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<GitHub83> opal/master 824ced7 meh: Make Native inherit from BasicObject
<GitHub83> [opal] meh pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/k_Re4w
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<travis-ci> [travis-ci] Build details : http://travis-ci.org/opal/opal/builds/9980122
<travis-ci> [travis-ci] opal/opal#865 (master - 824ced7 : meh): The build passed.
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<fkchang> meh`: I upgraded to latest git of opal, and now I get "Uncaught ReferenceError: __opal is not defined ", do you know what that is?
<meh`> fkchang, __opal is now $opal
<meh`> if you're using it raw somewhere, that's a problem
<fkchang> it's in the compiled output
<meh`> really?
<meh`> all specs pass tho
<fkchang> yeah, I just did a bundle update and the ran the rake task that uses opal-sprockets to make the js file
<meh`> in what compiled output is it?
<fkchang> (function($opal) {
<fkchang> var $a, self = $opal.top, $scope = $opal, nil = $opal.nil, $breaker = $opal.breaker, $slice = $opal.slice, $klass = $opal.klass;
<fkchang> $opal.add_stubs(['$bridge_class', '$include', '$attr_reader', '$expose', '$alias_native', '$[]=', '$nil?', '$is_a?', '$to_n', '$has_key?', '$delete', '$block_given?', '$call', '$upcase', '$[]', '$gsub', '$compact', '$respond_to?', '$map', '$<<', '$from_native', '$each']);
<fkchang> var root = __opal.global, dom_class;
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<fkchang> do I need to pull opal-sprockets from git too?
<fkchang> actually, I also see that I'm using my fork of opal-jquery, I'll point that back to opal's repo since my PR was accepted
<meh`> fkchang, probably
<meh`> fkchang, I'm sorry but I know nothing about opal-sprockets stuff :(
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<meh`> or opal-jquery
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<fkchang> better, have a different error, but at least __opal is resolved
<fkchang> meh`: do you know how to turn the line numbers back on? I guess it's default off now
<meh`> fkchang, nope, sorry
<meh`> adam disappeared without saying much about those changes
<fkchang> seems like opal-jquery is now not seeing a plugin transparently
<fkchang> seems like head is too unstable, going to the number gems seems to have worked
<meh`> fkchang, can you tell me what's broken?
<meh`> I made some changes to native, I don't know about other changes
<fkchang> hmm, the gems seem a bit broken too.
<meh`> which gems?
<fkchang> I'm using jqconsole, a jquery plugin so Element.find(parent_id).jqconsole(blah) use to work fine before, the equivalent of $(parent_id).jqconsole(blah), not it's say that it can't find $jqconsole. So then I dropped back to opal gems instead of git, so opal 0.4.3, sprockets 0.1.1 jquery 0.0.12, that seems to work like it used to but now alert causes stack RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded
<meh`> sounds like an inspect bug or something
<meh`> and limited to opal-jquery
<meh`> are you using opal-jquery and opal both from git?
<fkchang> I was, that gave me the __opal errors, so I moved to the numbered gems, which give me the call stack error
<fkchang> dropping down to 0.4.2 seems to be working
<fkchang> so the irb stuff works, I still have the error when running in phantomjs the code I'm trying to make the repl u asked for
<fkchang> TypeError: 'undefined' is not an object (evaluating 'constructor.prototype')
<meh`> fkchang, you should tell adam, it looks like something is using the older __opal
<fkchang> tweeted him
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<fkchang> elia: I'm having an issue that opal-jquery seems to not be passing through jquery plugins w/ 0.0.12 and more recent, i.e. Element.find(blah).jquery_plugin(), now fails with a "no method $jquery_plugin"
<fkchang> does that ring a bell?
<elia> do you have the code somewhere?
<elia> also first check is the tmp/cache/assets folder if u on rails
<elia> you have to remove it
<elia> between version updates
<fkchang> if you run rake build on opal-irb w/current git for opal, opal-jquery, you will see the error when it runs (it builds and then opens the page in chrome)
<fkchang> I set it back to 0.4.2 and 0.0.11 in the Gemfile so it would work for me
<fkchang> so you'll have to uncomment the git verions of the gems
<fkchang> it's a static file, so no rails
<elia> getting the kid to sleep
<elia> I saw the error, if I find something I'll report back
<elia> fkchang: :)
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<elia> fkchang: I think I know the reason
<elia> being "e" the jq element you want to call on jqconsole
<elia> e.jqconsole // => function() {…}
<elia> this works
<elia> but e.$jqconsole is undefined
<elia> but
<elia> $scope.Native.$new(e).$jqconsole // => function(){…}
<elia> sounds like a missing method_missing
<elia> in the Element class
<elia> easiest solution seems to class Element; expose :jqconsole; end somewhere during initialization
<elia> fkchang
<elia> fkchang: that missing inheritance of Element from Native sounds like an error, I think you'll find all kinds of errors about missing methods coming from that
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