I can't answer the second question though :)
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Ruby projects tend to use MIT/BSD licences, because they're not restrictive
Okay... Because I'm thinking about putting my latest project under GPL. But don't know what drawbacks come with this.
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what do you think about nanoc vs docpad? the latter looks cool, but mayb the latter is not really what we're looking for?
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ddfreyne: I am now in Texas, USA.
ddfreyne: Can you tell me some good tutorials on graph theory? I'm thinking about how to resolve dependencies between items! Need to find circles and build a tree out of a (eventually) graph. And: With the Rule-File you can build up the dependencies between items/files, right?
ddfreyne: And I need an idea how to save compiling states.
:-P Maybe I can take some ideas from nanoc and jekyll...
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musicmatze: I read a blog article discussing the licensing issue
musicmatze: Unfortunately, I can't find it anymore :(
musicmatze: Bottom line was: If you're a large(r) company which has a large enough advantage of knowledge in case some competitor uses your software, go BSD or similar
musicmatze: If you're a small company (or freelancer), stick to GPL, AGPL or similar.
So you're not risking that a competitor gains advantage of your code without contributing back.
Skyr: Thanks. I read something about AGPL sucks... don't know why....
That's a good point.
I'm afraid you'll have to check that for yourself :)
If you simply don't care who uses your software (i.e. it is not the focus of your main business), you can stick to a BSDish license. But then you're up to the good will that someone contributes back.
That's not what I want... I think GPL is the best idea, or LGPL
On the other hand, many companies avoid GPLled programs because it's a constant hassle. You always have to be extra-careful not to "infect" your company's code.
So if you put a program under the GPL, chances are high that no company will join the effort.
therefor LGPL exists, right?
Then, on the other hand, this is all theory. In pracice, this would require someone to take notice of your project first :-) And if you think a GPL violation is happening, you'll have to enforce it at court (which can be really expensive)
L stands for Library. It separates a library from the rest of the program. The library itself is treated as a GPL program, but linking to it won't infect the linking program.
Okay, thanks. I will keep that in mind. But now it's time for some food!
The AGPL does afaik something similar.
L stands for "Lesser"
Or "Linker exception"
but okay, same think.
Choose one
okay... but now I choose lunch.
AGPL tries the same thing LGPL does for libraries - for web services
It prohibits to expose a modified program via the web (or similar) without publishing your modifications
musicmatze: So if you are writing a site generator, the AGPL would force a company to publish their modifications to your generator if they'd offer a web service to publish websites using your software behind the scenes.
gour: Regarding the Hacker News article, there is truth in there. The good news is that three years of experience with nanoc 3.x have given me a good view of what I want with nanoc 4.x, which is a work in progress. The two weak points are well known and are being tackled in nanoc 4.0
nanoc 4.0 will be backwards incompatible with nanoc 3.x, but the upgrade process should be easy
musicmatze: I really dislike GPL and AGPL
guardian: I haven't gotten around to reproducing it
gour: How big is the site you want to build? (in number of pages)
ddfreyne: Thanks! Why do you dislike these licenses?
gour: Unless your site has several thousand pages, nanoc will be fine
ddfreyne: <1000 for now, no odea about the future...any eta for 4.x?
... for everything else, there will be thessc *smile*
* gour
--> afk. bbl
musicmatze: I believe in freedom and that means I don't want to restrict usage on how people use my software too much. I can't use GPLed software in combination with a MIT-licensed project, for instance.
musicmatze: LGPL ensures that modifications to the software are released, but LGPLed software can still be used with non-GPL or even non-open-source software
Which is perfectly fine; the world isn't all open source and it never will be. Some stuff is quite okay to be closed-source
Actually, strictly speaking, nanoc is probably violating a couple of licenses because there are filters for GPLed projects... and therefore nanoc should not interact with them.
how can mit violate GPL?
you dont impose any additional restrictions
okay, so your advice would be LGPL, if I understand you correctly?
musicmatze: LGPL if you want modifications to your software to be shared, MIT if you don't really care
darix: I cannot link to GPLed software in my MIT project
okay, sounds nice for me.
ddfreyne: sure you can
I will read your conversation later, have to go now! Thanks for your advice, ddfreyn!
ddfreyne: i think you only run into problems with licenses that add more restrictions on top of what GPL does
like bsd4c
or gplv2 vs gplv3 ;)
the FSF certainly does not want you to link your MIT project against GPL libraries
ddfreyne: that they made their own licenses incompatible
calling GPL free is a joke anyway :)
I use WTFPL2
I also like the BSD license
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Stupid people in the rooming house -.-' If one dns server is in the local network, noone has an internet connaction anymore -.-
Going to note all important ips now...
Why don't you use an external DNS server?
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ddfreyne afaict, there is not such big diference between e.g. RoR and Django, but wonder why are Ruby-based static generators so much better than he Python ones?
python does not have a culture of making things simple
or maybe both simple and terse
(I might be speaking bullsh*t here)
i wonder if there is even single ssg which even remotely resembles nanoc?
have you had a look at middleman ?
their website seems pretty clean and I must say I liked what I saw
but the devil is in the details :)
cDlm: i consider(ed) middleman, but was thinking about ssg-s on the python side :-)
does python have something like bundler ?
i'm not quite familiar with ruby stuff. what's bundler?
it seems it does not...there is pypi, but package management in python, afaik, sucks
it expresses and maintains the dependencies of your project
yeah that was my impression
there's more than one way to install stuff, which is a bit… ironic
people use virtualenv and pip to create isolated envs
that's like rbenv or rvm gemsets
recently setuptools and distribute project merged back :-)
bundler just ensures all the gems necessary for your project are installed and available
on a per-project basis, but without making completely separate ruby installations
interesting...being able to keep different versions of gems system-wide?
gem does that already
bundler is just selecting which ones your project is seeing
cool. virtualenv exists because it's pain to have different version of the same package system-wide