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<oms101> hello all I have a AC8350 (BX09) which is maybe a K-R42 and was wondering what people knew about the linux boot process and debugging it on linux, for example do people know where I casn attach a serial consol?
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<AstralixNB> oms101: You might check here http://linux-rockchip.info/mw/index.php?title=K-R42 and may be you provide some pictures from the inside of the box to identify the serial console test points.
<oms101> thats a nice idea
<oms101> I will take soem photos
<oms101> my mission is to try and get fedora running on it, ideally with wayland but xorg would be fine too
<oms101> I also want to compile some kernels for it
<AstralixNB> Hmm... but that should be working y just using some existing images
<oms101> I got picuntu runnign on it and was quiet impressed
<oms101> but sadly no network
<AstralixNB> yes, so if you got that step working you're in :)
<AstralixNB> oh. Hmmm...
<AstralixNB> There are several different options how to run a mac i/f with RK
<AstralixNB> i.e. they allow to configure one GPIO to deliver the 25MHz clock to the PHY so it doesn't need any extra crystal
<oms101> yes I will try again soon (maybe today, though tonight I am off to the CCC looking for lifts to FOSDEM)
<oms101> but I woudl like to get my own kernel booting with network before the weekend
<oms101> sounds like with the GPIO being re purposed for such things the networking in rk3188 chips is very problematic
<oms101> (next couple of hours I will focus on moving moneys around and paying bills then comes then next hack time)
<AstralixNB> may be I am still in here
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<pfcode> How can I change a parameter in my tablet (rk2928) without updating whole system via RK Batch Tool?
<pfcode> Is there any easier way to do that? Somekind of flasing only parameter value to specific address?
<oms101> dear pfcode , I am new here too so dont know, I have tried and failed, simply flashing the parameter file has led me to need to erase the idb to get thigns back
<pfcode> maybe we should try to decompile RK Batch Tool to get know about that :D
<pfcode> hm..
<pfcode> but it's not so crazy idea
<oms101> well Im a begginer
<oms101> but
<oms101> I belive its possibel to trap usb traffic
<oms101> I think this might be just as easy (hard)
<oms101> I think to do this its easiest to do with the vm layer
<pfcode> yes
<pfcode> but
<oms101> but since i have never done it
<pfcode> i'm thinking about using an arduino board as a 'proxy'
<pfcode> don't know if it could even work :P
<oms101> i dont read thisa language
<oms101> but google translate will help you read it
<pfcode> yeah, i know
<oms101> seems some one has been reversing the batch format
<pfcode> he wasn't reversing the flashing process, but only the bootloader code
<oms101> I had a look at the parameter file
<oms101> it seesm to be soem text with a header
<oms101> followed by some blank characters
<oms101> I was gonna nock up a small python scritp to make the header and trasnlate text
<oms101> I found with a hex editor I coudl change paramters
<oms101> and they stayed
<oms101> but I did not change the length of the parameter string
<oms101> thats my next plan
<oms101> but I am plaing with an rk3188
<pfcode> you don't have to change its length
<pfcode> you can use as many space characters as you need to fill the space
<pfcode> linux kernel will skip it between arguments
<oms101> so I took out the paramters file
<oms101> backed it up
<oms101> hex edited
<oms101> and reflashed
<pfcode> did it work?
<oms101> is that what you are trying to do ?
<oms101> I changed the name of the SDK
<oms101> I will have to confirm (in about an hour)
<pfcode> you don't have to.
<oms101> but as far as I remeber I changed the SDK name
<pfcode> i'm trying to change the parameter to modify the partitions
<pfcode> i'd like to have one, big partition for system on nand
<pfcode> and sdcard
<pfcode> of course, i know i also need the boot partition
<pfcode> another question, the last time I was flashing it with Arch Linux (chrooted from boot environment) I ran xorg, gnome3, wifi successfully
<oms101> I am on a simlar path, but I never succeeded in changign the partitions sizes and making it boot
<pfcode> but I couldn't get the mali400 to work with acceleration
<pfcode> and I haven't found the drivers to the touchscreen
<oms101> I tried flashing it with picuntu and never got wifi or LAN but was super impressed with the performance (even on X) though 3d acceleration was missing
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<oms101> I am afraid I dont knwo about such things
<oms101> I am using a AC8350 (BX09) and it has no screen just HDMI and composite out
* pfcode is copying a folder with rom data I was working with a few months ago :>
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<karlp> yeah, I'm still struggling to get a viable screen connected
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<karlp> getting both a usb connection for debug and flashing as well as a hdmi screen I can see at somewhat the same time and inputs is tedious
<karlp> got a hdmi-vga adapter that works with another hdmi device, but not with my rk3066 stick :|
<oms101> im with you here
<oms101> this is why I played so little
<oms101> still I have just taken soem OK pictures
<oms101> is 16.2 MB to big for the pictures?
<oms101> they are png
<oms101> what target size shodul motherboard pictures be?
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<karlp> that does seem large :)
<oms101> yes I thought so too
<oms101> I shall gimp the photos a little
<oms101> 382 K when jpg
<oms101> for both of them
<oms101> Cant seem to upload to the wiki an image ?
<oms101> has been updated with lsusb and lsmod and dmsg
<oms101> Ill do better later
<oms101> but cant seem to find how to upload the pictures
<oms101> 382 K when jpg sounds reasonable. I will add some numbers to the chips and type up the details if I coudl upload a picture
<karlp> AstralixNB: if you're around, do we need to do anything special to put things on the wiki?
<AstralixNB> Hi!
<AstralixNB> Just came back
<AstralixNB> FOr the wiki jou should register, then you can write in it
<AstralixNB> Looks like it is a littlt bit late for me... you should register, then you can contribute to it.
<AstralixNB> Sorry for the typos, just trying to merge SELinux into a rk-kernel...
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<oms101> hi
<oms101> I coudl not work out how to upload images
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<oms101> but i did upload lsusb
<oms101> lsmod
<oms101> and dmsg
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<AstralixNB> That will probably help
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<AstralixNB> I'll check how to load up pictures
<AstralixNB> You can upload a picture, then link to it like described in here: http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Images
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<oms101> thanks
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<oms101> sucess
<oms101> I think :)
<oms101> night ight
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