
<hcarty> dark, _mpu: let () = ... is often a bit safer


<hcarty> From my position of relative ignorance, it looks like it would be a straightforward and useful addition to pa_string in Batteries. But hacking on camlp4 extensions is still mostly opaque to me.
<hcarty> flux: Ok, thanks
<hcarty> Is variable interpolation correct?
<hcarty> What is the proper terminology to describe allowing one to write (let foo = 10 in printf "%(foo:d)")? Similar to how Perl allows "$my_variable" expansion in strings...


<hcarty> thelema: Ah, thank you
<hcarty> thelema: Sorry, performance hit relative to (5.0 *. 7.0)
<hcarty> thelema: Any thoughts on where that difference may come from?
<hcarty> thelema: (Unrelated) Under 3.12beta1, BatFloat.(5.0 * 7.0) introduces a performance hit, while BatFloat.(mul 5.0 7.0) does not
<hcarty> mehdid: Right
<mehdid> hcarty, PREFIX there is just a Make variable, not an environement variable
<hcarty> I don't know what the most universally acceptable approach would be, but this patch breaks the GODI and user-configured findlib target cases
<hcarty> A user may want to install to $HOME/ocamllibs/, specified through a findlib configuration or environment variable
<hcarty> Relying on `ocamlc -where` is bad too though
<hcarty> I can't say that I particularly disagree...
<hcarty> Would it be hard to specify the environment variable in the Debian build system?
<hcarty> mehdid: I'm not sure how easy/hard it would be
<hcarty> None of the packages need to speficify an ocamlfind installation prefix from what I understand.
<hcarty> pkg-lib/ for packages installed with GODI's tools
<hcarty> The default ocamlfind install location outside of GODI's tools is site-lib/ for a GODI-installed system
<hcarty> thelema: Likely with environment variables
<hcarty> thelema: I'm fairly certain the GODI build system takes care of that
<hcarty> Would it be possible to change the patch to only specify destdir if a PREFIX is given?
<hcarty> Likely so
<hcarty> I don't know the specific mechanism
<hcarty> It Just Works in my experience...
<hcarty> I'm not sure either
<hcarty> And GODI has a third for the stdlib
<hcarty> Yes
<hcarty> There is one hierarchy for GODI's packages, another for user-installed libraries
<hcarty> mehdid: GODI doesn't use the same default directory
<mehdid> hcarty, it shouldn't as it keeps the same default, imo.
<hcarty> Is the prefix patch going to cause problems with GODI?


<hcarty> Nevermind - I misunderstood the purpose of the commit. It was only to allow building against Camomile 0.8.1, not to address the binary relocation problem.
<hcarty> gildor: Thanks. I checked a recent Batteries commit and it looks like the path is still hard-coded at compile time in the Batteries source.
<gildor> hcarty: you need to use CamomileConfigDyn module
<hcarty> thelema: Does a build of Batteries with Camomile 0.8.1 produce binaries without hard-coded Camomile data paths?


<JohnnyL> hcarty: fair enough.
<hcarty> I'm not very familiar with the concept or terminology, so that is about as much as I know
<hcarty> JohnnyL: I haven't worked with it, but I've seen others mention using JoCaml and Lwt in that context.
<JohnnyL> hcarty: what's your view of using the Actor model in Ocaml?
<hcarty> The preludeml library also has a few simple fork-based parallel map and iter functions
<hcarty> avsm, mfp: Thank you both
<mfp> hcarty: the OCaml runtime will update the pointer for you if it moves the value: you give caml_register_global_root the address of the value variable
<hcarty> avsm: For example, if I pass a string to a value (string or array) and the C function keeps a pointer to that in some other structure on the C side
<hcarty> avsm: Will it prevent a value from being moved by the garbage collector?
<hcarty> Does anyone here have a reference for caml_register_global_root and related functions, outside of the official manual? After reading the manual I'm not clear on their purpose.


<hcarty> I wouldn't know what I know without the assistance from others in #ocaml
<hcarty> krankkatze: It's ok, I'm glad you got it working
<hcarty> They all need those tags if they all use Batteries
<hcarty> krankkatze: Also, you still need the pkg_threads - sorry, I wasn't clear on that earlier
<hcarty> krankkatze: Are there other source files involved?
<hcarty> You may be able to be more specific in that, but ocamlbuild needs to know that Batteries is needed in linking as well (IIRC)
<hcarty> krankkatze: You want "<cgi.*>: pkg_batteries" in _tags
<hcarty> Oh! I see what is (hopefully) the problem
<hcarty> krankkatze: ocamlfind opt -package batteries -thread -linkpkg foo.ml -o foo
<hcarty> oops - hit enter too soon
<hcarty> krankkatze: http://pastebin.com/UHVXzAEk -- Try to compile this with
<hcarty> krankkatze: To check - Does "ocamlfind list | grep batteries" show anything?
<hcarty> Is Batteries installed and found by findlib?
<krankkatze> hcarty: still getting the same error :/
<hcarty> s/The/Then/
<hcarty> The "ocamlbuild cgi.native"
<hcarty> krankkatze: "<cgi.ml>: pkg_threads, pkg_batteries" should do it
<hcarty> krankkatze: I'm not sure why you still get the error with Batteries_uni, but you can try adding pkg_threads to your _tags line
<krankkatze> hcarty: I'm having the same error when using the following myocamlbuild.ml
<hcarty> flux: Perhaps it's just a prank
<hcarty> krankkatze: The Batteries module also requires threading support. If you use the Batteries_uni module instead of Batteries then you can avoid having to link with the OCaml threading library.
<hcarty> sgnb: I'm looking forward to that. Hopefully it works well.
<hcarty> Yes
<hcarty> It doesn't require Batteries to use, but it is very handy
<hcarty> krankkatze: Batteries has a myocamlbuild.ml in its source distribution which provides working ocamlfind support, among other things
<krankkatze> hcarty: what do you mean?
<hcarty> krankkatze: Batteries comes with a myocamlbuild.ml which does a lot of this for you automatically.
<hcarty> krankkatze: Or open Batteries_uni instead of Batteries
<hcarty> krankkatze: You also need to link with the thread library
<hcarty> thelema: The current listed maintainer is David Teller
<hcarty> thelema: Do you know if someone is going to/has taken over upkeep of Camomile in GODI?
<hcarty> Unless I'm misunderstanding the question
<hcarty> philed: You can't add a 'b value on an 'a list


<hcarty> sdschulze: There was a recent blog post about OCaml GC tuning for improved performance...


<hcarty> sgnb: Ok, thank you
<sgnb> hcarty: not AFAIK
<hcarty> Now, according to the schedule :-)
<hcarty> rwmjones: Late summer or early fall for the final release IIRC
<hcarty> rwmjones: X. Leroy gave a rough timeline at the OCaml Meeting
<hcarty> 1;; in the REPL doesn't EPL
<hcarty> camlp4 3.12 seems to break the toplevel as well
<hcarty> And it provides things like Float.(1 + 2) = 3.0
<hcarty> It provides pa_infix, which allows all kind of (potnetially evil) manipulation and creation of infix operators
<hcarty> flux: Only a small portion
<hcarty> sgnb: Is there a Debian package for pa-do/Delimited Overloading?
<hcarty> mfp: Yep, camlp4. After experimentally installing several camlp4 extensions with GODI, bitstream/bitmatch seems to be unaffected, but it's apparently the exception.
<mfp> hcarty: is that caused by changes in camlp4 or in the language?
<hcarty> pa_do, type-conv and mikmatch all fail to build
<hcarty> Lots of camlp4 extensions seem to have problems with 3.12
<hcarty> I'm not sure, since it's a work-around for a bug in 3.12.
<hcarty> With that patch applied, Batteries builds under GODI's OCaml 3.12beta1.
<hcarty> Thank you both
<hcarty> sgnb: Yes, I found that too - forgot that I had subscribed to it
<sgnb> hcarty: http://git.debian.org/?p=pkg-ocaml-maint/packages/ocaml-batteries.git;a=blob;f=debian/patches/0002-Fix-build-with-OCaml-3.12.0.patch;h=a90b5127e9655bea7fabe0f895b0e37a55103de4;hb=4a877df96fb54e9b4d38b16db3775ccad4c12abf
<hcarty> Any word on if this is a Batteries bug or an OCaml bug?
<hcarty> I found it just before you replied :-)
<hcarty> thelema: Nevermind, I found it in the Debian packages - http://ocaml.debian.net/debian/ocaml3120beta1/pool/ocaml-batteries/
<hcarty> thelema: I remember reading something about it, but I haven't found the relevant commit/mailing list message
<hcarty> thelema: Is there a patch/fix for compiling Batteries' pa_format with OCaml 3.12beta1?


<Yoric> hcarty: "Findlib doesn't help with modules which have not been installed (ex. modules which are part of the project you are working on)" -- ok, good remark
<hcarty> There is a brief tutorial in the PLplot manual in the OCaml chapter as well
<hcarty> If you try to use PLplot and it gives you external function not available errors then you can "export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$GODI_BASE/plplot/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH"
<hcarty> elehack: I need to go, but if you have time please leave a message here and/or email me with the results. I appreciate the testing!
<hcarty> If the ocaml-cairo GODI package doesn't build with lablgtk2 then that should be fixed as well at some point.
<hcarty> I need to add a configuration option to not require ocaml-cairo. The Cairo support is provided through a separate module.
<hcarty> I hope that others find it useful as well
<hcarty> I wrote the OCaml bindings so that I could do my graduate research plotting from OCaml
<hcarty> elehack: Thank you!
<hcarty> It worked on my system, but as one of the developers for the library and the OCaml bindings I'm not a very good test of usability.
<hcarty> Then it _should_ be a matter of updating the GODI package list and building + installing the godi-plplot package
<hcarty> elehack: Add the line "GODI_BUILD_SITES += http://0ok.org/ocaml/godi/3.11/" to $GODI_BASE/etc/godi.conf
<hcarty> It requires having cmake installed, having the requirements for ocaml-cairo installed, and adding a path to LD_LIBRARY_CONF after the install to test
<hcarty> elehack: If you don't mind, I would appreciate it
<hcarty> elehack: http://plplot.sf.net/
<hcarty> elehack: It's a plotting package - line/point/contour/etc. plots
<hcarty> Is anyone here on GODI interested in testing an experimental GODI-installable PLplot?
<hcarty> flux: It doesn't as far as I know
<hcarty> Experience using the actual syntax may indicate how local modules can be handled better.
<flux> hcarty, hm, how does findlib work with the project one is working on?
<hcarty> elehack: That seems reasonable, at least for a first version
<elehack> hcarty: you can set OCAMLPATH to the root of your source tree to have findlib search it for uninstalled modules. would that be sufficient?
<hcarty> Yoric: Findlib doesn't help with modules which have not been installed (ex. modules which are part of the project you are working on)
<hcarty> "use mylib [List; Array]" with mylibList.ml and mylibArray.ml in the current directory for example.
<hcarty> elehack: One big downside is that this requires a findlib package install to work. It might be nice to allow this for local modules as well.
<hcarty> It sounds like a very handy syntax though, particularly if it's usable by any module
<hcarty> It may be a good idea to use "open" or "include" to avoid stepping on existing code with values named use
<hcarty> Very true
<hcarty> List = List + BatList, Array = Array + BatArray
<hcarty> *assume
<hcarty> elehack: It's probably reasonable to assum a naming convention
<hcarty> I would prefer something simpler. Could this pa_openin material be used for that purpose?
<hcarty> elehack: I agree
<hcarty> elehack: "module E = Enum with Exceptionless" will give you "module E = struct include Enum include Exceptionless end"
<hcarty> "with" was the only thing new, and pa_with was already provided with Batteries
<hcarty> Or something along those lines
<hcarty> elehack: IIRC, that syntax was selected because it added the fewest keywords
<hcarty> elehack: That's the part I was referring to
<hcarty> elehack: Yes, it's in src/syntax/pa_openin/
<hcarty> elehack: In Batteries' pa_openin that is
<hcarty> elehack: I think it's in pa_openin
<elehack> hcarty: I can't seem to find that syntax support. pa_batteries in the last beta just adds a couple of open lines.
<hcarty> Could work well for building SQL statements in a semi-sane manner.
<hcarty> (Print.printf p"And the we print %{My_module.t}" my_module_t_val) is worth its weight in code
<hcarty> Particularly with named parameters and how easy it is to extend.
<hcarty> BatPrint + syntax is excellent.
<elehack> hcarty: I should go dig for that code. Could save the effort (albeit minimal) of writing it from scratch.
<hcarty> elehack: Your "use Batteries {UTF8 Enum IO}" idea was in the original Batteries
<hcarty> proposed
<hcarty> Very similar to what elehack propoised
<hcarty> thelema, mfp: That too, but I'm thinking of the module building one
<thelema> hcarty: previous batteries had a syntax extension that added [open batteries] to the top of the file
<hcarty> Something along the lines of module List = List with Exceptionless, Labels
<hcarty> Didn't the original Batteries include a syntax extension doing something like this?
<hcarty> They would be nice to have. Perl's namespace handling is nice for things like this.
<hcarty> But if the modules with external dependencies are provided outside of the Batteries hierarchy then the problem is alleviated.
<hcarty> Which doesn't seem like it would work nicely with OS package management
<hcarty> mfp: batteries.sqlite3 could pull in BatSqlite3, which would presumably work
<hcarty> mfp: But that doesn't work for the deb, rpm or GODI case
<hcarty> Without a constant Batteries, there is no external way to verify if the user has the relevant dependencies.
<hcarty> mfp: Yes
<hcarty> mfp: What happens when a user tries to compile Batteries + Sqlite3 code against vanilla Batteries?
<hcarty> It would be a much cleaner solution to either make these modules true dependencies or keep the external dependency modules as Bat* stand-alones.
<hcarty> That seems like a bad idea
<hcarty> mfp: Batteries becomes poorly defined at that point
<mfp> hcarty: well, batteries.ml could be generated at compile time to include the optional modules that were built
<hcarty> mfp: BatZip and BatSqlite3, but no inclusion in Batteries
<hcarty> thelema: Testing
<mfp> hcarty: it's quite doable in fact. MySQL's API has only val exec : dbd -> string -> result (no separate functions to prepare a statement and bind params, unlike sqlite), so it'd have to go through a string
<hcarty> There are a number of modules which would benefit Batteries - camlzip, Sqlite3...
<hcarty> thelema: It seems like something that would be better either as a full dependency or an add-on to the sqlite bindings
<hcarty> thelema: Yes
<thelema> hcarty: the ocaml-sqlite library?
<thelema> hcarty: out of sync how?
<mfp> hcarty: /me taking a look at the MySQL C API...
<hcarty> ?
<hcarty> Is it a good idea to add something with an external dependency which could so easily get out of sync
<hcarty> mfp: That sounds really useful. How easy would it be to extend to Mysql?
<hcarty> thelema: Using exceptionless modules provides a nice tool for refactoring, but that may not be a good enough reason to keep it around.
<hcarty> BatteriesE does that is.
<hcarty> BatteriesL and BatteriesE still also sound appealing to me though - makes it harder to accidentally let an exception slip through.
<hcarty> elehack: I use the Exceptionless modules in Batteries heavily, but I agree that *_opt would provide an easier to parse interface
<hcarty> Yoric: Hello
<hcarty> s/I think/I agree/
<hcarty> thelema: Yes, I think that, if the Exceptionless modules are dropped, then find and find_opt would be the better choice for Batteries
<thelema> hcarty: yes, true. we're keeping backwards compatibility, so we can't do that in general.
<hcarty> IIRC, core does the reverse - find and find_exn
<thelema> hcarty: almost done, testing now
<hcarty> thelema: That sounds appealing.
<hcarty> elehack: I built the OCaml source tree, so that may be part of it
<elehack> hcarty: did you get any cannot-find-module errors?
<hcarty> elehack: It doesn't seem to work fully, but it edits files and does syntax highlighting.
<hcarty> elehack: With the symlink I was able to get it to compile
<hcarty> I set OCAMLLIB to `ocamlc -where` and put symlinks for lablgtk2 (already exists) and xml-light in `ocamlc -where`
<hcarty> elehack: Thanks, setting OCAMLLIB fixed the Not_found error for me too
<elehack> hcarty: I tried to build it yesterday, but with no success.
<hcarty> I'm hoping to get at least a basic GODI package for PLplot together this weekend.
<hcarty> derdon: It's on my todo list :-)
<derdon> hcarty: why didn't you try to contact the developer of the program?
<hcarty> A Not_found exception is raised, but the compilation script is a .ml run with ocaml, so it doesn't give a backtrace
<hcarty> Has anyone here successfully built OCaml Editor? I'd like to try it out under GODI but I haven't been successful so far.


<hcarty> Likely so
<hcarty> Batteries will power your OCaml as it TAREs through your data
<flux> hcarty, yeah.. ocaml doesn't have enough of those trendy and hip names. Totally Awesome Regular Expression (-engine) would fill that void.
<hcarty> flux: TARE is a fantastic name. It TAREs through data at an TAREible rate.
<flux> hcarty, maybe it should be called "TARE"
<hcarty> If the result is Totally Awesome and supports named substrings/matches, then it sounds worthwhile.
<hcarty> thelema: If you write your own, PLEASE keep the PCRE syntax if possible. We already have three regexp-like syntaxes in OCaml (Str, PCRE and mikmatch)


<synod> hcarty: that's my understanding but no updates have occurred
<travisbrady> hcarty: thank you
<hcarty> Perhaps OCaml was recompiled but findlib wasn't, for example
<hcarty> synod: I'm not familiar with OCaml on osx or macports, but it sounds like findlib and OCaml are out of sync
<hcarty> travisbrady: sexplib is another option. You can write custom toplevel printers. And Batteries has a very nice Batteries.Print (or BatPrint) module which lets you define custom printers for any type and use them with a super-duper-printf-like syntax
<hcarty> travisbrady: There is a library + syntax extension call Deriving. Also, Batteries + Extlib have dump which dumps the internal representation
<hcarty> derdon: I'm happy I could help
<derdon> hcarty: ok. but I thank you anyway cuz you could help me to compile the code succesfully :)
<hcarty> That's a bug I can't help with right now :-) But I'm glad it compiles for you.
<hcarty> Then the ; does clear it up, though I think let () = ... in would be easier to read/interpret later on
<hcarty> The two could have the same result, that is.
<hcarty> derdon: let () = ... in has a clear precedence. The two could be the same, but I'm not certain.
<hcarty> derdon: I'm not sure how a ; would play with the precedence
<derdon> hcarty: and why should I wrap it in ``let () = ...``? I inserted a semicolon after it, and the code compiles but behaves strangely now
<hcarty> So you could put a "let () =" after line 8 and a "in" before line 15
<hcarty> Everything from line 9 through line 14
<hcarty> derdon: Sorry, I should have said the try expression
<derdon> hcarty: what you mean with the try-block? only the single line which is "print_endline (...)"?
<hcarty> thelema: Map.Make and its derived modules do have Exceptionless modules, only containing the find function.
<hcarty> thelema: PMap and Map are missing Exceptionless modules. I'm not able to submit a patch any time soon, but would you like a bug report on github?
<hcarty> derdon: You're welcome, glad it works :-)
<derdon> hcarty: ah, now I get it! thanks a lot!
<hcarty> derdon: As it is, the code does not work as the indentation implies. "IO.close_in input" is considered as part of the Printf.eprintf function call on line 14.
<hcarty> derdon: If you wrap the try block in let () = ... in then it should fix the problem
<hcarty> derdon: Your try .. with .. is leaking
<thelema> hcarty: other than that, the only safety issue is that maybe you'll use a PSet with one type and you think you're using it with a different one, but the compier won't warn you until the two worlds collide
<hcarty> thelema: Thank you - that makes sense.
<thelema> hcarty: performance is nearly identical, I think they use the same kind of balanced trees, except the compare function is held in the functorized module for Set.Make and it's in each PSet
<hcarty> If 3.12 were out I would pass modules generated with Map.Make around. PMap looks like a decent compromise until then.
<hcarty> thelema: Curious about performance (which I know really requires me to test in my particular use case) and what the safety differences are
<hcarty> elehack: Thanks for the pointer
<thelema> hcarty: what do you want to know about the two?
<elehack> hcarty: look at the introduction to the documentation to Batteries.Set
<hcarty> Is there a comparison between PMap and Map.Make (PMap from extlib or Batteries) available?


<hcarty> It is not in the documentation as far as I can tell, but it is in the pa_string example
<hcarty> Likely so
<hcarty> flux: Print.printf p"%(name:s) has %{xs:int list}" ~name:"X. Leroy" ~xs:[1; 2; 3]
<hcarty> I just found Batteries' pa_string support for named printf elements. That's too cool.


<hcarty> avsm: Did you find it easy to work with?
<hcarty> Neither have I :-)
<flux> hcarty, indeed!
<hcarty> flux: Then it must be true!
<flux> hcarty, I've had the same vision :)
<hcarty> I have a (perhaps baseless) hope that some day, Lwt will have fork-based parallelism and distributed parallel magic included.
<adrien> hcarty: ok, I'll try to take a look at it
<hcarty> adrien: I think that there is an example in Batteries which reads stdout from another process. Don't remember which example it is...


<hcarty> Though I don't know if pa_string changes it's expected syntax to match. I haven't tried any of them with revised syntax.
<hcarty> Some of them should work for both from what I understand
<thelema> hcarty: none of them indicates revised/original
<hcarty> thelema: How so?
<hcarty> That's my best guess. Batteries-Old didn't require that for it's "all-encompassing" use_batteries tag because (IIRC) there was one for revised and one for original.
<derdon> hcarty: I created a new directory for this
<derdon> hcarty: even this isn't working!
<hcarty> thelema: Maybe it's not able to detect if you want original or revised syntax?
<hcarty> thelema: I'm not sure
<hcarty> derdon: <*>: pkg_batteries.pa_string.syntax, syntax_camlp4o
<thelema> hcarty: any ideas why the batteries.syntax code in META isn't working?
<hcarty> derdon: Adding that to the appropriate line(s) in _tags should do it
<hcarty> Ah! You need syntax_camlp4o
<hcarty> I'm not sure if the pkg_threads is even required in that minimal case
<hcarty> derdon: foo.ml as 'let _ = p""' and _tags as '<*>: pkg_batteries.pa_string.syntax, pkg_threads' should work in that case...
<derdon> hcarty: yes
<hcarty> derdon: Are you using the Batteries-provided myocamlbuild.ml?
<derdon> hcarty: doesn't work either :(
<thelema> hcarty: batteries.pa_string doesn't have a syntax ... doh! it does...
<hcarty> derdon: Does using batteries.pa_string.syntax work? Rather than batteries.syntax


<alexyk> hey hcarty : how do I update two fields in a record?
<hcarty> alexyk: Many of the modules have .enum and .of_enum functions
<hcarty> alexyk: Check out the Batteries API reference: http://thelema.github.com/batteries-included/hdoc/
<hcarty> alexyk: I think it's covered in the manual
<hcarty> alexyk: You may need to compile the .mli in to a .cmi first with ocamlc
<hcarty> alexyk: I think so, but I'm not 100% certain. ocamlbuild will pick it up, and I generally use that.
<alexyk> hcarty: if I provide .mli, will it be automatically found by the compiler when compiling .ml?
<hcarty> alexyk: .mli is generally preferred, but you can either include a signature in the .ml or provide them inline (let f (x : int) : int = x + 2)


<hcarty> thelema: Cool, thanks
<thelema> hcarty: elkstrand is going through the process. The code is ready, we just need to get the metadata set up on the godi server
<hcarty> thelema: Any news on a GODI release for Batteries 1.2.0?


<hcarty> Or it could be a bug in the bindings :-)
<hcarty> palomer: It could be a problem with the Ubuntu OCaml Curses package
<hcarty> palomer: -verbose
<hcarty> palomer: Improper linking with C most likely
<hcarty> mrvn: Did you report a bug on your module packing problem? (val bar1 : Foo.foo_t in not included in val bar1 : Foo.foo_t)


<derdon> hcarty: I can give you an example for a python backtrace
<hcarty> derdon: You need to compile with debugging support and enable backtraces (usually with OCAMLRUNPARAM=b in the environment)