sb0 changed the topic of #m-labs to: ARTIQ, Migen, MiSoC, Mixxeo & other M-Labs projects :: fka #milkymist :: Logs
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Well, managed to create a makeshift jtag controller from Pi. I can at least verify bypass is working correctly. Perhaps I shouldn't be, but I'm surprised it worked.
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rjo, another issue with the flush is that the idle experiment will stay in the pipeline forever. i would solve that by adding a function call, accessible for the experiment, that makes the scheduler consider it already flushed
the idle experiment will call it first thing
why does the idle experiment stay in the pipeline (prepare, run, analyze) forever?
ah. you mean it is always in run() because it does a while True: actual_run(); yield()
with "idle" you are referring to what i call the "default" experiment that is saved in flash.
there is another (real) "idle" experiment, that outputs data and has a body more like: actual_run(); schedule("idle")
and it would not enter the pipeline if there is another experiment becoming active with flush.
mixed them up. the "idle" experiment is in flash and run by the core device whenever it is not connected to a PC, the "default" experiment is run by the PC when there is nothing else to run.
with the current priority system, the way to achieve that is to run forever with a low priority and pauses (which was called "yield" but conflicts with the python keyword) regularly
re-scheduling doesn't do exactly that because overdue timed experiments have priority over non-timed experiments
ok. if we have a priority in addition to overdueness, then the list should be sorted using (priority, overdueness), right?
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[migen] sbourdeauducq pushed 1 new commit to master:
migen/master 57102ec Sebastien Bourdeauducq: valid version number (fixes issue #12)
rjo, that's another possibility. the difference with (overdueness, priority) as it's done right now is calibrations are run preemptively no matter what the priority values of the other experiments are
priority values of other experiments are mostly there to allow some rearranging of the schedule, e.g. put an experiment at the front
if we use (priority, overdueness), then experiments put at the front may preempt calibrations
we can also use (calibration flag, priority, overdueness) ...but it becomes more complicated and adds another GUI feature to set the flag
only experiments with priorities higher than the calibration experiments can preempt calib experiments. i would leave it to the user to figure out the priorities. i don't think more than three are needed: [calibration, measure, default]
highest being first
ok, so we actually do not need overdueness in the priority key anymore
just (priority value from user, due date, rid)
why? if you queue multiple measurement prios (some in the future) the overdueness will sort them.
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rjo, what I meant by "overdueness" is a boolean flag that says if the experiment is overdue or not. there is also a sort by due date.
[artiq] sbourdeauducq pushed 5 new commits to master:
artiq/master 737f6d4 Sebastien Bourdeauducq: scheduler: support pipeline flush
artiq/master 4a7c695 Sebastien Bourdeauducq: artiq_run: implement mockups of new scheduler API
artiq/master e752e57 Sebastien Bourdeauducq: scheduler: do not duplicate 'run terminated' information
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rjo, how much scheduler unit testing should we have?
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sb0: do we support multiple float types in py2llvm?
like double/float/half
soft-fp is slow anyway, and if we need speed, the fpga is large enough for a double precision fpu (in general, size isn't much of an issue in modern FPGAs, but they are slow as hell)
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[pythonparser] whitequark pushed 2 new commits to master:
pythonparser/master 770bd58 whitequark: Allow including non-builtin fields in ast.AST.__repr__().
sb0: is the sorting of runnable experiments limited to those that are actually overdue? otherwise overdue low prio experiments would be blocked by not-yet-due high prio experiments.
sb0: enough that the code is well covered and the behavior that we agreed on is verified. don't cover every conceivable corner case.