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<mac_l1> mmind00: hi there. i'm using your repo's to run x11 with mali t764 support on ubuntu on my firefly. it works! however speed is quite slow (glmark2 score of 10). can you help me? have you had similar experiences?
<mmind00> mac_l1: first of all .. glmark-es2 or regular glmark? ... i.e. full opengl of course stays completely unaccelerated
<mac_l1> glmark2-es indeed
<mmind00> don't really remember what score I had and haven't looked at tat whole thing for quite some time
<mac_l1> when i run kodi on 1080p i get about 4fps...
<mmind00> but I guess between unoptimized armsoc-x-server, non-existant 2d acceleration, you most likely loose some performance
<mac_l1> and it states that it using the mali t768 open gl
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<mmind00> but in general, that was an experiment for me and in general I'm not that knowledgeable on nor care to much about graphics stuff
<mac_l1> hmm.. guess i have to dig a bit further... have the feeling its maybe a low-level timing issue in later kernels or X11/drm buffer issue or so.. anyways, tnx for your time
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