanTAllen> there is no sizeof for class at this time.
<SeanTAllen> you could write something to inspect the memory pool but thats quite a bit more complicated than what you are discussing.
<dgcaccam> Yeah thats what I was afraid of haha
<jemc> dgcaccam: are you just interested in this for debugging purposes, or you want to use it in your program logic?
<dgcaccam> I've been investigating the pony runtime, specifically the garbage collection. In my pony program I constantly create objects in an array and overwrite them to be collected. I have hacked it a bit to show me how much memory is used total, but I have no idea if it's correct as I do not know the size of the objects I am creating
<SeanTAllen> dgcaccam: how much memory is used by those objects or how much memory is being used by pony's memory pool?
<jemc> dgcaccam: if you're analyzing the memory properties of the runtime, using dtrace might be a good tool for that - we recently had a lot of useful dtrace probes added - you can read about that starting here:
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<dgcaccam> Yeah I can take a look at that
<dgcaccam> thanks!
<SeanTAllen> You can also build the pony runtime so it will output debug information about the memory pool.
<SeanTAllen> But that might be more information than you are looking for
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<SeanTAllen> you'd want to build with USE_POOLTRACK defined.
<jemc> for clarity, the only type that's guaranteed to have a specific/stable allocated size is the `struct` - since it carries no object header, and is designed for C interoperability
<dougmacdoug> vaninwagen ... sorry I was AFK for a few hours
<jemc> that is, the memory layout for a Pony `struct` is supposed to exactly match that of the corresponding C `struct`
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<vaninwagen> dougmacdoug: nice, gonna announce it on Last Week in Pony if you dont mind :)
<SeanTAllen> dougmacdoug: awesome!
<dougmacdoug> sure thing.. i was going to post to the user group but I am still working on some more unit tests and cleanup.. probably upgrade the release version in a few days
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<vaninwagen> Looking forward to it
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<endformationage> dougmacdoug: I really like how you setup pony-linal's api and made use of Pony's sugar.
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