if findlib is installed properly, it should work (but I use godi so I don't know)
how can i verify it?
ocamlfind list
the file installed by package was /usr/lib/ocaml/3.09.1/stublibs/dllpcre_stubs.so
there are no pcre in ocamlfind list
that's too bad...
i installed only the runtime support
maybe there are a -dev too
libpcre-ocaml-dev :)
good to know...
there's libregexp-pp-ocaml-dev too, but it seems not to be micmatch, just something similar...
yeah, it existed before micmatch.
sponge45, what was the motivation for building micmatch, then?
1) the syntax of regexps
2) an incorporation into the regular match ... with
syntax is the most important thing of a module like this..
I much prefer the ocamllex-like syntax, so here it is
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micmatch actually relies on some code from the regexp-pp package. This is the camlp4 stuff which allows to move the command which compiles the regexp to a place where it will be executed only once.
sponge45, your 'a'-'z' is very verbose, what is bad, but the no need of escaping metacharacters in strings is good..
you can use the POSIX patterns: lower, upper, alpha, alnum, etc.
maybe a new syntax like 'a-z' equivalent for 'a'-'z' would make this better..
sponge45, hmmmmmmmmmmmm.. ah
with [:lower:] ?
no, just lower
Hmmm.. ok
errr.. :)
and you can define your own:
RE lower2 = lower | '_'
then you can use lower2 in the rest of the program
in the rest of match or the rest of program?
any pattern-match which comes later in the program
i can define it as a statment? outside all lets?
actually you cannot define it locally
sponge45, very very nice :~~ congrats
the definition of shortcuts is derived directly from ocamllex
but thank you :-)
Parse error: '>' expected after [meth_list] (in [type])
my parse.mli is only a val incoming : < join : '_a -> unit; list_autojoin : '_a list; privmsg : unit; _.. > -> string -> unit
I don't think you can compile 2 files on the same command line (parse.mli and parse.ml)
i meant to compile only parse.ml
to parse.cma
ok, pizza is waiting
The type of this expression, < join : '_a -> unit; list_autojoin : '_a list; privmsg : string -> string -> unit; _.. > -> string -> unit, contains type variables that cannot be generalized
anyone knows what this can means?
All polymorphism in objects must be at the top level. Polymorphic methods are not allowed.
fine, it's just a matter of defining better the types
Parse error: [label] expected after '#' (in [expr])
I think you've spent enough on this that is would be reasonable to switch to using the module system now.. :)
not before i get this working :)
i am having really odd problems with type inference and methods, but i am so far that i must see this working....
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what means the _ in the type < join : string -> unit; privmsg : string -> string -> unit; _.. > ?
it is a object that has the method join of type string->unit, a privmsg of type string->string->unit, and..?
and why this type contains type variables that cannot be generalized?
I think most of us don't use OO, so you may be waiting a while for an answer...
hmmmm.. yes
Smerdyakov, but, hmmm.. ocaml is named after OO.. objective caml
I think you already observed yourself that OCaml suffers from being maintained by researchers.
The fact that a novel language feature appears in the name doesn't mean that you should use that feature.
well, it was only a matter of changing the parse.mli file.. rather trivial
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when using the ocaml interactive toplevel, i cant use backspace, it just gives me a ^H, anyone know how to fix that?
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there are some approaches, but i don't know them
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one is like running ocaml in emacs
RSi: use a better terminal
dan2: haha thanks for the advice, but any solutions?
what terminal are you using right now?
on my machine, or what shell on the server?
using mac's terminal (i think its officially xterm) and bash
no worries, i just fixed it in stty
thanks anyway
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Is there no way to get around recursive dependencies? I have two classes. "Company" and "Product". If I have a company, I want to be able to say my_company#products ... that will return a list of products. However, if I have a product, I want to be able to say product#company to get the company.
I don't know about objects, but you can make type definitions recursive by using 'and' between them.
or a 1 to 1 match, company#sales_rep
levi_home: I am speaking of having product.ml require company.ml and company.ml requiring product.ml
There is probably a way to do that with the module language.
there's a simple sample. How would you compile that?
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jeremy_c: functors?
jeremy_c, I would recommend not using OO.
jeremy_c: define a sigtype for person and reference that
Smerdyakov: I am open to why no OO?
jeremy_c: he wants you to use SML
jeremy_c: you'd actually be better off making a person a record
the whole thing can be done structurally with functional techinques
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jeremy_c, I couldn't parse your last line.
dan2: p#get_name is just so much nicer to type than p.Person.name, and more important, extending the base class (which is auto-generated from db schema) is important. i.e. base class has first_name, last_name but extended class has full_name which is obviously combo of the two. I could then do Person.full_name p ;; (full_name being a function in Person module.
jeremy_c: create a module that operates on the data set
dan2: when would you use classes?
jeremy_c: when dealing with XML
which is basically the only reason to use object oriented anywhere
dan2: ok, so how then do you have the person data set (type person = {name:string; company:company}; and then type company {name:string; employees: person list;}
dan2: you'd run into the same thing, right?
jeremy_c: not really
type company cannot be created w/o type person, type person cannot be created w/o type company
jeremy_c: I would have a class CompanyFactory that would return an object for a company
by name
a hashtable would also work
gotta go to bed
ok. but your returned object contains a person.
dan2: ok. gn.
jeremy_c: use a "company" identifier so you can lookup the company
that way only Company depends onf Person
dan2: but person will require the company factory in order to look up which company they work for, and therefore, company factory will require company type.
jeremy_c, what's so bad about declaring these tiny types simultaneously?
Smerdyakov: how?
type a = { foo : int; bar : b option ref} and b = { baz : string; bonk : a option ref }
good point
Smerdyakov: hm. didn't realize that would solve the problem.
Is my problem that unique or am I going about the thing all wrong?
Seems everyone will have relations in this manner, my problem can't be that unique.
Did you repeat "name clashes" because you don't think having anonymous record types solves the problem?
Smerdyakov: I don't know Standard ML.
Smerdyakov: I barely know OCaml.
Well, it does solve the problem.
Smerdyakov: do you have a place I can read about this solution?
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Record types in SML are simple.
They are like syntactic sugar for tuples.
Any {l1 : t1, ..., ln : tn} is a type.
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#l is the type of the selector function from a value of some record type with a label l.
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{l1 = e1, ..., ln = en} builds a record of type {l1 : t1, ..., ln : tn}, where each ei has type ti.
s/is the type of the selector/is the selector/
Smerdyakov: does OCaml do SML? This seems anti-OCaml, anonymous types.
SML is another language. I don't know what it would mean for OCaml to "do" SML.
And it's ridiculous to say that anonymous types are anti-OCaml. Almost all types in OCaml are anonymoys.
The only exceptions are variants.
I know OCaml is a type of ML. Didn't know if OCaml was built ontop of SML like C++/C
(And records)
(And the weird extra recursive stuff OCaml supports)
No, they are two incomparable languages.
Smerdyakov: OCaml is my first functional language. The reason I choose to learn it is that it seems to have a good following, it's available on every platform I use (I'm not exotic, only OS X, Windows and Linux), and it's speed is fantastic.
what about support for say databases? pgsql/mysql
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hm, that was strange. dropped my wireless router for some reason. What about support for say databases? pgsql/mysql?
All easy to implement yourself, and there are several interfaces out there already.
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SML/NJ or MLton to try?
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SML/NJ for development, MLton to compile release versions.
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anyone up
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anyone here?
i've observed something and i might be wrong so give me feedback
i have observed that in a lot of instances in order to get reasonable resource consumption people use tail recursion
this seems to be common to a lot of pure functional programming language
but the thing is..
isn't a tail recursive function that takes an accumulator as parameter a virtual machine in disguise?
ktne: no.
basically the tail recursive function will implement a virtual machine and execute imperativelly some code there
the accumulator is the state of the machine and the rest of the function params are the machine control state
(euqivalent to instruction pointer in a hardware machine)
Oh, you mean a state machine.
a virtual machine would be something turing-complete.
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well it's a quasi virtual machine, what i mean is that the programming *inside* this virtual machie is as imperative as you can get, i can't see any difference at least at theoretical level between a tail recursive state machine and imperative programming
So your point is that functional code can be converted to imperative code? That's not exactly surprising, given that it can be executed by imperative CPUs :)
no, what i meant is that all those pure functional purists write imperative code all the time without realising it :)
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hi pango
ktne, well, it's still a function that depends in (only) its inputs
Yeah, and I have been speaking Chinese all my life, just I haven't translated it yet!
s/in /on /
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mellum :)
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flux__ unless you use an internal random generator device, a function will always depend only on it's own inputs
# let f =
let x = ref 0 in
fun () -> incr x; !x ;;
pango ?
of course it's no longer a "function" by the mathematical definition
pango that still depends only on the greater input called environment
that looks like a specious argument
random generators also depend on the greater input called the universe..
not necesarly
there are truly random values that don't depend on anything
hmm.. such as?
it doesn't come cheap but there are some PCI devices that use quantum effects, they are used for machines that use SSL auth
well, just because we cannot measure the inputs doesn't mean it isn't a result of it
although my understanding of quantum mechanics is very limited
no, quantum are truly random
meaning that they don't depend on external things, they are not fully determinstic
so they depend on nothing?
the determinism of the macro world comes as an emergent property, just like a society made of a large enough number of rather random acting individuals behaves in a quite determined way
either define what you mean by function clearly, or define what you mean by input clearly, otherwise just {any,no}thing can be said
What on earth is this discussion about? I can't imagine how it could have any practical relevance.
if you mean function in the mathematical meaning, I agree
pango yes but an imperative instruction is a pure mathematical/deterministic operation of it's input (the state of the machine)
(excepting for the above random generator use thing)
*on it's input
or function in a purely functional language, it's usually true
But ML languages are not purely functional
but anyway my point was (paraphrasing) that every complex pure functional program ends up implmenting it's own imperative lisp machine on top of a tail recursive virtual machine :)
ktne, I'd hate to have to maintain a purely functional program written by you, then.
Smerdyakov :)
yes but i just meant that a lot of pure functional things are quasy imperative, most recursive stuff that uses a state for example
an accumulator for state
I don't know of any objective definition of "relative imperativity" that gives useful meaning to what you just said.
ktne, btw, have you taken a look at haskell?
imperative would something that depends on order of execution, by quasi imperative i meant something that uses the recursive call mechanism in order to enforce order of execution, even if the function appears to be pure functional
ktne, how does that concept have any practical importance?
i'm thinking about an imperative programming language where functions don't have side effects
like what?
there seems to be this idea that pure functional is the way to remove side effects, i can't see too many references to imperative languages without side effects
actually i couldn't find any such reference
that's because no such language exists
the idea would be to use a function call that has semantics similar to fork() that destroys the called environment on return and keeps just the return value
so on function call the semantic effect would be a fork(), the return value gets computed, the function returns and the forked environment gets destroyed
OK, so ktne seems deliberately to be ignoring questions to why anyone should care about what he's talking about. I take that as an admission that the topic is pointless.
I think that's sort of interesting
but I wonder how it would be different from an actual functional language
flux__, i was just thinking the same thing
would i++ work in that language?
you're not a clone of me, are you?
flux__ yes but only until function return
flux__ so i++ would be used inside the function
well, functional languages have local definitions
that's what let is for
chessguy you can't redefine the local vars in a pure functional language
it just seems it is arbitrary to put the fork() exactly to function calls
flux__ well the idea is that the fork will prevent side effects, while the function can still use imperative style in order to compute the result
flux__ that's why fork() would be the semantic effect of function calls, (but not a real fork() because that would be way too expensive)
by fork() i mean a COW mechanism
this would be optimised by statical analysis so it won't be slow using paging or anything like that
well, you would still need to 'copy' stuff like arrays
or atleast resort to COW on those
only if you actually have to reuse the value on return
after return i mean
for example i++ would be equivalent to i = i+1, this would be done in-place since the old value doesn't have to be used
the thing is that in most cases you don't actually need to keep the old value, think for example about sorting an array
in most cases you overwrite the old value
threading will complicate things
well if you use threads then you have to copy the value currently too
because you can't just modify the shared array
(if the old value of the shared array is needed)
if the access is locked then you can do safelly a in-place operation
only when you have to keep unlocked access you have to do a copy, which would be done automatically by the compiler
which is sort of similar with what you do with current tools, just manually
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flux__ eventually you could chose 2 types of function calls and those would work for all functions
pure or impure
so for example "f(a,b)" could mean to call f in pure/fork way, while "f[a,b]" could mean to call f in impure way
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Smerdyakov: what's the major differences between programming in SML v. Ocaml?
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dan2, I know it's rude to answer the question you posed to someone else, but, some major differences I find:
dbueno: go for it
1. SML has CM (compilation manager), which is way better than make(1)+ocamldep, in my opinion.
It works from the toplevel, inside SML, and dynamically recompiles exactly what you want & loads it into the current toplevel.
but that's just aesthetics
I'm mean real language changes
2. All library functions in SML are tupled, not curried, like they are in OCaml. OCaml is much better in this regard.
currying is much better
3. The system/data structure APIs are different, but not conceptually.
I'm such a fan of Concurrent ML interface from SML that I used it for my java PostOffice component
designed to model it
dan2: I've never used Concurrent ML.
dbueno: really high quality concurrency tools
dbueno: I ported necessary code to Ocaml to satisfy my needs
dan2, I haven't done any concurrent programming in either SML or OCaml.
It seems like a good idea, given that a major selling point of applicative programming is that it's easy to parallelise.
dbueno: concurrent programming in both languages are great I can only imagine because almost everything is immutable
the "synchronized" keyword in java was the biggest screwup of the whole language
Perhaps. Many of the cases I've run into would have been fixed if Object.wait/notify took an extra "mutex" argument.
dan2, What concurrent programming have you done in SML/OCaml?
I ran a massively scalable text processing communications project that interfaced with Asterisk PBX via TCPIP and used a thread worker model
it was damn fast
dbueno: quick question, (I don't usually do this)
when you override a constructor in java that's from an abstract class that was prefilled, will the overrided method call the overrided constructor?
I've always assumed it doesn't
I thought Java constructors were not inherited, even from abstract classes.
But possibly I'm wrong. :)
dan2, was that OCaml or SML?
DRMacIver: I think you are right, I was just thinking about this
dan2, You can't override constructors.
Although if you mix types in a weird (and conflicting) way, you can get compile errors, I believe.
I could be wrong about that.
dbueno: ocaml
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