Never thought ocaml would switchs thread after each char of a string during output.
Is there any way to get a in_channel non blocking?
Or to get the file_descr of it?
* taw
doesn't know
Do you know what realy_input does with the partially read chars upon End_of_file?
i can no slighties idea
how to make float +Inf ?
Float.Inf ?
Damn, really_input reads the chars into the string and removes them from the input.
Is there an ftp client/module/class in ocaml somewhere?
ocaml optimizing compiler is really bad
i have made so brilliant optimalizations and it didn't make any difference :-P
I thought it was a pretty good optimizing compiler.
As free compilers go
it was too good ;)
this time
it already optimized what i thought i'd have to do by hand
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mrvn: if Smerdyakov was around, he would tell you and ftp client is so easy there is no need for a pre-made module -- you could have written in the time you have been asking :p
no CPAN for ocaml ?
we should make some CPAN and some way to write one-liners in ocaml
that's the easiest way to promote the language
the closest thing I have seen to CAPN is cdk, (camel development kit) but it seems to be unmaintained
cpan ... mainained ... ;)
yeah right ;)
cdk seems nice start for me
alot of the stuff wanted ocaml 2.x ...
but I have pulled a few pieces from extlibs
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some preprocessor for one-liners would be nice too
supposedly you need the #!/usr/bin/ocamlrun part because /usr/bin/ocaml might be a script and you can't do #!/bin/some_script or something silly
but /usr/bin/ocaml isn't a script on my system, so maybe that was in ocaml 2.x or something...
you will also need to do: #directory "+unix"
why ?
and #load "unix.cma"
if you want to use the Unix module (for example)
interactive ocaml should have simpler syntax
like use Unix;
* taw
wants perlcaml ;)
you can't specify the link flags on the #!/usr/bin/ocamlrun line..
we would need something more anyway
to do that
any, I have written several ocamlscripts so it does work
put that in your .emacs file if you are an emacs user
and use tuareg-mode
i use tuareg-mode ...
why do i need that ?
normally tuareg mode will only load if the file ends in .ml (which scripts usually don't) or if the first line contains -*-tuareg-*-
with that line, emacs will see the #! and the ocamlrun on the first line and realize it is an ocaml script
huh ?
tuareg ?
oh, that was "or"
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stepcut: Ever read the ftc RFC?
ftp even
mrvn: the one that makes you think "I want some of that weed, too"?
No, the one where you think "That weed must have ben rotten"
Who thinks about filetransfers between a 3 bit system and 17 bit system?
Transfering the file in chunks of 666 bytes.
Of cause noon ever uses chunk mode or non 8-bit transferes but its still there.
There should be a new one, which everybody can reasonably implement to 100%
bah. Sometimes it would be nice if strings were simple a list of characters
Try Haskell =D
Smerdyakov: I noramlly do
stepcut: how would you access character nr. 666 then? walk the whole list?
mellum: yep :)
Great idea.
mellum: i said sometimes, not all the time.
stepcut: well, then just write a function to convert it
mellum: i am...
I was suprised that such a function did not already exist in the Strings module, that's all...
mellum: Strings are continous in ocaml but it still dumps them one at a time to the terminal instead of woing a simple write on the buffer.
strings as a char list is good if you have a recursive function that is generating the string and you don't know how long the string will be ahead of time...
stepcut: use streams
or generate a char list and convert it at the end
stepcut: there was a discussion about this very question on the mailing list recently. The function is not there because char list simply is an awkward representation of a string.
char lists take 16 times the space of a string.
or even 24
mrvn: so?
Thats just too much
* Riastradh
wonders how mrvn comes to that conclusion...
a wav file is 10 or 20 times bigger than an mp3, but that doesn't mean I don't want both
Riastradh: 1 tag because its a record, 1 value for the char and 1 value for the next list. 24 Bytes.
stepcut: wav and mp3 aren't the same.
neither are a string and a char list
stepcut: contentwise they are
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whatever, saying 'png' and 'uncompressed' images then
By the way, if strings would be char lists, what would you use to interface with the c libraries as buffers?
mrnv: dunno. I am just used to it being that way from Haskell -- normally I don't care that much except for this one function
But there should be a explode and implode function, a to_list and from_list
just like with arrays.
mrnv: that's all I wanted -- a function to convert between char list and strings...
i finished writing it too :)
let explode s = let len = String.length s in let rec loop accu = function 0 -> s.[0]::accu | n -> loop (s.[n]::accu) (n-1) in loop (len-1)
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does it take alot more time/mem to do: list @ [new_elemnt] than new_element::list ?
ie. append a single element to the end of a list instead of the beginning?
list @ elem creates a completly new list doubling the memory requirement.
(each time its done)
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is it better to generate the list backwards, and then call reverse at the end then?
Way better for anything longer than say 10 elements