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xkapastel has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity]
<Regenaxer> Continuingiin src/main.l between sym.l and io.l
<Regenaxer> 'equal' and 'compare'
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<Regenaxer> 'equal' is done, tuff stuff
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<beneroth> Regenaxer, bäst progrämmär
<beneroth> :)
<Regenaxer> ohje ;)
<beneroth> [security] update your firefoxes:
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<DKordic> It's nice that Fireefox sends it's version before anything.
<beneroth> DKordic, you mean the UA?
<DKordic> Yes.
<beneroth> they want JS instead
<beneroth> another classic Google EEE-Move
<DKordic> Just to get (rather than just have) an edge (over (any kind of) competition).
<DKordic> Exactly!
<beneroth> well the year is 2020, all browser are Chromium-based. All browser? No, Mozilla does their own implementation but follows Google like a stupid dog
<DKordic> Well said.
<beneroth> in UK some crazy people started burning telephone antennas, believing 5G is used by the virus to communicate
<beneroth> stupidity is infinite
<beneroth> can anyone recommend code review tooling? maybe stupid question to ask in a community of lonewolves :)
<beneroth> I consider - though its Google, and its Golang...
<DKordic> ""Lunduke's 2020 Computer Industry Prediction"" ( ) : New and alternative kinds of Hypertext and their infrastructure.
<DKordic> Merely prophesizes.
<DKordic> Nothing useful on that site (yet) :3 .
<DKordic> Hypertext has emerged from Symbolic Expressions quite a few times already.
<DKordic> IIRC first ""WWW Server"" was implemented in _Common_ Lisp.
<beneroth> interesting
<beneroth> some of the prognoses are non-brainers, others quite ..specific
<Regenaxer> 'compare' done
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<beneroth> Regenaxer, nice!
<beneroth> the explicit order of picolisp types is an essential feature
<Regenaxer> yeah
<Regenaxer> very general
<DKordic> You mean ""General In, General Out"" :3 ?
* DKordic hides.
<Regenaxer> Garbage in, garbage out
<Regenaxer> Jaja er is a General, da ist der Schaden schon total
<beneroth> :D
<Regenaxer> (Georg Kreisler)
<beneroth> General PicoLisp, commander of cells
<beneroth> PicoLisp, cell-based like all higher lifeforms
<beneroth> ha, that shows it to the other languages
<Regenaxer> full power
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