azonenberg: how did those laserlab masks look under the scope?
nmz787: whoops, forgot to upload pics
give me a minute
getting close here http://imgur.com/a/tVsni although started to break stuff again after that :P better let it rest for a bit and do a clean up of code
They were a bitr tricky to image
What I ended up doing was darkfield imaging (scattered light) with a texwipe under the mask
so what you're seeing is basically a silhouette of the surface since i couldn't image the emulsion directly
this is nominal 12.5 micron line/space i believe
i'd have to double check the GDS to be sure
the mask was for a client's project a long time ago and was obsolete before it even got made
so i cant show the whole thing but i dont think the NDA covers generic alignment marks :P
The coloring in the background is just due to the texwipe not being 100% flat
2 lines to much to show how you feel about nda
but it's in there :P
actually i only cant talk about their technology, which i'm not
the fact that a generic alignment pattern from the lab made it onto their mask is irrelevant
anyway, first impressions - slight bubbles in the surface of the emulsion
small, maybe 5 microns or less, and not likely to show up in litho
Grains are visible around the edges of the lines at high mag, maybe 500nm or so across each
got sofar today that i had some sd-card code somewhat working with reading and writing but his state machiene isn't so clean so probably gonna rewrite it but saves me hassle in seeing how it operates
Some very slight grain in the "light" parts of the mask are also visible
now was trying to build memory or operate memory for display