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<naobsd> oh I didn't know such a tip...
<naobsd> usbhub_rst in firefly.dtsi is just a dirty hack....
<naobsd> some reset pin should be toggled(on->off/off-on), my hack is not right at all :(
<naobsd> there is sata(usb-sata) reset on rayeager
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<naobsd> generic pwrseq is very interesting
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<ayaka> about the rk3288 usb fix, I got the response from maintainer, there are two way I should go
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<ayaka> but the problem is that I can't know know which compatible it is, as it use a table to find a match compatible
<ayaka> it is also not a good idea to places them in driver_data, as it is to used to set parameter of dwc2 there
<ayaka> the other problem I need to solve is that I can't know whether it is the host1 will be wake up
<ayaka> if I want to hard code without the helper of dts, I need to find a simple way to do that
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