or at least the o'reilly book and the manual
Shouldn't it be "\|" ?
is the o'reilly book free?
"\\|" is \ or epsilon
yes, it's online
what I linked to is a section of it
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is it a good book?
mrvn: epsilon?
... oh, Str.regexp "|" generates a working regexp
the empty regexp
how come? shouldn't the | be interpreted as an Or?
check the docs :P
I think its a special case for when | is the first char
\| (infix) alternative between two expressions
oh, hah
that's silly :-)
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hrm, theres like 2 million ways to define a function, which way is considered the best?
whatever fits the situation
if you're going and writing a function like let blah x = match x with ..., then you should probably do a let blah = function ...
but with more than one argument, it's normally easier to follow currying
whats the differecnce between let foo j = j + 1 or let foo = fun j -> j + 1 ?
let f x = ... when you define a named function, fun x -> ... for lambdas, function | 0 -> "zero" | 1 -> "one" for matchers
palomer: nothing, really
palomer: technically, probably none.
so which is better to use?
oreilly says the latter is legacy
for named functions, the former
it doesn't matter, they're the same thing in the end
if you've got a function dealing with one argument, it's usually easier to use the function syntax
If you're learning OCaml you should probably use the 'fun x -> blah', just to remind yourself that functions are ordinary values just like anything else.
yeah, you won't see any impact at all on the performance, behavior, heck, it'll probably generate the exact same code in both ways.
but the latter is shorter to write:o
not always
The latter can be shorter, but when you're learning, it's better to learn the fundamentals and not syntactic sugar.
let blah x y = x + y is also let blah = function x -> function y -> x + y
it depends on what you want to do with the arguments as to which is easier
With 'function' you have to display the currying, while with 'fun' you can just do: fun x y -> x + y , right?
The proper[tm] functional way is let foo = function j -> j + 1
fun x y -> ... is a shortcut for function x -> function y ->
OK, that's what I thought.
and let foo x y is a shortcut for let foo = fun x y ->
But thats only defined that way with ocaml
So, when you're learning, it's best to use 'function' and not 'fun' and definitely not 'let f g h = blah'.
Riastradh: nah, that takes all the fun out of it
mrvn - Arrgh!
.oO( not the word play on "fun" :)
there's a book coming out called "the fun of programming", about functional programming :)
Yes, that's what I was saying 'Arrgh' about.
My university professor said that ocaml is a lot of "fun", we would soon see that.
i guess those functions exist on pretty much every platform anyway
with camlp4 you can do the same :)
mattam - Apparently the hackers do.
They painted a giant ring around the great dome!
gah, my paste is screwy
but that's entirely wrong syntax phubuh :)
i never said that was haskell! it is in fact my own language that automatically adjusts itself to my typing errors
quicksort (x:xs) = quicksort [ y | y <- xs, y < x] ++ [x] ++ quicksort [y | y <- xs, y >= x]
the function is at the beggining of the introduction on haskell.org IIRC
Wouldn't that quicksort be somewhat slow?
it's a shame ocaml has no list comprehension sugar :\
Riastradh: yes, of course
they show the optimisation in C after
but it's really easy to understand
I think that comparison is unfair
they should have shown the recursive C version
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which is much more elegant
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still, it's C :)
the haskell version will sort anything that's Ord
not limited to integers, or whatever
the point was to show that making it more efficient is possible but not very useful for your functions, especially considering readability and safety
and thats where c++ comes in
meh, c++ is overkill
mattam: I think the point was to convince people that haskell is better
that is the correct conclusion, yes
what does List.tl do?
return the list without the head..
List.tl [1; 2; 3] (* --> [2; 3] *)
so it's like cdr
the oreilly book just slams you right away with lists without warning
* Riastradh
read the introduction in the manual.
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hee hee
let tod = (Unix.localtime (Unix.gettimeofday ())) in
let date = tod.Unix.tm_hour * 60 + tod.Unix.tm_min in
(List.filter (function ((s,e),n,d) -> s <= date && e > date) (List.flatten (List.map (fun ch -> get_shows_on_channel ch) [Svt1; Svt2; Tv3; Tv4; Kanal5; Ztv])))
hooray for readability
Are you parsing some online TV programm?
open List
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open Unix too
Why? open sucks. That pollutes the namespace
not so much for List
So what if you have List and Array?
you've got to choose
I prefer the Module name.
Any idea why Unix.set_nonblock on win32 uses threads when win32 supports blocking on sockets ?
usually I open List since I know i'll have lots of map's and filter's and iter's
(not sure if that was a repeat, my irc client is screwing up)
I never open modules.
s/blocking/ Non-blocking/
that's harder to read when you have lots of List. on one line
* Riastradh
hrms at the Tuareg mode.
Or, better, at Emacs.
it'd be nice if there were a local version of open
there is, but not in 3.06
where you could open modules for some scope, and only there
it's in cvs?
not sure, it's on alain frish's homepage
never saw it in changes, wonder when that one made it D:
oh, heh
Riastradh: what's this hrm ?
It isn't recognising .ml files as Caml files.
In my .emacs I've got:
(push (expand-file-name "~/elisp/tuareg-mode") load-path ; that's where the Tuareg mode files are
at the very least, it's much easier than dealing with the annoyances of allocating structs and etc
phubuh: neat, but it doesnt give me a chance to set it non_blocking (which might I add uses threads on win32 when win32 easily suport non-blocking sockets :( )
oh, Unix.inet_addr_of_string is perfect
haha, my TV viewing program thingy takes about three seconds to download, parse, and output the swedish TV listings, while the official client takes like half a minute just to download it
my evil plan is to make this thing easily used from the shell, and then make some glue in elisp
wow, your program must have a better inet connection
This expression has type int -> Unix.file_descr but is here used with type
that makes a lot of sense
Uh, yes, it does. It takes a function that takes an int and returns a Unix.file_descr, but is passed instead a Unix.file_descr.
oh, partial application woes
* Riastradh
curses at Emacs.
val send : file_descr -> string -> int -> int -> msg_flag list -> int
all they say is "send some data over a socket"
sounds good to me!
but I believe the first int is offset and the second is length
pfft, they should just String.length :)
it may be easier to get a channel out of the file descriptors and deal with that
oh do you "write" to a channel ?
s/oh/oh, how/
you't use the output functions
check docs for Pervasives for channel functions
- : out_channel -> string -> int -> int -> unit = <fun>
heh heh, there are those 2 ints again :)
there's output_string :P
great :)
do someone ever used the sendto and recvto primitives in C or caml ?
Now it works.
Riastradh: You probfably weren't holding your mouth right.
the Unix module supports them
and I can't type :(
I don't exactly understand how it works (In analogy to TCP connections)
det: right
sendto's for tcp?
I thought I call accept, keep getting clients in a list and sendto each one every time I write... something. But now each client is a connection and I don't see what connection-less mean
whats wrong with : let imply v = match v with
(true,x) -> x
| (false,x) -> true;;
val imply : bool * bool -> bool = <fun>
erm wait that one is good
mattam: I'd guess sendto is for UDP only
it really doesn't mmake sense for TCP to have that, as it's a connectionless function
whee: no, I know how to work with TCP, i'd like to use UDP
I meant # let equal c = match c with
(x,x) -> true
| (x,y) -> false;;
(x,x) -- x is being bound twice.
ahh I see
whee: my question is : 'why have sendto having a client argument althought it is really connection-less'
and theres no way of knowing if x is equal to x
mattam, recvfrom is just like recv except the last 2 arguments get filled in with the source address and the size of the source address (in C)
x == x is pointer equality, isn't it?
Er, (==), rather.
Riastradh: yes, for the most part
palomer: you might want to look into the "when" construct
det: and sendto ?
palomer - Then: match someTuple with (x,y) -> x == y
does haskell have pattern matching?
or do that, heh
Of course it does.
mattam, it seems like in ocaml recvfrom just returns an sockarrd instead of passing 2 argumens as pointers
mattam sendto is like send except you also sepcify an address to send it to
a client ?
well, the destination :)
if you are a server, then yes, a client :)
but you have to accept () them before, don't you ?
that is tcp
the picture is clear now
well, generally TCP, just connection oriented sockets
with udp you would probably use recvfrom, which may block
but I don't know
it probably doesn't block :|
yes, recvfrom can block with UDP
I don't think it can block with sendto
is ml gaining clout?
Dude, ML has had hella clout for years now.
clout ?
get a dictionary :)
i'm french and have loosed the wonderful webster's plugin of gnome :)
why does Unix.recvfrom require a string ?
vive la france
does it mutate the string ?
is it possible to have multiple parameters when matching?
I believe it does
palomer: multiple parameters?
let blah x y = match (x, y) with (.., ..) -> ...
hmmm, someone try this url on my server "GET /MSOffice/cltreq.asp?UL=1&ACT=4&BUILD=3124&STRMVER=4&CAPREQ=0 HTTP/1.1" what does MSOffice do here ?
looks like a standard get request
doot doot, hot on the trail of the magical cltreq.asp, which is no doubt another MS security hole waiting to happen
so thats how
palomer: the tuple used in the match is not really constructed, so there's no performance hit or anything
is it possible to do it with function notation?
heh, don't you love the crap that C drags with it :)
what I mean is how does it know how many parameters you passed?
Technically, you can only pass one parameter.
palomer: the types would have to match up
(fun x y -> (x, y)) 5 (* one parameter was passed *)
(fun x y -> (x, y)) 5 3 (* one parameter was passed, the result of which was applied to the second parameter *)
palomer: match allways takes one parameter and matches that
whee, no! ocaml should just return string!
palomer: (x, y) is actually one thing and not two
det: write a function that wraps recvfrom to do that
ocalm isn't like anything else is it
Sure it is.
it's like the other 300 functional languages :)
What is _that_ supposed to mean?
That kind of function application is called 'currying.'
whee, but I still _know_ of the evil
It is, as whee said, very common in functional languages.
whee, I want ocaml to shelter me
det: use java
det: IO has sideeffects, live with it
mrvn brings up a point, you could go and implement monads in ocaml
mrvn, side effect yes, but those neccesary side effects have nothing to do with mutating a string :(
That would still be side effectual, whee.
Riastradh: yes, but it'd technically be purely functional
whee, monads are unrelated to the poor Unix.recv* design!
(side effectual? Side effective? ...?)
det: recvfrom is probably a direct interface to the C version
and the C version most likely behaves the same way
yeah, it is pretty close
det: Use functional strings and rewite the Unix module.
side affection i'd say Riastradh
but it changes some things for the sake of ocamlism
and yet it strill mutates a string :/
it's probably quicker, or something
det: modifying a string is what C does and its way faster
I don't think there's much of a point in making a structure called Unix functional.
Rather, create a separate standardized structure for pretty-boy functions, like Socket in some SML compilers.
but the binding could just create a new string of given length, and pass that to recvfrom and then return that
to create the illusion of functional
same speed
det: That would allocate memory.
isn't pattern matching slower?
palomer: than what ?
palomer: than what?
not pattern matching:o
palomer: most of it is done at compile time
for example is:
mrvn, well, unless you use the same string for every recvfrom, you need to allocate memory anyways
palomer: And the other stuff is just neccessary and slower without matching
det: But you probably would use the same string for every recv
det: or a buffer
leh blah = function 0-> false | _ -> true slower than let blah = function x if x = 0 false else true ?
mrvn, for udp maybe
doubtful for tcp
palomer: the first is faster, let bla = function x -> x<>0 is even better.
palomer: But any halfway decent compiler should generate equla code for all three.
so pattern matching isn't slower than by hand comparisons?
palomer: you could run ocaml -dlambda and try both expressions, to get an idea of what it's turning into
roughly, anyway
palomer: function x -> already is pattern matching
I guess I need to get the hang of it
pattern matching seems to be very powerful
I still don't get how to pattern match several parameters not in a tuple though
Also I wouldn't call function 0 -> true | _ -> false pattern matching. Its not a pattern but values that are matched here.
palomer: you can't.
erm ahh
so you need to decompose it into two different functions
Only tuple, constructors and ::
night all
palomer: You generate an temporary tuple and hope the compiler optimises it away.
which it does
mattam has quit ["zZz"]
but the tuple has to be generated before you pass it
like (some_fun (a,b))
no, it doesn't
let blah x y = match (x, y) with ..
palomer: syntactically yes, but thats just for parsing
is it possible to do it with function syntax
palomer: nope
let blah = function | (a,b) ->...
ah ok
so there is a use for match
Since (a,b) is one parameter of type tuple you would create a function taking a tuple.
whew, alot of stuff is gonna sink in tonight
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whats wrong with let rec size = function
[] -> 0
| (_ as rest)-> (size (List.tl rest));;
ahh woops
_ as rest doesn't realy make sense.
| x::xs -> 1 + (size xs)
whats xs stand for?
But that's not a great function either: it's not tail recursive.
And thus it will probably at some point cause a stack overflow.
let size l = let rec loop s = function [] -> s | x::xs -> loop (s+1) xs in loop 0 l
palomer: xs stands for xs.
it's not a tail recursion?
(x :: xs) is a generic convention for matching the head and the tail of a list.
palomer: call it hd::tl if you like or head::tail or something::other
palomer: your function was tail recursive but allways results in 0
mrvn's modification of it (| x :: xs -> 1 + (size xs)) worked, but isn't tail recursive.
it isn't?
No: the call of size wasn't in a tail position.
palomer: let let size = List.fold_left (fun x _ -> succ x) 0;;
It's a recursive function, but not tail recursive.
let let?
palomer: 1 + (size xs) first evaluates (size xs) and then comes back to do the +
mrvn: that one has the problem of not working on lists of more than one type
err, phrased that one bad
it'll work for size [1; 2; 3], but then you can't go use it for size ["a"; "b"; "c"]
the type can't be generalized until the first call
# let size = List.fold_left (fun x _ -> succ x) 0;;
val size : '_a list -> int = <fun>
# let size l = List.fold_left (fun x _ -> succ x) 0 l;;
val size : 'a list -> int = <fun>
meh, I don'[t know :)
It somehow doesn't work.
works fine for me
my version of size anyways
the question was for wee
you have to explicitly put the list in like mrvn did in the second one
palomer: The '_a is not realy polymorphic. Once you used size on an int list its stuck with '_a == int
But why does it get '_a list -> int?
# let size = List.fold_left (fun x _ -> succ x);;
val size : int -> '_a list -> int = <fun>
# size ['a'; 'b'; 'c'];;
Characters 5-20:
size ['a', 'b', 'c'];;
you forgot the 0
you forgot the 0
nuff ocaml for today
hrm, my ambition is to make camlmacs
caml emacs
it's gonna be fun!
Will I be able to run an HTCPCP server in it?
HyperText Coffee Pot Control Protocol.
Someone -actually- wrote a server for it in elisp!
palomer: RFC 2324, for reference :)
anything you can do in ocaml will be able to be done in camlmacs
Yes, but I want to be able to control it and moniter it and all that stuff in camlmacs.
then write a camlmode
also I want camlmacs to have vim bindings and the same behavior as vim as an option, because I dislike emacs
whee: I dislike the emacs bindings too
But...but...what about us who -like- Emacs?
And its key bindings.
the emacs key bindings are going to be the default
the vim keybindings will be loaded via a mode
whats nice about ocaml is that I can use an already existing interpreter and I don't have to write exterior functions to make it fast enough
im off!
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would it be possible to mix native code and byte code in a program, for example to make a console for an application that ran what ever you typed into it ?
or is there maybe a better way to do that ?>
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I don't think there's an easy way to do that
other than defining your own language and handling things
there's no way to eval ocaml code within ocaml; you could use dynlink or whatever to load at runtime, but I don't know other than that
or reimplement the toplevel heh
bytecode can eval
And you can probably implement a non optimizing ocaml compiler with camlp4 in a day (without type inference)
a ocaml -> cps compiler and then eval the cps.
well seeing as camlp4 already does all the parsing, it couldn't be that bad
or implement a scheme interpreter in ocaml :)
or some interface with an existing scripting language structure
a scheme interpreter would probably be a good idea; easy for someone to figure out
Also very easy to parse and implement
I guess I could define my own language
really simple
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[09:39:59] <minra> what is ocaml's reason-for-existence?
[09:40:07] <minra> what were they trying to do/solve with it?
any pointers?
i think ocaml was created to take over the world
"Objective Caml belongs to the ML family of programming languages and has been implemented at INRIA Rocquencourt within the ``Cristal project'' group. Since ML's inception in the late seventies, there has been a continuous line of research at INRIA devoted to implementations and improvements of ML"
# List.iter (fun s -> print_string (string_of_show s);print_newline ()) (all_shows_satisfying (open_connection ()) (fun (i,_,_,_) -> interval_spans_time i (current_point_in_time ())));;
12:10-12:40 SVT 1: Packat & klart
Text-tv 199. Repris från 16/2. Även textat i SVT2 23/2.
12:05-13:00 TV3: Lois & Clark
Amerikansk dramaserie. Repris från 18/2.
11:50-12:20 TV4: Det ligger i luften
Australisk dramaserie från 1999.
12:15-14:55 ZTV: Hitparad
Gamla, nya och kommande hits.
i really don't understand this though:
This expression has type channel but is here used with type channel
i really don't see anything wrong with my code, and hell, even the error message just seems to confirm that my code is, in fact, correct
lam has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
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=( =( =(
i had written a function F, and then i had written a function G. i thought G was more generalized, so I rewrote F in terms of G. a few seconds ago, i realized that G was defined in terms of F
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i keep getting "file tvlang.cmo is not up-to-date with respect to interface Tvlang"
does anyone know what's wrong and/or how to resolve it?
my compile procedure involves cleaning out all binaries, so outdated binaries aren't the problem
phubuh: maybe the two depend on each other and you have no .mli files
rox|verbreiten is now known as rox
hmm, what do you mean by the two?
dunno, whats your commandline?
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Is there some way to import record labels from another module? So I don't have to write foo.Module.x?
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hrm, I forget how to match to parameters as a pair
match v with
x :: xs -> blah
| ...
I would have to match a b
like function a b match (a,b) with...
fun a b ->
match (a,b) with
(1,2) -> blah
| ...
so I can't do it with function notation?
'function' doesn't automatically curry the function for you.
function a -> function b -> match
so whats the diffence between fun and function?
'fun' automatically curries it.
palomer: fun is less to type
fun is more fun!
you only ever need function if you have function [] -> 0 | _ -> 1
fun has no matching
so function eliminates the match ..with
and fun lets you specify multiple arguments
so there is a slight disctinction
I see...
time for some graph theory
* palomer
kills self
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* Riastradh
pokes palomer.
# let z = "hello world!";;
val z : string = "hello world!"
# z.[4] <- ' ';;
- : unit = ()
# z;;
- : string = "hell world!"
if variables are immutable in ocaml, why was i able to do that?
i didn't specify that z was a reference... shouldn't it be immutable?
'Variables' aren't a concept in OCaml, first of all.
what term should i use?
Instead there are 'bindings' -- a name points to a specific value.
I guess strings are references in OCaml.
(at least, I think the term is 'binding')
We call them 'variables' in Standard ML. I don't know about OCaml.
Strings, being simply arrays of characters, and arrays being mutable, are most likely mutable.
pattern_: strings and arrays are mutable
i see
You mutated a value, not the environment in which 'z' continued to point to the same value.
thanks for clearing that up, guys :)
# let mylist = 1 :: [] ;;
val mylist : int list = [1]
# let mylist = 2 :: mylist ;;
val mylist : int list = [2; 1]
You're shadowing the 'mylist' binding.
and here, is the list mutable? or that a new list called mylist?
yes, shadowing, that's the term
It's not mutating.
isn't shadowing effectively making bindings mutable?
A binding of mylist to [1] still exists, but you just can't get to it.
well, if i can't get to it, then i can act as if it's mutable, right?
it doesn't matter to me that somewhere i can't get to there's an original mylist, does it?
Your point is not worthwhile.
The "new" binding could just as well be of a new name.
but you could retrieve it latter pattern_
The effect is the same.
how could i retrieve it later? i thought i couldn't get to it
It doesn't make sense to "retrieve" a binding. mattam is being odd =)
in your example, no, but let mylist = [1;2] in let ... let mylist = mylist :: [1;2] shadows only in a limited scope
But the data to which it points lives on, sinse it's "in" the new list.
unmask if you prefer
mattam, that doesn't make sense either
* mattam
goes buying shoes
mattam, I think you are confusing names and actual data in the heap
mattam, yes, i understand that if shadowed a binding in a local scope then i would be able to use the original binding when i got back to the global scope
... unless you weren't talking about pattern_'s particular example
smerdyakov, he was talking about a different, similar, example
Oh, I see it.
I still think you've missed the point if you're worrying about this. =)
i'm not really worrying about it, because it only seems to really apply in the toploop
How so?
well, it's only in the toploop that i can shadow bindings like that, because every binding declaration is implicitly in a new, inner scope, no?
No, rebinding a variable is a common practice for writing clear code in complicated functions.
then i'm not sure i see the value of maintaining that bindings are immutable
Like I said, the names of bindings are unimportant.
You can change each new bound name to bindingN for the next available N and suitably replace all uses of it.
The fact that you use the same name twice in your code is irrelevant.
i kind of see your point... in c, for example, something may have changed the value of a memory location via a pointer, and you might not be aware of it
in ocaml that can't happen, right? is that the point?
That's not really relevant.
Or maybe it is.
The pure functional fragment of OCaml has no such issues, at least.
I much prefer not using mutable structures, it's just easier to reason about
pattern_: Unless something is a mutable it can never change in ocaml.
ok, then can you give me an example where having a binding be mutable would have screwed me over, to make clear how having the binding be immutable is advantageous?
You can "save old bindings" in closures.
pattern_: let id x = x let foo x = let id x = 1 in id x
pattern_: if that would mutate id you would be screwed.
let rec fac = function 0 -> 1 | x -> x*(fac (x-1))
let fac x = let y = fac x in Printf.printf "fac(%d)=%d\n" x y; y
pattern_: That also wouldn't work if binding where mutable.
Are you a newcomer to functional languages, pattern_?
smerdyakov, yes... ocaml is my first functional language
Then perhaps a canonical example would be helpful.
let makeConstant n = function _ -> n
The n binding is saved inside the closure for the function that makeConstant returns.
Nothing can ever change it afterwards, for each individual call has a separate version.
Is it clear?
smerdyakov, yes, i understand that nothing could change n... but what would have tried to change n and, were n mutable, have messed something up?
How about this?
pattern_: let const1 = makeConstant 1 and const2 = makeConstant 2
pattern_: in C const2 would mutate const1 to also return 2.
let n = 1 let const1 = function _ -> n let n = 2 let const2 = function _ -> n
If that doesn't show you how this works, nothing will. =)
tcw: echt
hmmm... i thought i had understood your earlier example, but now i'm not so sure... does "let makeConstant n = function _ -> n" mean: "makeConstant takes an argument n, which returns a function that takes an argument _, which returns n"?
Yes. The _ means the value of the argument is ignored.
pattern_: yes
I would write function () -> n
makeConstant 1 () ==> 1
mrvn, if that's the case, then why do you say "let const1 = makeConstant 1" ? shouldn't there be a 2nd argument? or are you doing that for partial evaluation? and why?
It's not really "partial evaluation" in any fancy sense, pattern_.
Every function takes exactly one parameter and returns exactly one value.
pattern_: const1/2 would be functions that allways return some constant.
1 and 2 in this case
mrvn, yes, right, i'm with you now
still struggling with that concept, as you can see :)
Struggling with what part of it?
pattern_: you need something like that in e.g. Array.init 42 (makeConstant 23)
But you could use Array.make 42 23 there instead
i'm not struggling anymore with the partial evaluation thing, not that you guys went through it step by step with me :) but, as you can see, i did have a problem with it earlier
OK. Is there something in particular that you don't understand now?
back to the following:
let makeConstant n = function _ -> n
<mrvn> pattern_: let const1 = makeConstant 1 and const2 = makeConstant 2
<mrvn> pattern_: in C const2 would mutate const1 to also return 2.
here, isn't "n" effectively a binding in local scope?
That's just a weird statement from mrvn, since C doesn't have closures =)
That's right, pattern_. My second example illustrates things more clearly.
so "let const1 = makeConstant 1 and const2 = makeConstant 2" wouldn't be a problem even for c, right?
because in c that would be like calling a function with two differnt arguments... or am i missing something?
rather, i know i am missing something... what is it? :)
C doesn't have closures.
The question is meaningless.
Really, you should ignore mrvn's explanation. It is nonsensical. =)
let me try yours
<Smerdyakov> let n = 1 let const1 = function _ -> n let n = 2 let const2 = function _ -> n
so you're saying that here, "let n = 2" does not change const1, right?
so we didn't even need the "const2 = function _ -> n" part
Eh? I want to use both const1 and const2 in the code that follows.
May I try to explain?
sure, riastradh.. but i think i get it now
i'm always up for a different perspective, though :)
let n = 1 in
let const1 = function _ -> n in
let n = 2 in
let const2 = function _ -> n in
insert code that does stuff with both const1 and const2
In that code, calling const1 will return 1, always: in const1's environment, n is bound to 1.
yep, i see that now
In that code, calling const2 will return 2, always: in const2's environment, a new n binding shadows the original (which is n = 1), and n is in that environment bound to 2.
but why would one need const1 and const2 as functions?
makes perfect sense now :)
coolduck: easy way to demonstrate closures
now, i have another question... in the above code, riastradh, do you need all the "in"s ?
whee: and that would be another thing I haven't gotten yet, closures is that like scope?
pattern, yes, because the bindings are all done sequentially.
what would happen if you didn't use the "in"s ?
Well...it might work without the 'in's, but using 'in's makes it more blatant that it's done sequentially.
meaning that a closure is the closed space of a function for instance?
A 'closure' is a function that captures its lexical environment, i.e., 'closes around' the bindings in its lexical environment.
the way i understand it a closure is the function, plus the enviornment that was active when it was declared (includes the "let n = 1" for const1 above)
Yes, exactly.
ahh, ok
but const2 has a different closure... a closure that has n bound to 2
neat functional language property :)
The 'n' binding was shadowed in the creation of const2, so const2's lexical environment had 'n' being 2, and so const2 is a function returning 2.
also a hard thing to remember being used to impirative lang.
Very neat: you can implement any sort of record type you like with it, even without a 'type' declaration or anything.
It's especially useful in Scheme, where there is no standard 'define-type' or 'define-record' or anything.
meaning one could use a function to "emulate" a record (in lack of better word)
or am i missing the point?
Yes, that's how.
i'm interested in how you would do that, as well, riastradh
Do you know any Scheme?
nope... i was referring to your first statement, that you could implement a record without a type declaration
OK, whatever. I'll just write it in OCaml:
let makePoint x y =
let pointTag = ["point"] (* some unique tag *)
let makePoint x y =
fun selector args ->
match selector with
let makePoint x y = let getX () = x in getY () = y in setX x = makePoint x y in setY y = makePoint x y in (getX, getY, setX, setY)
Which uses what I'm making, but ;-)
one at a time! :)
And needs a rec at the start
let rec makePoint x y =
let getX () = x in
let getY () = y in
let move dx dy = makePoint (x + dx) (y + dy) in
(pointTag, getX, getY, move)
...would be much better.
"Much better"? =D
If I have let loop =... if foo then loop bla else loop blub, will the compiler be clever enough to make it tail recusive?
mellum, tail recursiveness is a property of your code
mellum, if <cond> then <tail position> else <tail position>
mellum, if you're asking if the compiler will do this without growing the stack, yes.
Note the placement of <tail position>.
Smerdyakov: fine
If your calling of 'loop' is right in that position, then it is tail recursive.
* Riastradh
curses, and goes out to shovel some more snow.
thanks for your help, riastradh!
and yours too, smerdyakov
now i need some time to digest your code :)
One thing to point out is that this "clever record stuff" is entirely syntactic sugar, since it depends on already having tuples.
Tuples are a special kind of record with labels forced to be consecutive naturals starting at 1.
And you can quite well map your labels to such a range in your head.
We could get around this circularity by returning a single function that dispatches on the particular method you want based on some parameter.
aren't the natural numbers so grooovy
you can talk in terms of them, and then it's just 123...
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You can do functional tuples or records:
type ('a,'b) tuple_res = First of 'a | Second of 'b;;
let tuple x y = function 0 -> First x | 1 -> Second y;;
let tupple_first t = let First x = t 0 in x;;
let tupple_second t = let Second x = t 1 in x;;
Does anybody know whether ocamlopt does inlining across modules?
How could it?
What would keep it?
ocamlopt only looks at the one ml file and then mli files.
The other sources files could be missing alltogether.
It could do that at link time.
probably could, but I doubt it
Or look whether a .cmx or whats it called is present/.
I guess I should just try :)
mellum: Do you have a cpp grammar that keeps indentation infos?
cpp grammar?
c preprocessor
not really
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Can anyone point me to an upto date web page on using SWIG and OCaml?
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mrvn, i have a question about the example you posted earlier:
type ('a,'b) tuple_res = First of 'a | Second of 'b;;
let tuple x y = function 0 -> First x | 1 -> Second y;;
what binding is being matched in the tuple function? x or y?
let tuple x y = function z -> match z with 0 -> First x | 1 -> Second y;;
i see!
that makes much more sense
The z is implizit when doing matching with the function keyword
so you'd use that by saying: "tuple (1,2) (3,4) 0" ?
let my_tuple = tuple 1 2
That would be a functional tuple of the two ints 1 and 2.
A tuple is then a function int -> tuple_res
The tuple_res is needed to make tuples of different types.
let my_tuple = tuple "Hallo" 1.0
hmm... but ocaml tells me that:
val tuple : 'a -> 'b -> int -> ('a, 'b) tuple_res = <fun>
doesn't there have to be a third argument, "z"?
yes and no.
The third argument is used later to access eigther the first or the second part of the tuple.
oh, i see
ok, i'm with you now
The z can be called a selector.
sorry i'm so slow
Its unfamiliar to have functions as the return value of something.
The look like they still need another argument but thats on purpose often.
my habits keep insisting that all functions be called with full arguments... somehow, i keep forgetting that you can do partial evaluation :)
thanks, riastradh :)
I allways wonder i there would be a way to somehow show the (nonexisting) difference in the type.
# let foo a = function () -> a;;
val foo : 'a -> unit -> 'a = <fun>
val foo : 'a -> (unit -> 'a) = <fun> might be more to my liking.
That would more clearly show that foo takes one argument and returns a function.
The problem with that is that with curried functions, functions of 'multiple arguments' are -EXACTLY- the same as functions that take one argument and return another function.
why would you use "function ()" ? and how could a "function ()" outpu an "a" ?
mrvn, 'foo' then returns a function that returns the argument to 'foo'.
pattern_: () has type unit. It like any other thing. Just like function 1 -> or function _ ->
Didn't we go over closures with you already?
Riastradh: the difference is just the intention of the programmer.
oh, nevermind... i was just confused
mrvn - Zigackly, so we need to write mind-reading compilers.
i think i understand now
mrvn, although, you could just write it as: val foo : 'a -> (unit -> 'a) in the .mli file.
Riastradh: let foo a () = a could be val foo : 'a -> unit -> 'a = <fun>
let foo a = function () -> a could be val foo : 'a -> (unit -> 'a) = <fun>
Both types are equal so it wouldn't harm if the compiler guesses wrong.
Riastradh: When I write types somewhere I actually do that.
type ('a,'b) tuple_res = First of 'a | Second of 'b;;
let tupple_first t = let First x = t 0 in x;;
mrvn, could i impose on you to explain this second line to me?
how would i use tupple_first?
tupple_first 1 (1,2) ?
i'm completely confused
let my_tuple = tuple "Hallo" ['H';'A';'L';'L';'O']
yes, i see that that my_tuple would now be ready to be called with a single int argument, which, if 0 would return "Hallo" and, if 1 would return "['H';'A';'L';'L';'O']", right?
tuple_first my_tuple 0
why would you need tuple_first? couldn't you just say: "my_tuple 0" to get "Hallo" ?
No, First "Hallo"
i don't follow
# let my_tuple = tuple "Hallo" ['H';'A';'L';'L';'O'];;
val my_tuple : int -> (string, char list) tuple_res = <fun>
# my_tuple 0;;
- : (string, char list) tuple_res = First "Hallo"
# tuple_first my_tuple;;
- : string = "Hallo"
so what is First "Hallo"?
i know you defined it as a type
but i'm not getting it... it can't be a true tuple, because it's not in the form ('a,'b)
Its the result of the constructor First with argument "Hallo"
pattern_: Imagine you don#t have tuples. Thats how you can make something equivalent.
And with an untypes functional language you can even omit the type.
right... so that in the type statement ('a,'b) didn't represent a true tuple but what? just two arbitrary types seperated by a comma and in parenthesis?
i thought i'd understood how types worked... but i guess now i'm all confused again :(
i should go back and reread the type section in the tutorial
pattern_: Thats actually a tuple in the type but thats because its a typed language.
pattern_: you can't get around tuples alltogether in a typed language.
type ('a,'b) tuple_res would be a meta-tuple
It's just a way to apply multiple type parameters to tuple_res.
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ok, i think i almost got it
pattern_: In untyped languages you just write
i'm this --> <-- close
let tuple a b = function true -> a | false -> b;;
or 0/1 if you like that more
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so the type statement means that something in the form of a tuple, gets the first part, 'a, converted to a "First 'a", etc.. and "First 'a" is just syntax from which tuple_first can extract the 'a
pattern_: When you hear a lecture about functional programming they usually start of with just function. From that you can build yourself an "if", tuples, lists, arrays, ...
pattern_: The type is just there so that tuple a b has a proper type.
pattern_: # let tuple a b = function true -> a | false -> b;;
val tuple : 'a -> 'a -> bool -> 'a = <fun>
Without the type you could only create tuples of equal types, like int*int or char*char. But no float*string tuples.
oh, i see
no, wait, i thought normal tuples could be made up of elements of different types in ocaml, without your special type difinition, no?
it was only lists that had to be made up of elements of the same type, right?
pattern_: (a, b) can be different types. Thats why I made the type in "let tuple a b"
ok, i think i'm just getting more confused by all this
pattern_: just ignore it, wasn#t directed to you
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damn... so there go my hopes for writing a better ocaml compiler tonight
but i appreciate you taking the time to help me, mrvn
i think i just need to read another tutorial or something
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mrvn: arrays from functions ?
functional arrays or via an env variable
that would be funny to see someone saying 'here are functionnal arrayes: function 0 -> .. | 1 -> ... ' that would surely be inneficient in practice wouldn't it ?
an env variable ?
mattam: efficiency is not realy the first thing you think about talking about functional programming basics, like lambda calulus, churches numbers ...
docelic|away is now known as docelic
mattam: If you define numbers via lambda expressions just thing about how lsow exponentiation will be
mattam: and you wouldn't have pattern matching at first.
i thought you talked about implementation, my bad :)
nah, way to ineficient.
hmmm, what are churches numbers ?
Actually "Churchill's numbers"
is it Winston's numbers ?
could be the same
Historically, this was first done for the lambda calculus by Alonzo Church; his so-called "Church numerals" are a set of terms whose behavior mimics that of the usual numeric constants and operators by modeling a number n as an n-fold functional composition.
so its actually church numerals
'I am not a Church numeral; I am a free variable!'