issoeocio: I've seen your questions before, your usb_boot command looks correct, but it depends on what is the value of the different variables to tell if is doing what you want
issoeocio: I don't understand what you mean by extramodules
I resolved that.
I have another question. I installed the last kernel 4.1
and lost trackpad
the snow dts in the last version change atmel,maxtouch to other
to cypress,cyapa
my board is xe303c12-ad1br
xe303c12 is snow/daisy
but seems that the version br (Brazil) have other specifications...
in /proc/bus/input/device on the ChromeOS says atmel/maxtouch
issoeocio: where is the change you are referring to? but in any case cypress,cyapa is the correct compatible for the trackpad in Snow and atmel,maxtouch for peach pit/pi
* javier__
is confused
the exynos5250-snow.dts from the lasts kernels says now cypress/cyapa
issoeocio: yes, that's the correct one and I can't find where it had a different compatible string before
well my board show atmel,maxtouch in ChromeOS
is a xe303c12-ad1br
mmm I wonder if there was a special Snow version for Brazil which used the atmel trackpad
issoeocio: but I'm not able to find such a DTS in the downstream ChromiumOS v3.8 kernel tree
issoeocio: which kernel version do you have in ChromeOS?
3.8.11 I think... I will check
issoeocio: yes, that's the branch I'm looking and I see that all exynos5250 machines use cyapa