hannes changed the topic of #mirage to: bug cleaning day every first friday in month (14:00 UTC - late, next: 2nd Feb); MirageOS 3 is released, happy hacking!
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<hannes> anyone interested in reading a draft article about DNS? I'm happy to get feedback (esp. what is not understandable, typos, ...) -- https://gist.github.com/hannesm/66ab33134b14dbde8ea19c6cb5ba0441 (pls don't share further, it'll be up on https://hannes.nqsb.io later today)
<hannes> thx
<reynir> there were 2 sentences or so I wasn't sure about, but I forgot to note them down sorry
* reynir is in a food coma
* h01ger offers reynir an espresso
<reynir> :)
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<haesbaert> good news, I've commited the lwt part of awa, soon I can hook on mirage
<reynir> I saw \o/
<haesbaert> \o/
<kensan> hannes: sent you some feedback via mail.
<hannes> kensan: oh, thanks... i'll have to wait for my greylisting
<hannes> kensan: btw, are you up for march in marrakesh again? :)
<hannes> (it's also online now at https://hannes.nqsb.io/Posts/DNS)
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<haesbaert> I get Internal Server error on that
<hannes> haesbaert: no :p
<haesbaert> oh now opened :D
<haesbaert> I shall read it today mlord
<hannes> haesbaert: it may be that some part of my unikernel is not up to everything, or the 64MB memory is too small
<hannes> s/too small/not enough/
<haesbaert> long story short is it usable ?
<haesbaert> I mean can I ditch unbound at home ?
<hannes> there's no working resolver code right now
<hannes> this is primarily about the primary and secondary servers, and dynamic updats
<hannes> (redeploying the unikernel with double memory as we speak)
<haesbaert> k im reading it, but it's loaded
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<kensan> hannes: I don't think I can make it :(
<haesbaert> wait is 512byes still a thing ?
<haesbaert> oh cool you wrote a trie
<hannes> kensan: thx for the mail, fixed the typos (apart from "efficient" -> "sufficient"... these operations are better be efficient)
<hannes> kensan: too bad :(
<haesbaert> hah funny, my dns resolver is down
<kensan> hannes: Yeah, was not sure that's why I added a ? hehe
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<kensan> hannes: re: Marrakesh: I have to see but currently seems unlikely. However I have marked December in my calendar ;)
<hannes> kensan: \o/ but this means I'm now under pressure to organise another retreat in december 2018... (ok, i can deal with that)
<reynir> :D
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<kensan> hannes: I was pondering the idea of sponsoring somebody for the hack retreat in march if I cannot attend myself.
<hannes> kensan: sounds good to me as well! I still have to figure out details how to organise it financially (but I guess the easiest for me is to have techcultivation run it, collect money and issue receipts)
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<haesbaert> what's teh trick for using Mtime on utop ?
<hannes> # #require "mtime";;
<hannes> # #require "mtime.clock.os";;
<hannes> # Mtime_clock.now ();;
<hannes> - : Mtime.t = <abstr>
<hannes> # #require "mtime.top";;
<hannes> # Mtime_clock.now ();;
<hannes> - : Mtime.t = 930948951060297ns
<haesbaert> funny my require mtime.clock.os hangs
<haesbaert> wait worked no
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<hannes> github unicorns \o/
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<kensan> hannes: btw, I read your VMM/Albatros post over the holidays. Good stuff!
<hannes> kensan: thanks! :)
<kensan> hannes: Found some typos. Should I write a mail or do you prefer a PR?
<hannes> kensan: I prefer a PR
<kensan> hannes: Ok, will submit later.
<hannes> kensan: thanks!
<hannes> kensan: and yes, albatross came out of my need that I deployed with scp and shell scripts... now I generate certificate requests with shell scripts.. :(
<hannes> but I feel like this problem is much more local and easier to solve... just need some more time to write an actual enhanced command line utility
<kensan> hannes: imho conceptionally combining Albatross with Muen would result in what I discussed with djwillia at the retreat.
<hannes> heh... well, I still need to get my feet wet with muen
<kensan> hannes: scratching your own itch is a good motivator ;)
<kensan> hannes: Currently its a bit painful to work with. Also storage/blockdevice is not available (yet).
<kensan> hannes: I wanted to work on some stuff but then Meltdown/Spectre happened...
<hannes> kensan: yes, that's usually my only real motivation: solve some problem for me ;)
<hannes> kensan: and the storage/blockdevice I know, but I don't run any unikernel with block device atm (but I should soon to have a zone backup)
<kensan> hannes: I meant there is no implementation of the Solo5 block interface on Muen.
<hannes> oh, ic.
<kensan> hannes: hope to fix that at some point but its quite a bit in the future.
<hannes> while albatross has several places where "block" is accepted, there's actually never any unikernel executed which gets a block device ;)
<kensan> hannes: My hope is that it will be possible to run (a reduced version of) Albatross as unikernel(s).
<kensan> hannes: however, need to think about it more (&harder) when I get some time.
<hannes> yes! :)
<haesbaert> ou shit,
* haesbaert just figured 9000L instead of Int64.of_int 9000
<reynir> :D
<haesbaert> I can actually read the code now !
<haesbaert> \o/
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<haesbaert> bunzli libs are awesome
<haesbaert> just adopted Mtime
<haesbaert> fucking A
<haesbaert> lalalala
<haesbaert> should_rekey time left 4.504206 tx 1200
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