hannes changed the topic of #mirage to: next bug cleaning day: 2018-01-05 14:00 UTC - late (every first friday of a month); MirageOS 3 is released, happy hacking!
<gentauro> Nevermind, "joe" sent me the following link -> https://github.com/talex5/qubes-test-mirage
<h01ger> gentauro: did it work?
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<hannes> oh, this bug cleaning is on here right now!! :D
<hannes> yomimono: I looked into mirage#879 and would prefer not to have global bindings for "xen_block_packages" (and other packages)...
<yomimono> hm, okay. I did this to avoid duplicating the package specification, which seems easy to screw up whenever we need to change it; I think it will probably be the same in both invocations
<hannes> yes. for the "right_tcpip_library" I'm all with you, but for xen_block_packages -- it is used only twice, and it fits on a single line... but I've no hard feelings about it
<reynir> o/
<hannes> on a different topic, I recently wanted a unikernel to have a repeating command-line argument (or boot parameter) [i.e. --key=abc --key=def]. turns out this is not in functoria/mirage yet (i used a 'string list' instead, and pass via --key=abc,def). anyone else needs repeated command line options?
<hannes> oh, issues of archived repositories still show up in that search..
<hannes> stupid question about xen: what is HVM? and do we need that? I'm always confused what MirageOS uses and what we should use..
<reynir> I think Mirage needs PV, but I remember seeing an issue *somewhere* suggesting HVM support was being worked on. I don't have a good understanding on the subject
* h01ger neither. i only know HVM is some new shiny stuff in qubes 4.0 which migates spectre.
<hannes> what is the difference of hvm and pv?
<reynir> There's an explanation here, maybe it makes more sense to you https://wiki.xen.org/wiki/Xen_Project_Software_Overview#Guest_Types
<yomimono> pv IIRC is "paravirtualized", the OS knows how to talk to Xen via ring buffers etc; HVM is "fully virtualized" where the hypervisor exposes something hardware-looking to the guest, which requires no special drivers
<yomimono> but there are a bunch of weird middle states now, PVHVM and such, too, which I don't understand
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<yomimono> IIRC djs55 thought it might not be a ton of work to get us to HVM but currently we can only do PV
<hannes> ok, that link I visited and I've been there before, and am always more confused afterwards..
<yomimono> (sorry, was AFK dealing with a coffee-related emergency)
<hannes> the actual question is whether I can close https://github.com/mirage/mirage/issues/313 or not. since I don't see anyone pushing into that area..
<h01ger> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X86_virtualization is another link to read…
<yomimono> hm, this isn't needed for KVM etc anymore but I would like to have it anyway
<hannes> yomimono: ok.
<yomimono> qubes is moving toward hvm for everything, as is AWS
<yomimono> I'll put a comment in there to that effect
<mato> HVM / PVH / PVHVM all use hardware virt. PV is the "old" virt that uses x86 rings and requires support from the guest
<mato> I believe that upstream mini-os has support for (PV)HVM these days
<hannes> yomimono: thank you. mato: thanks!
<mato> as for spectre/meltdown i've still not read through the attacks in detail
<mato> notably, I still don't understand how spectre can cross VM boundaries
<hannes> mato: this means it boils down to rebasing mirage-xen on newer minios and freestanding and we're likely done!? (but we'd need to expose xen-pv vs xen-hvm in the mirage cli?)
<mato> hannes: well, that, which boils back down to the whole "clean up xen platform" issue
<mato> unfortunately i have to disappear now, just had a call about an unexpected family emergency, so no more work for me today, and have sucessfully lost all concentration :/
<reynir> Sorry to hear
<hannes> mato: I'm sorry to hear that. hope all turns out well, and cu soon!
<hannes> I just archived mirage/synjitsu
<mato> thx ... everyone involved is mostly fine, but i may need to drive to the julian alps and back over the weekend to pick the kids up
<yomimono> good luck to you & yours, mato; hope all's well quickly.
<hannes> oh, and if anyone has a specific issue they'd like to have solved, please tell. I can be convinced to write^Wremove some code today ;)
<hannes> was there any interest in keeping https://github.com/mirage/is-mirage-broken alive? AFAICT it is not updated and not used anywhere... shouldn't we just destroy the repository?
<yomimono> yes, I archived it instead because I couldn't clone it locally (to restore it if someone complained)
<yomimono> but I hear no complaining, so destroy away
<hannes> I'll click the big red button
<hannes> (but first clone if someone complains later)
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<haesbaert> mooo
<kensan> re PV/HVM/PVHVM: There is some more info here https://wiki.xen.org/wiki/Virtualization_Spectrum
<yomimono> cowsay "hi haesbaert"
<hannes> yomimono: there's a green button https://github.com/mirage/ocaml-pcap/pull/27 :)
<yomimono> and green check marks! merged, thanks; I'm guessing we need to splat that in lots of other places
<haesbaert> hello there
<hannes> is there a way in github search to include an organisation, but exclude certain repositories? (I'm personally not interested in specific repositories)??
<hannes> anyone aware of https://github.com/mirage/mirage/issues/504 is fixed now? I don't xen and I don't block device..
<hannes> also, what is the state of cow + cowabloga -- are these still in use and active? (I suspect mirage-www is the only user for now!?)
<yomimono> hannes: I'll look into this, I have some of this state still paged in
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<yomimono> (block, not cow/cowabloga)
<hannes> yomimono: thanks!
<hannes> hello mort___! happy new year!
<mort___> hello hannes likewise :)
<yomimono> (re: search -- it seems you can specify "org:myorg" or "repo:myrepo", but not both; the second will be silently ignored. github docs say you can use "NOT whatever", but this just gives an error page if you use it only with fields)
<hannes> yomimono: thx. 504 we can close now that there is 879 (I know it is not merged yet, but it will fix 504 iiuc), no?
<yomimono> would prefer to close it after 879 is merged and not before
<mk270> yomimono: sorry i couldnt be at the meeting on weds; was hoping ppl would ruminate on a five-point plan of things that need to happen first
<yomimono> someone who knows what they're doing may say it's not right yet :)
<yomimono> mk270: does that plan exist somewhere that people can ruminate on it, or were you hoping it would be generated?
<yomimono> (sorry if I missed it, been traveling a lot + my memory is very bad)
<olle> hannes: For my $work org, I want to set up a Sourcegraph instance, for search.
<olle> hannes: I often need real search.
<reynir> o/ olle merry christmas & new year
<olle> reynir: A merry continuation, to you too
<reynir> :D
<mk270> yomimono: sorry, that was ambiguous: i meant that i'd hoped that ppl would say "oh, things X and Y need to be documented first" "no, actually, A & B are higher priority", "ok then, A > B > X > Y"
<yomimono> I see; unless you want to wait until 17 Jan I think discuss.ocaml.org or mirageos-devel@lists.xenproject.org might be good places to hash that out
<mk270> yomimono: ok - was just looking for a todo-list :) ...
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<hannes> mirage repositories: should we add to each an AUTHORS file and remove any names from source files (similar to what solo5 does), instead point to license and authors!? (any opinions?)
<yomimono> I have always been kind of uncomfortable putting my name in these source files, which I guess counts as an opinion
<haesbaert> I don't think so
<haesbaert> if you touch a file too much, you should add your copyright
<haesbaert> files get copied around, they change repositories, projects and so on
<haesbaert> having the copyright on thefile makes it easier that your name "remains there in the future"
<haesbaert> and therefore does not violate the license
<haesbaert> it's also a neat thing in my opinion, to give due credit to people
<haesbaert> (nobody opens an AUTHORS file)
<hannes> haesbaert: I nearly never add myself to individual files, only those i create myself
<haesbaert> yes, but if you come to really touch and "own" a file, I think you should add yourself
<yomimono> I think we basically don't do that in mirageos
<yomimono> most files with such a header still have the original author names
<haesbaert> aye, but at least keep the original author in the file then, that would be my vote
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<yomimono> hannes: snmpv3 ?= snmpv2 over tls? is it more complicated than that?
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<hannes> yomimono: i linked there to a rfc for snmp over tls
<yomimono> yeah, I'll rtfm. thanks for the project entry on snmp, I think it sounds fun and maybe someone else will too :)
<hannes> it's on my schedule, but won't happen before april
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<yomimono> do you mind pushes there? I had edits to that page in mind, might as well tag them along
<yomimono> ^ hannes
<yomimono> (can't seem to open my own PRs these days, just hijacking everyone else's :P)
<hannes> pls push
<mort___> hannes: pr merged
<mort___> thanks :)
<hannes> mort___: which one? ;)
<mort___> affiliations
<hannes> ah, thanks for merging!
<hannes> mort___: if you like to press buttons, i guess https://github.com/mirage/mirage-www/pull/594 is also good to merge :)
<mort___> pressing buttons is the best!
<mort___> (also it's about all i'm still qualified for)
<hannes> ;p
<hannes> is this mirage/orm thing used? should we archive the repository?
<hannes> hmm, no, just leave it there, i guess..
<mort___> i don't believe that's used any longer (for several years)
<mort___> but samoht would be better placed to comment
<mort___> i think
<mort___> hannes: ok button pushed on 594 too
<hannes> mort___: thanks!
<mort___> i'm on fire. moar buttonz needed
<gentauro> h01ger: I will give it a try now ;)
<gentauro> I was to late yesterday :D
<h01ger> :)
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hannes changed the topic of #mirage to: bug cleaning day every first friday in month (14:00 UTC - late, next: 2nd Feb); MirageOS 3 is released, happy hacking!
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