[mattermost] <sb10q> whitequark: smoltcp ipv6 seems to work fine :) nice
[mattermost] <sb10q> cr1901_modern: have you ever used IPsec on windows?
sb10q: I'm afraid not
[mattermost] <sb10q> the linux configuration with ``ip xfrm`` seems reasonable enough (even if poorly documented), but idk how painful it is on windows
[mattermost] <sb10q> the idea is to put devboards on a v6 network with ipsec
[mattermost] <sb10q> as I understand it, this is the only configuration where the router adds/removes encryption and the packets are cleartext on the private LAN
>Mandatory part of IPv6 stack Oh, wheee...
that sounds like an absolute blast to implement
[mattermost] <sb10q> yeah they made a mess of it
[mattermost] <sb10q> but that config with ip xfmr seems okay
did wq implement ipsec for smoltcp, or is the idea that you want the encryption to be gone by the time it reaches a smoltcp device?
[mattermost] <sb10q> no
[mattermost] <sb10q> ipsec in the device sounds complicated, so the idea is to handle the encryption entirely in the linux router
Hrm, while this doesn't really affect you or me, this sounds like something that indeed cannot be configured on consumer ipv6 router :/
[mattermost] <sb10q> it can be configured on the lab router, and it can be configured on linux clients. the consumer home routers don't need to be involved
[mattermost] <sb10q> the question is windows...
It looks like Windows Server provides a GUI and it's _slightly_ complicated to set up, but not a nightmare
but I don't have Windows Server, and I don't think I could easily dupe your setup here
sb10q: From reading ipv6now.com, ESP is the header you want; the Authentication header doesn't provide encryption
ZirconiumX: nmigen's elaboration process is currently actually quite slow
I made a design mistake that should be relatively easy to fix that results in that
Okay, fair
[nmigen] whitequark commented on issue #256: Consider adding a --platform (or -p) option to generate - https://git.io/JeBNn
[nmigen] cr1901 commented on issue #256: Consider adding a --platform (or -p) option to generate - https://git.io/JeBNR
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[nmigen] RobertBaruch commented on issue #256: Consider adding a --platform (or -p) option to generate - https://git.io/JeBAm
[nmigen] whitequark commented on issue #256: Consider adding a --platform (or -p) option to generate - https://git.io/JeBAG
Okay, so, evidently I'm doing the metaprogramming wrong, because inspecting the output Verilog shows that I'm not getting 16 of my PIPE Records, but only 1.
Because nMigen thinks the records refer to the same instance? Is this a bit where I need to deep-copy?