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<naobsd> rk3288 hyp mode? interesting...
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<bryanparadis> (:
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<glisse> hey i am trying to boot kernel using mainline u-boot, i get to u-boot prompt just fine and load zImage and dtb into memory then bootz but kernel seem to crash early on, i am using firefly branch
<glisse> any tips on figuring out what might be wrong ?
<mmind00> glisse: try a mainline kernel? alternativly try to enable earlyprintk in either the vendor kernel or mainline.
<mmind00> glisse: most likely earlyprintk would show some form of panic
<glisse> well i have early printk enabled and no thing showup
<mmind00> that is strange ... while I haven't run the mainline uboot myself, it is supposed to work ... does the same kernel image boot with the vendor uboot?
<glisse> well it is a copy of a working kernel
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