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<karlp> making rockchip images should remain a separate tool I believe, the abootimg is for dealing with standard android images, that you then wrap for rockchip write? it's just a header and a crc trailer?
<karlp> or is rockchip actually using that header id field?
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<hipboi_> karlp, we just use the mkbootimg in the AOSP
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<hipboi_> the bootloader can load it and boot the kernel
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<naobsd> hipboi: Rockchip modified mkbootimg
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<mazen> dear naobsd could you please update mkbootimg to support cm10.1& cm10.2
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<WilsonB> Howdy
<WilsonB> Is there a SIMPLE way to backup recreate files used by Windows RK flashing tool? I have Xubuntu on my T428 (RK3188) and want to do a full backup in case I screw up Linux
<JochenKauz> Hi, sorry I don't understand.. what recreated file you want to backup?
<WilsonB> Well used RKAndroidTool to flash the T428, want to easly re-create the files / back them up
<JochenKauz> Sorry, what files? the original image that was on the T428?
<WilsonB> I made changes / configured / updated my Xubuntu system on my t428 stick .. Now I want to do a FULL backup in case something happens when playing around in Xubunt..(likely) w
<WilsonB> I just want to back up all files on the stick in case I screw up my linux
<JochenKauz> ahh
<JochenKauz> you can make a dd
<WilsonB> dd in linux?
<WilsonB> sorry im a noob
<JochenKauz> diskdump
<JochenKauz> with dd you can make an image of your partitions
<WilsonB> Sounds good so far...
<WilsonB> can you hand hold a little?
<WilsonB> So I use the dd command in terminal?
<WilsonB> what would be the command if backing up t428 stick ? then restore?
<WilsonB> tanx
<JochenKauz> your welcome
<JochenKauz> you only need to know your partitions to dump it to an external drive
<WilsonB> I'll learn to use that... just one last q. What would be the mnt device if backing up full Mini-pc stick on to internal SD ?
<JochenKauz> normally it should be mnt/sd-card, but I'm not firm with linux on sticks, I'm only kernel dev for Android
<WilsonB> meaning, dd if=/dev/hda of=/dev/hdy
<JochenKauz> ahh okay
<WilsonB> also, would I have to be doing this from another linux box and not in booted up linux on stick?
<karlp> if you're only worried about screwing up _inside_ linux, just treat it like any other sort of linux backup
<WilsonB> even the updates?
<JochenKauz> no.. you don't do this from another linux
<WilsonB> ok, from within itself is ok
<JochenKauz> you make a backup from itself
<JochenKauz> right
<WilsonB> I thought the files might be locked since I booted with it.
<JochenKauz> you can see the mount points in fstab, as far as I know
<JochenKauz> no
<JochenKauz> this should be possible
<WilsonB> It's prob. easier than I was thinking.. Im just used to using linux in VM and taking snapshots all the time ;-)
<WilsonB> Noob
<JochenKauz> hey, no problem.. we are all noobs at some point
<WilsonB> I should learn how to make a backup once I have the systems setup the way I want it. There has been so many times when I screwed up the linux enviroment and would have to reinstall.. :-(
<JochenKauz> on my Tablet it is easy
<WilsonB> what do you do on your tablet?
<JochenKauz> I use CWM, make a backup in it, and if it is screwed up, I play it back
<JochenKauz> I'm a member of crewrktablet. Making Kernels and helping in CM10.1 development
<WilsonB> ahhh, Im looking into cwm on youtube now. I think I will install cwm in Xubuntu and try it.
<JochenKauz> thats the most easiest way
<WilsonB> thanks for your help...
<WilsonB> I truly need to make learning how to do full backup before continuing..
<JochenKauz> yes, first thing.. always have a backup:)
<Galland> WilsonB: use the same command that you use to flash the stick: ./rkflashtool r 0x__start_address 0x__size > backup.bin
<Galland> where start_address is the offset of your linux partition in flash, and size its size
<Galland> you can get the offsets by doing: ./rkflashtool r 0 1 | head -n 11
<Galland> you'll see in the last line/s one with "mtdparts"
<Galland> what follows is a list of partitions in this pattern: partition_size@partition_offset (partition_name)
<Galland> for example your linux partition could be one like: 0x400000@0x20000(linux)
<Galland> then the backing up would be: ./rkflashtool r 0x20000 0x400000 > linux_backup.bin
<Galland> naturally you'd do all these commands in a pc connected to the usb otg of your stick, same as if you were flashing it
<Galland> and do them as root or precede with sudo
<Galland> if you ever need to recover you'd just need to do: ./rkflashtool w 0x20000 0x400000 < linux_backup.bin
<Galland> and, if most of your linux partition is empty, the backup.bin should compress very well
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<naobsd> mazen: any "mkbootimg for RK" can use for any ROM for RK include CM10.1/10.2