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<tfiga> hmm, could anyone set up an account for me on the wiki?
<tfiga> I think I might be able to add a bit more information there or at least fix some mistakes
<Wizzup> yes, I can :)
<Wizzup> tfiga: preferred username?
<Wizzup> current one?
<tfiga> Wizzup: thanks
<tfiga> yes, tfiga should be fine
<libv> Wizzup: so people have to come here to ask for a wiki account?
<libv> Wizzup: that's a bit limiting.
<libv> Wizzup: iirc, there was some option to stop people from editing their own user pages, unless an admin intervenes
<libv> that seemed to have stopped the spam with sunxi
<Wizzup> Agreed, it is mentioned here
<Wizzup> The idea is to have 'specific questions' that bots dont usually answer
<Wizzup> I'll try to set that up soon
<libv> ah, ok
<Wizzup> libv: also, the spam wasn't limited to user pages
<libv> really? ouch
<Wizzup> They made lots of random pages
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