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folks, while waiting for metacollin to show up again, let's do something useful and specify a few details for STEP2. To start with - which SoC to use?
how about lowrisc (RISC-V)?
is that gonna come out anytime soon?
its something the Raspi guys founded (linux embedded chip)
are you guys going to wait for him?
their webite says it is expected to finish this year
it would solve the whole TI chip issue at least
(althoguh i have no clue how that would complicate the OS integration or anything else)
the Linux kernel recently added RISC-V support iirc
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buti guess its a matter of the individual distros incorporating it?
anon-, i don't think there's any point in waiting any longer
that chip is planned to have a GPU? which one?
but as there's no one else available, its kind of the default position :)
i dont know if it has a GPU, where would i find that?
How is this different to Raspberry Pi?
not include a GPU.
Our goals and focus are quite different. The Raspberry Pi exists to improve computer science education worldwide. A fully open-source SoC is not necessary to reach this goal, or even a pragmatic way of achieving it given the timescales involved. While it is an ultimate goal to support all the features of a modern commercial SoC, it will require a number of iterations of the design to achieve this. For example, early versions of our SoC will
I'm very wary about using vaporware chips that have not even proven to work at all. Odds are the chip has SiErr bugs you can't work around, in first few releases
only THEN the chip could get benchmarked if it *really* performs in all relevant aspects
then it might turn out the instruction set of the CPU or the system design (It's SYSTEM on a Chip, remember?) has a flaw in the concept that - while irrelevant for e.g. rPi - makes it not suited for battery powered embedded
long haul then rey
Dec 2015: We have untethered the Rocket SoC, which now runs standalone on the KC705 and Nexys4DDR FPGAs. This release also includes support for simulation using Verilator and is accompanied by extensive documentation.
seems like they are basing this new one off of something that was already around