mask rom mode, which needs to push bootloader to make rkflashtool work
bootloader mode, bootloader is loaded from nand
structure of RK30xxLoader(L)...bin is almost known, and USB protocol is almost known too, but
there is unknown 2bytes in USB protocol, it prevents to make rkflashtool usable for mask rom mode
RKAndroidTool works fine for both, of course
in short, with rkflashtool, we need working bootloader in nand
yeah, but it's normally present anyway ... only one should not accidentially overwrite it :-)
yes :)
fortunately rkflashtool can't rewrite/erase bootloader area :)
it's enough to play with kernel thing
I'll try to investigate "read/write RAM" protocol
I hope it will be useful for kernel development
btw, how do you think reusing kernel source for some RK30/31 devices floating around on the net?
or are you trying to do everything yourself w/ mainline source?
for mainline real reusing is not possible ... while the Rockchip sources are a lot better than others I've seen they still are not of mainline quality, so need a lot of rework
but thankfully someone from Rockchip choose wisely to not reinvent every component in the SoCs
so things like the mmc, uat, spi, timers are all Synopsis,Designware IPs
(with drivers already present)
yes, I read it from your commit log :)
very nice
but NAND is secret :(
but I have a working mmc, so I'm fine
I see :)
and hen looking thru Rockchip sources, this whole secrecy stuff seems to be improving (recent releases seem to have real clock_data.c files instead of the uu-encoded stuff)
sometimes kernel source for some specific product which uses RK SoC is released/leaked. many people want to use it on his own device,
so I'd think not all hope is lost :-)
but in many cases device specific code is missing, then it's not useful for people's daily use(e.g. watching movies)
true and the changes are most of the time done in a hacky way, so it's also not easy to separate them
but I'll let other people worry about "daily use" ... my primary interest is experimenting with the lower-level kernel stuff, i.e. getting basic components of the SoC running on a mainline kernel, smp and so on
I always thinking it's really worthful to spend time to hack leaked source for another device
I like low level things too.
and I know other people don't like it ;)
I'll try your code
hehe ... "upstream sources" always make my eyes bleed ... so I don't want to touch them more than necessary usually
after soldering uart pins on my device ;)
sorry, away for a while
hehe, ok
just for the record, there are a lot more patches involved than the ones in arm-soc, there is also necessary stuff in the pinctrl- and clock-tree
so the best course of action would probably be to wait for the next "linux-next" tree and use this then
I see. I'm not Linux guy, so I'm not sure about such an staging(?) flow
hehe ... for the initial rockchip stuff I it was crazy :-)
I did try to get all the patches that I sent together again in my development tree ... but gave up at some point
hi there
hi :-)
got an invitation to land here, so here I am :)
I got the same invitation :-)
Joint forces against rockchip code
so whats up today?
hehe ... compared to others Rockchip code is actually more on the "nice" side :-)
don't know, did kernel coding for Atmel and Freescale before...
But compared to the DVD system code I had to work with some years ago, yes rockchip is far nicer than that
So there are some thet got linux booting on Rk3066 and 3188 the last few days
I am at the cleanup of the work and try to push that code back to our github in the next three days
so, naobsd, I recall you name. Saw you there in the forums... XDA?
mmind00 doesn't trigger my mind, where are you from?
I'm fun_ at XDA. my site is androtab.info.
nowhere :-) ... just working a bit on basic mainline support for rockchip socs
next "linux-next" should probably happen somewhere tomorrow or the next days
hi leowt
hmmmmm I see
We should also have the sources released for 30xx and 31xx
I see that there are some 3.0.xx already touched by community somewhwre in github
I'm preparing 3.0.36 source for MK802IV and bqCurie
thats what? 3066?
at first I'll push non-touched one as for reference
3188 and 3066
as far as I know, they are latest source on public, and some people are working based on them
Hmm, i have an 3168, arent 3188 sources supposed to be the same?
isn't 3168 dual core with the powervr gpu?
Yes it is
Pretty cool power consumption btw
and no from what I've seen so far all the different socs share a lot, but also differ at critical points
for example the clock trees are always somehow different
mmind00: there are defconfs with 8168 name with the 3188 sources
Including a kernel option to select 3 our 4 kinds of 3168 boarda
Tried to do a simple compile but it failed
Still got to see it with more attention
But the supplied defconfs for 8168 gets errors compiling
Some work to do there, supposing there are all the 3168 sources in that kernel, being not the problem itself
mmind00 has left #linux-rockchip ["Once you know what it is you want to be true, instinct is a very useful device for enabling you to know that it is"]
mmind00 has joined #linux-rockchip
leowt has quit [Quit: Qui]
leowt has joined #linux-rockchip
i see that github/linux-rockchip got some setting up act
So, since i started I collected some goods like another Loox (2918), a Xelio 10pro (3066) and a Tronsmart MK908 Android TV stick powered by a RK3188
make[1]: *** No rule to make target `arch/arm/mach-rk30/clock_data-rk3066b.o', needed by `arch/arm/mach-rk30/built-in.o'. Stop.
clock is sort of secret to rockchip...
why do you want to build clockdata for the rk3066b?
You should have either a clock_data.uu and the clock_data.o is commented out in the Makfile, or you have the clock_data.c
if you have .c romve the comment in the Makefile
mmind00, do you have some full manuals on these RK chips?
clock_data-rk3066b is valid, but shouldn't probably be built for a 3168 target
nope, not for that, lets check what I have
sadly no
none of the datasheets?
I thought you work for...
yep, but we get a sort of working kernel tree
sort of... yes I know that
you like a datasheet?
so can i understand
they modify clock_data-rk3066b for each chip
any time ... the only thing I know is this small excerpt that is floating around everywhere
no, there are two variants of the rk3066 ... a and b
Hmm... even the 26MB sized one is not complete. PMU, MALI, VPU and some other units missing in it
there is a datasheet around? ... :-)
need you mail address
i see no clockdata file at arch/arm/mach-rk30
there is one at arch/arm/mach-rk3188
leowt, wihich github do you use?
wanted to ask the same right now :-)
Astralix: heiko@sntech.de
so it seems that there is not files for rk8168
Astralix: sorry?
leowt: sadly I also haven't seen the rk3168 being mentioned in any tree
leojrfs @ github and gmail
another gpl violating issue?
leowt, where did you get your code from?
leowt: I think we wanted to know which kernel source you're using ;-)
uih, that one... Alok... He is from the Omegamoon crew and he has the kernel from us.
so you see it's all linked together
also the released kernel sources most of the time are not containing support for all previous socs
so to get that compiled you should switch to Gallands repo
mmind00, none of them
you can see the clockdata for the rk3188
i see
if there is a kernel having support for more than only one of them, it is self crafted and not an official releas of any tablet company
but the remnants of the rk30xx support probably only contains the stuff the rk3188 is reusing
not directly. Rk31 is using stuff of 29/30 but the unused code of these is just left as it was on the point of fork
y they just wont release it
They do not develop on 29 anymore
im talking about rk8168 files
hey even do not really do anything on 30 anymore. Only some 31 support, that's it.
ah, yes the 31xx is supported
you only have to get 5000USD an to sign an NDA
yeah, but im here stuck just because there isnt 3168 sources
3168 is a dual-core 3188 I guess?
Or do you have different GPU?
I think they have a powervr or so
it is dual-core
gpu is powervr
so yes it is different
We had such trouble with vivante as they didn't even answer emails... then we where so happy getting MAIL as ARM supports open source development on that one.
And now they're changing to powerVR... We need to check with Freescale. They use that too on their iMX series chips
GPU is so much hard work on disassembling and trying to get it glued again
mmind00, did you get the datasheet?
if you guys do not have dropbox, then register through my link. Will rise my limit a bit there
i have it
Astralix it's stuck in the greylister, so should arrive in some miutes
ah, ok
that reminds me, that I do not know what you are doing, leowt
Astralix: sorry?
job, family, kids, shoesize... ;)
I don't like to login to PRISM all the day to request that information
makes me feel like spying...
well, im a young entrepreneur =P
you could also ask the british service
product development (kind of a R&D dedicated company)
i can be described as de devops guy xD
mmind00, why asking for a copy, iff you can have the original...
leowt so it is half a business act in here
ok, the archive is prism, but the live data are the brits :-)
Astralix: hmm, i hope so
i have plenty toys
so just wanted to give rkchip a try
i liked 8168 power consumption
Ok, so want you got for Android or Linux?
based on that RK?
there will be no real business until the fall of year so, it is a *just starting* startup
ha, ok, then wish ou good luck and stay stong. Most times the first three years are hard, after then it will get better
So, lets see...
i am still exploring possibilities with my mates, but the android + libhybris its pretty cool
since our work is embedded Qt heavy
We need to get uBoot running and kill that bullshit rkXXnand.ko driver
then we are free on that chips
So, anyona known ro work on uBoot or redboot on that chips already?
redboot is used on rk?
got, i only know it from fonera devices
my fon2100 still runs
no, there is an encrypted closed source bootloader on it
but I have the loader and I got it decrypted and I know how to handle a disassembler...
ur evil
i will got to wait untill some rk8168 specific sources are released
the android to ubuntu touch kernel is so close
only for a couple of options
I do hardware-near dev since I was 9. I built my Apple ][ replica, when I was 11. Since then I programmed Fortran, Ada, Lisp, Pascal, C and I programmed Assembler for about 20 different chips including DSP
And as RK did violate GPL so much, I didn't have any bad feelings about using disassemblers or so
I am pretty sure you can use the rk3188 kernel with almost no changes
Astralix: there were pentium 2 cpus already wen i was 9
But you will have to solder a serial debugger to your device
i wish i could have lived at that age
Astralix: first thing i have done
hmmm, It doesn't make a difference.
searching for uart
and soldering thinks
having a serial console is a requirement for me
it is a generic *crap* tablet board
at that time a 20MHz scope was fast enough, today you need a 100MHz minimum. But at that time the 20MHz scope was much more expensive as a 100MHz is today
but i am happy to share pics
with the uart location
just upload and I support
I have found it on all
Astralix: i am saying that the first thing i have done was to open it up
and locating the uart
and already have uart since the 0 day
actually most modern 31xx have them on the lower side where almost no parts are
you need USB-Serial converter with logic levels. So 3.3V max.
cpy that one, extract the arm toolchain to /opt/ and then use is
It is a gcc 4.4.3 and verified to work
ok tnks
i will be keeping an eye on irc
so, cul8er
every ~20 mins
mmind00, still there?
barely :-) ... reading and trying not to fall asleep
just some questions
and then /me bed too
so, if I have some code in c that is provided by rockchip only as .uu, how to handle that?
can I push that to you / mainline?
I guessed that
how to handel that?
i.e. the uu stuff is only an encoded .o
which is unacceptable in any case
ok, two scenarios
I have sources of files, that where former .uu but where opened by some manufacturers when putting sources online
I think I can consider these <open>
an can include them in my work an push the
yep ... also the rockchip files contain a gpl header, so you should be fine
there are others, that I disassembled after uudecoding the file and threwing the .o into IDA
good morning
So I replicated the c code... sort of...
moring sir
what I did on github is, just pushing 2 kernel source, one for rikomagic MK802IV, another for bq Curie
Ah, can I have the link to the kernel archive again, please?
saw that
Omegamoon and Galland made MK908 and S400 sticks booting linux and I am cross checking for booting android
just for reference. I used AOSP android-3.0 branch as a bese. branch point may not be correct, but it should be helpful to see diff from vanilla(android-3.0) source