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I get this error when I run jruby -S jbundle install "NoMethodError: undefined method `extra_gem_paths' for JRuby::Util:Module" Anyone know what that means?
I don't use ruby that often, but it's the rich web interface to our java application
It works in ubuntu (for windows) but not in windows 10 for some reason
rosenjcb: that is pretty weird
I can show the whole log
Let me grab it
rosenjcb: It is implemented in Java so I would expect it to load unless maybe jruby/util only loads on non-windows somehow
Yeah I have no idea what's up
rosenjcb: can you try jruby -e 'require "jruby/util"; JRuby::Util.extra_gem_paths'
rosenjcb: err quoting may be not right for windows
It's not something wrong with maven, is it?
I have latest maven
So I just downloaded and replaced one from last year
I don't know how maven loads jruby
This would be a big thing to try but nuking part/all of .m2/repository perhaps
maybe just anything related to org.jruby
is tabula-master just tabula?
I'll just do that
I like to clean the cruft out of m2 on occasion anyways
or I get petabytes or old artifacts
(half joking on size)
rosenjcb: I am going to lunch now so I will be afk
yeah I'm getting hungry too
thanks for the help, I'll see what I can do
rosenjcb: if we do figure this out we should let mkristian on jbundler know why it fails to perhaps make a document or something else?
yes yes
It is not documented at all
I have searched far and wide
Deleting .m2 didn't help either
I think it's definitely a jbundle fug up
rosenjcb: I guess at this point maybe open an issue on mkristian/jbundler
It makes no sense to me. It is almost like you are getting some earlier jruby which did not have that method in JRuby::Util
enebo, I guess I can just build on linux (since it builds fine there) and then run the jar
I was trying to build on windows completely because I get this weird 500 error with the web server and I thought that was maybe because of running the jar in ubuntu shell
Or something, I dunno
rosenjcb: yeah sorry things are no going smoothly
Oh no worries dude, let's make this an issue together anyways
I think it works
Cause I ran the jar on the windows machine and it works fine, I still get that 500 error but not when I do the action another way... I think it's a bug or something
enebo, how should I word it? This will be the second time I've ever submitted an issue to a repo.
Don't know why but I always fear asking dumb questions on repos
rosenjcb: hey I have a thing to try to make this easier
make a simple directory with just a single dep in a Jarfile
If it fails then I guess that is something more minimal to work with
fair point
I actually also thought of one other thing which may help understand something
when you run jbundler you will see every file loaded including internal .rbs...I am half wondering if we see some weird random version of jruby
I really wish that logging would say which jar jruby/util was getting loaded from but maybe it will shed some light
so just run the jbundle command and add that as an argument?
set it as an environment var
in CMD set JRUBY_OPTS=...
yes yes
Did set JRUBY_OPTS=-Xdebug.loadService
lots of output should be showing what it loads
at best we would see some directory not in c:\jruby-*
So what should I do now?
look to see if anything in that output is not in C:\jruby
bummer for jruby/util it will show builtinLib and no location
that would have been the ultimate
I mean which command should I use?
another thing to try would just be to search windows box for rando .jar files to see if it is possible it is being picked up
jbundle command
let's see what spits out
rosenjcb: but I would also definitely do the new directory with a single line Jarfile loading some jar
rosenjcb: if that ends up working then it will be something unique to your project
if not then it is probably some environment issue
I don't think anything changed when I ran jruby -S jbundle install
rosenjcb: you should have seen a ton of output
It didn't make the environmental variable, that's why
fucking windows
how are you trying and set it?
set JRUBY_OPTS=-Xdebug.loadService in CMD before running the command
through powershell using set
oh hmm
not really a windows guy
enebo, I got it. I just need to output it to a txt or something
fugging huge output
ok that was way too much text for pastebin