hi, beginner here trying to use the docker image for ponylang/ponyc, all i can get is illegal instruction when i try to run it on helloworld example
(new to docker also)
looks like this:
$ docker run ponylang/ponyc Building builtin -> /usr/local/lib/pony/0.2.1/packages/builtin Illegal instruction
any help appreciated
correction, this is my docker command line: $ docker run -v /c/pony/helloworld:/src/main ponylang/ponyc
that image is based on ubuntu, looks like. What does "docker run -it --rm ponylang/ponyc uname" give you?
(just making sure docker works)
You on windows?
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hi, michael, yes i'm on windows
command returns "Linux"
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Ok, so it looks like docker is working. My network is slow, and ubuntu is big, so I'm pulling down the image to test as well.
How about this? `docker run -it --rm ponylang/ponyc ponyc --help` ?
Ok, so it's running ponyc ok. How about "ls" as the command, when you run it with your "-v" volume mount?
This is to test the volume mount worked and ponyc can see your source.
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ls command shows nothing
You might also just shell into the container with "docker run -it --rm -v /c/pony/helloworld:/src/main ponylang/ponyc bash"
ah, okay, will try that
If THAT works, you should get a bash prompt within your container. Are you familiar with unix?
Ok, once in bash you can `pwd`, `ls`, etc. to see what's what inside the container
what is '-it' on that docker command?
combo of -i and -t. -i => interactive (for shells and such) and -t => give you a tty in which to communicate with the container
got it
so -i isn't really necessary for one-offs like ls, but it's a bit of muscle memory for me when I type "docker run" any more =D
(I actually have an alias: alias drun="docker run -it --rm" on my system I use it so much)
the --rm removes the container when it's done running. If you run "docker ps -a", you'll see all the old containers that ran and ended, and are just hanging around.
That ponylang container, based on ubuntu is *huge*. I think a better choice might be debian:jessie, but <shrug>
qq: on the ponyc command line, we have the -v [volume spec], what is the "'/src/main" part doing there?
(i just copied the example, but I hardly know what i'm doing)
That maps your local machine's /c/pony/helloworld directory to "/src/main" *in the container*.
So if you cd to /src/main while in bash in the container, it should BE whatever you ahve at /c/pony/helloworld
thanks, let me check that out
if the docker container is 0.2.1 (im not sure jemc put it together) then there is code in the most recent master that will crash the older compiler
Note that because you're in windows, it's actually running a VM with docker in it. So it's the *VM's* notion of /c/pony/helloworld, which SHOULD be c:\pony\helloworld
that would seem to be the problem then
i wouldnt imagine helloworld would be one, but i haven't tried it.
I don't know how your VM is setup (I'm assuming VirtualBox?)
there has certainly been a ton of changes and fixes since 0.2.1
we'd lik to do another release but there's a mess of release chain stuff that needs to get fixed.
If it's VirtualBox, you should be able to mount "c:\" in windows to "/c" in VirtualBox VM.
you need to be using a certain version of virtual box or higher
got virtualbox 5
"Pony binaries can trigger illegal instruction errors under VirtualBox 4.x, for at least the x86_64 platform and possibly others.
Use VirtualBox 5.x to avoid possible problems."
thats good
4.0 has lots of illegal instruction errors
yes, i saw that warning in the docs
despite writing lots of docs, i tend to be bad at reading them
so, i thought docker would be the quick way to try out the language, maybe not right at the moment?
aren't we all
apparently not walden.
ubuntu in virtual box 5 should probably be the easiest path
Walden, honestly, from Windows I think you'd be as well off by running a VM with your favorite linux, and going from there
everyone seems to be able to get working with vbox 5 easily and with ubuntu easily
I like debian based Linuxen, but use what you like.
i will still need to build from source, right?
That's pretty trivial for pony, I've found.
on many platforms.
what about the deps?
I was almost skeptical it worked it was kind of too easy
some old linux'es appear to be painful
which usually seems to come down to llvm problems
or weird ld linker default setups
i havent heard of anyone having issue with pony or the deps on any recent debian-ish linux. ubuntu or later debians.
it appears to be pretty straightforward.
does this message look familiar: APT mirror was temporary switched off due to excess load. We are working on bringing it back. Stay tuned!
llvm turned it off
apparently they only have 1 machine
and everyone was using it to install deps from
i am currently building a debian in virtualbox, takes a long time
which was most of their traffic so they turned it off
the jessie instructions are waiting for someone to update them
SeanTAllen, is there a way to make a statically linked binary?
try doing a modification of the new ubuntu ones... if you get the debian working, we'd love a PR that removes the instructions that involve the now dead apt repo that llvm ran
I googled around a bit but was unsuccessful
michael_campbell: i believe so but i havent done it so i dont know how, it hasnt been an issue for us yet.
all the linking is done using standard c tools, so its quite doable.
Ok. here's my use case: A lot of guys @ work are all over golang, for static binaries, for running inside docker. I don't much like go so far, so am playing with Nim and Pony, both of which I like much more.
I know a couple people have done it. Maybe drop a note to the mailing list and hope whoever it was reads it.
Do you know how to tell ponyc to pass an arg to the linker? `--help` didn't yield anything obvious, but my c days are long, long ago, so I might have missed something
I have looked at it so I don't know.
it's not a big deal yet; I can't sell the language until I know it better and/or can demonstrate awesomeness to others. Which, is totally on me right now; I know it's in there, I just need to know more to get it out =D
thank you for the help, gentlemen, i'm going to pick this up tomorrow
Godspeed walden
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michael_campbell: pony executables use glibc so it's unlikely statically linked binaries are a go
michael_campbell: if you want a statically linked libc anyway
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michael_campbell: (because of issues with networking and statically linked glibc)
michael_campbell: I haven't tried using musl though
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i believe a couple people reported success doublec, but i could be misremembering
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SeanTAllen: looks like shodan45 tried musl but got illegal instructions
SeanTAllen: but they were doing it in a VM so it may be some other unrelated issue
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How is it that go can do it? Or even gcc? (I admit huge ignorance here.)
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(am reading up on it as well...)
doublec: there are statically linkable versions of glibc available or at least used to be
If it's not doable, it's not. I'm not overly stressing - our docker containers in which I want to run stuff I think will be able to support a ponyc, so I can create and run pony bins in the same base layer of docker
But with a 100% static bin it would awesomesauce to be able to have a docker container of "FROM scratch; COPY ./bin/thing /bin; ENTRPOINT /bin/thing" and have the container be a few hundred bytes bigger than the binary, you know?
The advantages of pony may well outweigh that, however =D
But SeanTAllen; write your book; put it on Manning, and I will be the first in line to buy the MEAP
doublec, musl gives me the itchies. Irrationally, I'll admit
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SeanTAllen: I've not been able to get a statically linked glibc that includes networking and my searches for it have been fruitless. I'd love to know if there is an option.
SeanTAllen: the issue being glibc dynamically picks a networking library even if statically linked
michael_campbell: yeah, I'm not a fan of using a completely different libc just for static linking
michael_campbell: it's what I do for another project though
* michael_campbell
It is nice having a binary you can copy to almost any linux machine and it runs
This is weird; the last time I did much c/c++ was in the sun days, with the sun compiler, and that was easy to statically link stuff. I'd just assumed (uhoh!) things were still like that.
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doublec: yeah, ideally. It's the Map[String, Map[String, String]] that IniParse returns. The settings aren't going to change without restarting the process (for now). While I'm pretty sure I understand the capabilities concepts, coercing something into the right form is what's driving me up the wall!
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Candle: yeah, for things like that it can be difficult to track down which cap needs to be what
Candle: if you start with a Map[String, String] iso, and add elements to it. then insert it into a Map[String, Map[String, String] val], consuming it at that point, it should work
for example, a `Map[String, Map[String, String] ref] val` is actually deeply immutable because of viewpoint adaptation
(a `ref` field on a `val` origin is seen as a `val`, as shown in the table I linked to)
because of this, when you fetch an element from the collection (analogous to fetching a field from an object), your `Map` that you pull out will be a `val`
you can use this to your advantage, by creating an `iso` or `trn` collection of `ref`s, then consuming it to a `val` to make the entire collection deeply immutable
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jemc: Thanks, that's given me some ideas with which to experiment.
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