meh`: Im tidying up our specs and removing all the pending {} blocks and using mspec filters, so if you find a bug check out the spec dir to see if we have it listed already
once I push these changes, you will see what I mean
adambeynon, any news for the block destructuring stuff?
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opal/master a6017e9 meh: Add array buffers to stdlib
fkchang, I have a request for you repl master
fkchang, would you add a repl to opal/cli? :D
yeah, sure, what's the existing state of it?
there' opal -e 'expression'
that's all
elia has joined #opal
Didn't there used to be something along the lines?
you want a cmd line interpreter? I imagine it would piggy back on the opal node stuff then
fkchang, if it could be based on phantomjs, it would be best
fkchang, specs run on it
fkchang, and yes, at the beginning there used to be an irb
but it disappeared I don't know how long ago
u got a link to something phantomjs based I could look at as a base
adambeynon has joined #opal
fkchang, opal-spec I think runs with it
adambeynon, we have a problem
though I was intending at some point of setting it up so my opal-inspector could point at backend ruby (or any other ruby backend) too
aww, and I was hoping for an easy nights work
adambeynon, there's a weird bug I can't reproduce in a small testcase
it has to do with blocks not being passed in certain situations
I'll fix this failing spec and report back
meh`: does it involve super?
adambeynon, I don't think so
I think it has to do with string interpolation
how strange
it's very weird
no other problems though? :D
not so far
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adambeynon, jk
I think the failing spec is a bug
I confirm it
adambeynon, and this one is a huge bug
adambeynon, basically, method_missing gets called when the method is defined in an included module
meh`: I messed around w/phantomjs, I think I have an idea, though some of the gui based perks would be necessarily missing (multi line editor, etc.)
fkchang, you could achieve multiline stuff even in the cli
fkchang, Ruby's irb does
fkchang, but it can be added at a later time, it'd be enough to have a cli for basic stuff
I have multiline input, but not the slick popup that I have for opal-irb
though I could probalby pipe into EDITOR and do some handshaking
that would be nice too
meh`: have you got a gist of that module, and the include part?
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[opal] adambeynon pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/ry2wMw
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opal/master a935e59 Adam Beynon: Move remaining array pending specs to mspec filters
fkchang, what phantomjs version do you have?
using same libs/versions as for browser?
just upgraded to 1.9.1 so I could get system.stdin
just ran opal-jquery specs and it runs fine, must be missing something
I'm compiling via opal-sprockets, require opal and opal-jquery, something I need to require?
in addition?
well, if bridge class is failing, you might be hitting inconsistent opal-jquery and opal version: opal-jquery used to use bridge_class(), but it doesnt any more
make sure you are not running them off git
(well, make sure both are from git, or both are from rubygems)
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opal/master bd3674e Adam Beynon: Remove remaining pending specs and use mspec filters
[opal] adambeynon pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/aBbbkA
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[travis-ci] opal/opal#863 (master - bd3674e : Adam Beynon): The build passed.