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<itdaniher> SD card boot parameters file, anyone?
<itdaniher> dead NAND, thoroughly investigating software fixes before I swap the TSSOP48 pkg
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<itdaniher> the only mention I can find of booting a RFS from SD card uses a kernel flashed to the NAND
<itdaniher> the RK3188 brief says SD boot works, but can't find anything confirming this
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<karlp> the linuxium thing seems to imply this is done and regualrly used
<karlp> but I've not used it myself :)
<itdaniher> I looked into it - it looks like it requires the flashing of a kernel and bootloader to NAND, and checks to see if there's a linux RFS on the SD card
<itdaniher> I soldered a serial terminal to my T428, dumps NAND errors at 115200b - https://twitter.com/itdaniher/status/426519837444030464/photo/1
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<FreeEdward> is sarg on?
<FreeEdward> I was told to contact him here
<FreeEdward> bummer
<FreeEdward> must be busy irl
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<ChALkeR> Hi all. Did anyone succeed in getting opengl working on rk3188?
<ChALkeR> I'm trying to utilize libhybris, but i'm stuck with mali driver.
<ChALkeR> One mali.ko (precompiled) does not produce errors at early stages, but the version check does not pass, the module has v20, android wants v19.
<ChALkeR> When I tried to use a self-compiled module, it fails earlier with «Innapropriate ioctl for device»
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<notsgnik> Where and How do i need to flash the RK30xxLoader/parameter file to get picuntu to run ? i've tried some script and stuff but still got nothing to boot. I'm using linux and rkflashtool, can anyone explain me the steps i have to go throught in order to flash the loader/parameter file ? since google wasn't able to. http://ubuntu.g8.net/
<ChALkeR> notsgnik: You have to convert it to img.
<notsgnik> the RK30xxLoader?
<ChALkeR> The parameter file.
<notsgnik> it's a bin, i assume it is :/
<notsgnik> nope
<ChALkeR> Yes.
<notsgnik> the parameter file is ascii
<ChALkeR> Yes, but you have to convert it to img before flashing.
<notsgnik> how?
<ChALkeR> If you are using rkflashtool.
<notsgnik> did you have a link where i can learn how to?
<notsgnik> *do
<ChALkeR> A moment.
<ChALkeR> Google for rksp.
<notsgnik> i cloned it
<notsgnik> fixed the source
<notsgnik> still not booting
<notsgnik> maybe i did something wrong
<ChALkeR> rksp/rkcrc.pl -p -i parameter -o parameter.img
<ChALkeR> That's the command.
<notsgnik> the where should i flash it?
<notsgnik> *then
<ChALkeR> Open parameter (text file)
<ChALkeR> Ah, a moment.
<ChALkeR> At 0x0
<notsgnik> ok and the rk loader?
<ChALkeR> You can't flash it with rkflashtool afaik.
<ChALkeR> There are two protocols.
<notsgnik> idb?
<ChALkeR> rkflashtool is an implementation of one of them.
<ChALkeR> Look for Rockchip Linux Upgrade Tool
<ChALkeR> But it's closed source
<ChALkeR> And docs are in chineese…
<ChALkeR> Don't use sudo, use udev rule.
<ChALkeR> That tool supports low level format
<ChALkeR> And flashing the loader
<notsgnik> can i run custo firmware over usb with that?
<notsgnik> *ustom
<ChALkeR> Yes.
<notsgnik> nice that's all i nee for now
<notsgnik> tanks for your help
<ChALkeR> But it flashes the whole image.
<ChALkeR> You have to prepare it first.
<notsgnik> when you load over usb?
<ChALkeR> You have to prepare it first.
<ChALkeR> You can create the whole image using that.
<ChALkeR> Ok, guess that's all.
<notsgnik> let's give it a try :)
<ChALkeR> I switched my device to 32bit (24-bit rgb) mode, the default kernel runs in 16 bit somewhy.
<ChALkeR> I mean bpp here.
<notsgnik> do you have a github or a blog ?
<notsgnik> udev -> upgrade_tool -> so far so good, thanks :D
<ChALkeR> No blog, nothing useful on github yet.
<ChALkeR> Does anyone know how rk_fb works?
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<valdur55> is it possible to run picubuntu on rk2928 device?
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<notsgnik> looks like the device is mainstream , and the sdk has leeked
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