for now I have to comment my import to use ISE or VIVADO
but I'd like to be able to pass a parameter to the Platform class to choose the toolchain
yay! python questions I might be able to figure out :)
but since it does not seems to be possible to do dynamic inheritance, I'm a stuck...
does someone has idea or a workaround for that?
dynamic inheritance is quite possible; just create the class dynamically. i.e. you could make a metaclass
in fact here I want to be able to do this:
Platform(toolchain="ise") in make.py --> return Platform that inherit from XilinxISEPlatform
Platform(toolchain="vivado") in make.py --> return Platform that inherit from XilinxVIVADOPlatform
LoneTech : thanks, I'm looking at that
so a structure like: def Platform(toolchain): class Platform(toolchain): ... return Platform could do that
i.e. a fresh class produced when that function is called
memoize it if you want to reuse it for type checks or something
though I'm not sure this is very elegant from either OO or performance perspectives, it doesn't feel like the most performance critical part
ah yes indeed if Plaform is a function it's easier :)