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<zazzu> bit quiet in here eh?
<mmind00> zazzu: developer irc-channel, not a cafe with idle off-topic chatter ;-)
<zazzu> hey! awesome
<zazzu> good to know people actually DO respond though
<zazzu> i have an rk322x that i have been working on
<zazzu> not a ton of documentation out there
<zazzu> but this seems to be the main hub for development work, at least what i have seen so far
<zazzu> im trying to get at the uboot configuration but im not having a lot of sucess
<zazzu> if you have any suggestions im all ears, thanks
<mmind00> zazzu: so far it doesn't look like somebody submitted any rk3228 mainline uboot patches, so you're probably stuck with whatever is in an android sdk drop [not my area of work, so I'm pretty clueless in those regards]
<zazzu> i see the board configuration added into a uboot git tree
<zazzu> but i should try to flash my own copy of uboot?
<zazzu> i have an imae that was build for the rk322x that i also found
<zazzu> looks like i need to get a usb female to female cable then i suppose
<zazzu> worst comes to worst maybe i can edit the uboot configuration on the device to point to a new kernel?
<zazzu> i found these, does that look like what i need?
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<mmind00> zazzu: probably, but I don't touch bootloaders that often
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<zazzu> me either lol
<zazzu> i wonder if contacting the manufacterer would be of any help
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<naobsd> zazzu: that u-boot image is basically stock u-boot for rk3229, just for someone who want to set serial console speed 115200 on u-boot.
<naobsd> zazzu: by default you can put kernel on kernel/boot/recovery partition
<naobsd> fastboot may work but I never tried it on rk3229 yet
<naobsd> SD boot works as usual
<zazzu> oh! interesting
<zazzu> im trying to boot a regular gnu/linux userland instead of android