val print_board : [< `B | `E | `O | `X] -> unit = <fun>
# let me = `X;;
val me : [> `X] = `X
# print_player me;;
x- : unit = ()
# print_board me;;
x- : unit = ()
X is not defined as a variant!
is that the major dinstinction? no need to declare it in a sum type?
You can but you don#t have too.
# type player = [`O | `X];;
type player = [ `O | `X]
whats the < mean?
# let print_player = function (`X : player) -> print_char 'x' | `O -> print_char 'o';;
val print_player : player -> unit = <fun>
why would you ever want to use non polymorphic variants?
palomer: [< `O | `X] means that it can be `X | `O (a player) or anything less.
Like [> `X]
polymorphic variants just have to be subsets to be valid arguments to a function.
they're a million times more flexible than normal variants!
what's the tradeoff?
polymorphic variants use hashes to match. That can be faster or slower than normal variants.
so it's speed
# let print_player = function `X -> print_char 'x' | `O -> print_char 'o' | _ -> assert false;;
val print_player : [> `O | `X] -> unit = <fun>
# print_player `FOO;;
Exception: Assert_failure ("", 79, 91).
Also the type can be pretty loose.
can you do something like let x = `X::x ;; let x = `Y::x;; ?
so you lose some type safety along the way
# let x = [];;
val x : 'a list = []
# let x = `X::x ;;
val x : [> `X] list = [`X]
# let x = `Y::x;;
val x : [> `X | `Y] list = [`Y; `X]
so the rule is only use polymorhic variants when needed
so as to take advantage of type safety
palomer: You don#t loose type safety. You just have a different idea of types.
you can insert any polymorphic type in x!
You can write a function that takes A | B | any other
if it was non polymorphic, you'd be restricted to the variants in a specific sum type
You can also restrict the type to a certain set
how would you write a function that takes A | B | any other?
I thought constructors were unique!
The main advantage would be to include objects of a smaller set in a larger set.
They are.
how do you restrict polymorphic variant functions to sets?
or lists
or any containers for that matter
type player = [`O | `X];;
let print_player = function (`X : player) -> print_char 'x' | `O -> print_char 'o';;
# print_player `E;;
This expression has type [> `E] but is here used with type
player = [ `O | `X]
ahh, gotcha
Thats why you have [ ], [< ] and [> ]
docelic|away is now known as docelic
`E is a set that include `E and possibly more.
type [> `E]
The player type would be just the two variants.
[> `E] may include more?
[ `E ] would just include E?
what would [< `E ] include?
It is valid for all functions that have a `E in their set.
palomer: `E or anything smaller.
Which doesn#t realy make sense.
> means anything greater?
variants are ordered?
# let foo = function `E -> 0 | `F -> 1;;
val foo : [< `E | `F] -> int = <fun>
foo acepts `E, `F and `E|`F types.
ohmy, you can union them?
smaller meaning subset.
* palomer
kills self
con you union normal variants?
palomer: No, only typewise.
type player = [`O | `X];;
what's the use of naming your types?
# type only_E = [ `E ] and only_F = [ `F ] and both = [ `E | `F ];;
type only_E = [ `E]
type only_F = [ `F]
type both = [ `E | `F]
just shortcuts for restricting types.
ok, how do you use those types now?
# let foo (x : both) = match x with `E -> 0 | `F -> 1;;
val foo : both -> int = <fun>
just like any other type.
You can also cast polymorphic types:
# let an_E = (`E : only_E);;
val an_E : only_E = `E
# foo (an_E :> both);;
- : int = 0
That way you can grow some variant types by some more values without rewriting all the function.
so is there a distinction between a function that takes [< `E | `F ] and one who takes [ `E | `F ]?
would i use it any differently?
# let foo = function `E -> 0 | `F -> 1 and bar (x : both) = match x with `E -> 0 | `F -> 1;;
val foo : [< `E | `F] -> int = <fun>
val bar : both -> int = <fun>
both being [ `E | `F ] from above.
# foo an_E;;
- : int = 0
# bar an_E;;
This expression has type only_E = [ `E] but is here used with type
both = [ `E | `F]
The first variant type does not allow tag(s) `F
[ `E ] doesn't fit a [ `E | `F ]
its smaller.
# `E;;
- : [> `E] = `E
# bar `E;;
- : int = 0
[> `E] fits [ `E | `F ] because that `E or more.
You can restrict your types and functions to subsets, exact matches or supersets.
ahh, gotcha
where is an_e defined?
Back to the game example. A path finding function would only need to know where the board is empty. You would type it as [> `E ] board -> path
# let an_E = (`E : only_E);;
val an_E : only_E = `E
The pathfinding function would work with anything that has `E on its board to declare empty fields.
One function and it works with just `X and `O or with `Blocks or a set of 1000 different pieces.
why would you vere want to limit the type of a variable to a subset?
so that it never becomes the input of a function that takes the strict set?
If you have multiple groups of polymorphic variants.
ahhh, starting to understand
Like colors and fruits and smells.
so a function that takes player piece info would be foo = function (x:black_or_white)
while one that takes board pices would be (x:black_or_white_or_empty_or_blocked)
type colors = [ `Red; `Green`; `Yellow; `Blue; ] and traffic_light_colors = [ `Red; `Yellow; `Green; ]
palomer: yes.
so it's a safety mechanism
starting to understand
But you probably would want to allow players to be used as board pices.
so [< ... ] for board piece.
But that allways depends and what you need.
so that's what naming sum types is good for!
mrvn, you rock
The naming is just so you don't allways have to type it.
(x : player) is somewhat more readable than (x : [ `X | `Y ])
so optional arguments are polymorhic, with [> `None ; `Sum ] ?
optional arguments?
let foo ?x = function None -> 3 ; Some -> 4;;
No, they are just plain option types.
?x saves you from using None | Some x
Thats just syntactic suggar
option types?
# let x = Some 1;;
val x : int option = Some 1
?x is just a normal option.
haven't seem option types
# type 'a option = None | Some of 'a;;
type 'a option = None | Some of 'a
Its a buildin variant type.
so option is a sum type
this is getting interesting:o
But since you need it so often its predefined
so methods are slow binding right?
meaning I can change the method of a class
of an object I should say
And its called variant or enumerated types if all alternatives are constants
How would you change the method of an object?
do you mean virtual functions or function overloading?
let foo = object method bar = foobar;;
let barfoo = new foo;;
can I change barfoo.bar?
1 sec, lemme look it up
first its not mutable and second I don't think methods can be.
ahh, it was that methods used within methods are slow binding
# class foo = object method bar = "bar" end;;
# class foobar = object inherit foo method bar = "foobar" end;;
# let foo = new foo and foobar = new foobar;;
let foo = object method bar x = a x ; a x -> 3;; let foobar = object inherit foo method a x -> 4;;
# let l = [ foo; foobar];;
# List.map (fun x -> x#bar) l;;
- : string list = ["bar"; "foobar"]
I mean method calls within methods
palomer: What language is that?
Certainly nothing my ocaml compiles.
But I think what you try to say is that methods are dispatched through a virtual table.
method bar x = self#a
there we go
doesn't that slow things down?
# class foo = object method foo = 0 end;;
Thats the same as
# type foo = { foo : unit -> int; };;
# let make_foo = { foo = fun () -> 0; };;
It means that you have to lookup a function pointer each time a function is called.
Usually its slower.
Thats one thing I don't quite like in ocaml.
ocaml is speedy quick!
But its cleaner.
palomer: amasingly speedy usually.
I don't know how:o
so what don't you like
That all methods are dispatched through a function table.
like java
unlike c++ and c#
more like C++
is what I would like
for speed reasons?
In C++ you can say that method is virtual or static.
Speedier and sometimes you don't want other classes to mess up your interface.
e.g. if you have a public method that used internally. Every other class can inherit you and change the method.
so theres no way of not using the virtual table?
not for public method.
you could define a method relative to a private value, can't you?
class foo = let bar () = "bar" in object method blub = bar () end
bar is just like any other value.
there you do
I mean there you go
But from ouside the class you still have to use foo#blub
ahh, and it can be overwritten
blub can but bar not.
you can also make methods private. That should keep them save.
not sure on that one though.
so how about (pseudocodish) class foo = private val bar = fun x -> x+2 ; method blub = bar;;?
where blub is public
palomer: val is private anyway
class foo = object val x = 0 end, you will never get the x out of the class.
ahh yes
so class foo = val bar = fun x -> x+2 ; method blub = bar;;
Actually that not true. YOu can get the x out of foo:
# class bar = object inherit foo method bar = x end;;
So val is only protected
But without mutable it can't be changed.
bar isn't a method!
what im saying is that instead of having public functions calling public functions, if you want the interface to be the same you have public methods only calling private methods
or private values
more to type and still slower than static functions.
But its fast enough anyway.
My programs usually run only for seconds or for many hours. A 10% doesn#t realy matter much if it runs overnight anyway.
s/10%/10% speed increase/
what's your favourite programming language?
currently ocaml
more than haskell?
never used haskell much.
no compiler for alpha (in Debian) for example.
haskell won't compile in gcc3.2
well thanks a bunch mrvw
back to analysis
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palomer: ghc compiles fine here
ok, this is not debian, but still
doublechecks this right now
ah, my distro uses 4.08 to bootstrap
ahh, I guess I remembered wrong. Doesn't compile here ;-/
another roadblock
heh, I like haskell more than ocaml D:
what does [> a b ] mean?
polymorphic variant, containing those two types and possibly more?
just guessing :|
they aren't polymorphic!
that's what I don't understand
using backticks when referencing the variants?
backticks indicate polymorphic variants
class container_signals : [> Gtk.container] Gtk.obj -> object end
what does that mean:o?
er, might mean something different in that context
I don't know lablgtk, so I'm not sure offhand