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<beneroth> Good morning Regenaxer
<beneroth> hihihi
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<Regenaxer> Good morning beneroth :)
<Nistur> Hulloooo
<Regenaxer> Hi Nistur
<Nistur> :)
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<Regenaxer> Guido never answers on what was asked
<mtsd> T, talks about something else instead. Perhaps he should go into politics? ;)
<Regenaxer> Good idea
<mtsd> We have not had that many discussions of this kind on the mailing list. Has been quite calm mostly
<Regenaxer> So in this regard it is a good thing :)
<Regenaxer> But he drove away some member
<Regenaxer> Though always when traffic increases some zeople not really interested wake up and quit
<Regenaxer> *people
<mtsd> Yes, true. Some of the lurkers leave
<Regenaxer> understandable
<mtsd> Web assembly seems to be back as the greatest thing, in his e-mails
<Regenaxer> yeah
<Regenaxer> useless for me
<mtsd> haha, just read something at
<mtsd> "High level goals" -> Number 5: "Make a great platform"... "build a new LLVM backend for webassembly..""
<mtsd> Well, well..
<Regenaxer> haha
<mtsd> Seems to be hard to get away, doesn't it? :)
<Regenaxer> llvm?
<mtsd> Just made me chuckle a bit, after all this about staying away from llvm in the e-mails
<mtsd> Silly really,but that's me
<Regenaxer> :)
<beneroth> webasm is just flash
<Regenaxer> The good news is that there seems an LLVM backend for virtually everything
<beneroth> on his first mail (this season) I answered with a german study showing that webasm already deployed is uses >50% for malicious stuff
<beneroth> that part got ignored, of course :)
<Regenaxer> right
<beneroth> but I guess he can prove webasm programs the same as he can prove pil programs (without running it, haha)
<beneroth> hm
<beneroth> idea
<beneroth> if more people leave, or the traffic gets to annyong, I make a guide how to put him on spamfilter :P
<beneroth> client-side
<beneroth> he has some interesting points, but he doesn't follow through
<Regenaxer> Also in mutt? I have not thought about spam filters
<beneroth> dunno, surely possible
<beneroth> but yeah, he has spam assassin running on the mutt machine
<beneroth> to classify
<beneroth> but maybe a pil script could just detect the mails by sender? :P
<beneroth> then move into another directory
<Regenaxer> possibly
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<tankf33der> idx tree somehow corrupting, dont why.
<tankf33der> writing demo code.
<tankf33der> shooting in foot.
<Regenaxer> how? :)
<tankf33der> check last
<tankf33der> wrong pattern.
<tankf33der> check last line
<Regenaxer> Are these hashes?
<tankf33der> yea
<tankf33der> i think i am wrong somewhere
<Regenaxer> What output is that?
<tankf33der> (for L (idx 'D)
<tankf33der> ...
<tankf33der> )
<Regenaxer> ok
<tankf33der> first always tricky.
<Regenaxer> I think it is correct
<Regenaxer> : (char (hash 57))
<Regenaxer> -> "ﶇ"
<tankf33der> and 100th time always tricky in PicoLisp.
<Regenaxer> I get the same
<tankf33der> but last line mix output
<tankf33der> 2 is (val (car L))
<Regenaxer> The hash symbol is usually not printable
<tankf33der> thats why i print in last position (cdr L)
<tankf33der> to skip it
<tankf33der> afk.
<Regenaxer> : (char (char (hash 57)))
<Regenaxer> -> 64903
<Regenaxer> same as (hash 57)
<tankf33der> will reimplement from scratch again and again.
<Regenaxer> I think nothing is wrong
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