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<headius> ok today's the day
<GitHub180> [jruby] headius pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vp8Oi
<GitHub180> jruby/master 7370ed8 Charles Oliver Nutter: Exclude racy test that may not be valid.
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<GitHub11> [jruby] pdhimal1 opened issue #5152: Updating JRuby from 1.7.4 https://git.io/vp83B
<headius> that's a good jump
<lopex> what day ?
<headius> lopex: green day!
<headius> lopex: there's two transcode failures you might be able to sniff out
<headius> they made some change to invalid character replacement
<headius> the test was added independent of any change so I'm not sure what they did
<lopex> headius: might be in preceding commits though. I'll look around
<lopex> headius: you saw that junion things ?
<headius> junion?
<headius> I don't think so
<enebo> funyon
<enebo> err funyun?
<headius> do they still make those?
<enebo> headius: you got me...I don't go to gas stations any more
<enebo> No doubt larger bags exist but I don't recall ever seeing them anywhere but convenience places
<headius> family style
<rdubya> oh yeah they exist :) just check amazon
<rdubya> looks like they added some "Flamin Hot" ones
<enebo> rdubya: billy beer exists too... just check ebay
<headius> I should do an Amazon Prime order for one family size bag of Funyons
<rdubya> lol
<enebo> headius: I don't think I told you this but I had that one ballantine annual beer
<enebo> I think it is called Burton Ale
<headius> Ballantine?
<enebo> yeah
<headius> lopex: does this do some bytecode rewriting or something?
<enebo> as a kid I would find empty cans in the woods in hobo camps
<headius> it must
<enebo> I think hobo is probably a bad term but I think of some guy with a bundlestick
<enebo> anyways it was horrible
<enebo> BUT
<enebo> I see people checking in Burton ales from 1948
<enebo> so I think the secret is to age it for like 50 years
<headius> you had a lot of hobo camps around your house as a kid?
<enebo> across the street on the other side of a swap was a switch yard
<headius> did they carry bindles like in the movies?
<enebo> and I am old enough where people using trains was still a thing
<enebo> I don't think they did
<enebo> I am not that old
<headius> cooking a can of beans over a sterno fire
<headius> I looked it up, you're really not supposed to cook stuff in the can
<enebo> they used fallen brush to get a wet log going
<headius> hobo is synonymous with clown in my head now
<headius> like I can't picture a hobo without a big clown grin and a bindle
<lopex> headius: I think is uses apt ?
<headius> lopex: that would make sense
<headius> I don't understand the example though
<headius> it would not compile in Java
<headius> I mean, that's kinda the point but you must have to use their compiler
<enebo> abe lincoln like hat somewhat bent
<headius> oh god, image search hobo
<headius> now you've got photos for your talk, you're welcome
<enebo> Took me a minute to remember his name
<enebo> once I thought of the hat I was like, "wait a minute"
<headius> did you have a bottle or a can
<headius> 3.63 average, must be great
<enebo> I believe that particular beer only comes in bottle
<enebo> you see the abv?
<headius> "Notes of caramel, slight bitterness, slight rust after taste (probably from cap)" - 4.25
<enebo> It tasted like pure malt
<enebo> either the camp slowly leeched or it was on side no doubt
<headius> pure rust
<enebo> the 2017 had no rust flavor
<enebo> but you could probably just go to homebrew store and drink some liquid malt extract to get what the 2017 tastes like
<enebo> maybe in 2028 it gets good
<GitHub6> [jruby-openssl] headius opened issue #159: gen_random_openssl missing https://git.io/vp8Rl
<headius> hah
<headius> yeah you're supposed to cellar it bro
<enebo> headius: yeah I knew that but with that said this is the only good cellar beer I have tasted that was fucking awful out of the gate
<headius> a fine addition to your collection
<GitHub161> [jruby] headius pushed 10 new commits to master: https://git.io/vp8uO
<GitHub161> jruby/master 3599ab0 Charles Oliver Nutter: Pass symbol through for error here (2.5).
<GitHub161> jruby/master 97291a8 Charles Oliver Nutter: Tag two inspect-related tests.
<GitHub161> jruby/master 1402250 Charles Oliver Nutter: Bump to Psych 3.0.3.pre1 to deal with issues.
<headius> ok that's my last pass over MRI tests...the rest are parser-related or getting punted
<headius> so it's all up to enebo now
<enebo> I am confused about that spec:ruby:fast 3 errors
<enebo> actually I should have read my commit message better
<enebo> I made it fail
<enebo> which I figured but I thought it was from an exclude only commit...it was not
<headius> test:jruby regressed too
<headius> looks like a bad test
<headius> enebo: still have that NPE during JRuby tests too
<headius> from bytelist love
<enebo> ah yeah the null symbol
<enebo> not worried about that but I will get to it
<headius> I see the three spec failures you mentioned
<headius> definitely some parse error
<headius> I guess that intends to be guard(->{blah}) do ...
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<headius> two regressions in spec:compiler that also appear to be bad tests
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<GitHub189> [jruby] headius pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vp8zi
<GitHub189> jruby/master ae0495f Charles Oliver Nutter: Use anon name for file when it is null.
<GitHub189> jruby/master f2dab99 Charles Oliver Nutter: Change this test for the changing times.
<headius> enebo: that second one fixes the NPE but you might have something better in mind
<headius> lunchbreak for me
<enebo> headius: thanks at this point just having any fix is ok
<headius> I don't see how it wasn't broken before too though
<headius> before your change it blindly called getBytes, which would still NPE
<headius> spec run looks like it just has the parser thing you're looking at, the new Psych failures we need to figure out, and some regression in delete_prefix I just introduced
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<GitHub157> [jruby] headius pushed 3 new commits to master: https://git.io/vp82w
<GitHub157> jruby/master f848082 Charles Oliver Nutter: Tag remaining Psych failures, since we have other issues (#5142)
<GitHub157> jruby/master 85babc7 Charles Oliver Nutter: We'll address this separately....
<GitHub157> jruby/master 3ae5c32 Charles Oliver Nutter: Fix my regressions in String#delete_prefix.
<headius> ok breaktime...if all goes well there should just be parser failures in MRI and that's it
<GitHub17> [jruby] headius pushed 1 new commit to psych_3_update: https://git.io/vp825
<GitHub17> jruby/psych_3_update f02bf17 Charles Oliver Nutter: Merge branch 'master' into psych_3_update
<headius> enebo: I have a conundrum
<headius> because you are raising syntax error for some things at build time, that error happens with jit threshold=0 and gets reraised as a compilation error
<headius> The JIT triggers the build which raises the syntax error
<headius> I'm going to delete the troublesome test, since it shouldn't even parse
<headius> but not sure how to handle the syntax error bubbling out during jit
bbrowning is now known as bbrowning_away
<GitHub175> [jruby] headius pushed 3 new commits to master: https://git.io/vp865
<GitHub175> jruby/master ad6e096 Charles Oliver Nutter: Tag off a few final MRI 2.5 failures for later.
<GitHub175> jruby/master 258b2bd Charles Oliver Nutter: Final tweaks for String#delete_prefix!.
<GitHub175> jruby/master 6ffce7a Charles Oliver Nutter: Just delete this test, since it shouldn't even parse.
<headius> enebo: that batch addresses or tags everything not related to parser
<headius> almost there
<lopex> numbers
<enebo> lopex: yeah I saw this talk
<lopex> this industry is all fad
<enebo> lopex: I did not care about the main bulk of this
<enebo> lopex: I liked it in syntax but they missed the big part
<enebo> lopex: Someone may use this and that is ok but the real missing piece was pattern matching into method signatures
<enebo> having n defs with the same name but variables are pattern match syntax would be awesome
<enebo> lopex: this was somewhat why I think it is an obvious reason we already have destructuring
<enebo> lopex: if signature resolution was name + something about signature it would be more or less an extension
<lopex> enebo: and what about user modifiable like scala's unapply ?
<enebo> I admit my scala is weak
<enebo> (basically martin O. class on edx + about half a book) :)
<lopex> enebo: if you have case class Foo(a: Int)
<lopex> you can "intercept" case Foo(a) =>
<lopex> via unapply method for that class
<enebo> sounds horrific
<enebo> I guess it depends on how obvious that behavior is
<lopex> yeah
<enebo> and by obvious I mean explicit
<lopex> but then we go algebra
<lopex> constructors are bad idea
<enebo> if you are doing that in a second file or drastically different part of the file then what you read is not what you get
<lopex> (custom ones)
<enebo> of course I dislike some aspects of Ruby's typesystem for the same reason. I can look at a def and not realize someone replaced it via an eval somewhere else
<enebo> with debugging I can source_location or something but that magic gets confusing quick
<lopex> yep
<enebo> having n def signatures where a stack trace goes to an ordinary file location is not that confusing to me
<enebo> having four def address() with different destructurings of different countries address structures probably would not be too confusing but super elegant compared to these manual destruturing we do today
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<GitHub168> [jruby] enebo reopened issue #5003: Low-level Java error printed on Errno::EPIPE exception https://git.io/vNrwN
<GitHub64> [jruby] enebo pushed 1 new commit to jruby-9.1: https://git.io/vp8bl
<GitHub64> jruby/jruby-9.1 e46e465 Thomas E. Enebo: Fixes #5003. Low-level Java error printed on Errno::EPIPE exception...
<GitHub52> [jruby] enebo closed issue #5003: Low-level Java error printed on Errno::EPIPE exception https://git.io/vNrwN
<GitHub164> [jruby] enebo pushed 3 new commits to master: https://git.io/vp8p7
<GitHub164> jruby/master c4a4a10 Thomas E. Enebo: Fix 3 old parsing warnings with new isSpace which matches MRIs more closely....
<GitHub164> jruby/master 033d277 Thomas E. Enebo: Whoops...
<GitHub164> jruby/master 14a3c65 Thomas E. Enebo: Fix recent grammar error in spec:ruby:fast not parsing some test code.
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<headius> woot
xardion has joined #jruby
<lopex> headius: how green is green ?
<headius> not green enough!
<lopex> headius: and what about that enc/ dir on mri ?
<headius> we should get it in the build too
<headius> I'm poking at refinements while my day winds down here
<headius> test file at least runs again :-D
<lopex> headius: there's that test_case_comprehensive.rb
<lopex> headius: it's silent unless it sees unicode data
<lopex> :P
<lopex> coo huh ?
<lopex> cool
<lopex> it really looks to be comprehensive
<lopex> there's three case map tests suites
<lopex> overall
<headius> well, we should get them in mri.index and exclude failures while we fix them
<GitHub171> [jruby] enebo pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vp4ez
<GitHub171> jruby/master 1bf8e9d Thomas E. Enebo: Fix an issue in output of invalid hex....
<lopex> headius: even though it requires those files generated by mri builds ?
<headius> ahh I missed that bit
<headius> how big are the files?
<lopex> no idea
<lopex> headius: I never would have thought case mapping is such a huge deal
<lopex> headius: let me see
<headius> yeah really
<lopex> headius: probably it's make test right ?
<lopex> headius: hey then you might miss this https://www.sw.it.aoyama.ac.jp/2016/pub/IUC40-Ruby2.4/
<lopex> headius: he mentiones 3 might have single internal encoding
<lopex> all about case mapping
<lopex> how do I list makefile targets ?
<lopex> headius: otoh case mapping was a lot of code scattered around mri
<lopex> but for us it was just Encoding.caseMap and the bits for ruby methods
<lopex> ok
<lopex> headius: it's mris tool/downloader.rb
<lopex> makefiles only use it
<lopex> jeez mris build is so coplex
<lopex> headius: well it doesnt seem to process that in any way
<lopex> yeah, pure ruby thing
<lopex> headius: so just a matter of integrating that in on out suite ?
<lopex> *our
<headius> yeah I guess so
<headius> so we need to run that at some point to fetch the data files?
<lopex> yeah
<lopex> probably parameterized
<lopex> as they do
<lopex> UNICODE_DOWNLOAD is what they use in makefiles
<lopex> update-unicode is the target
<lopex> fcking makefiles
<lopex> cant find the dep
<lopex> headius: so they do that on demand ?
<headius> hmmm
<headius> I don't know
<lopex> make update-..
<lopex> test
<lopex> headius: on test_case_mapping.rb and test_case_options.rb were already green
<lopex> and those are quite comprehensive
<headius> those are in the build currently?
<lopex> that the question for you
<headius> heheh ok
<lopex> headius: you said the enc/ was not
<lopex> I'd suspect many more excludes
<headius> looks like some are run
<headius> see bottom of test/mri.index
<headius> just add there, and add excludes if something's not green
<lopex> ah
<nirvdrum> enebo, headius: Here's an interesting find for you. JRuby's readline support lacks Readline.input= and Readline.output= support. This was problematic in the highline gem. They patched in the support in their gem: https://github.com/JEG2/highline/blob/v1.7.9/lib/highline/system_extensions.rb#L26
<nirvdrum> I have no idea if they submitted a similar PR back. But maybe you can use that to fill in the missing support in JRuby.
<headius> first I've seen of it
<GitHub163> [jruby] lopex pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vp4fQ
<GitHub163> jruby/master cf5065a Marcin Mielzynski: add case map tests
<lopex> headius: at least those
<headius> but we ran into this because we shaded jline and that started breaking
<headius> I never dug out the code involved
<nirvdrum> I can appreciate needing to patch in the gem because there were JRuby versions in the wild. But not getting the change back upstream seems odd.
<headius> I'd still like to get us using rb_readline in 9.2
<headius> nirvdrum: this happens all the time
<nirvdrum> MRI was talking about using rb_readline, too, weren't they?
<headius> maybe?
<headius> I had not heard that but it would be nice
<headius> the less we have to maintain on our own the better...95% of this past year has been support :-\
<nirvdrum> We're looking at upgrading to Ruby 2.4 now.
<nirvdrum> That's going to be a bit of work.
<lopex> nirvdrum: on readline ?
<nirvdrum> lopex: I mean in general. We need to add implementations for all the new 2.4 methods.
<nirvdrum> lopex: Our readline implementation is nearly identical to JRuby's.
<lopex> yeah
<nirvdrum> BTW, the license for jruby-readline is a bit wonky: https://github.com/jruby/jruby-readline/blob/master/License.txt
<nirvdrum> I think someone just copied the file from jruby-openssl.
<headius> heh nice
<headius> nirvdrum: 2.4 was big
<headius> 2.5 didn't seem as big
<lopex> yeah
<headius> we only tagged maybe 5% of new tests but it took me most of last summer to do 2.4 stuff
<lopex> nirvdrum: even easier to jump to 2.5
<headius> you have more resources though, it will probably go faster
<nirvdrum> Hopefully.
<nirvdrum> I think lopex did a lot of the heavy lifting for us via jcodings, too.
<lopex> headius: when's 9.2 release ?
<lopex> nirvdrum: it's mostly unicode 10 and case mapping, and the rest via joni
<lopex> but it's lost of code anyways
<lopex> headius: by far we seem to only miss sjis related stuff
<headius> lopex: end of May
<lopex> headius: and onigmo is silent for lots of issues
<lopex> including mine :/
<headius> heh, and here I thought we only had 9 failures in test_refinement
<headius> only about 1/4 of the file was loading before it ran tests
<headius> but I've got it all loading now
<headius> lopex: heh yeah, maybe we can catch up now :-)
<lopex> headius: I silently put the fix in joni anyways
<lopex> not sure onigmo follows
<lopex> headius: but that thing is serious
<lopex> you might dos rails on certain envs
<lopex> headius: and what if 3.0 will have single internal encoding ?
<GitHub52> [jruby] headius opened issue #5153: Fix refinements https://git.io/vp4U2
<GitHub104> jruby/master 1839880 Charles Oliver Nutter: Allow modules to be refined. Fixes #4288....
<GitHub104> [jruby] headius pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vp4Ua
<GitHub193> [jruby] headius closed issue #4288: [ruby 2.4] Module#refine can now be given a Module https://git.io/vXXnJ
<headius> lopex: won't that be fun
<headius> back later!