jruby/master 3fe1cc2 Charles Oliver Nutter: Use actual racc/parser.rb from MRI 2.3. For #4603.
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Aethenelle, headius: I don't suppose you know how the TypeAliases classes in jnr-ffi are created, do you?
probably similar to FFI... should be a rake task
let me look...
I didn't see anything. But I agree it looks like it should be generated.
If I need to build it by hand, I can. I just don't want to be working against it all.
use the rake task in ffi (might also be one in jffi)
it'll get you to a file that should be fairly easy to parse and generate this thing from.
looks like only FFI... gen/Rakefile
Aethenelle: Thanks.
I wouldn't have thought to check out the FFI repo.
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even easier...
rake types_conf
Aethenelle: I see you commit to ffi/ffi as well. Would it be helpful for me to generate sparc64-linux files for you?
yes, please
Is there any more to it than generating the platform files? After doing so, I ran "bundle exec rake" and all 4,845 tests passed.
reminds me.. I have a PR that I need to get into jruby before I pull into FFI...
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nope... though, knowing the tests pass is pretty nice
I was a bit surprised.
The jnr-ffi tests have been a bit of a nightmare.
Evidently they do a bunch of unaligned memory operations and that segfaults on Solaris, at the very least.
Aethenelle: I see ext/ffi_c/libffi/doc/libffi.info is modified. But it looks like a bunch of control character changes. Is it safe to ignore that?
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yes... that's part of libffi
the ffi test suite is pretty comprehensive... only a few tests missing really... those known missing aren't easy to test.