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<Joerg-Neo900> wpwrak: could you please give me a lesson on how to use the branch metacollin is using to push his work?
<Joerg-Neo900> and maybe a generic "What is git checkout, and what you want it for"
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<Joerg-Neo900> man git-checkout and https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15296473/what-do-git-checkouts-really-mean make me feel like needing holiday
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<ceene> Joerg-Neo900: i guess what you basically want is to place yourself in the same place as metacollin is right now on the repo
<ceene> you just have to git checkout metacollin-branch
<ceene> and you'll see the same state as he does, whenever he pushes, you can just pull
<ceene> if you want, you could mage a big diff between master branch and his branch, via git diff master (or git diff metacollin-branch if you're on master)
<ceene> i'd recommed you set your prompt to help you visualize which branch you're in at every moment
<ceene> sslayer@collins:~/Proyectos/neo900/ee-full.git (master)$ echo $PS1
<ceene> \[\e]0;\u@\h: \w\a\]${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\[\033[01;32m\]\u@\h\[\033[00m\]:\[\033[01;34m\]\w\[\033[00m\]$(__git_ps1 " (%s)")\$
<ceene> sslayer@collins:~/Proyectos/neo900/ee-full.git (master)$ git checkout mc_layout
<ceene> Mhw/kicad-libs
<ceene> Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/mc_layout'.
<ceene> Switched to branch 'mc_layout'
<ceene> sslayer@collins:~/Proyectos/neo900/ee-full.git (mc_layout)$
<ceene> i don't think you're gonna need any more than that
<ceene> but feel free to ask
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<itsNotMe> Joerg-Neo900: Maybe this could be an easy entry to git : http://de.gitready.com/
<itsNotMe> Especially links "Remote-tracking Branches", "Branchen und Mergen" or every other link containing words "Branch" or "Zweig"
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<sixwheeledbeast> I was sent this regarding git https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8_mHSdCkv3s mildly amusing, but made sense to me compared to some other sources.
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<Joerg-Neo900> thanks at all :-)
<Joerg-Neo900> git help checkout|less -j12 +'/Eventually commit f .* will be deleted'
<Joerg-Neo900> git is not exactly user friendly in my book
<ceene> well, it does what you tell him to do
<ceene> if you don't have a name pointing to a particular commit, that commit is considered lost, because how could you reach it?
<Joerg-Neo900> yeah, when you *understand* what the semantics of the command you told it to do
<ceene> you could remember its long hash, but why should you do that when you can just name it, either with a tag or a branch name?
<ceene> it's the same as when you delete a file on disk
<ceene> you just mark it as deleted/remove its name
<ceene> well, in FS terminology, you remove all the entries pointing to its inode
<ceene> =tag, name, whatever
<Joerg-Neo900> unlike filesystem there's no obvious way to interact with git. Evidence: mc doesn't even try to offer git views
<Joerg-Neo900> and in FS terminology, in git I could create an unnamed dir (`mkdir ;`), then create a few files in it (date >a; ls >b), and when I do `cd` (git checkout master) then my files a and b silently get deleted
<Joerg-Neo900> plus I totally miss the git analog of "ls -l" and a few other commands. Particularly why don't I see a branch, resp which git command I'm missing to see all branches of a repo?
<Joerg-Neo900> to me it seems like those branches are hidden to me until I git checkout to one of them, for which I need to *know* it's name
<Joerg-Neo900> >>it’s usually easy to determine the branch names, but if you need to get them in general or for scripts it’s not exactly clear.<<
<sixwheeledbeast> I am no git expert but is there not "show-branch -a"
<Joerg-Neo900> yeah, prolly that's it, plus maybe "-r" for "remote"
<Joerg-Neo900> aah, >> -a shows all local and remote branches, while -r shows only remote branches.<<
<sixwheeledbeast> I would say -a is remote and local whereas -r would be remote only?
<sixwheeledbeast> :ding:
<Joerg-Neo900> now the question I got is: why doesn't tig show remote branches?
<Joerg-Neo900> and is there a way to git-pull *everything* - incl all branches?
<Joerg-Neo900> however watch this. Exactly to the point why I always get headache from git: http://gitready.com/intermediate/2009/02/13/list-remote-branches.html#comment-340299890
<Joerg-Neo900> git branch -r still fails. You need git fetch before
<Joerg-Neo900> AIUI
<Joerg-Neo900> so from git checkout, my journey led me to git branch -r, and now I need to understand git fetch
<Joerg-Neo900> it seems like always when I try to grok something git, after several hours I end in middle of nowhere (the N'th indirection to yet another detail to learn) and forgot what been the thing I originally intended to accomplish
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<Joerg-Neo900> aaah, tig "H"
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<Joerg-Neo900> lol, or bash completion FTW: git checkout <TAB>
<sixwheeledbeast> fetch is simply getting the latest from the remote, think "pull but without merging"
<Joerg-Neo900> :-D
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<Joerg-Neo900> anyway I "solved" this by git-clone'ing a new dir and in that dir git-checkout to the new branch
<bencoh> is it just me or you always end up solving any git issue by git cloning from scratch? :]
<Joerg-Neo900> well, watching stuff like http://paste.ubuntu.com/25533662 it seems the cleanest approach
<Joerg-Neo900> I probbaly fail to understand how to use git
<bencoh> I guess so
<Joerg-Neo900> or git is simply "not made" for dealing with anything other than (c-)sourcecode environments
<bencoh> not exactly
<sixwheeledbeast> But you just end up with two unidentical copies?
<bencoh> ?
<sixwheeledbeast> sorry identical, if your cloning a repo
<bencoh> he's basically trashing his local changes yeah
<Joerg-Neo900> carefully check *which* are those files with 2local changes"!
<Joerg-Neo900> all auto-generated, possibly by as innocent an operation as opening kicad
<bencoh> well that's the real issue here actually: kicad might not be VCS-friendly
<Joerg-Neo900> it isn't
<bencoh> and/or you probably added to git files that don't belong there
<Joerg-Neo900> pretty much like nothing except c development is
<bencoh> like .... -bak file ...
<Joerg-Neo900> I for sure didn't
<bencoh> well someone did
<bencoh> and it's not about "c dev" but more about autogenerated files (usually by UI-driven programs)
<bencoh> and the fact that you should periodically check your local changes and atomically (when possible) commit
<Joerg-Neo900> I don't have local changes
<bencoh> well, in your repositories those files were marked as "untracked"
<bencoh> but I suppose somebody decided to track them at some point, otherwise I don't think they would be "overwritten" by checkout
<Joerg-Neo900> sorry, more about git than I wanted to know
<bencoh> nevermind then :)
<sixwheeledbeast> How I understand it is those files had been modified locally, you can't checkout with out dropping them or commiting them?
<Joerg-Neo900> metacollin pushed a branch that I want to look into - that's all
<Joerg-Neo900> and I guess I will demand for a branch merge every other day
<Joerg-Neo900> we don't really need a branch there, except metacollin locally maybe
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<Joerg-Neo900> so he may merge locally once a day, or every other day, and then push to server repo
<Joerg-Neo900> btw that's also the reason the public git doesn't show any progress/life
<Joerg-Neo900> metacollin: could you please merge to master(?) (the default ee-full repo) 0.5 to 1 time per day?
<Joerg-Neo900> those merges should show up in public git then, not by content as far as layout files are involved, but the commit comments will
<Joerg-Neo900> sixwheeledbeast: yes, that's what I think is happening
<Joerg-Neo900> they are not tracked in master but seems they are tracked in branch
<Joerg-Neo900> it's probably fine to have a branch that has *all* files, just in case we miss some important file in master (via gitignore) that we didn't realize is actually keeping project relevant data, but generally I'd prefer to pull from master
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<Joerg-Neo900> another rationale for layout branch was to keep master's commit logs tidy. We need to re-adjust balance between tidy and real-time informative here
<Joerg-Neo900> particularly since public git only shows master, no branches
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<xmn> well it good news they are working together, no?
<xmn> thx for the link, btw
<pigeons> xmn: I guess, but its more stuff that ignores the real issues needed to accomplish the stated goals, and purism has a history of that too
<xmn> yeah, I agree
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<xmn> As much as I not a huge fan of purism. I happy they are trying it.
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<Joerg-Neo900> sure
<xmn> :D
<Joerg-Neo900> a KDE phone centric release can't hurt anyways
<Joerg-Neo900> though we already have an excellent phone OS: maemo
<xmn> I mean the best case it bring more eye to other project like this one. Worst case it shows people not to trust opensource/small project with their money and time :(.
<Joerg-Neo900> indeed
<xmn> Yeah I enjoy maemo. But alway got to keep a breast of options ;)
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