avsm changed the topic of #mirage to: mirage 2 released! party on!
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<hannes> will there be a catchup later today?
<yomimono> yes! gemmag sent out a message via other channels but I don't see a mailing list message yet
<hannes> ah. not sure whether I'll make it (maybe I'll be able to be there the first 30 minutes)...
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<miragebot> [mirage] yomimono pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vKFvJ
<miragebot> mirage/master 5fecf51 Hannes Mehnert: no need for functoria pin here, it is in the extra_remote
<miragebot> mirage/master 217cc58 Mindy Preston: Merge pull request #567 from hannesm/travis...
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<noddy> *ka-chink*
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<unpurecamelbot> I'll be logging this meeting…
<dbuenzli> @unpurecamelbot Bravo.
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<yomimono> Hello! It's time for our fortnightly catch-up..
<djwillia> hi all!
<noddy> let the catch-up....
<yomimono> The agenda is available at https://github.com/mirage/mirage-www/wiki/Call-Agenda !
<noddy> ... begin.
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<yomimono> Please feel free to add items that you'd like to discuss today.
<yomimono> Here's a moment to wave if you want unpurecamelbot to record that you were here!
* yomimono waves
<avsm> Group greets!
* noddy waves
<talex5> ~
<amirmc> yo
<dbuenzli> v
<djwillia> o/
<GemmaG> :)
<yomimono> So first on the agenda is our recurring "quality and test" item.
* mattg waves
<yomimono> Nobody's noted anything, but perhaps now's a good moment to mention that I broke all of our tests by releasing a version of functoria with an undeclared hard dependency.
<yomimono> Oops.
<yomimono> If dbuenzli or any other topkg expert could have a look at https://github.com/mirage/functoria/issues/67 , I'd appreciate it.
<talex5> Could we add some REVDEPS to detect that in future?
<avsm> exciting news on that front
<Drup> yomimono: it's not really your fault
<Drup> I blame the topkg transition :>
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<yomimono> drup: me too :P
<avsm> I now have a DataKit VM with GitHub integration working thanks to talex5 and samoht -- with a little easter egg here https://github.com/mirage/ocaml-github/pull/110 (look at the bottom)
<yomimono> avsm: can you tell us why that's rad real quick?
<avsm> So I'm working on checking that DataKit wont destroy all our repositories by using it on a few small repositories first, but then hooking in REVDEPS tests as the first thing it checks
<avsm> the 50 minute limit is what was blocking REVDEPS before
<hannes> github #110 is sexp support..?!??
<avsm> This will let us write custom CI checks that: 1) directly interface with OPAM 2) do not have a 50 minute limit and 3) run on our infrastructure (so can deploy archive servers and so on) and 4) are multidistro
<avsm> hannes: look at the "Some checks were not successful" box at the bottom
<yomimono> I think avsm wants us to scroll all the way down and see that there's a continuous-integration/anil-testing/pr in addition to travis-ci and appveyor
<avsm> DataKit makes it really easy to hook in custom stuff there
<yomimono> so we might have non-terrible CI sometime soon :D
<avsm> in fact, it live updates
<avsm> keep an eye on that URL now...
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<yomimono> that's indeed exciting! it will be great when we can see some updates -- right now I just get a link to anil.recoil.org
<yomimono> which is a nice website but a bit scant on details
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<yomimono> unless there's more on this, let's move on
<djwillia> that's awesome! hello-hannes tests should be standard
<avsm> that's pretty much it! more as we get it working
<yomimono> great!
<yomimono> next up we've got an item to discuss "ocamlfind predicates", which is really a discussion of this pr:
<yomimono> I don't see pqwy here but maybe I should be looking for a different name on irc?
<noddy> i already waved!
<yomimono> oh! sorry!
<yomimono> want to give us a quick summary?
<noddy> yeah; i want to externalize dep resolution from the mirage tool a bit. we have a nice language where we can do stuff like separately compile against a particular interface, then link against a particular implementation later on. i'd like to use that in mirage.
<noddy> note that this is less "linking tricks" pr and more "let's make ocamlfind know about targets, there's stuff it knows how to do" pr.
<avsm> Its true that this does duplicate some ocamlfind functionality
<avsm> and we do have a hard dependency on ocamlfind right now for everything else
<avsm> so pushing the linking hacks into ocamlfind lets us focus on "migrate all ocamlfind functionality" in the future
<noddy> it's also a dep hack; you can condition dep on a predicate in ocamlfind.
<avsm> yeah, which could be useful to help us compile multiple C library variants, e.g. across solo5/xen
<dbuenzli> Note that this solution actually scales with the number of backends and avoids solving problems by encoding them as package names.
<avsm> I'm broadly in favour, with talex5's caution noted: we should encourage library authors to not depend on this functionality
<avsm> _as an abstraction mechanism_
<noddy> it's unclear to me where this can lead. it could certainly be abused.
<dbuenzli> What are the exact dangers ?
<noddy> it can also be nicely used to automate satisfaction of a single interface without stuff downstream being tainted by the same problem
<noddy> people playing _nasty_ linking tricks i guess
<dbuenzli> It's not tricks.
<noddy> my mind cannot anticipate all the horrid abuses of this people can come up with.
<avsm> yeah. they're really a valid part of the toolchain from ocaml land
<dbuenzli> It link time selection of implementation.
<dbuenzli> its
<avsm> and ocaml blocks you from the worst errors via CRC checks
<dbuenzli> it's
<noddy> in this usage, it is
<noddy> and it this usage it's kosher imho
<hannes> can we pass the CFLAGS this way as well?
<avsm> the danger is in C libraries really -- should we decide on a convention where C archives have their own predicate names that are reserved for them?
<avsm> hannes: not cflags, but we can pick a predicate name for a CFLAGS definition and always use that
<avsm> but cant enforce it
<dbuenzli> C libraries should be recorded in the archive implementations
<noddy> we already have that convention
<noddy> it's called xen_linkflags.
<noddy> and freestanding_linkflags.
<avsm> yeah
<noddy> in this case, not too much is gained:
<noddy> as ld is called directly (on all targets i checked), extra logic is needed to extract linkflags(predicate) from METAs and propagate that to the ld invocation
<noddy> so at best, we standardize on a standard META field as opposed to inventing arbitraty ones
<noddy> if the final linking is done via ocamlfind, then it becomes automagic
<noddy> but still... i want ocamlfind to know about the target. it's useful.
<avsm> I think it's worth the experiment, particularly as we continue solo5 merging
<talex5> Would be very good to have ocamlfind get the linker flags, not mirage, indeed.
<avsm> we can always revert it if it goes wrong before the mirage3 release
<noddy> it can't go wrong in itself
<dbuenzli> Well I have a picture drawn in my notebook by pqwy in what the future looks without this, it's not pretty I can scan it if you want.
<noddy> and if someone uses it for diabolical schemes... we can rant against them on twitter!
<dbuenzli> (and it's for a library which shouldn't be tied to mirage, nocrypto)
<noddy> ok, related --
<avsm> ok, sounds like we have consensus on a merge then...
<noddy> this pr in itself enables certain things, and one of those is shimming OS
<noddy> i'd like to draft a signature for this and get it somewhere, say, in types
<noddy> so that all implementations can depend on, and check against, the same sig
<hannes> noddy: you mean integrating your mirage-os-shim back into mirage-types?
<noddy> no, i mean spelling out the signature os several modules in OS and having that signature in mirage-types
<noddy> and having implementations import that signature as opposed to either copying it, or symlinking (as xen->unix does in some places)
<talex5> Design question: should anyone except main.ml use OS directly?
<noddy> i wrote i library that hooks into the event loop
<noddy> s:i:a:
<avsm> talex5: OS gets increasingly hard to maintain consistently as we add backends, so no
<avsm> witness the lifecycle design conversation
<avsm> just xen's suspend/resume model is sufficiently different from a hardware one
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<talex5> avsm: OK. We should document that somewhere (if we didn't already).
<mattg> when I was first looking at Mirage, OS seemed like it didn't fit with the rest of mirage-types and was confusing to me
<avsm> yeah, agreed.
<yomimono> concur, you're not the only one who's been confused
<avsm> its an evolutionary thing as well: we started off with OS about 5 years ago and then slowly disentangled it into smaller module
<noddy> in that case, big chunks need to be moved to mirage-types and provided as functor parameters
<avsm> guess it's time to kick the remainder to the kerb
<djwillia> (have to drop off early - sorry bout that - bye all!)
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<avsm> move on then yomimono ?
<yomimono> let's!
<yomimono> next up is tracking issues for mirage 3.0
<yomimono> avsm and gemmag, want to share what you've posted?
<yomimono> I'll hit submit on my in-progress one in the meantime
<avsm> looks like gemmag's issue got quite a lot of traffic in a short period of time
<GemmaG> I added a list of smaller things we could tackle on mirage.io https://github.com/mirage/mirage/issues/569
<GemmaG> which is quickly becoming a larger list :P
<avsm> i've picked off some of the low hanging fruit (linked canopy from main page, etc) and am working on twiopam to generate changelogs more easily
<GemmaG> I'm new to the issues etiquette, so apologies for mistakes :)
<avsm> http://gist.github.com/bactrian has some early examples, need to skin them properly
<avsm> GemmaG: all looks good to me, thanks for tracking the comments as well!
<avsm> On the information architecture question, I've somewhat radically been learning the latest HTML wizardry again
<GemmaG> As @hannes mentioned, it might require a bigger-picture thought process, but there are some quick and small changes that might make a huge difference
<avsm> I wrote the current Zurb one in a couple of days a few christmases ago, so it needs a refresh quite sorely
<avsm> i reckon make the quick changes now to bring things up to a reasonable level, and then we can whiteboard up a few ideas for what the new website should look like closer to the 3.0 launch
<avsm> i'm keen to automate the library tracking as much as possible, it's just not sustainable by any manual means any more
<dbuenzli> Note that one problem with automated tracking is that it can quickly become noise.
<avsm> yes absolutely
<avsm> we still need curated newsletters and such, like the OCaml weekly news
<avsm> so the feed isn't necessarily for direct human consumption, but it needs to exist for someone (even if just the weekly news editor)
<yomimono> personally, anything less noisy than watching opam-repository via github would be an improvement
* avsm seconds that
<avsm> not that i can escape from having to watch it :P
<hannes> as posted several moons ago to mirageos-devel, there's a bot watching tons of mirage repos https://github.com/miragebot.private.atom?token=ARh4hnusZ1kC_bQ_Q6_HUzQteEEGTqy8ks61Fm2LwA== is its rss feed..
<hannes> (but certainly records changes, not releases)
<yomimono> that's... also very noisy
<yomimono> (sorry bot, it's not your fault :( )
<yomimono> if nobody objects, I'd also like to get some eyes on https://github.com/mirage/mirage/issues/571 , which is the beginning of a tracking issue for mirage 30
<yomimono> er, 3.0
<yomimono> we're not skipping that many numbers
<hannes> mirage 95!
<yomimono> (there are large unlsted items which are already completed, among them solo5!)
<GemmaG> I'm looking into options for a regular newsletter too - one that is more curated than the Weekly News, and combines all the info. Currently there are a few sources where things are missed. Suggestions and ideas welcome :)
<yomimono> GemmaG - that would be a general OCaml newsletter, right?
<yomimono> mentioning for the benefit of others here who might have more to add on that than a Mirage-specific one :)
<GemmaG> Possibly yes - it started off being more of an OCaml Labs newsletter, but it makes sense to incorporate OCaml as a whole
<dbuenzli> Well I think caml weekly news does a good job at that.
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<dbuenzli> Especially the ocaml mailing list is very well curated
<avsm> yeah, so something a bit more mirage specific makes sense on those lines
<dbuenzli> (and nowadays we have the blog posts of the planet + outsanding PR to the ocaml compiler)
<avsm> the caml weekly news is fantastic
<avsm> I find the Planet blog posts to be the opposite of the Caml Weekly News: automated noise that often have little to do with OCaml or Mirage
<dbuenzli> I mean we have the blog posts of the planet in the caml-weekly news ( I don't know if they are curated though)
<GemmaG> I found a lot of content from other sources that aren't in the weekly newsletter and the planet blog - it would be good to incorporate them too
<avsm> so a "social" version of the Caml weekly news with interesting blog posts/links would be great, or offering to help Alan collate those and add them to his newsletter
<GemmaG> Yes - I think getting in touch with Alan is a good plan
<avsm> Sounds good to me! Happy to help hook in data feeds for this
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<GemmaG> There's a lot mentioned on Twitter for example that isn't part of the weekly news/planet blogs. I don't want to repeat content and add to noise, but having one place for ALL the info would be good
<GemmaG> :)
<dbuenzli> But twitter is for brain farts.
<GemmaG> hahahah :P
<yomimono> we've gotten a bit off-track, so maybe I could suggest that anyone with more additions contact GemmaG out-of-band?
<avsm> I eat a lot of beans
<avsm> good plan yomimono
<yomimono> dbuenzli: also very important cat photos?
<yomimono> wait, I meant !, not ?
<GemmaG> Yes - please do :)
<yomimono> next (I think? we got a bit lost) is that solo5 got merged!! yaaaaaay!
<yomimono> sorry we didn't get to it before djwillia had to leave :(
<avsm> WOOP!
<avsm> dan had to go and martin is on a well deserved vacation
<seangrove> *wow*
<avsm> but i am currently trying to compile up a static mirage-www without tls to go live
<hannes> tls works..
<avsm> got the KVM machine up now, so it'll be on solo5.mirage.io soon
<yomimono> which is the next agenda item! yay!
<avsm> is entropy all working now hannes?
<noddy> NO.
<hannes> noddy: hmm?
<noddy> we discussed that 10 minutes ago, no?
<hannes> well, so I do have entropy using some branches , see mirage-dev repo... noddy has fixes for build systems which avoid some copying around
<avsm> anyway, static website incoming first without TLS as I'm keen to have a simpler version anyway
<dbuenzli> Who needs tls anyways the certificate system is broken.
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<yomimono> dbuenzli: ...is this leading to a concrete proposal for something interesting?
<dbuenzli> Yes drop support for it. Things get simpler.
<noddy> steganography all the way
<avsm> alright, off topic... :-)
<yomimono> looks like that's where avsm is going, so yay. if that resolves everyone's questions about the current state of entropy, let's move on
<yomimono> I stuck a hackathon recap item on the agenda but I don't think it's super necessary unless anyone else has something they're desperate to discuss
<yomimono> going once, going twice...
<noddy> the food was gone too early?
<yomimono> noted.
<noddy> thank you.
<noddy> no, there was plenty of that. :D
<yomimono> unpurecamelbot, got that?
<yomimono> avsm, tell us about TWiOPAM.
<avsm> Done already, will figure out best way to hook it in
<avsm> (if you scroll up to the website discussion, future log readers)
<yomimono> great. next item is mirage.io updates and improvements, which I believe we've also already discussed?
<yomimono> in that case, any other business?
<yomimono> hearing none, I declare this meeting a resounding success..
<yomimono> everyone did a great job except my . key.
<avsm> woop woop. thanks everyone!
<noddy> \O/ \O_
<dbuenzli> bye
<noddy> .o| \O/ |O/
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<engil> unpurecamelbot: commit done
<unpurecamelbot> done
<engil> unpurecamelbot: bye
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<yomimono> thanks, engil and unpurecamelbot :)
<noddy> engil has a minion
<engil> too much work to do on this thing…
<mattg> ah i missed my chagen to ask about PCLOCK and making it DEVICE
<mattg> chance
<mattg> anyway, i sent an email but would appreciate some review of the commits i linked to there
<yomimono> aw, sorry mattg :( I saw your mail, I'll make sure to reply
<mattg> No worries, my fault I was in 2 meetings at the same time!
<yomimono> I know that feeling D:
<yomimono> Anyway, I think the change is reasonable. Looking back it's actually a notification on your push for 5b83035 I got -- was there another mail as well?
<yomimono> nm, found it
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<mattg> Cool - the stuff with V1_LWT confused me a great deal and i'm not sure what i've done is correct
<mattg> or in the spirit of how V1_LWT is supposed to work
<noddy> you include the sig and replace 'a io with 'a Lwt.t
<noddy> aha and buffer with Cstruct.t
<mattg> I did that but had to do it in more places than i expected
<mattg> but it probably just need to learn a bit more about functors and including sigs
<mattg> in any case, I'll press on with MCLOCK device-ification
<mattg> and redo changes to clock dependencies - these shouldn't need much work
<mattg> and then mirage-skeleton
<mattg> and then it should be DONE
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