jackdaniel changed the topic of #lisp to: Common Lisp, the #1=(programmable . #1#) programming language<http://cliki.net/> logs:<https://irclog.whitequark.org/lisp,http://ccl.clozure.com/irc-logs/lisp/> | SBCL 1.4.5, CMUCL 21b, ECL 16.1.3, CCL 1.11.5, ABCL 1.5.0
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<pillton> Bike: That spooky action thing is weird.
<Bike> it is a little weird.
<Bike> the reason it happens is that docstrings are associated with underlying functions rather than closures, of course.
<Bike> which i think is obviously reasonable except for this where it's a little weird.
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<pillton> I am not sure I understand the difference between your example and https://plaster.tymoon.eu/view/824#824.
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<Bike> In my example the two functions almost certainly have the same underlying, eh, code object.
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<Bike> they could in yours too i guess, but i doubt anyone would bother
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<ealfonso> perhaps not a good idea, but in defstruct is it possible to spcify a default init form that uses a previously defined slot? is there a way to access "this"?
<Bike> there isn't, but you could define a constructor that uses another parameter as a default
<aeth> Whenever I do anything fancy with struct initialization, I tell it to make the constructor a %make-foo and I write my own make-foo constructor using %make-foo
<Bike> or that.
<devon> (format nil "~,6F" 3738064606071093/1000000) => "3738064600.000000" ; I'd prefer "3738064606.071093"
<Bike> don't use floats?
<aeth> it's probably doing (float 3738064606071093/1000000) under the hood
<aeth> that gives me 3.7380646e9
<aeth> You want a double float
<aeth> Manually do (float 3738064606071093/1000000 1d0)
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<aeth> (format nil "~,6F" (float 3738064606071093/1000000 1d0)) => "3738064606.071093"
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<aeth> #'float is a bit awkward. It defaults to your default float format (in your case, and in most cases, that's single-float), but if you want to use another float format you have to provide some number of that format, in this case 1d0 (the "d0" instead of "e0" forces it to be a double)
<aeth> You can also do (coerce foo 'double-float) instead
<ealfonso> ok thanks Bike aeth
<aeth> Actually, apparently the default is always single-float. The difference between #'float and #'coerce is that #'float won't coerce something that is already a float.
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<Bike> you might want to consider laying out the decimal yourself. it's kind of a pain, but it beats weird rounding unintuitiveness.
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<Bike> like (multiple-value-call #'format nil "~d.~d" (floor 3738064606071093 1000000)) i mean.
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<Bike> ~d.~6,'0d
<aeth> I was about to say that that would eat the leading 0s
<aeth> If you do something like this you should probably write a unit test that compares it to the float version. They could differ, but if the decimal part differs by an order of magnitude or more, that's probably the leading 0s bug popping up or something similar
<devon> Thanks, (format nil "~,6F" (coerce 3738064606000000/1000000 'double-float)) sure beats (let* ((n 3738064606071093/1000000) (s 1000000) (sn (* s n))) (multiple-value-bind (q r) (floor sn s) (format nil "~D.~6,'0D" q r)))
<Bike> not fair, i made it a oneliner!
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<Bike> if you already have a ratio you can just do (numerator ...) and (denominator ...)
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<aeth> yeah, most of the time you use multiple-value-bind, you probably actually want multiple-value-call
<Bike> i wouldn't go that far.
<aeth> Seemed to be > 50% for me
<Bike> or rather i'd say that's actually false. i just didn't want to write too much.
<aeth> If you know about m-v-c obviously it'll be different percentage
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<pillton> Bike: Well, I think that documentation sharing thing is wrong. Imagine the surprises someone would have when using the programmatic interface to construct an environment. Secondly, an implementation may consider "compressing" code in fasls by sharing code objects.
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<pillton> Having said that, I am going to file it under apathy.
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<Bike> mhm
<devon> THX² Bike, aeth: (let ((n 3738064606071093/1000000)) (string= (format nil "~,6F" (coerce n 'double-float)) (let ((s 1000000)) (multiple-value-call #'format nil "~D.~6,'0D" (floor (* s n) s))))) => T
<Bike> if you have a fraction already just do (format nil "~d~6,'0d" (numerator n) (denominator n))
<Bike> no, wait. that makes no sense.
<Bike> nevermind.
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<aeth> devon: you wouldn't want string=, though, you'd want to find where the . is and then parse-integer and then divide the larger one by 10 until they're of the same base-10 length (but not quite beacuse you also have to take into account leading 0s) and then compare them.
<aeth> Because they could be subtly different due to floating point
<aeth> This is a case where the test is harder than writing the thing
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<aeth> Bike's version will prefix 0 for leading 0's to get it up to 6, but if the part after the decimal point is longer than 6, it will display them all. Afaik, the double float version will always cut it off after 6 decimal places after the decimal point. So the lengths could differ.
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<devon> Printing present-day universal times to µs, DOUBLE-FLOAT-EPSILON seems perilously close to dropping a low order bit. Perhaps it's time to define ~:F
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<devon> (format nil "~,,-6F, ~:*~,6,-6F" 1) => "1.0, 0.000001" ; is this a bug in CCL or a bug in the spec?
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<beginner_supreme> Not sure I understand destructuring-bind vs multiple-value-bind.
<Bike> destructuring bind takes lists apart. multiple value bind takes multiple values apart
<aeth> destructuring bind is most useful in macros. In fact, the lambda list of macros kind of builds it in to save a few levels of destructuring-binds.
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<aeth> a macro's lambda list might be (name (x y) &body body) and that's equivalent to it being (name parameters &body body) with a destructuring-bind in the macro of (destructuring-bind (x y) parameters ...)
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<aeth> So you're ensuring that a list matches some pattern, and binding the elements to that pattern. in (destructuring-bind (x y) (list 1 2) ...) x will be 1 and y will be 2. And (list) will be an error and (list 1 2 3) will be an error
<aeth> The structure in destructuring-bind can be complicated like (x (y &optional z) (u (v &rest w)) &key a b c)
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<aeth> With multiple-value-bind you're just dealing with a bunch of values. so (multiple-value-bind (a b c) (values 1 2 3) (+ a b c)) => 6
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<beginner_supreme> Thank you guys
<beginner_supreme> ->aeth
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<aeth> Wow, something other than Matrix failed this time.
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<beach> Good morning everyone!
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<beginner_supreme> good morning beach
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<beach> beginner_supreme: So how is learning Common Lisp going?
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<beginner_supreme> It's going well. Getting more used to it
<beach> Excellent!
<beginner_supreme> Other high level languages are beginning to feel lacking tbh
<beginner_supreme> Idk
<beach> Yeah, that's a phenomenon that many of us have observed.
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<beginner_supreme> Started learning emacs as well.
<beach> Good. Then, if you use ERC for IRC discussions, you can use Emacs abbrevs, so that when you type "tbh" or "idk", they will be automatically expanded.
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<beach> For instance, I have abbrevs for "Common Lisp", "Common Lisp HyperSpec", "Good morning everyone!", "(first) Climacs", "Second Climacs", "first-class global environments", "(admittedly small) family", etc. etc.
<beach> Saves A LOT of typing, and makes it less necessary to explain to others what you are trying to say.
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<beginner_supreme> That sounds interesting
<beginner_supreme> Excited to try out slime soon.
<beach> I once calculated how many hours per month my abbrevs for writing email saved me. It was considerable. For some reason, I am one of the few people I know who use Emacs abbrevs. Strange to me.
<beach> Oh, yes, SLIME is a must.
<beach> It is not fantastic, but it's the best we have.
<White_Flame> mentioning "abbrevs" multiple times in your literal text here is ironic
* pillton didn't know Emacs had support for abbreviations.
<beach> pillton: Wow!
<beach> White_Flame: Why is that?
<White_Flame> because you're talking about full non-abbreviated text appearing in what you communicate
<White_Flame> as you talk about abbrevs :0
<White_Flame> :)
<beach> White_Flame: It's a technical term. I guess you didn't know about them either. http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/emacs/Abbrevs.html
<White_Flame> yes, I gathered that. It just comes across as unintentionally humorous
<beginner_supreme> Is there a document anywhere describing the swank protocol that slime uses? Can't seem to find an official doc
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<beach> I also use Emacs abbrevs to fix some of my common typos. Like, my fingers seem unable to type "the", and they type "teh" instead. So I have an abbrev that "expands", the latter into the former. Same thing for "language" and "language".
<White_Flame> seems to be working well
<beach> It saves me several minutes per day to avoid having to backspace and fix.
<beach> Er, "language" and "langauge". It is hard to prevent Emacs from fixing. :)
<White_Flame> I really need pythong => python at my shell
<beach> I can see that.
<beach> You would have to define a shell alias for that.
<jach[m]> Have you been hypnotized by the Hasselhoff as well?
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<devon> beginner_supreme: The swank protocol is so deficient, I'd not even look unless you plan to replace it.
<pillton> devon: How is it deficient?
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<beginner_supreme> I'm curious to know too now lol
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<White_Flame> I'm offering money to anybody who will refactor SLIME such that the elisp portion is hosted by swank, allowing multiple connections to different deployed versions simultaneously
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<White_Flame> with the initially emacs-side code simply being a bootstrap to connect & download elisp
<White_Flame> local to the connection
<shangul> White_Flame, you should offer something more attractive than money
<shangul> like ice-cream!
<White_Flame> the ice cream is money flavor
<White_Flame> (tastes like a million hands have rubbed it)
<pillton> White_Flame: That would be fun considering emacs only has a single namespace.
<White_Flame> right, it'd all have to be lambdas stored in a lookup list or something
<shangul> but younger people don't understand what money is. they understand what ice cream and chocolate is
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<White_Flame> shangul: you show your age. This is the place to reference avocado toast
<shangul> my age?
<beginner_supreme> Avocado is to be toasted?
<shangul> I'm 8 years old
<shangul> and I'll never go upper than 8
<White_Flame> but seriously, if anybody wants to tackle SLIME like that, PM me
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<beginner_supreme> One must first learn to PM.
<beginner_supreme> <-
<jackdaniel> beginner_supreme: you type /query White_Flame
<beginner_supreme> Oh, thanks
<shangul> jackdaniel, isn't that "/msg"?
<beginner_supreme> It seems the difference is that /msg cannot be seen by anyone else, but query is visible.
<shangul> beginner_supreme, visible to whom?
<beginner_supreme> The channel I presume
<shangul> beginner_supreme, no it isn't
<shangul> beginner_supreme, query in my client opens a new private window and optionally sends a message
<shangul> /msg just sends a message
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<jackdaniel> msg sends a message, query opens a new window (like a channel)
<beginner_supreme> I see, you're right
<shangul> however I don't remember if query was a standard IRC command
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<jackdaniel> I don't know, but unless it doesn't work for him it is a valid answer ;-) /me moves along
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<shangul> How to tell dotimes to count from 1 instead of 0?
<beach> shangul: Use LOOP instead.
<beach> shangul: (loop for i from 1 to ... do ...)
<shangul> okay so no way to tell it. I'll use if to not do anything if it was 0
<beach> No, don't do that.
<shangul> ?
<beach> Use LOOP instead.
<beach> shangul: Why do you want to start at 1?
<shangul> because I should loop from 1 to n not from 0 to n
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<beach> Fine.
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<shangul> I each time do (/ n i) so what will happen if it was zero?
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<shangul> beach, Yet I don't know why should I use "loop" instead of "if" and "dotimes"
<jackdaniel> shangul: loop provides you mechanism to do what you want
<beach> shangul: Because LOOP would be more idiomatic.
<jackdaniel> dotimes doesn't do that
<shangul> okay...
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<jackdaniel> on the other hand, if you are interested in your own looping construct, I'd argue that building your macro upon DO is more readable
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<jackdaniel> s/looping/iteration/
<beach> jackdaniel: I think that would be premature in shangul's case.
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<shangul> I'm going with loop
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<shangul> I'm leave and I'm not gonna lock the screen. because I know no one here would be able to work with i3 :D
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<flip214> minion: memo for Fare: https://bbt.legi.cash/ has a typo: "Solution: Extract Everything from a Same Spec" => "*the* Same Spec"
<minion> Remembered. I'll tell Fare when he/she/it next speaks.
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<beginner_supreme> Loop is a dsl for looping/iterating. Quite useful, I haven't learned all the t
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<beginner_supreme> Good night all!
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<flip214> too late to point to ITERATE
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<shangul> flip214, why not using memoserv?
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<beach> shangul: Because minion is written in Common Lisp? What is memoserv written in?
<shangul> no idea. but it does your job anyway
<shangul> Could I leave message for non registered users with minion?
<beach> I think so.
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<beach> minion: memo for unregistereduser: Hello
<minion> Remembered. I'll tell unregistereduser when he/she/it next speaks.
<unregistereduser> Hello minion.
<minion> unregistereduser, memo from beach: Hello
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<beach> shangul: Seems to have worked.
<shangul> MemoServ sends just to registered users
<beach> Good for it.
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<xificurC> aeth: why only defmacro supports this destructuring? Is there a particular reason (defun foo ((x y) &rest z) ...) isn't implemented in the standard but it is for defmacro?
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<shrdlu68> xificurC: You can use destructuring-bind.
<xificurC> shrdlu68: of course you can. How does that relate to my question?
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<jackdaniel> xificurC: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/comp.lang.lisp/J9SXofadB2c for a discussion about this
<shrdlu68> xificurC: I suppose what I meant was "because you could always use destructuring-bind", but I really have no concrete rationale.
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<xificurC> jackdaniel: thanks
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<shrdlu68> Could it be because of #'apply? That's my best guess.
<shka> shrdlu68: i don't think that destructuring in function lambda list is a good idea to be honest
<shrdlu68> If function took destructuring lambda lists rather than ordinary lambda lists, there would be no way to pass lists to functions, would there?
<shrdlu68> I mean through #'apply.
<jackdaniel> so you say it is impossible to pass lists to macros? I highly recommend reading thread linked above
<shrdlu68> Hmm I've confused myself.
<_death> maybe because it promotes inefficient interfaces
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<jackdaniel> that's true that adding destructuring step to functions could hurt runtime performance
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<shangul> code review request for idiomatic Lisp: https://apaste.info/Trw2
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<jackdaniel> let* at the beginning is bad indented, you put first variable in the same line as the operator
<jackdaniel> there is no need for (n-divisors ()) , you can replace it with simply n-divisors (it defaults to ()), also if you insist, NIL is more readable than () [IMHO]
<_death> an extensible pattern matcher would let you extract just what you need from whatever kind of object so may be a better choice, but then there are various possible solutions and it's not something that was available to everyone historically
<jackdaniel> instead of (if test (progn …)) [it is one-branch if] use when which has implicit progn
<jackdaniel> (when test …)
<jackdaniel> other things seem fine at a glance
<jackdaniel> regarding this mod, you may also check it with (zerop (mod …)), but that's opinionated remark, nothing wrong with =
<shangul> NIL and empty list are the same?
<jackdaniel> yes
<shangul> and what do you mean by "one branch if"? if without else part?
<jackdaniel> yes
<jackdaniel> also seeing how you do two consecutive pushes, you could replace them with (setf n-divisors (list* (/ n i) i n-divisors)), but that's also a nitpick which is opinionated
<jackdaniel> list* creates a list with all elements, where last function argument is treated as list's tail
<jackdaniel> just like in (cons a foo) foo is treated as list's tail
<beach> jackdaniel: The advice about replacing (n-divisors ()) is not good. It should be replaced by (n-divisors '()) instead.
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<beach> shangul: The advice about replacing (n-divisors ()) is not good. It should be replaced by (n-divisors '()) instead.
<shangul> beach, why?
<beach> shangul: Using just n-divisors tells the person reading your code that you are going to assign to it before using it.
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<beach> shangul: Using () is not idiomatic because it is only used in code to indicate empty parameter lists.
<beach> shangul: Similarly, using NIL means that you are initializing it to the false Boolean value or to a default value.
<beach> shangul: And 'NIL means you are initializing it to the symbol NIL.
<beach> shangul: Only '() means you are initializing it to the empty list.
<shangul> what is difference between '() and ()?
<jackdaniel> '() may be considered as artificial as using eq instead of eql, so it is a matter of opinion
<beach> shangul: () is replaced by the symbol NIL by the reader, so () and NIL mean the same to the compiler.
<shangul> what about '() and ()?
<beach> shangul: When evaluated, both () and '() evaluate to NIL.
<beach> shangul: But the message to the person reading your code is different.
<beach> shangul: () means an empty parameter list as in (defun f () ...)
<beach> shangul: '() means an empty list.
<_death> shangul: ' is just a shorthand for (quote ...), so the first reads as (quote ()) and the second ().. they both evaluate to the same thing, but the first indicates to the programmer that you expect the thing to be evaluated to the empty list
<jdz> Also, it is inconsistent if for whatever reason one wants to pre-populate the list, in which case it would have to be quoted.
<beach> jackdaniel: I totally disagree.
<jackdaniel> I guessed so much
<beach> There is a very different message to the person reading the code, and that person should know as soon as possible what is going on.
<jackdaniel> I would hardly confuse () with parameter list when being initial value in let
<beach> shangul: You should use the contribution slime-indentation and put the DO LOOP keyword first on the line where the (IF is. Or rather where the (WHEN will be.
<beach> jackdaniel: Good for you. Others would.
<shangul> <jackdaniel> also seeing how you do two consecutive pushes, you could replace them with (setf n-divisors (list* (/ n i) i n-divisors)), but that's also a nitpick which is opinionated
<shangul> What about this?
<beach> shangul: Also use (zerop (mod n i)) instead of (= (mod n i) 0).
<beach> shangul: That's a very general rule: use the most specific construct that will do the trick.
<shangul> okay
<shangul> what about pushing to the list?
<beach> That's fine.
<_death> there is a name for the pattern (zerop (mod n i)) .. so I'd use a named function for it.. say divisible-by-p
<beach> ... as long as you initialize it with '(). :)
<shangul> I'm pushing more than one element in a time
<shangul> perhaps a better way?
<beach> shangul: jackdaniel suggested an alternative.
<shangul> which one's better or more idiomatic?
<beach> Both solutions are a bit clunky I think. I have no personal preference.
<shangul> jackdaniel, any you?
<shangul> and*
<jackdaniel> idiomatic has no real meaning to me. for beginners one way is idiomatic, for more advanced programmers other one is. it is very nicely explained in "learn ruby the hard way"
<jackdaniel> I wouldn't suggest it if I didn't consider it "better"
<shangul> okay
<jackdaniel> but I'm sure there is some crowd of 'others' who would find it worse
<_death> since you are using loop anyway, you could just use loop clauses WHEN and COLLECT
<shangul> I should read more about this loop thing
<beach> _death: Very good idea.
<makomo> what are the guidelines for naming CLOS accessors? i can't help but think that "process-context-instruction-pointer" is too verbose :^/
<makomo> the class is named process-context
<jackdaniel> loop is another interesting thing – some consider it being very lispy and others consider it being not lispy at all :)
<beach> makomo: I think it is a horrible idea to use the class name as a prefix. So I don't.
<beach> makomo: It gets silly when there is a lot of inheritance.
<makomo> beach: so if the accessor has a really short name, like "delayed", you just let it be?
<makomo> yeah, true
<jackdaniel> makomo: imagine it is a function having opaque argument, forget about the class thing
<jackdaniel> and name accessor accordingly
<beach> makomo: Yes, I just let it be.
<jackdaniel> in future you may consider replacing it with a method
<makomo> i have an even shorter one, "spec"
<makomo> jackdaniel: mhm
<beach> makomo: Take (sheet-parent stream), for instance. It seems silly to use an accessor for a sheet on a stream. But it's valid CLIM code.
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<_death> shangul: you could also separate the algorithm from the printing of the results.. so you'd do something like (format t "Sum of divisors: ~A~%" (sum (divisors n)))
<shangul> _death, in this case I don't think it's necessary
<imjacobclark> could anybody help me understand why when encoding a list with cl-json my variable path ends up encoded as a literal string? (print (json:encode-json '#( ( ("bar" . path) (baz . #\!)))))
<makomo> beach: i see. is that because stream inherits from sheet?
<shangul> _death, because it's a small simple problem with a short code
<beach> Yes.
<beach> makomo: Yes.
<_death> shangul: in this case, it could be a bunch of PROG and SETQ since it's a very small snippet of no consequence.. but you asked for stylistic advice
<makomo> i guess i'll drop the prefixes then. i found them too verbose anyway.
<shangul> _death, yes you are right
<beach> makomo: Most people don't care that the slot and the accessor has the same name.
<shka> imjacobclark: this looks like bug, but what did you expect?
<beach> makomo: I personally dislike that, because I don't want client code to use SLOT-VALUE and I want to make that very clear.
<shka> json has no notion of lisp pair
<shka> maybe you should take this to the bug tracker
<beach> makomo: So I prefix the slot name with `%' which traditionally means "internal" or "dangerous".
<scymtym> makomo: beach's suggestion works best when combined with liberal use of packages (not in the :use sense). so e.g. my-compiler.ast:successor and my-compiler.cfg:successor instead of my-compiler:ast-parent and my-compiler:cfg-parent
<imjacobclark> shka: so given (print (json:encode-json '#( ((foo . (1 2 3)) (bar . path) (baz . #\!)) "quux" 4/17 4.25 ))) I got an output of [{"foo":[1,2,3],"bar":"path","baz":"!"},"quux",0.23529412,4.25]
<imjacobclark> where i actually expected the string "path" to be the value of the variable path, e.g "hello world"
<imjacobclark> and not the literal variable name, which is what I got
<makomo> beach: i see. and you do that for all of the slots, all the time?
<beach> makomo: Yes, I do. I always want to go through the accessor.
<jdz> This has not been an option? https://lpaste.net/5972552955990114304
<beach> makomo: That allows me to create internal protocols that can use the CLOS machinery with auxiliary methods.
<makomo> scymtym: i see. so creating packages that provide additional context. but wouldn't that get verbose quickly as well?
<makomo> i guess you can always USE the package if you need to cut down on the length temporarily
<beach> makomo: It's the other way around. If you don't do it, your code will quickly become a mess of mixed symbols.
<xificurC> shangul: you don't use n-sqr, so remove it. I would probably write (let* ((n (parse-integer (read-line t))) (divisors (for ... collect i collect (/ i n)... and then print. No need to push or setf when you are collecting into a fresh list anyway
<scymtym> makomo: to some extent. that's why many people want package-local nicknames
<xificurC> not for, but (loop for ... ) of course
<beach> makomo: I have stopped using :USE for packages other than COMMON-LISP.
<beach> makomo: Because when you :USE, you commit to future changes to the package.
<shangul> xificurC, I've done in the latest version
<shangul> xificurC, well just the sqrt thing
<jdz> shangul: There's my paste for your consideration, too.
<beach> makomo: And yes, scymtym is right, using package-local nicknames help a lot.
<shangul> jdz, which?
<makomo> beach: mhm, good point. so then you import the symbols that you need instead?
<makomo> or do you just use "cl:..."?
<beach> I do :USE the CL package.
<makomo> oh right
<makomo> woopsie
<beach> makomo: No, I would choose a short package local nickname and use explicit package prefix for the others.
<makomo> i see
<beach> Like CST:LISTIFY instead of concrete-syntax-tree:listify.
<scymtym> makomo: line 78 in https://techfak.de/~jmoringe/eclector-walk-and-source-tracking-simplified.html shows an example of this style
<scymtym> well, 78 and following
<makomo> i'll have to look into package-local nicknames then
<jdz> shangul: also, nobody seems to have complained about using APPLY instead of REDUCE.
<scymtym> makomo: note that they are not standard
<makomo> scymtym: yup
<jackdaniel> makomo: it has one drawback: it is implemented in ABCL and SBCL so far only
<makomo> only in those two?
<beach> makomo: I think they are becoming safe to use even though they are not standard. Most major implementations have them, and in the same way it seems.
<makomo> i thought it was more widespread
<jackdaniel> ECL has it in the develop branch
<shangul> jdz, I've used apply
<makomo> ah
<jackdaniel> CCL doesn't have them afaik at all
<jdz> shangul: yes, but you should have used REDUCE
<beach> jackdaniel: Oh, sorry. I thought it was in distribution of ECL.
<_death> names like frob-something or something-foo indicate type envy.. sometimes it makes sense to use that style, but you should consider using just frob and foo
<shangul> jdz, lemme see what this thing is
<jackdaniel> no, ECL's release cycle is much slower than SBCL (limited time resources ;)
<jackdaniel> but hopefully not as slow as CLISP
<scymtym> jackdaniel: will ECL implement the same variant of pln as SBCL or something else?
<jackdaniel> on the other hand release is the thing which I celebrate with friends (: rare occasion indeed
<makomo> beach: regarding your internal protocol comment, what exactly did you mean by "auxiliary methods"?
<jackdaniel> scymtym: I've used Nikodemus proposal as the interface
<beach> clhs/g auxiliary-method
<beach> I can never remember how to do that.
<makomo> haha
<makomo> i understand what you mean now
<makomo> you benefit from the whole of CLOS by using accessors
<beach> makomo: Look in the clossary. Last entry in the A section.
<beach> Exactly.
<jackdaniel> so it is the same in principle (but package is ext if you want to use functions which work on packages -defpackage is extended accordingly to sbcl)
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<scymtym> jackdaniel: i see. i asked because i think Xach designed/is designing another variant of pln
<beach> Oh, right. He objected to the SBCL way, right?
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<jackdaniel> is it going to be adapted in other implementations? since it's not released yet, I'm still free to change the interface
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<shangul> jdz, why should I use reduce instead of apply?
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<beach> shangul: (reduce #'function list)
<shangul> I know
<shangul> but I don't know why
<beach> Oh, why?
<jdz> clhs call-arguments-limit
<beach> Because the number of allowed arguments to a function may be limited.
<scymtym> beach: jackdaniel: i'm not sure. best to ask Xach
<shangul> aha
<shangul> thanks
<shangul> all
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<beach> shangul: When you do (apply #'+ list) you are subject to that limitation.
<imjacobclark> still baffled by "(json:encode-json '#( ((foo . (1 2 3)) (bar . path) (baz . #\!)) "quux" 4/17 4.25 ))" in cl-json - its as if it is just evaluating everything to strings and not the values
<shangul> because it does (+ a b c d...)
<beach> shangul: Yes.
<shangul> the final version: https://apaste.info/7X2P
<beach> shangul: Whereas REDUCE does (+ (+ (+ a b) c) d..)
<jdz> imjacobclark: Your array is quoted.
<shangul> beach, isn't reduce slower?
<beach> I doubt it.
<jackdaniel> scymtym: my question is rather: are sbcl devs willing to adopt this new interface?
<jdz> imjacobclark: Evaluate the array in the REPL, you'll see what the contents are.
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<shangul> beach, ah it shouldn't be slower. because they produce the same machine code
<shangul> except push and pops to the stack
<xificurC> shangul: your n-sqr is not used anywhere. The LOOP that jdz posted is more natural then doing a let+push/setf combo
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<shangul> xificurC, oh yes I've forgotten to remove that
<jdz> shangul: Also consider providing :initial-value 0 to the REDUCE call.
<jdz> Unless you can prove that the list is never empty.
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<shangul> if user enters a positive integer, it would never be empty
<scymtym> jackdaniel: can't say. firstly, i can't speak for all SBCL devs. secondly, i don't know enough about Xach's proposal
<jdz> shangul: "IF".
<shangul> however I updated the code: https://apaste.info/XNpd
<shangul> jdz, if they enter 0 or negative or non-numberic values. the program will crash
<jackdaniel> scymtym: thanks, that's understandable. thanks for the headups about Xach's work, I wasn't aware of it
<shangul> no it doesn't
<jdz> shangul: User input should always be sanitized.
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<shangul> jdz, right
<jdz> Oh, in this case the :initial-value is not needed because + already handles the case of zero arguments.
<jdz> Still, a thing to keep in mind when using REDUCE.
<makomo> beach: coming back to the accessor thing, does that mean you rarely use WITH-SLOTS?
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<imjacobclark> jdz: ah I put it in quotes for IRC, it isn't in my code.
<jdz> imjacobclark: Array literal reader in Common Lisp does not evaluate the arguments.
<jdz> I learned that from Rich Hickey.
<imjacobclark> jdz: is there anything I can do to get around that?
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<jdz> imjacobclark: Use MAKE-ARRAY.
<imjacobclark> Thanks!
<jdz> Or COERCE.
<imjacobclark> Array literal reader, is that essentially #'?
<jdz> #(
<imjacobclark> Ah yes.
<imjacobclark> Thankyou
<jdz> Another option is to use backquote.
<jdz> It has some interesting behaviour when combined with unquote-splicing, though.
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<xificurC> (funcall 'foo 2 3) generates the same assembly as (funcall #'foo 2 3), seeming the fdefinition of FOO is compiled in as a fixed memory location. I thought 'foo would be compiled as a runtime lookup. If one wanted runtime lookup one would need to use symbol-function?
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<nirved> shangul: what happens when n is an exact square?
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<shangul> nirved, we will have 1 2 3 ... sqrt(n)
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<shangul> oh no
<_death> xificurC: it is doing runtime lookup
<_death> xificurC: it is not always the case that the same code will be generated
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<shangul> nirved, https://apaste.info/k3Fn
<xificurC> _death: what am I doing wrong then? http://ix.io/1e2e
<shangul> nirved, forget that
<loke> xificurC: What do you expect to happen?
<loke> I think that it's likely you don't understand lexical scope
<xificurC> maybe we think of something different when saying "runtime lookup"
<shangul> nirved, https://apaste.info/RO02
<loke> xificurC: You are wrong
<xificurC> loke: where does lexical scoping come into play here? FOO is special and flet should rebind it dynamically. The way I see it right now is that BAR is calling the previously defined FOO no matter what
<xificurC> loke: that is very likely :)
<loke> xificurC: FOO might be special (as a variable), but the function FOO isn't
<loke> The following gives an error, as FOO has no global binding:
<loke> (flet ((foo () (print 1))) (funcall 'foo))
<loke> Do you understand why that is the case?
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<loke> However, the following works, because #' looks up the function definition in the lexical scope:
<loke> (flet ((foo () (print 1))) (funcall #'foo))
<xificurC> if I redefine foo with defun then it picks up the change
<xificurC> loke: no I don't
<loke> Because DEFUN establishes a global binding of the function
<xificurC> loke: I always imagined I can interchange value and function lookup, i.e. (let ((foo 1)) foo) to work the same way as (flet ((foo () nil)) (funcall 'foo))
<_death> when a function name is passed to funcall, it uses fdefinition to look it up
<loke> FLED and LABELS establishes a lexical binding.
<_death> so the name comes from the global environment
<loke> xificurC: you can, in asense... BUT... there is a huge difference:
<_death> *the function
<xificurC> clhs flet
<loke> xificurC: Note that you pass the _symbol_ foo to funcall. It's FUNCALL that looks at the symbol and decides which function to call. Funcall isn't in the same lexical scope, so there is no way it could ever see your local definition.
<_death> although it's interesting that the funcall entry says "symbol" instead of "function name"
<loke> xificurC: with #' you pass the actual function to FUNCALL
<_death> (of course this contradicts my statement, and only symbols are dealt with that way..)
<xificurC> loke: ok so FLET makes lexical bindings, that was my mistake
<nirved> sbcl might inline #' and ' never gets inlined
<xificurC> clhs even states for noobs like me "Within the function definitions, local function names that match those being defined refer to functions or macros defined outside the flet"
<xificurC> loke: thanks, that cleared it up!
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<jmercouris> I'm going through gentle introduction to symbolic computation, and I am stuck on this problem: https://imgur.com/a/rTOIRR1
<jmercouris> I understand why the example given is wrong, but I cannot think of how to solve the second part
<jmercouris> a generalized way of representing IF using just AND and OR
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<jmercouris> I can't think about how to do it without using NOT
<schweers> jmercouris: does the text say you may not use NOT?
<makomo> the proble is that the true-part might return NIL right?
<schweers> or use progn, but that would be different from IF
<jmercouris> schweers: it doesn't say that, but it simply says "as a combination of ANDs and ORs that does not fail"
<jmercouris> schweers: progn hasn't been introduced in the book yet
<schweers> yeah, weird
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<jmercouris> I'm going through the book, imagining that I do not know things not yet introduced
<jmercouris> makomo: yes that is the problem
<jmercouris> at which point it would execute the second or clause
<schweers> okay, then we may assume that both frue-part and false-part are only one form (I hope)
<jmercouris> yes, this is the assumptino
<makomo> does this alternative definition of IF have to return the actual value of the true-part, or can it just return t?
<jmercouris> s/assumptino/assumption
<makomo> i.e. is it supposed to work with generalized booleans?
<makomo> or are just T/NIL fine?
<jmercouris> makomo: I'm not sure, all the information I have is what is listed
<jmercouris> I think the goal is just conditional execution and returning a correct boolean
<jmercouris> not necessarily the result of the expression
<jmercouris> like it needn't return 5 or "fish", just T like you've said
<makomo> perhaps something like (or (and 'test (or nil t)) 'false)?
<makomo> "nil" is the true-part
<jmercouris> makomo: It still has to execute the true branch
<jmercouris> oh I see
<jmercouris> you've put nil as a placeholder
<makomo> but it's wrapped within another OR that forces a T to be returned
<jmercouris> interesting
<makomo> yeah
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<makomo> the second OR is never executed if 'test is something that returns NIL instead
<jmercouris> I came up with (or (and test true-branch) (and (not test) false-branch))
<makomo> ah
<jmercouris> but again, not sure I am allowed to use not
<jmercouris> it has been mentioned in the book, but the question is vague
<schweers> jmercouris: that would evaluate test twice, which may be relevant
<jmercouris> if there are side-effects, yes
<makomo> right
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<jmercouris> thanks for the feedback
<makomo> so it seems like this alternative definition is only good at selecting the right operation
<makomo> the return values are borked though
<jmercouris> yes
<jmercouris> I can't think of another way to do it though
<makomo> me neither
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<shrdlu68> (or (and (oddp 5) (and (evenp 7) t)) 'foo)
<jmercouris> within (and (evenp 7) t) you'll never ever hit the second t block
<jmercouris> because if the first clause returns t it will jump to the second block and return "t"
<jmercouris> if the first clause returns nil, it will short circuit and return nil
<jmercouris> so you are still not getting back the result of the evaluation
<jmercouris> also in my first message, I did not mean to say "you'll never hit the second t block", I should have said, "you'll never get the evaluation result"
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<shrdlu68> Oh, I thought the goal was to just return a boolean.
<jmercouris> I'm not sure, the question is really ambiguous
<jackdaniel> little late on the party, but: (or (or (oddp 3) 'foo) (and (oddp 3) (evenp 7))) ; if we are willing to evaluate test twice in worst case
<jmercouris> ah, very clever
<jackdaniel> so either (or (or TEST FALSE) (and TEST TRUE)) or (or (or TEST FALSE :nothing) TRUE)
<jmercouris> right, you flip the order
<jackdaniel> if we do not care if it returns NIL or :nothing
<jmercouris> so that you don't need to use a NOT
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<shrdlu68> Shouldn't we get the result of (evenp 7)?
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<jmercouris> ah, shit, yes
<jmercouris> this would return 'foo, right?
<jmercouris> or rather foo
<jmercouris> this is getting confusing for me
<jmercouris> I'm going to start drawing truth tables in a bit lol
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<nirved> there's no solution when test has side effects
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<_death> jackdaniel: if (oddp 3) returns true, the outer OR will just return that
<jackdaniel> you are right
<jmercouris> what's crazy is that this is only chapter 4 of this book
<jmercouris> I can't imagine how intimidated a new CS student would feel going through this book
<jmercouris> they are only 1/6 the way, and they have an unsolvable problem
<jmercouris> then again, they may not give credence to side-effects and the like
<_death> I think the naive solution jmercouris found is the one intended
<_death> that uses NOT and evaluates twice
<makomo> i would rather say that they didn't define the problem well enough
<makomo> i mean, they're too vague about what they expect
<makomo> should we care about side-effects? should we care about return values?
<makomo> who knows what they want
<_death> well, maybe they've not introduced side-effects yet
<jackdaniel> I think that having problems without solution is a very important lesson
<jackdaniel> they happen often in real-world scenarios
<jackdaniel> only in education they are rarity (what creates a misleading impression)
<makomo> meh, i don't like that reasoning at all because it only confuses the reader
<makomo> there's a certain math textbook with lots of math exercises but *NO* solutions at all
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<makomo> the rationale is that "a mathematician should get used to the unavailability of solutions"
<jmercouris> I already took software design classes in my undergraduate, and those were oftentimes ambiguous on purpose. I think the goal is to teach lisp, not generalized software engineering
<makomo> pretty dumb if you ask me
<nirved> there's answer in appendix c, it uses not
<jmercouris> there is a valuable lesson here, I just think this is the wrong book to teach it
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<jmercouris> nirved: Ah, the answers are in the appendix, good to know ,thanks
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<makomo> _death: also, i think that the fact that side-effects can be ignored should be mentioned upfront, even if the book didn't get to side effects yet
<_death> AND and OR are insufficient.. maybe if there was a NAND operator ;)
<makomo> because many people don't really start with a clean slate when reading such books
<makomo> i.e. they'll immediatelly think "but what about multiple evaluation"
<makomo> and then just end up confused since the book says nothing about it
<_death> makomo: if they're actually reading the book they may notice that it's not yet introduced..
<makomo> i still think that it should be mentioned explictily
<_death> that would get in the way of understanding for people who don't know what side-effects are, which forms a big part of that book's target audience, I'd think
<makomo> instead of the book saying something like "ah remember that example? we didn't handle the problem of multiple evaluation then" later on
<makomo> hm idk, i guess it depends from person to person
<makomo> yeah, maybe
<_death> gentle introduction is gentle ;)
<makomo> hah, good point :D
<jmercouris> that would be an interesting title for a fast paced book
<jmercouris> "violent introduction to symbolic computation"
<_death> learn X the hard way?
<_death> learn X in 21 days
<makomo> X in Y <time-units>
<makomo> X for dummies
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<makomo> X for geniuses*
<shrdlu68> X for masochists.
<xificurC> how about (or (and test (or then t)) (or else nil))
<_death> ignores the return value of THEN.. last OR unnecessary
<shrdlu68> X for Von Neumann.
<xificurC> _death: I can't open the imgur link (blocked at work)
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<xificurC> so I'm not sure what the exact question is. But reading the discussions it was said the return value doesn't need to be kept. The last or isn't necessary but it is symmetric to the then part
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<_death> xificurC: right, if only true or false are needed then your solution works..
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<shrdlu68> xificurC: (or (and (oddp 5) (or (evenp 7) t)) (or 'foo nil)) => t
<shrdlu68> The test is (oddp 5), then is (evenp 7), else is 'foo
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<jackdaniel> if block/return are allowed, then it is possible to return values too, otherwise I think it is not possible without null/not
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<xificurC> shrdlu68: given that I understood code blocks are only to be run for side effects that looks correct
<shrdlu68> But the result ought to be the evaluation of (evenp 7), so it's wrong.
<xificurC> shrdlu68: then it's not run for side effects and yes, in that case it won't work
<shrdlu68> Unless there's a way to create NOT using AND and OR, I don't think this has a solution.
<shrdlu68> Proof by frustration.
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<makomo> exactly :D
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<beach> makomo: Yes, correct. I use WITH-ACCESSORS instead.
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<makomo> beach: and what if some of these before/after methods contain error checking that is not necessary within internal functions
<beach> makomo: I try to split my protocols into external and internal.
<makomo> and you want to avoid that extra work, since you know you're providing correct values as the implementor
<beach> If I am really concerned, I make the external only do the error checking.
<makomo> i suppose the accessors are part of the external protocol? how do you name these internal accessors then?
<beach> No, not necessarily. I use accessors for everything, including internals.
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<beach> Not all accessor names are exported. The ones that aren't belong to some internal protocol.
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<makomo> beach: so in the case when you want to avoid error checking because hypothetically it might be expensive, do you have 2 accessors? a safe one which is part of the external protocol and an unsafe one which is part of the internal protocol?
<makomo> i suppose the difference isn't that clear though, since you might offer safe and unsafe versions as part of the external protocol?
<makomo> (instead of the unsafe version being stashed away within the internal protocol)
<beach> makomo: Two options then. Either stick two accessors for the same slot and use some auxiliary methods only on the externally visible accessor. Or make the external generic function not an accessor and have its method(s) call generic functions in the internal protocol.
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<beach> makomo: I always work under the assumption that my stuff is fast enough, even with error checking. I design good data structures and algorithms to make that happen. So far, I have not had to make anything that is part of some external protocol "unsafe".
<beach> makomo: I usually design the external protocol first, and I decide what I want it to do.
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<makomo> beach: ah, i see. good point about good data structures and algorithms.
<makomo> that usually ends up being more important anyway
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<beach> makomo: Yeah, I rarely have to micro-optimize, and I always compile with speed 0, debug 3, compilation-speed 0, safety 3, space 0.
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<beach> makomo: Unless, of course my research is about highly optimized code, as in this one: http://metamodular.com/reverse-order.pdf
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<makomo> beach: very interesting, thanks for the material :-)
<beach> Anytime.
<beach> I didn't mean for you to read that.
<beach> Just to show you examples of exceptions to my rule about OPTIMIZE flags.
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<kuribas> why does compiling: (defun f (x y) (declare (type fixnum x y)) (+ x (* y 2))) give me: forced to do GENERIC-+ (cost 10) ; unable to do inline fixnum arithmetic (cost 2) because: ; The second argument is a (INTEGER -9223372036854775808 ; 9223372036854775806), not a FIXNUM.
<makomo> beach: yeah, but it certainly serves as a good example for such cases
<kuribas> since I declared x y as a fixnum, I'd think (* y 2) is also a fixnum
<beach> kuribas: It is not.
<kuribas> beach: apparently
<beach> kuribas: If you take the biggest fixnum and double it, it won't be a fixnum.
<kuribas> I don't get why.
<beach> makomo: Sure.
<kuribas> beach: so can I do an "unsafe" double?
<beach> kuribas: What does that mean?
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<kuribas> like addition modulo 2^32
<makomo> i think you're looking for the "THE" form
<Xach> kuribas: you can use (mod (* y 2) 2^32)
<beach> kuribas: You can do that, but I don't see any point of using Common Lisp then.
<Xach> kuribas: or (logand #xFFFFFFFF (* y 2))
<kuribas> I just want efficient code.
<beach> kuribas: You might as well use one of the so many unsafe languages out there.
<Xach> SBCL can make such operations very efficient.
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<Xach> And semantically the same on all implementations, unlike fixnum declarations.
<shka> beach: well, sometimes you want integer to just overflow
<shka> like in the hashing function for instance
<Xach> Then you would use MOD or LOGAND or similar.
<Xach> Instead of implicit overflow.
<beach> shka: Then do it explicitly as Xach suggests.
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<Xach> SBCL (and possibly other implementations) will do efficient things with machine-word modular arithmetic.
<makomo> so what are the guarantees if one used THE to declare the type of the result?
<makomo> are there any guarantees regarding the behavior of fixnums (such as overflow, etc.)?
<_death> by using THE you are the one guaranteeing things
<Xach> makomo: they will be of a certain size.
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<Xach> if you declare something a fixnum and it is not that size, things are allowed to break.
<makomo> i see
<beach> makomo: It is usually a very bad idea to guarantee something that isn't true.
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<makomo> mhm
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<shka> makomo: thing is, all those type declarations are geared mostly toward efficiency first, and type safety secondly at best
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<shka> so until you have program that works and is already debuged, you may prefer to skip manual type declarations
<shka> unless you know what you are doing
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<shka> and knowing what you are doing is often not portable
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<shka> if you want to make your program type safe, check-type is your friend
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<shka> deftype is cool as well
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<_death> (you can also declare speed 3 if you want)
<jdz> I declare types and safety, so I get errors when my assumptions turn out to be wrong.
<beach> jdz: That's not portable though.
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<jdz> I should read the relevant sections of the spec, then.
<kuribas> So I understand correctly that there is no type which have the semantics of machine integers?
<Xach> kuribas: that's right.
<kuribas> That is, wrapping around on overflow.
<jdz> kuribas: what machine?
<Xach> If you want wrapping, you must write it with arithmetic operations.
<Xach> like MOD or LOGAND
<kuribas> jdz: almost all CPUs?
<beach> jdz: Maybe in WSCL, I will be more strict about the meaning of type declarations, especially in safe code.
<Bike> kuribas: i mean, there's sizes to worry about.
<jackdaniel> speaking of portability, it still won't be portable (but rather wscl-specific)
<kuribas> Bike: let's say 29 bits or more.
<Bike> kuribas: but integers act like integers. semantics aren't determined by type in lisp. if you want arithmetic modulo whatever, you write the modulo yourself, and your compiler can try to lower that to machine arithmetic (sbcl does so)
<shrdlu68> How I learned to stop worrying and embrace the implementation.
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<beach> jackdaniel: It would be portable across all WSCL-conforming implementations. :)
<kuribas> embrace the lack of performance
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<jackdaniel> so jdz's behavior is portable across all SBCL-conforming implementations? ;-)
<beach> jackdaniel: Heh!
<Xach> kuribas: it's a trade-off.
<beach> kuribas: Embrace safety. That's part of the beauty of Common Lisp.
<kuribas> how is wrapping around unsafe?
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<Bike> it causes problems when programmers don't expect to wrap.
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<beach> kuribas: Oh, it's safe if you carefully check for it each time. Now look at how many C programs assume that x + 1 > x.
<_death> kuribas: what lack of performance? if you have speed 3 it's a shl and an add as it's supposed to be..
<jackdaniel> beach: that reminds me of this comic: https://xkcd.com/927/
<Bike> like old video games where you heal a bunch and end up with negative four million health
<beach> jackdaniel: Good one!
<kuribas> _death: and a test it doesn't overflow
<_death> kuribas: nope
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<xificurC> kuribas: wrapping might be desired in *some* cases. It's not how the world works. Or do you suddenly have 0 apples when you buy 1 more but your basket is full
<makomo> beach: in the case of signed integers, that is actually always true and could be optimized out by the compiler :-)
<xificurC> if you want to write assembly or C, write assembly or C. Don't expect a high level language to magically generate the tightest code possible
<makomo> beach: since signed overflow is undefined
<beach> makomo: Fair enough.
<makomo> there was a bug report on GCC's issue tracker where one guy was mad when GCC started making use of that optimization
<_death> I don't understand why people suggest switching to a different language.. sbcl is sufficient here.. and if you still want more performance, just write your assembly routines in lisp :)
<makomo> the GCC guys didn't seem to care though -- rely on UB and that's what you get
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<xificurC> _death: it feels natural when one is trying to get language X's behavior in language Y
<kuribas> xificurC: depends on the high level language I get.
<shrdlu68> xificurC: Good luck writing more efficient asm by hand than sbcl.
<_death> xificurC: Lisp can serve well as both a high level language and a low level one
<xificurC> _death: many languages can. But if you want to write low level only, why bother?
<_death> shrdlu68: that wouldn't be so hard..
<beach> _death: You are right of course. But it seems kuribas is pouting because Common Lisp is not unsafe by default like other languages are.
<kuribas> beach: not by default
<_death> beach: I think kuribas did just that the other day as well.. and the answers were also similar
<xificurC> shrdlu68: why are people under the impression writing good asm by hand isn't possible anymore? Make a few web searches
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<beach> _death: It makes me tired. Especially today when I am in a rotten mood.
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<shrdlu68> xificurC: Fine, Godspeed.
<jmercouris> beach: Life can be a beach somtimes eh ;)?
<beach> Indeed.
<jackdaniel> sunny and sandy?
<beach> _death: Reading the logs, I see what you mean.
<makomo> LOL
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<beach> _death: Oh, this one is a pearl: "<kuribas> I am not expecting anything in common lisp to be new or surprising..."
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<beach> And this: "<kuribas> you give up a large part of safety when programming in a dynamic language", especially given that kuribas now wants arithmetic to be unsafe by default.
<_death> surprise tends to come when you least expect it
<kuribas> beach: we have a different view on what safety means.
<beach> Seems that way.
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<shrdlu68> "Infosec" safety vs correctness safety.
<beach> _death: It seems that way.
<jackdaniel> I think he means a compilation-time safety wrt types of function arguments. It can't be ignored as non-existent and CL indeed doesn't provide this kind of safety
<jackdaniel> but it is only a tiny piece of a big cake
<_death> I don't see how modular arithmetic is unsafe.. it's just something you need to implement because + and * on integers use ordinary kindergarten arithmetic
<shrdlu68> I thought using type declarations liberally gives you type safety.
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<beach> _death: It is unsafe if your programs assume things like x + 1 > x.
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<_death> beach: I think by "unsafe" you mean "wrong"?
<beach> _death: Sure, I'll change my terminology if you like.
<jackdaniel> shrdlu68: type declarations give you nothing (they may be conformingly ignored), but you may do check-type. that gives you a runtime safety (you will be dropped in a debugger whne program runs and values of incorrect type are passed to the function)
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<beach> _death: And that is what so many programs in languages that use modular arithmetic seem to do, because I don't typically see any test for that situation each time I see an addition.
<jackdaniel> so this kind of problem in principle may be found *after* deployment
<beach> Yes, like in Ariane rockets and such.
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<jdz> In missiles in general I've heard -- their justification being that the missile hits the target sooner than values get close to overflow values.
<_death> beach: right.. but here the desideratum was modular arithmetic given ordinary arithmetic, not the other way around
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<jackdaniel> I've read about a bug found on a racket (namely a memory leak which lead to OOM after some time). racket was after expensive process of QA and other verifications
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<jdz> I think that's the Ariane rocket beach mentioned.
<shrdlu68> jackdaniel: But your implemention can give guarantees, right? I mean, if an implementation does not ignore type declarations.
<jackdaniel> so they have figured out what is a maximum memory usage taking into account this memory leak while racket is running (say max 30m) and they've added enough memory to the hardware
<jdz> Right, might be something eles.
<jackdaniel> so they didn't have to change code which would require testing everything anwe
<jackdaniel> anew
<jdz> It seems we've heard the same story somewhere.
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<jackdaniel> :)
<jdz> Exact details don't matter, of course.
<jackdaniel> shrdlu68: sure, that is possible, just as it is possible to have C compiler with some undefined behavior explicitly defined. either way, my point is that it gives you runtime safety, not compilation time, so it is somewhat weaker
<jackdaniel> I'm not saying that this kind of safety is crucial for good applications or that it improves overall quality
<White_Flame> kuribas: if your input numbers are declared or inferred to be, say, between 0 and 1000, then the output can be inferred to be between 0 and 3000, keeping it a fixnum
<jdz> OK, today I've learned that I've been relying on type checking behaviour that's very specific to SBCL. I guess I'll have to use SBCL exclusively from now on, because I like this behaviour.
<shrdlu68> I'm just used to SBCL holding my hand when I use type declarations.
<shrdlu68> jdz: "How I learned to stop worrying and embrace the implementation."
<White_Flame> kuribas: so don't fixate specifically on making things fixnums in particular
<jdz> Yeah, I've been keeping my code SBCL/CCL agnostic, but it is getting harder as time passes by.
<jdz> But I definitely remember CCL giving me errors when SBCL hasn't. Don't have a record of particular instances, though.
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<jackdaniel> example are :type declarations for slots, CCL given high enough safety enforced it when you were using accessors. I think SBCL started doing that recently too
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<jdz> Yeah, that seems to ring some bells.
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<makomo> what is the meaning of the [[<something>]] syntax in CLHS' description of forms?
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<makomo> here "<something>" is some other rule within the same description
<beach> clhs
<specbot> Splicing in Modified BNF Syntax: http://www.lispworks.com/reference/HyperSpec/Body/01_daba.htm
<makomo> thanks!
<beach> Sure.
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<makomo> a question regarding CLOS style -- do people differentiate between using :default-initargs and :initform? the difference is subtle and i haven't seen :default-initargs used that often
<beach> The usage is different.
<beach> You typically use :default-initargs in a subclass to initialize slots in the superclass.
<beach> ... rather than repeating the slot and using :initform.
<makomo> oh, i haven't thought about superclasses, i see
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<beach> That way, the subclass does not care how the initarg is used. It could be to initialize a slot, or it could be caught by initialize-instance.
<makomo> mhm, that's a very good point
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<makomo> and what about within just the class that's currently being defined?
<makomo> i.e. i'm defining a slot within some class for the first time and i have to choose between :default-initargs and :initform
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<beach> I would use :initform there.
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<makomo> i've seen it discussed in the CLOS book even, but the difference was artificial and served mainly to communicate intent (but i don't know how well it does that)
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<makomo> the point about superclasses does make sense though
<beach> Yes, and let me expand on it...
<beach> It is often the case that you subclass a class from a library.
<beach> If the library is well written, it only documents initargs and accessors, not the existence or not of slots.
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<beach> So, you then use :default-initargs in your subclass, simply because it is your only option if you want to use only publicly documented features of the library.
<makomo> aha, since you have no knowledge of the superclass' slots and cannot duplicate the definition just to change the :initform
<beach> Exactly.
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<makomo> beach: thanks :-)
<beach> Anytime.
<beach> makomo: Your questions (and your reactions to my answers) make me think that you will make fast progress, so I don't mind answering them.
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<beach> makomo: By the way, I can't remember whether I told you, the last Common Lisp HyperSpec reference about keyword arguments makes me think that an error should be signaled for you case.
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<makomo> beach: thanks for the encouragement, i appreciate it very much :-)
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<makomo> beach: hmm i don't recall
<beach> The one about the accepted keyword arguments depending on the applicable methods.
<beach> clhs 7.6.5
<specbot> Keyword Arguments in Generic Functions and Methods: http://www.lispworks.com/reference/HyperSpec/Body/07_fe.htm
<makomo> oh i think i remember now
<makomo> right
<makomo> so i guess it's SBCL that's non-conforming in that case?
<beach> Until someone convinces me otherwise, that's what I think.
<Bike> what was the setup again? (defgeneric foo (&rest r)) (defmethod foo (&key c) ...) (foo :d ...)?
<makomo> yup
<specbot> Congruent Lambda-lists for all Methods of a Generic Function: http://www.lispworks.com/reference/HyperSpec/Body/07_fd.htm
<makomo> clhs 7.6.4
<makomo> and as we said, case 4 shouldn't apply in this case, since the GF doesn't have a &key in its lambda list
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<Bike> Yeah I think that's a bad keyword.
<makomo> i haven't checked other implementations though, only SBCL
<makomo> welp, clisp does signal an error
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<xificurC> (let ((x '(1 2 3))) (check-type x ?)) to check if x is a list of numbers with unknown length
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<loke> xificurC: I'd use (assert (alexandria:sequence-of-length-p x 3))
<pjb> check-type does more than assert!
<loke> pjb: Agreed, but I never use those things :-)
<sjl> (defun list-of-numbers-p (list) (and (listp list) (every #'numberp list)))
<sjl> (check-type x '(satisfies list-of-numbers-p)
<loke> sjl: that's a good one
<pjb> xificurC: (defun list-of-number-p (x) (and (com.informatimago.common-lisp.cesarum.list:proper-list-p x) (every (function numberp) x)))
<pjb> sjl: listp = (or consp null) !!!
<makomo> pjb: what does it do? i just tried to use it like (check-type (name spec) symbol), where NAME is a reader function, and i'm getting warnings since CHECK-TYPE is expanding into (setf (name spec) ...)
<pjb> sjl: it doesn't test if the argument is a list.
<sjl> pjb: I am aware of this
<pjb> makomo: try it on a simple case: (let ((x 'foo)) (check-type x 'integer) x)
<sjl> pjb: are you saying NIL should not be considered a list of numbers?
<_death> makomo: the first argument should be a place
<pjb> sjl: no, I'm saying '(#C(42 -2) 3/4 . 42) is not a list of numbers.
<pjb> And neither is #1=( 1 2 . #1# )
<loke> You could also do
<sjl> pjb: the second one absolutely is a list of numbers, it's just infinite
<makomo> _death: oh hmm right
<pjb> when you say list, you usually mean proper-list.
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<makomo> _death: which means that it must be SETF-able?
<loke> (check-type x (cons number (cons number (cons number null))))
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<_death> makomo: yes.. check-type sets up restarts that may modify place to have a value of the proper type
<pjb> xificurC: also notice that (every 'numberp '( 2/3 5.5 #c(1 2) )) #| --> t |#
<makomo> _death: ahh, right, didn't think of that
<sjl> sure, use (alexandria:proper-list-p list) instead of listp if you want to enforce proper lists
<pjb> Sometimes you want to implement your own I/O loop validating the type of the inputs (notably if you have to do some parsing or conversions), but in simplier cases, check-type is a great operator!
<sjl> ctypecase is similarly handy
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<Xach> I haven't tried ctypecase at all!
<Xach> I like cerror and try to use it when I can. I didn't really think about it for a long time.
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<jeosol> morning guys
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<beach> Hello jeosol.
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<jeosol> Hi beach.
<jeosol> I want to thank you and all the other guys who responded and helped with query regarding the Optimization Challenge I was participating in. I recently received notice (recently) that my initial results where accepted and I should send additional info
<jeosol> this was a late notice because it was sent last month, and due to some mailing issue, i could respond.
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<jeosol> I'll need to get some AWS machines to run rest of the cases. Currently research how to replicate an initial EC2 because manual install is a pain. Not a cloud expert.
<beach> Congratulations! Though I don't think I was of any direct help. At least, I can't find any trace in the logs that I was.
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<jeosol> Really. I can't remember all the names of my head. aeth, jackdaniels, Bike, ...
<Bike> i sorta remember. you're welcome
<jeosol> it was a lot of questions over several weeks, so I can't remember all the names
<jeosol> I was getting the system to work in a stable fashion then, working with many threads, etc.
<jeosol> I did actually get a lot of help initially with the folks at comp.lang.lisp before I got here, but that site got very toxic so I stopped going there, but still read the questions occasionally
<kuribas> So I found out I can get similar performance as in haskell by using (unsigned-byte 56) instead of fixnum.
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<kuribas> might have been nice if that was suggested instead of a lecture on safety...
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<beach> It was suggested. Not by me, though.
<kuribas> safety didn't seem to make a real difference.
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<jeosol> jackdaniel: I am sending you a bottle of your name.
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<jackdaniel> jeosol: cool :-)
<jackdaniel> is there a reason for that? also – where did you find my address? unless it is a virtual bottle…
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<ultimate_beginne> Hello beach, aeth, white_flame!
<ultimate_beginne> And all
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<ultimate_beginne> Would it be fair to say that C FFI is a lisp DSL for writing low-level operations? Woke up pondering the question.
<p_l> ultimate_beginne: depends on the actual implementation, but no
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<p_l> LAP would be the DSL
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<ultimate_beginne> I guess I'm thinking along the lines of (defmacro low-level (...) (...dsl similar to loop macro but with keywords for pointers, volatile, restrict, etc...))
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<ultimate_beginne> Essentially a compiler.. I suppose.
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<White_Flame> FFI gives you data access to low-level memory, and the ability to call low-level code. It doesn't let you write low-level operations directly
<White_Flame> in terms of code
<White_Flame> however, the native code Lisp compilers are written in Lisp, and can be extended
<ultimate_beginne> I see
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<jeosol> jackdaniel: Yes, virtual bottle, don't have your address
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<jackdaniel> oh, I'm disappointed now
<jackdaniel> you've put my hopes high
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<knobo> jackdaniel: does ecl garbage collect functions that is defined with a gensym as name?
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<knobo> jackdaniel: like this: (defmacro def () (let ((n (gensym))) `(defun ,n () (format nil "t"))))
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<jackdaniel> knobo: I think it doesn't, but I don't know it as a fact
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<Ukari> is defmacro has different with eval in efficiency?
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<Ukari> for example, (defmacro excute (&body expr) `(progn ,@expr)) (excute (print "foo") (print "bar")) and (eval (list 'progn (list 'print "foo") (list 'print "bar")))
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<Bike> you're comparing apples and oranges
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<White_Flame> defmacro will give your expr to be compiled at compiled time, and run at runtime
<White_Flame> eval will compile and run at runtime (for implementations which auto-compile)
<White_Flame> plus, since macros return source code that art part of a compilation unit, they're better tied to their surroundings than a standalone eval
<White_Flame> *are
<White_Flame> especially since macros can be inside lexical scopes