ddfreyne changed the topic of #nanoc to: 3.6.4 (may 29th) | web http://nanoc.ws/ | repo http://bit.ly/XE6e3G | issues http://bit.ly/VfXaSV | forum http://ho.io/n-discuss | irclog http://irclog.whitequark.org/nanoc
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<ddfreyne> smkelly: moved where?
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<musicmatze> Under which License is nanoc released?
<musicmatze> and why?
<gkarekinian> I can't answer the second question though :)
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<gkarekinian> Ruby projects tend to use MIT/BSD licences, because they're not restrictive
<musicmatze> Okay... Because I'm thinking about putting my latest project under GPL. But don't know what drawbacks come with this.
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<gour> what do you think about nanoc vs docpad? the latter looks cool, but mayb the latter is not really what we're looking for?
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<smkelly> ddfreyne: I am now in Texas, USA.
<musicmatze> ddfreyne: Can you tell me some good tutorials on graph theory? I'm thinking about how to resolve dependencies between items! Need to find circles and build a tree out of a (eventually) graph. And: With the Rule-File you can build up the dependencies between items/files, right?
<musicmatze> ddfreyne: And I need an idea how to save compiling states.
<musicmatze> :-P Maybe I can take some ideas from nanoc and jekyll...
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<Skyr> musicmatze: I read a blog article discussing the licensing issue
<Skyr> musicmatze: Unfortunately, I can't find it anymore :(
<Skyr> musicmatze: Bottom line was: If you're a large(r) company which has a large enough advantage of knowledge in case some competitor uses your software, go BSD or similar
<Skyr> musicmatze: If you're a small company (or freelancer), stick to GPL, AGPL or similar.
<Skyr> So you're not risking that a competitor gains advantage of your code without contributing back.
<musicmatze> Skyr: Thanks. I read something about AGPL sucks... don't know why....
<musicmatze> That's a good point.
<Skyr> I'm afraid you'll have to check that for yourself :)
<musicmatze> :)
<Skyr> If you simply don't care who uses your software (i.e. it is not the focus of your main business), you can stick to a BSDish license. But then you're up to the good will that someone contributes back.
<musicmatze> That's not what I want... I think GPL is the best idea, or LGPL
<Skyr> On the other hand, many companies avoid GPLled programs because it's a constant hassle. You always have to be extra-careful not to "infect" your company's code.
<Skyr> So if you put a program under the GPL, chances are high that no company will join the effort.
<musicmatze> therefor LGPL exists, right?
<Skyr> Then, on the other hand, this is all theory. In pracice, this would require someone to take notice of your project first :-) And if you think a GPL violation is happening, you'll have to enforce it at court (which can be really expensive)
<Skyr> L stands for Library. It separates a library from the rest of the program. The library itself is treated as a GPL program, but linking to it won't infect the linking program.
<musicmatze> Okay, thanks. I will keep that in mind. But now it's time for some food!
<Skyr> The AGPL does afaik something similar.
<musicmatze> L stands for "Lesser"
<Skyr> Or "Linker exception"
<musicmatze> but okay, same think.
<Skyr> Choose one
<musicmatze> thing*
<musicmatze> hihi
<musicmatze> okay... but now I choose lunch.
<musicmatze> cu
<Skyr> AGPL tries the same thing LGPL does for libraries - for web services
<Skyr> It prohibits to expose a modified program via the web (or similar) without publishing your modifications
<Skyr> musicmatze: So if you are writing a site generator, the AGPL would force a company to publish their modifications to your generator if they'd offer a web service to publish websites using your software behind the scenes.
<musicmatze> Sounds nice.
<gour> in researching about nanoc vs middleman i 've found the following: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4929181 any comment?
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<gour> not being familair with ruby , can't say much
<cDlm> I'd say it does touch weak points of nanoc
<cDlm> not sure how middleman manages to scale though
<cDlm> a big part of the compilation time is running the filters
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<guardian> ddfreyne: can you reproduce https://github.com/nanoc/nanoc/issues/318 ?
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<ddfreyne> gour: Regarding the Hacker News article, there is truth in there. The good news is that three years of experience with nanoc 3.x have given me a good view of what I want with nanoc 4.x, which is a work in progress. The two weak points are well known and are being tackled in nanoc 4.0
<ddfreyne> nanoc 4.0 will be backwards incompatible with nanoc 3.x, but the upgrade process should be easy
<ddfreyne> musicmatze: I really dislike GPL and AGPL
<ddfreyne> guardian: I haven't gotten around to reproducing it
<ddfreyne> gour: How big is the site you want to build? (in number of pages)
<musicmatze> ddfreyne: Thanks! Why do you dislike these licenses?
<ddfreyne> gour: Unless your site has several thousand pages, nanoc will be fine
<gour> ddfreyne: <1000 for now, no odea about the future...any eta for 4.x?
<musicmatze> ... for everything else, there will be thessc *smile*
* gour --> afk. bbl
<ddfreyne> musicmatze: I believe in freedom and that means I don't want to restrict usage on how people use my software too much. I can't use GPLed software in combination with a MIT-licensed project, for instance.
<ddfreyne> musicmatze: LGPL ensures that modifications to the software are released, but LGPLed software can still be used with non-GPL or even non-open-source software
<ddfreyne> Which is perfectly fine; the world isn't all open source and it never will be. Some stuff is quite okay to be closed-source
<ddfreyne> Actually, strictly speaking, nanoc is probably violating a couple of licenses because there are filters for GPLed projects... and therefore nanoc should not interact with them.
<darix> how can mit violate GPL?
<darix> you dont impose any additional restrictions
<musicmatze> okay, so your advice would be LGPL, if I understand you correctly?
<ddfreyne> musicmatze: LGPL if you want modifications to your software to be shared, MIT if you don't really care
<ddfreyne> darix: I cannot link to GPLed software in my MIT project
<musicmatze> okay, sounds nice for me.
<darix> ddfreyne: sure you can
<musicmatze> I will read your conversation later, have to go now! Thanks for your advice, ddfreyn!
<musicmatze> +e *
<ddfreyne> darix: ah, seems to be a point that is not entirely clear in fact - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_General_Public_License#Linking_and_derived_works
<darix> ddfreyne: i think you only run into problems with licenses that add more restrictions on top of what GPL does
<darix> like bsd4c
<ddfreyne> or gplv2 vs gplv3 ;)
<stbuehler> the FSF certainly does not want you to link your MIT project against GPL libraries
<darix> ddfreyne: that they made their own licenses incompatible
<darix> *shrug*
<stbuehler> calling GPL free is a joke anyway :)
<guardian> I use WTFPL2
<smkelly> I also like the BSD license
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<musicmatze> Stupid people in the rooming house -.-' If one dns server is in the local network, noone has an internet connaction anymore -.-
<musicmatze> Going to note all important ips now...
<gkarekinian> Why don't you use an external DNS server?
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<gour> ddfreyne afaict, there is not such big diference between e.g. RoR and Django, but wonder why are Ruby-based static generators so much better than he Python ones?
<cDlm> python does not have a culture of making things simple
<cDlm> or maybe both simple and terse
<cDlm> (I might be speaking bullsh*t here)
<gour> :-)
<gour> i wonder if there is even single ssg which even remotely resembles nanoc?
<cDlm> have you had a look at middleman ?
<cDlm> their website seems pretty clean and I must say I liked what I saw
<cDlm> but the devil is in the details :)
<gour> cDlm: i consider(ed) middleman, but was thinking about ssg-s on the python side :-)
<cDlm> does python have something like bundler ?
<gour> i'm not quite familiar with ruby stuff. what's bundler?
<gour> it seems it does not...there is pypi, but package management in python, afaik, sucks
<cDlm> it expresses and maintains the dependencies of your project
<cDlm> yeah that was my impression
<cDlm> there's more than one way to install stuff, which is a bit… ironic
<gour> people use virtualenv and pip to create isolated envs
<cDlm> that's like rbenv or rvm gemsets
<gour> recently setuptools and distribute project merged back :-)
<cDlm> bundler just ensures all the gems necessary for your project are installed and available
<cDlm> on a per-project basis, but without making completely separate ruby installations
<gour> interesting...being able to keep different versions of gems system-wide?
<cDlm> gem does that already
<cDlm> bundler is just selecting which ones your project is seeing
<gour> cool. virtualenv exists because it's pain to have different version of the same package system-wide
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