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<fenixfunk> Q: rk3188 loader does not work on rk3066 boards, is this correct?
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<ferric> bootlaoder?
<ferric> fenixfunk: yes. you need an older version of the bootloader for 3066 boards.
<fenixfunk> thank you very much :)
<ferric> np.
<ferric> i'm trying to figure out how to flash the official kitkat rom now.
<ferric> it only has one .img file in it, no boot.img/parameters
<ferric> etc.
<fenixfunk> I have to say the combined efforts of everyone working to bring Linux to Rockchip devices have really propelled me into the world of ARM/Linux development. I can't articulate well enough how appreciative I am of the whole effort.
<fenixfunk> hm, let me grab that and take a look at it today
<ferric> yep, lotsa cool stuff going on.
<fenixfunk> have you been able to unpack the rom?
<fenixfunk> also have you tried installing kitkat to virtualbox yet?
<ferric> fenixfunk: haven't tried either.
<ferric> fenixfunk: i was hoping i could just run upgrade_tool new_rom.img and be done with it ;-)
<ferric> </lazy>
<fenixfunk> hehe
<ferric> hm... my crouton install won't let me mount cramfs images.
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<honx> are the partitions on flash really just defined as mtdparts in the parameters file, or do i have to use some kind of partitioning tool to prepare an empty flash IC so i can later use upgrade_tool to flash images to it?
<phh> only parameter file
<honx> a nice. i have a couple of hdmi dongles here that i want to use with a bigger flash. so that sounds like i just edit the parameters file to make the partitions larger, flash everything on it and i'm good to go...
<phh> why not rather boot on SDcard ?
<honx> because the system does not have an sd card slot (or any other means of storage)
<phh> oO
<honx> its a 10$ HDMI dongle..just the rockchip, some ram, flash, the wifi-module and thats it :)
<phh> 10$... not bad
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<ferric> i can't mount that .img, grm.
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<fenixfunk> 0.o $10 you say... i'm interested, even though there is no SD
<ferric> yeah, $10 for a rk3188 board is kinda awesome.
<fenixfunk> we live in an exciting time
<ferric> makes sense, now that rk3288 boards are coming out
<phh> he never said 3188 -_-'
<phh> it could be rk3026
<phh> there are rk3288 boards available ?
<ferric> phh: ack. good point. :)
<ferric> phh: bulk only, yep
<phh> you've got a link ?
<phh> thks
<ferric> np.
<ferric> hm. so, should i root the stock rom or go back to finless to try and get my webcam working.
<phh> no release date...
<phh> I mean the alibaba links doesn't give shipping delay
<ferric> yep and they also want min 1000 pieces :-)
<phh> na, only 500
<ferric> phh: there's other rk3288 sticks on cnx from hk
<ferric> hk expo
<phh> i see many boards but nothing about avaibility
<ncrmnt> RK3288.... Hm...
<ferric> yeah, i'm guessing consumer availability is probably around june.
<ncrmnt> Let me guess: 3.0.36+ with the same bloody hell in sources?
<ferric> phh: i mean, if you can afford 500 of those, you should just call the alibaba contact
<ferric> ncrmnt: one of the exhibitor's showed rk3288 board running chromium with 3.10.0
<ncrmnt> ferric: Now that sounds pretty awesome
<ncrmnt> Now, did I get it right they sell these for 10$ in bulk?
<ferric> lol no
<ferric> they're $50-60 bulk (apparently)
<phh> ferric: well i work for a company who will buy lots of rk3288 devices, and companies are telling us it's not available yet
<ncrmnt> Holy ****... Looks like they even made a proper dts O_O
<ferric> phh: looks like end may
<ferric> ncrmnt: dts?
<ncrmnt> deviceTree
<phh> device tree ?
<phh> ferric: ok thanks
<ncrmnt> At least judging by the changelog. Now, a good point is whether we can use this kernel for rk3188
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<ncrmnt> Hm... rk3188.dtsi Hell yes!
<ferric> phh: np...
<ferric> what's so cool about dts?
<ncrmnt> Well, if things are as good as they look. we can finally ditch 3.0.36 kernel for all our rk3188 hardware in favor of a 3.10
<ncrmnt> there are dtsi files for rk3188 boards!
<ferric> oh nice.
<ferric> ncrmnt: so theoretically, i could flash this kernel on to the newest 4.4.2 roms that current run 3.0.x kernels?
<ncrmnt> Now, I need to get myself closer to fast unlimited internets to get my hands on it and start hacking.
<ncrmnt> Don't know about android, since I'm not interested in it. But from the linux perspective it looks interesting
<ncrmnt> I wonder if nand and rkwifi are still blobs
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<phh> ncrmnt: where have you found that kernel ?
<phh> thanks
<phh> that's... weird oO
<ncrmnt> Okay, rk_nand looks like pretty much the same crippled blob.
<ncrmnt> As if I expected anything else...
<phh> isn't everyone moving to emmc ?
<ncrmnt> Well, rk3188 devices still use nand.
<ncrmnt> with their crippled up FTL
<ncrmnt> rkwifi is still that crap... Well, at least they now put in the sources for bcmdhd and it's not a blob any more
<phh> i've never tried but rkwifi doesn't sound hard to recode
<ncrmnt> rk_fb is there, still ugly as hell. Now, if only someone told those guys to open up their *** nand
<ncrmnt> Anyway, we have a good chances of upstreaming at least a more or less useable system.
<ncrmnt> What looks strange - there's uboot repo (FINALLY!) but no source code
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<ncrmnt> Btw, did anybody manage to get bluetooth running on MK809III (AP6210) ?
<ncrmnt> Hm... earlyprintk still uses ttyFIQ0
<fenixfunk> re:bt, sunxi?
<ncrmnt> fenixfunk: No, rk3188 (MK809III)
<fenixfunk> oh whoops, apologies.
<ncrmnt> Basically, I figured out all the rkfill stuff, etc. But bcrm_patchram_plus just hangs
<ncrmnt> sometimes writes/reads a few bytes, sometimes not. Tried all the *.hcds and parms
<ncrmnt> Looks like I'm missing somethings
<ncrmnt> *something
<ncrmnt> Okay, and now the fun starts, 3.10 doesn't compile.
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<phh> :/
<ncrmnt> I'll see if I can fix that. If I succeed - I'll post it on github.
<ncrmnt> Does anyone have rk3xnand.ko for the 3.10 kernel?
<ncrmnt> Wonder what gcc version those guys were using. They are declaring functions inline and then doing EXPORT_SYMBOL() on them
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<ncrmnt> Hm... pie stuff crashes the hell out of my ld
<ferric> needs more pie :p
<ncrmnt> arm-allwinner-linux-gnueabi-ld: BFD (crosstool-NG 1.19.0) 2.23.1 internal error, aborting at elflink.c line 8822 in elf_link_output_extsym
<ncrmnt> Anybody knows a remedy?
<ncrmnt> This stuff pops when linking pie/pie_stage2.o
<ncrmnt> I wonder what rockchip has to do with that 'embedded position independent executable' stuff
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<fenixfunk> ferric, regarding that kitkat rom, I noticed picuntu 5.1 images are mtd. any chance you can just flash that kitkat rom to NAND? do you need a parameters file for that? how big is the rom?
<dw> is 'rkchrome' some kind of official repository?
<ncrmnt> dw: Nobody knows
<ncrmnt> But it needs love to compile
<dw> someone must have spotted it first :)
* dw wishes there weren't 400 different phpbb installs you had to go poking for this information
<ferric> cnxsoft might know :-)
<ncrmnt> I just learned about it today and am know knee-deep in rockchip's next-gen madness
<dw> i follow one of the radxa guys on github, saw him/her starring it a week or two back
<ferric> fenixfunk: i'm a doofus. :-) the img file can just be flashed on, it has the bootloader, etc. all inside it.
<ferric> fenixfunk: i couldn't figure out how to mount it though, probably some weird obfuscation.
<dw> also, i have seen a uboot repository on GH with code committed to it, with rockchip-style debug macros of the same names that appear in their kernels
<dw> think it might be under the radxa account
<fenixfunk> has that crouton install ever been bratty about mounting .img's in the past? that'd be really interesting if they did employ obfuscation...
<ferric> fenixfunk: most ROMs are obfuscated somehow, never straight up ext3 or cram
<ferric> fenixfunk: i doubt it's crouton, tho.
<ferric> dw: how weird. someone inside rockchip leaked the kernel to radxa?
<ncrmnt> Holy crap, it's u-boot!
<cnxsoft> I don't know if rkchrome is an official repo. It was just pointed out to me by another developer.
<ncrmnt> cnxsoft: Did you manage to compile their kernel?
<ncrmnt> Hm... And that u-boot from neo-technologies. Is it useable?
<cnxsoft> Yes, after some efforts.
<cnxsoft> I think it's explained in the blog post
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<ncrmnt> cnxsoft: Yeah, that was trivial to fix, did you run into a problem I posted above when ld just crashed?
<ncrmnt> Right now it looks like this happens on all of my arm toolchains I have - cooking one with .24 binutils, but not quite sure that will help
<ncrmnt> anyways, regarding the u-boot from that neo guys. Is it useable?
<dw> i think its missing some rknand blob variant that works with uboot
<dw> never tried building it, but couldn't find all the nand bits
<ncrmnt> I just tried and got a nice RK3188Loader_uboot.bin as a result with no warnings
<ncrmnt> Still, I see no infos on how to burn it.
<dw> what does 'xxd blah.bin | head -1' say?
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<ncrmnt> dw: 0000000: 424f 4f54 6600 0300 0000 0000 0301 de07 BOOTf...........
<dw> i think that's the android-style BOOT partition format? would seem it goes on top of where the regular mkbootimg-output kernel goes
<dw> (make an image of your flash first :)
<dw> but i read through that code for 30 mins or more. could have sworn it referenced nand-related functions that didn't appaer anywhere in the source code. but this was over a month ago
<ncrmnt> Well, I'll just finish patching 3.10 and give at a try as a boot partition
<ncrmnt> wonder if it works, lol
<dw> do you have serial console soldered?
<dw> i highly doubt it drives the graphics at all
<ncrmnt> Yep, I even have better - HC-5 bt module soldered in there.
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<ncrmnt> dw: E:Invaid tag(0x544F4F42)!
<ncrmnt> No, it doesn't boot if flashed in place of the regular boot.img
<dw> eep :)
<ncrmnt> Something tells me it should be flashed to idblocks
<ncrmnt> or where that thing keeps its loader. Unfortunately I don't know any way to do that, but by removing the nand, putting it into programmer and back
<dw> forgotten how rockchip boot works.. but definitely the IPL understands that header if it appears in the correct partition, AFAIK. also i think there are multiple versions of that android header format
<dw> but its claiming the first 4 bytes are incorrect, so sounds like its flashed in the wrong place
<ncrmnt> I flashed that in the very place a put zImage packed with dummy initramfs with mkbootimg
<ncrmnt> I flashed that in the very place I put zImage + a dummy initramfs packed with mkbootimg
<ncrmnt> After giving the first message a read, I understood that wasn't quite english... sorry.
<dw> no clue, sorry :) i'm just an amateur with a crappy rk3066 :P
<ncrmnt> I'll give u-boot a try, for not I'm going to start playing with 3.10
<ncrmnt> It's finally compiled and ready (hehe!)
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<ncrmnt> Well... doesn't boot.
<ncrmnt> nothing on the serial console, sadness.
<ncrmnt> Looks like a big banner "LOVE WANTED" to me..
<Rj_> smeared arctic silver on a coin and put it between my rkcpu and an old gpu cooler
<fenixfunk> haha, what kind of coin?
<Rj_> The only coin I had, a norwegian crown
<fenixfunk> for it to work properly it may need to be a lapped (very flat, very polished) surface. is there a temp sensor in the chip?
<Rj_> not that I’m aware of
<fenixfunk> i need to pick up some sensors soon for other projects but i know sparkfun has one that looked really interest for like $1.50USD
<ferric> does radxa rock use an rk3x88 too?
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<fenixfunk> 3188 last i checked
<Rj_> Would love to get an arm device that had just as good linux support as the android support, hows tegra support going these days?
<ncrmnt> Well, I guess they should now have polished support... You know, Finger Of Linus...
<ferric> tegra 4's are more powerful than rk3288 right?
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<dw> Rj_: allwinner seems a good bet there
<dw> if microsoft forked the kernel and smashed it to the point that abi and even syscall interfaces differed they'd have caught hell, but android, *whistles* nothing to see here
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<Rj_> The a10 you mean? seems like a downgrade from my mk802iv unfortunalety. Then again, if there is proper linux gpu support for it, it would be a nice investment.
<Rj_> I guess I haven’t got linuxiums mali driver to work properly, 70 fps is es2gears
<ferric> Rj_: a80 looks pretty hot
<Rj_> is that a phone?
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<Rj_> guess not
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<rz2k> Rj_: > 70 fps is es2gears - that is your problem, we have this http://ssvb.github.io/images/2013-02-01-mali400-acceleration.png for more than a year now I think
<rz2k> 3x-4x downgrade from 300fps is because of absence of zerocopy drivers
<ncrmnt> rz2k: Does sunxifb superseed fbturbo or is it something brand new?
<rz2k> fbturbo = sunxifb
<rz2k> sunxi fb is old name
<rz2k> since it has vfp and immx for armv6 platforms
<rz2k> instead of neon
<ncrmnt> rz2k: I still couldn't get kwin_gles to work stable for me. I get ARGB<-->BGRA swapped, when gles compositing is on
<ncrmnt> So the only way to get correct colors - swap them with fbset before starting xorg.
<ncrmnt> And besides that it just deadlocks somewhere
<ncrmnt> so that only killall -9 helps
<Rj_> thanks, I’ll try that out as soon as I can
<rz2k> sads
<rz2k> I did not have time to check out r4p0
<rz2k> maybe they fixed it there
<rz2k> with all the drm stuff
<rz2k> and no ump
<rz2k> since this is a ump problem by the way, they even done the umplock driver for compositing
<ncrmnt> rz2k: I will be back to mali-poking once I get 3.10 up&running on my hardware
<ncrmnt> so far 3.10 booted up and crashed right away somewhere in the clocking...
<rz2k> time for 39 hours debug session
<rz2k> with rewrite of rk_clock_source.c on the way
<ncrmnt> rz2k: Right now?
<rz2k> why not
<rz2k> no job for tomorrow
<tonikasch> :p
<tonikasch> so 3.10 is working on some hw?
<ncrmnt> tonikasch: I got it earlyprintk'ing and then hanging somewhere around clock init.
<ncrmnt> google shows it works on radxa
<ncrmnt> but a different branch
<ncrmnt> gotta try
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<tonikasch> mmm, sounds primisng
<tonikasch> I'll try it on minix neo x7 :)
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<tonikasch> :p
<tonikasch> :)
<naobsd> there is a little old information for me...
<naobsd> s/there is/they are/
<naobsd> almost no information about rkchrome
<naobsd> but it will be included in rom in rk3288 android device
<naobsd> probably currently no rknand.ko for 3.10
<naobsd> I'm not sure it will be able to use on rk3188
<tonikasch> mmm
<tonikasch> me neither...
<naobsd> I guess, basically it will be compatible, but there is some relation between bootloader and rknand.ko
<naobsd> rknand.ko may be usable, but current RK loader for RK3188 may not be compatible. anyway, everything is not sure
<tonikasch> yeah...
<naobsd> (reading irc log...)
<naobsd> http://lists.infradead.org/pipermail/barebox/2014-April/018763.html [PATCH 00/11] ARM: add initial support for Rockchip boards
<naobsd> about dts things, it's done in mainline, RK seems to use some bit from it
<naobsd> but rkchrome 3.10 and current mainline are different
<naobsd> rkchrome repo includes Mali userland binary
<naobsd> I guess it's newer than r3p2
<naobsd> is there any topic I should mention...?
<naobsd> I tried to uboot on radxa rock. I could see some output from serial console, but I understand it isn't usable yet
<naobsd> need more work
<tonikasch> dunno, have just noticed 3.10 yesterday