Yes, but it isn't quite the same thing: if you have a 2D point module with type 't' that describes 2D points, and a 3D point that includes the 2D points and has a type 't' that describes 3D points, are 3D points still 2D points? Can you call a function 'getPointX' on 3D points if it was originally defined on 2D points?
have a functor like MakePointOperations
Wouldn't it just be easier to have a class?
("fields" is my list of strings) ...and it's working, except that i have an extra comma at the head of the resulting string
is there a more efficient/idiomatic way to do this? or am i going to have to lop the comma off the head of the list manually in a post-processing step?
pattern_: String.concat "," string_list
ahhh :)
i knew there must be something
Allways read the Modules docs for such functions
i'll use String.concat, then... but how would i do it if it didn't exist?
yes, i was looking in the "str" module... but didn't check the "string" module
and i looked in the "list" module too
let rec loop = function [] -> "" | x::[] -> x | x::xs -> x ^ "," ^ (loop xs)
Or better: sum up the number of strings - 1 and the length of each string. Create a big string of that size.
cool :)
Then copy all strings into the big strings with "," inbetween
i can also probably look in the source of the String module
Do that and tell us how they did it.
i will
but i have a question about your 2nd solution
you'd have to also add in the number of commas to that total, right? and then you'd still be stuck with handling the extra comma, right?
oh, nevermind... the number of strings - 1 is the number of commas
i like your solution, mrvn... a pattern for each of the corner cases, and recursion on the rest
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in the code that calls my function "parse_file" i get a compilation error: "This expression has type unit but is here used with type day list list"
let parse_file filename =
let input_file = open_in filename in
let days = parse_channel input_file in
close_in input_file ;;
now, parse_file should be returning a unit, because close_in returns a unit, right?
but it looks like parse_file is returning "day list list", which is the return value of parse_channel... why?
i think i may have figured it out: the problem isn't really with parse_file, but with another line that calls parse_channel
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though i'm not sure, because i'm now getting syntax errors elsewhere :(
here is something else i am puzzled by:
let foo = "a" in
if foo = "a" then begin
let baz = "b"
print_newline ()
this gives me a syntax error, but if i omit the "let baz" line, it compiles fine... it seems like i can't use "let" in a begin ... end construct
is that right?
hmm... think i figured it out: the "let baz" line needs an "in"
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when I do List.fold_right insert ls.l { l = [];ord_fn = ls.ord.fn;is_in_order = true} how does ocaml know how to iterate through that type?
palomer: I don't think that would work at all
it's the code at oreilly's
ah wait, nm
I get it
ocaml is twisting my brain!
isn't it great? :)
Fold rules.
(although fold_right should be avoided)
Because it's not tail recursive.
so it's slow?
btw what does type word = string mean?
It also takes stack memory
I've only seen consructors and records, and that looks like neither
palomer: it introduces a new type, which is in this case just an alias for string
like typedef in C
so each time ocaml sees a string it'll thing it's a word?
Huh? no.
so whats the use of typedefing a type?
You can define functions that take and return "word". Then later you can change the type to, say, char array, without breaking the interface.
but if I hadn't typedef'd, I would have returned a string instead
which can also type to a char array
unless you have things like (a:word), I don't see the use
man ocaml is huge
it's bigger than c++!
whats the norm when specifying parameters?
elements firsts in the list or lists firsts?
what about functions, do they go before everyone else?
Heh, Ocaml certainly isn't as huge as C++
The C++ standard has 776 pages
Arguments are usually orderd so currying is more useful
currying is parameter order dependant?
So the more fundamental, less changing arguments come first
let x = fun a b c -> match c with...
so functions functions first, lists second. and elements third
hrm, why is bad style to do (a,b) when a = b ... | (a,b) when a<b ... | (a,b) when b > a?
An if yould seem clearer here
the compiler is telling me it's bad style
Warning: Bad style, all clauses in this pattern-matching are guarded.
how do I avoid super nested if statements?
seems that I have no choice in ocaml
palomer: (a=0)&&(b=0) instead of if (a=0) then if (b=0) ...
or subfunctions
I don't see why that's 'bad style.'
isn't there a case construct or something
like the when statements that's a bad style:o
that would make my code much more readable
mrvn: will the compiler optimize it?
There's nothing like a 'cond' expression in OCaml except for 'match,' so it would be your only choice if you didn't use multitudes of 'if' expressions, which I would say are worse style.
eh oh, not quite a standard =)
emu, it's as close to a standard as there is.
the reason my if statements are super nested is because I'm forced to return something in my else statement
it won't let me just follow through
time for a competition!
who can code the most elegant binary search, heres my entry
let bin_search = fun ls elem ->
let rec bin_search_rec = fun start finish -> match (start,finish,(start+finish)/2) with
(s,f,_) when s = f - 1 -> if nth ls s = elem then true else false
| (s,f,_) when s > f - 1 -> false
| (s,f,mid) when s < f - 1 && nth ls mid = elem -> true
| (s,f,mid) when s < f - 1 && nth ls mid < elem -> bin_search_rec mid f
| (s,_,mid) -> bin_search_rec s mid
bin_search_rec 0 (list_length ls);;
I don't know the ocaml std function for list_length or nth so I made my own
which means my function runs in n * ln n
but don't let that bother you:o
why are you using anything like nth
# (Array.make 3 1).(1);;
dichotomic search is binary search ?
binary search is a kind of dichotomic search, though others exist im sure
so is my binary searh pretty?
oc can it be done in a more elegant fashion?
someone should fix ocaml.org so that it redirects to www.ocaml.org
yes, pretty, although you could have 'let bin_search ls elem = ...' and 'when s = f - 1 -> nth ls s = elem'
also using arrays to reduce time complexity to ln n
binary search on lists is pretty useless:o
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I'm having trouble understanding recursive types
type int_or_char_list =
| Int_cons of int * int_or_char_list
| Char_cons of char * int_or_char_list ;;
Int_cons is a constructor...
hrm, I guess that makes sense...
Seems so different though
why would you want to do that!?
as an example, heh
you can get a list of ints or chars with something like that
A variant of it would be useful in the 'Banana' protocol.
is it really a list?
looks like a super tuple
Yes, it is really a list: it is a collection of linked pairs.
palomer: lists are tuples of 'a * 'a list
palomer: or []
so it would be let 'a list = Nil | 'a * 'a list ?
need a constructor for that second part
type 'a list = Nil | Cons of 'a * 'a list
Pseudo-code: type 'a list = [] | 'a :: 'a list
and can constructors do anymore then give the ability to differentiate between elements of a type?
or help in matching
palomer: The Constructor is there to differentiate. It becomes an int in the implementation.
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In C that would be like enum list_type = {NIL, CONS}; struct 'a list { list_type type; ['a val; 'a *next;] }, let [] only beeing present for CONS
You have to allays use the constructor so ocaml knows that to fill in or match against for the list_type
so constructors are there for matching
* emu
masters functors!
you can compare C's union type as a very unsafe version of ML's sum/disjoint types
plus you have to implement tagging yourself in a union
or just assume you know what you're doing
(your program won't, and will crash =)
now to take over the world
so now i'm supposed to do something interesting...
functors in c++
or functors in mathematics?
so lemme get this straight, lists are pairs of pairs of pairs of pairs... ?
functors in OCAML
Not necessarily.
but I was talking about something different the next line
X lists are pairs of X and X lists, which are pairs of X and X lists, etc., or nil.
lists are built up out of little structures named conses which have a place for an item and a place for the "next" cons
so they're pairs of pairs of pairs
of pairs
lists are pairs of X and X lists, and X lists are pairs of X lists
'Pairs of pairs' indicates, where 'Pair' is a function that creates a pair of its two arguments, 'Pair(<some pair>, <some other pair>)'.
type 'a PAIR = First of 'a | Rest of 'a PAIR
Uh, no. That's a pair of an integer and a pair.
A pair of an integer _AND_ a pair.
ah yes ,there is a distinction
* emu
goes disjoint
does that mean I can pass 2,(3,(4,Nil)) insead of a list if I wish to?
you use 2 :: 3 :: 4 :: []
Sure, that has a type: int * (int * (int * 'a list))
alternatively [2;3;4]
It's rather silly when compared to lists, though.
oh wait, are we teaching him about tuples or lists?
the equivalence of it
there is no equivalence
they are different data types
a list is a pair
this gets a little confusing due to some terminology conflation
some people call conses pairs
other people call 2-element tuples pairs
they aren't the same
yhea, ocaml won't let me pass a pair to a function that needs a list
stop using the word pair
and just use 'cons' or 'tuple', for clarity
so which do you mean?
from now on pair=2 element tuple
so (1, 2)
marklar: marklar use marklar for marklar and marklar to avoid marklar with marklar and marklar.
tuples are not lists
but a list is a tuple!
no it is NOT
not in Ocaml
you can represent a list using a bunch of tuples, but they're not that way here
so it's a built in
lists are a built-in type
[] is a list
it is the empty list
1 :: [] is a list
it is a list with one element
now keep building from there =)
x :: a_list is a list
if x has type t, then a_list must have type t list
so we can't define a list type as such
type 'a list = Nil | 'a * 'a list;;
you can make your own 'list type' but it won't inter-operate with the normal lists
not quite
type 'a list = Nil | Cons of 'a * 'a list;;
ah yes
need to have a constructor for disjoint types
Disjoint types?
because a variable of a disjoint type can only have one of the possibilities at any one time
it's either Nil, or it's Cons ..., not both
so that's what constructors do!!
they should change the name to differentiators
what would happen if we left out the constructor?
they're also called variant types I think too
it wouldn't work
yes, those things are called variants
from now on they're variants
no more constructor pishposh
seems that OCAML manual refers to them as variant types
stupid oreilly!
there's also polymorphic variants, which are neat
does polymorphism incure a performance hit?
it can
but the compiler handles most of that, so not always
For example if you have a game with fileds of NIL, X and O and the player `X and `O
palomer: polymorphism doesn't cost any time. But non polymorphic methods could be implemented fasterby making them static
ah, gotcha
all is resolved at compile-time anyway
polymorphism is parametric only in ML
class foo = object method foo = () end
If you call foo#foo it has to lookup the foo method in the virtual table for the object. In C++ the function would be static and you would just jump to the address.
emu: all oject methods are resolved at runtime thorugh the virtual table.
ahh, so things aren't static by default
mrvn: how does the comiler know which method to call?
mrvn: emu's referring to a different polymorphism
afaik ocaml doesn't have a static keyword. Could be that making methods private makes them static too.
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what exactly is ()?
the only value of the unit type
is that like void?
or is it like Object:o
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Yes, it's what OCaml uses in the place of C's 'void.'
Its more like NULL
Its a value, not a type
NULL is an int
type unit = ()
it's 0
same a type bla = Foo
i would say the equivalent of NULL is None in the option type
yeah, C++ doesn't have ()
Where C would return void, OCaml would return unit.
() is the void in int foo(void)
Where C functions would take a void number of arguments, OCaml functions would take a unit argument.
so what does let () = print_string "BRAVO" mean?
but unit has one value
whereas a true void 0-type would not
() is used to basically say "this is a function that takes no parameters" or "returns no value"
you don't need it in c because returning values is explicit
but it is used when nothing else is needed, yes
Yes, emu, that's why I said 'what OCaml uses in the place of,' not 'OCaml's "void."'
and one of my speakers died. argh.
why not just do print_string "BRAVO"?
palomer: same as type foo = Foo let foo () = Foo let Foo = foo ()
go learn that, and complain that ocaml contains too many paradigms :)
oz is freaky
simplicity is always best!
the idea is to use the design that fits the problem best
tell me palomer
do you want to use a language that you have to do everything yourself in?
or would you prefer to have features available when you need them?
Or a language where the semantics are simple, but with a huge library?
Er, a language that is by itself very simple, rather.
what's a library?
Bloody Common Lisp programmer.
look, just cuz we can extend the language with more ease than C programmers can write libraries...
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no reason to get all prickly :-P
'Extend the language?' You mean add more to the standard?
Or do you mean just make use of a very extensible language?
since you can extend the language in a standard way...
i.e., one with a full MOP, for example.
you don't need MOP to have extensibility
it just would be nice if that was standard too, sigh
Yes, but it helps.
in any case
the main point was that you only use what you need
MOP = MetaObject Protocol
In CLOS, classes are really instances of the class 'standard-class,' which is an instance of itself.
so a large language is no detriment to use
You can subclass 'standard-class' to extend CLOS.
isn't ml the meta language, and doesn't that imply it has everything meta?
palomer: no, it was the meta language of some odd theorem prover way back
No, it was just designed to implement compilers.
the name stuck
a mathemitician actually proved his theorems in ml?
Riastradh: so it's good for compiler design?
palomer, the OCaml compiler is, last I checked, written in OCaml.
most decent compilers are self-hosted
Riastradh: whoa, no wonder it kicks ass
admittedly, I wouldn't want to write a C compiler in C
how does it boot strap?
but there are people who do..
a couple of ways
gcc is written in C
i don't remember how ocaml does it
i think ocaml builds a mini-compiler which compilers the rest
There's probably a minimal binary distribution, or a tiny compiler written in C.
I seem to recall 3 stages
the bytecode interpreter is written in C
I once compiled the debian source package
gcc bootstraps off of the host's C compiler by building a mini-C compiler with that
hrm, there should be a single compilable programming language and all the other programming languages just transform themselves into that programming language to be compiled
cmucl bootstraps off of prior versions of cmucl. sbcl is attempting to be buildable by any ANSI CL.
It's called 'assembly language,' except it varies from platform to platform.
JVM attempted too
JVM is a piece of crap
palomer: yes!
we should do it in stages
palomer: there should be one single language
it does not handle langauges with decent semantics well
like have assembly, then c, then all the rest
the .NET bytecode
.NET bytecode suffers all the same problems because MS ripped off Java without even bothering to improve
so that all the optimizations need only be from c to assembly
I don't really use the OO things in ocaml much, heh
can ocaml use printf to infer types ?
it seemed to infer a string from: method draw = Printf.printf "I'm a %s foo!\n" color
# Printf.printf "%d";;
- : int -> unit = <fun>
Otherwise it wouldn't be typesave.
so Printf.printf is done at compile time ?
it doesnt actually parse the string at execution ?
yes, you can't use a non-constant format string
det: yep. Thats why it must be a const string
a literal
ohh, yay efficiency :)
it seems noone here is really interested in ocaml's OO stuff
if I wanted to write some kind of game where future type could be added (so I couldn't use variants) that supported some kind of "draw" function, OO is the only way to go in ocaml ?
like keep a bunch of items in a list of different, unknown types, and then "draw" them all
one more thing, this compiles to 173056 bytes (using opt), is most of that a one-time ocaml overhead (GC etc.. of maybe~150 k) and not that this compiled a huge binary for what there is ?
yeah, most of that is the basics
if not all
ahh, thanks
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argh, computer died
is there any way to put all that "basic stuff" in a shared library so I dont have to pay a "binary tax" if I include several binaries with a distribution ?