[jruby] enebo closed issue #841: Threads which have blocked Fibers are not killable https://git.io/v9xH4
[jruby] enebo closed issue #710: bad classpath with ant build/test when includeantruntime='true' https://git.io/v9xHo
etehtsea: I was trying to figure out that ScrptingContainerTest the other day. It makes no sense to me. I am wondering if because it is a singleton instance and the provider is transient if the outside running jruby runtime ends up wiping out the instance (OR we have a second test on a thread cleaning up)
etehtsea: I have not see the test_signal one happen
me too, but I didn't untag anything like this...
etehtsea: yeah it might be something timing out and getting terminated due to 10 minute idle? just a guess
[jruby] enebo closed issue #1331: 'bad_record_mac' when uploading things through SSL under particular conditions https://git.io/v9xQx
In such a case travis explicitly fails build with error you mentioned
I'm looking to add Linux/SPARC support to jnr-posix. The platform-specific classes are getting a bit messy now.
If I restructured, would that really mess you up? I'm not sure how widely used the AARCH64 support is now.
Also, I was curious how you landed on using asm-generic instead of asm for the ioprio constants.
as far as I remember this is the place where I found this constants using grep. As for restructuring, I completely agree, because I simply made it the most straight way I found. So if smth confuses you and there is better approach I'm completely with you
*found this constants on debian jessie on the box in the scaleway cloud (if this matters)