(btw I started rereading the book, because I never finished it. Some things are outdated, like the monomorphic constraints examples, that no longer work because of relaxed type system)
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And we can help him in a way where he actually _learns_ something.
or any other client
Then I guess he's out of luck. I'm sure the cheating policy for whatever class this is prohibits having people on IRC solve your programming problems for you.
change [] -> [] to [] -> [z], i think
im noob too
...and apparently a "noob" who likes to prevent others from learning.
im sorry then
i havent been in school for years
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This is independent of "school." You can't learn to program if someone writes your programs for you.
hi, pango_
neg. sometimes they are just simple oversights
a for loop that uses < instead of <= for example
whats_in_a_name, there are systematic debugging techniques that catch all errors, and I am happy to help people who come here themselves learn to use these techniques.
ALL errors?
you try debugging a corrupted stack frame in a recursive function
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whats_in_a_name, this is OCaml. No stack frames here.
whats_in_a_name, systematic verification techniques certainly work poorly in poorly-designed languages like C++ and Java; I agree with you there.
But they're very easy to apply to OCaml.
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ocaml does not use a run time stack?
thats pretty strange, if true
The language semantics has no concept of "memory."
The implementation may use common techniques, but this need not concern the programmer.
(I should say that there is no concept of numerically-addressed memory. The semantics of references and arrays can be thought of as involving memories with an abstract address type.)
in other words, memory is cleared for you
that doesent mean no run time stack is used, you big goof
No, the language involves no concept of "memory..." just like I said. :)
OCaml is a language.
Perhaps you mean to say "the OCaml compiler"?
memory management would be part of the standard
which the compiler would conform to
OCaml is a high-level language with no concept of memory management in the semantics.
well obviously its handled at some level
But not in the language semantics, so the programmer doesn't need to think about it.
if the standard doesent specify how, thats pretty sad
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I disagree. It would be sad to find a high-level language whose definition _does_ mention "stack frames," since that means the programmer has an overcomplicated execution model to worry about.
oh noes, garbage collectors for everyone!
dont make the programmer think about whats going on underneath
lets abstract away all those annoying little details, regardless of the fact its useful to know
and understand
you would love java i think
Yes, let's. It's hard to find a knowledgeable programmer today who doesn't agree that this is the right move for most domains.
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gc is not everything. if you want a fast program, you have to code it in c
or c++
just not interepreted crap
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meng, that is obviously false.
meng, I've seen several examples of ML programs compiled to faster executables than C programs via GCC.
And, of course, complex algorithms are easier to implement in ML than C, so if your asymptotically-superior algorithm is too hard to get right in C, then you have no chance against an ML implementation.
yes, yes. i like lisp, and start liking ocaml. they are short, concise, like writing a poem :)
meng, and also much easier to optimize than C programs.
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anyone still up ?
Yes, you
i seeeeeee
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i still cnt get this try...with to work
ocaml rules!
not because of the language per se, but because camels rox
whats_in_a_name: have you used ocaml quite a bit ?
i just like camels
and trolls
pango__: man it really takes persistence to learn this ocaml stuff
i dont know any functional languages
but i doubt it would hard to pick up
i know just imperative - java and c++
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whats_in_a_name: instead of flooding the channel why jnot learn
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i dont want to now
im content with the languages i know
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i think i got this try with thing
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whats_in_a_name: don't know what it proves, beside your lack of curiosity
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syntax is try expression with exception1 -> handler for exception1 | exception2 -> handler for exception2 | ... | exceptionn -> handler for exceptionn
pango: could you give me an example for this case ?
val sock_send : Unix.file_descr -> string -> int = <fun>
try connect client_sock (ADDR_INET ((inet_addr_of_string ""), 4550)) with Unix_error (ETIMEDOUT, _, _) -> prerr_endline "server not ready"
pango: i was thinking that but it didnt look all to professional ?
is that a good way of doing it ?
what do you mean ?
i mean i would have thought there would be some way where i could just do it once .....like pull out the ETIMEOUT and from there do a simplt pattern match
this way i would have to have a full expression for ECONNREFUSED ETIMEOUT etc etc i think theres a few more
try connect client_sock (ADDR_INET ((inet_addr_of_string ""), 4550)) with Unix_error (ETIMEDOUT, _, _) -> prerr_endline "server not ready" | Unix_error (ECONNREFUSED, _, _) -> prerr_endline "I've been told to go away"
i thought i would use && ?
try with already does pattern matching, no need for try ... with e -> match e with -> ...
yea i noticed
what would you use && for ?
i was thinkig && was |
no, pattern matching separator is |
i did not know that
why does the ocaml intepreter spit out val sock_send : Unix.file_descr -> string -> int = <fun>
first | after with is optional, personally I like to put one here for indentation consistency
and it still spit out Exception: Unix.Unix_error (ETIMEDOUT, "connect", "").
that's the inferred signature of the function, so you can check it's what you expected
You need to READ all the documentation people have directed you to
that's results that are pattern matched, not the expressions ;)
TSC: its getting late .........i thought i did something different
also anyone know the default kerrnel timeout ?
90 or 180 sec right ?
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should your code depend on it ?
but i would think a timeout of 20 seconds wuld clearly be more suitable then make the user wait 180 seconds or w/e it waits
then I think you should set an alarm, and the connect will be interrupted when the timeout is reached
#use "tcp.ml";;
Objective Caml version 3.09.2
val sock_send : Unix.file_descr -> string -> int = <fun>
server not ready
- : unit = ()
what is that unit thing ?
i know its a type
TSC: i am just not really understanding how the interpreter feeds back info on type etc
It tells the type then the value
so in this case unit is the type right ?
why is there no vlaue and what is it the type too the expresson
i make myself sound confusing
The value is ()
is that like a NULL value?
() is the unique value of type unit
Not really
pango: what does this mean
more like void
unit was the type of the try...with expression ?
try expr with .. has the same type as expr
Doesn't it have the same type has the .. ?
well yes, they need to equal
Duh, they're all the same (:
Of course
im just confused what - : unit = () means and where it comes from
Sorry (:
unit is a type
It has only one value
That's all
like int etc right ?
PLEASE read the tutorial
i did
and i saw that
i jus didnt understand it
Well, now you do (:
i mean i understand it a type
TSC: the exception handlers must have the same type as the expression
its just bugging the hell out of me why () is the value
so that the whole construct type does not depend on exit branch
consider simpler cases: try "foo" with _ -> "hello"
obviously the type of that expression is string
so instead of unit it would be a string ?
try "Foo" with error -> 42 - what would be the type? it's a type error
for some reason i was belving it returned a unit everytime
many imperative functions return unit
because they only have side effects
so becasue it was an exception it returned unit or what?
why unit in this case
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is the last paste the code you're talking about?
connect returns 'unit'
my guess is prerr_endline also returns 'unit'
hence the return type is, tadaa, unit :-)
i see isee
if you want to return a flag, like success/failure, consider something like:
i just want to understand every little bit of this
flux__: a flag would work fine
anything that gets the job done
let connected = try connect .. ; true with ... -> prerr_endline "blah"; false in if connected then "Surely connected!" else "Not connected :/"
so the idea is to put the return value after the imperative expression to be evaluated in sequence
the value of the expression is the last expression in the expression list
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i seeee but i need to match to more then one thing
ETIMEOUT - ECONREFUSED and im sure there other a few other errors i dont know of
btw, you can write that also like .. with Unix_error (ETIMEDOUT | ECONNREFUSED | morestuffhere, _, _) ..
but each one will have a different response you know ?
ok, well in that case you will have different cases
Server down for timeout - connection refused - is pretty much conneciton refused
so service down
there's two ways of handling this, different return values, and exceptions
there is also Unix.error_message ercode-function that returns a string
well whats the most effective way
will the way i have noe work good ?
depends, but probably exceptions here
thats what i have is an excpetion
pango: the first thing you showed me is what im talking about
but you're catching it locally, in a place where maybe you don't know what to do out of it
with Unix_error (ETIMEDOUT, _, _) -> prerr_endline "server not ready"
that way
maybe it's just enough to let the exception leave your function and handle the problem in calling function(s)
and add | if i need more matching
im saying is this the most effective way of doing it lol ?
or is this some ghetto way and should be avoided
Unix module interface is to raise exceptions on errors/exceptional conditions
so is that a yes or no lol ?
it's a "it depends". If you're about to handle exceptional cases in your own code using exceptions, you can choose when (in what layer) to handle them
for example, that code could try to reconnect a few times
if you want to handle exceptional conditions with different values, you must catch exceptions locally everywhere
it should ?
or it could let the exception fall to the previous function which may display a dialog
but that's not really ocaml way
flux__: i would think most applications try to connect once gaim firefox etc and give a timeout if no connection
its not like re connecting is going ot make it not timeout if theres no internet or no server then yea
if it timed out i would assume if teey really had a connection they would clikc re connect
I guess your GUI program will have to handle (at least) the different connected/unconnected states (maybe more, like "connection attempt", you name it)
how many autoamtic connection attempts should it try ?
so success or failure of connection will result in different changes of state
program so you can change it later anyway
i understand well if it fails i could just have it re connect and then add +1 to a global var and if it reaches the number 3 ......that means it has try's to connect 3 times and would quit
i dont really see a point in trying to re connect but i guess it would be ok
if the GUI doesn't "quit" in case of connection failure, it could also be left to the user to retry manually
looks like what other IM clients do
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pango: thats what i was saying i dont really see a point to start doing automatic connection retry most im clients you just retry connection manually
pango: but like i said you have ot have a crappy server for it to timeout on 2 connection s then connect on the third it would be slow slow
ususally the first time if it times out server is down or your connection is down
TCP already does several attempts for you anway
it does ?
yea so i dont see no point in doing that
how many does it do ........it took liek 2 minutes for it to timeout
with exponential backoff, to avoid flooding server with requests, making situation worse if the problem is that it's overloaded already
i would say 30 seconds of it timeouting would be fine
this is offtopic but i use tcp but how do you dsitinguish UDP from tcp port range ?
you don't
they're different protocols
im saying how do u specify which protocl to use
i assue i am using tcp right now
yup, ports just happen to be 16 bit values for both
port numbers that is
so what is UDP i mean how would you open a UDP connection use a higher port ?
i know UDP is not for im client i am just wondering though
so that' show things are in here, huh
i will look into it when i need it ........it was just a little curiocity zvrba
when creating you socket with PF_INET and SOCK_STREAM, you requested a streamed connection, that's why you got a TCP connection
wkh: stfw?
wkh: as for youknow365, he insulted me and several other people on #c
$ wtf stfw
STFW: search the fucking web
wkh: (got banned for it)
pango: what would be different for UDP ?
zvrba: no offense but me and C od not get along
wkh: and he's half-trolling the chan here; asking questions first w/o reading docs
wkh: therefore, STFW is more than appropriate in his case
and zvrbafor YOUR FYI if you think a simple ban would kee p someone out come on now
fine, i misjudged. sorry. there is a solution for people like him
just type /ignore youknow365
me and you both know bans do nothing ............2ndly it was a dispute between the ignorant and political bullshit
wkh: i seriously considered that
dude wtf
wkh: but I can't filter out the rest of the noise he's generating
your bringing in some bullcrap from 2 weeks ago from another channel
a /clear and we're done:
wkh: i.e. he's actually getting replies from ppl I don't want to ignore
yeah i know
that happens
irc should have votekick like in games
heh, true :)
both of you are ignorant no nothing good bastards you get envy out of banning people
oh, here he comes again
yes here i come
i NEVER said ANYthing about you
showing his true face
you did
you came at me remember ???
i directed you to read docs
you insulted me
i never asked for help in C
oh, you did
i only troll people who deserve it
like "web 2.0" marketing airheads
i think i was having problem compiling an app or something it had some crap about delminated vars
wkh: Want to see my AJAX-enabled site?
and then you started bitching about how its offtopic or something and started a whole community discuccsion .......
youknow365: by default (on Linux anyway) 5 retries are attempted, see man 7 tcp
pango: yea .....i just read that myself
zvrba: im not going ot get into any IRC flame war .........but you know how some of these ops on IRC are .........some are very nice and will ehlp you ........and the others will degrate you and ban you for their own enjoyment, those people usually suffer from no social enviroment / depression and use IRC as a tool for their pleasure , and obitz is one of those kind of people
no, he's not
i remember you ;)
you got banned because you were not civil, i.e. you said to me to "suck somebody's dick"
i just read my logs
that's more than a good reason to ban somebody
no no listen you were defedning Zhicago
* wkh
likes C better than C++
i don't care. you were behaving primitively and got banned. period.
remmeber he types like half your nick name
because i don't have the terrible feeling in the back of my mind that i'm about to stumble upon something i didn't know about. you can use C++ for years and still discover new stuff all the time. that's awful
no your wrong that was not the reason
wkh: awful?
wkh: why?
yeah. i mean something that screws you up. i want to know what's going on and i want something simple
you were defending him .........and me and ms| were commenting about how stupid he was for using an irc client that did not use Tab ........
wkh: but that, in a camouflaged form, is used as one of C++ strengths
and he called us idiots becasue we used tab and it made us lazy
**exact** reason
and twkm came in and got the last 4 comments and just banned
wkh: they just turn it around to say "you can learn pieces that you need, when you need them" :)
wkh: they just never say "ups, there is a million of them" ;)
they can take their verbosity and memory leaks and shove it
now, now, you _do_ have GC for C++ :)
huh? since when?
zvrba: just to add a little factorial inforamtion to your brain orbitz has admitted to have had mental issues and seeing doctors becasue of it .........he has talked things such as being bullied in school and never having a girl friend
he also admits he finds it enjoying banning people
I can understand why he would enjoy banning you
wkh: look for boehm gc.. it's for C and C++
oh, that. meh
seems like an instance of greenspun's 10th rule
zvrba: and please to address any moree persoanl issues between us please take it up in Pm
wkh: ?
"every sufficiently complex c or fortran program contains a slow, bug-ridden, ad-hoc implementation of half of common lisp"
ah, that :)
i've heard it zillion times :)
why doesn't c++ add some dynamic typing, something similar to but not as good as closures, maybe even some abstract syntax tree manipulation to give some of the benefits of macros except with a lot more pain
it will be so _INNOVATIVE_.
or maybe steal from the ML family instead and do smarter type inference
wkh: oh, they'll put type deduction in the next C++ :)
wkh: you'll be able to write "auto x = <expr>" instead of "vector<blah>::const_iterator x = <expr>"
for example :)
it's a good thing there are practitioners who can create some real innovation
god knows those propellerhead ivory tower pedants aren't good for anything
pango: why am i having to define a block of code as let _ = ?
youknow365: see ocaml-tutorial.org, it's related to the use of ;;
(going there now)
im just trying to have my whole connt stuff wrapped into one function
(specifically, you could use ;; instead)
is there any up or down in either way ?
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I don't understand what you mean
reading the tutorial part once again ;)
semantically it's the same
(someone corrects me if needed)
pango: im just trying to wrap my whole connection stuff up in 1 function
pango: http://phpfi.com/151790 that code works good but i dont get what let _ = is doing
once i get the connect stuff all complete ......then goes the recieving and thats where things get interesting
let ... = ... is used to define stuff, either values or functions (well, in fact functions *are* values)
let _ = expr evaluates expr and discard its value
well how can i define my whole connect function and it only run when i call it
right now anytime the script is ran it will just run everything
oooo grrrr im sounding stupid
i think its about bed time
if you define a function instead of a value, it won't be immediately evaluated, so just replacing let _ = with, say, let connect () = should do
pango: just curious but have you ever worked with openssl or Gnutls ?
well after i get alll my connection stuff done i would like to add some openssl support
im wondering if that will make me re write all this or it would be simple to plugin
I think you should try getting it working without SSL first ;)
oh yea i am :P
im just looking out for the very near future
depends whether you'll write GUI part before or after ;)
basically i wanted ot get all tcp stuff done tonight but i guess i will have ot wait till tom to get it all done .........i got sending with error support working now ....tommorrow i need to get reciving working with the use of Select which i think is a form of a poll
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i wanted to get all the tcp stuff done then the GUI
and GLIB has that function where it has a top level function it reposnds to at all timees (the gui of course) and you can set other things for it to run also
for instanct my select
however GUI programs are usually event driver, so code is organized differently
i just wanted to get connection + sending + recieving done before i do gui
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also can i statically link libraries with ocaml per say .......if i was to use SDL_AUDIO could i statically link the ocaml and c library in so the user would not have to download and install sdl audio
its very small like 300 kb
I am reading a paper about type theory. What is a "ground type"?
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mmm... hello, I'm a bioinformatics student from Italy with almost no programming skill, but interested in OCaml and functional programming <- very dummy presentation... et puis vous seraient bien tous francophones ;)
I'm coming from object oriented world. When should you use objects vs. types? i.e. a representation of a database record of the table user.
I could create a type that contains the fields in the user record and then: u.first_name, u.last_name ... I could then create functions like let user_full_name u = u.first_name ^ " " ^ u.last_name
or I could create an object to do the same thing. A bit confused.
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jeremy_c: DB row = Ocaml record :)
the simplest as it gets
zvrba: then all the associated functionality that works on the row should be functions? user_save, user_remove, find_notes_by_user user, etc ???
anyway you need some kind of DB handle, no?
so your functions take db handle and user record..
zvrba: I was hoping to make that global :-)
ew >:
you can but then your functions are overly specific
imho, it's easier to write polymorphic and general code with functions than with objects
making the db handle global?
with functions you have a potentially infinite set of methods operating on users
zvrba: but if my app only uses 1 db connection, why does it matter?
with objects, you have to modify the class each time
jeremy_c: because it easily generalizes to more than 1 db conn
it's modular, and portable between apps
_reusability_ :)
anyway, i have to go now
sadly, i can't give any reference to discussion of these issues
my personal preference are functions over "objects"
zvrba: thanks.
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hmh, apparently cygwin+ocaml+sdl is not an easy combination
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hey guys, do you think I've to read that huge O'Really book to learn OCaml? ;)
not cover to cover :)
zmdkrbou: may I skip the index?
zmdkrbou: I've already read about 50 pages... but I don't know how is this approach good
i didn't read it myself, so i wouldn't know precisely how efficient it is
they're several kinds of chapters; Some on the language itself, others about specific modules of the standard lib, others on tools (debugger, profiler,...)
pango: that's true... however the language itself is a big thing!
The most important ones are most probably the former. For chapters about tools for example, you can read them when needed
pango: Will there be any further edition?
no idea... indeed some things are missing (polymorphic variants, objects,...), and some details are no longer true
pango: included french-only...
pango: ouff
the details that are no longer true are in general restrictions that have been since then lifted
(I'm thinking of the chapter on monomorphic constraints; They're some more anecdotical, for example on pattern matching)
pango: because OCaml 4 doesn't exist yet ;)
for now they're working on 3.10... Don't know if they're plans for a v4 ;)
pango: but I think the wiki tutorial has some details...
yes, but I like the book style better
pango: I had translated a few wiki pages in italian
just translated one in french ;)
it's quite time consuming
;) and I had some issue about wiki naming conventions!
oh yes... too time-consuming
was wondering when I would see the end of that d*mn page ;)
pango: the page about recursion seems like an infinite loop
pango: however, the tutorial has a bunch of nice exemples
I think it can give "a taste of ocaml", and veterans may find small gems here and there... But inbetween, for the "real" learning phase, I'm not sure it's the best resource
pango: right
pango: I was wondering weither it might be useful to view some real code... I was looking for something simple
I'd search in libraries sources... For one, it's supposed to be written for reuse ;)
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standard libraries, but also third parties, I'm sure there's a lot of readable code in 3rd parties too
which ones are considered "good style" is a more difficult question
I'm a bioinformatics student... But i see that biocaml isn't maintained anymore :(
it's your chance! ;)
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pango: For sure ;) but it happens that it's a bit complicated to understand for me...
most importantly, bioperl/biopython/biofoo are big libraries
I think an IRC channel is very good for the kind of support I 'm looking for
I'm with you :)
(so escape if you can :) )
I'm not *always* in front of the keyboard, but when I am, I enjoy answering questions, specially when I know the answer :)
pango: :)
pango: but i must rtfm!
please do ;) I guess the ora book explains many things better than I could, even if I had the time
eheh! and the reference manual? it's almost up-to-date i think, at least...
yes, it's updated... but it really looks like a reference manual, even with "user manual" written on the cover
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pango: "dry" documentation hai its advantages too... hmm... but thanks for all your hints!
hai -> has
sure, just not designed for learning
whether the ora book will be updated is actually a question I wondered myself, because I think it still has no challenger for its specific role
hm. opps. TextMate is too slick. that wasn't meant to be pasted yet :-/
pango: n8
However, in that, I want to make "original" be a user_rec or None. I am not sure how to do that.
pango: (I think that's important!)
jeremy_c: I'm a new-newbie sorry...
luca83: ?
I tried type user = User of user_rec | None ; but it's a recursive definition, in regards to who get's defined first? type user needs user_rec defined, but user_rec needs user defined.
Maybe add "rec" after "type" in the paste?
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(I'm pretty new to OCaml too, thought)
pango: do you ever sleep ?
TSC: it'll relate to itself, no need for rec. Problem is that I want it to be itself or None. Not sure how to accomplish that.
well for my tcp connection .......no one wouldnt happen to kknow what a successful tcp connection throws do you ? like ETIMEOUT - ECONNREFUSED im tryingto figure out what successful is