leowt changed the topic of #linux-rockchip to: Rockchip development discussion | http://linux-rockchip.info | http://irclog.whitequark.org/linux-rockchip
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<WilsonB> Heya
<WilsonB> Running RK3188 here...
<WilsonB> Anyone hear of Kali / backtrack running on that chipset?
<WilsonB> Im currently running Xubuntu
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<jcarlos> Is linux-rockchip.info site working?
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fefifofum has joined #linux-rockchip
<fefifofum> hi
<fefifofum> anybody knows if there is android 4.3 for any rockchip device?
<fefifofum> i know there is 4.4, but i need stagefright from 4.3 to get cm10.2 working properly
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<jcarlos> Ahí llevas, paisano.
<fefifofum> gracias
<fefifofum> ups, that's 4.4... i'm looking for 4.3
<fefifofum> thanks anyway
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<fefifofum> when i compile mali i get two warnings, mali_platform_device_register and mali_platform_device_unregister
<fefifofum> any ideas?
ikarus_ is now known as Ikarus
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<fefifofum> ok, just one error to get 3.0.36 properly booting: mali: Unknown parameter `mali_dvfs'
<fefifofum> any ideas?
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