ugh, can anyone tell me why rk817 randomly says that it is done charging when it is not done charging?
macc24: probably not ... but I did look at the rk817-charger/battery drivers in den vendor kernel yesterday and they're behemoths, so best guess would be a driver bug
macc24: depending on where your variant comes from (odroid-kernel?), best bet would be to look for updates in the main vendor kernel?
mmind00: i stole the driver from rockchip's kernel
and modified it to read hardware registers and tell this information instead of whatever
mmind00: supertuxkart in gles2, i didn't even bother starting to compile mesa on px30
rk3326 and px30 are essentially the same ;-)
i was tracking panfrost on bifrost on my laptop and i actually complained, err, reported some bugs :D
mmind00: i know that they are the same, there is a reason for that #include <px30.dtsi> in rk3326.dtsi
as for mesa, building it on a beefy machine helps ... I'm doing that in an arm64 chroot with transparent binfmt emulation ... with "dpkg-buildpackage -j12" it's done in 30 minutes
are you building mesa with qemu?
(for an unmodified debian build)
with cross compiling i think it takes around 40 minutes for only panfrost on all my machines, except rk3288 laptop
yep ... via qemu-user-static ... so I just have that chroot around ... and everything that gets called runs transparently through that qemu thingy
so it's like chrooting into any chroot ... except that it's essentially arm64 not x86 in there
which is pretty neat
i think it's time to upgrade if people are having higher performance when emulating
mind you that is a ryzen 6-core in there so I'd definitly expect some improvements when doing deb building on multiple cores ;-)
my daily driver is straight from 2007 with exception of gpu
and with exception of ssd
and of course, the nicest part is that it's just "normal" building ... not all that cross-compiling madness
cross compiling mesa is easy with a cross file
though I really like staying in *.deb land
deb packages are distro specific
yep ... I'm running Debian on my Go-advance
i just have a lot of scripts that should not be distro specific
and whole distro that is aiming to not be distro specific, or hardware specific, just a bunch of patches, scripts and some magic
and i broke battery again ,_,
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